def index(): """Show portfolio of stocks""" user = Users.query.get(session.get("user_id")) query = db.session.query( Records.symbol, Records.company_name, db.func.sum(Records.shares).label("shares")).group_by( Records.symbol, Records.company_name).filter(Records.user_id == info = [{}] * query.count() grand_total = for i, row in enumerate(query): try: info[i]['price'] = lookup(row.symbol)['price'] except: info[i]['price'] = 1 info[i]['symbol'] = row.symbol info[i]['company_name'] = row.company_name info[i]['shares'] = row.shares info[i]['value'] = round(row.shares * info[i]['price'], 2) grand_total += info[i]['value'] return render_template("index.html",, rows=info, total=round(grand_total, 2))
def buy(): """Buy share of stock""" if request.method == "GET": return render_template("buy.html") # User reached route via POST (as by submitting a form via POST) shares = int(request.form.get("shares")) symbol = request.form.get("symbol") quote = lookup(symbol) if not quote: return apology("invalid symbol", 404) price = quote['price'] value = round(shares * price, 2) user = Users.query.get(session.get("user_id")) if value > return apology("You don't have enough cash", 406) record = Records(symbol=quote['symbol'], company_name=quote['name'], transact_type="buy", shares=shares, price=price, -= value db.session.add(record) db.session.commit() flash("Bought") return redirect(url_for('index'))
def getStockQuote(): print("1) in route getStockQuote") # Query for currency exchange rate symbol = request.form.get("symbol") print(f"2) in route getStockQuote, symbol = {symbol}") stockDict = lookup(symbol) if not stockDict: #message = "You have requested an invalid stock symbol " + symbol + ".<br>Please try again." return jsonify({ "success": False, "stockSymbol": symbol, "stockCompanyName": "", "stockLatestPrice": "", "title": "" }) stockSymbol = stockDict["symbol"] stockCompanyName = stockDict["companyName"] stockLatestPrice = stockDict["latestPrice"] title = "Quote: Stock Symbol " + stockSymbol print( f"3) getStockQuote: done returning stock price {stockLatestPrice}, for company {stockCompanyName}" ) return jsonify({ "success": True, "stockSymbol": stockSymbol, "stockCompanyName": stockCompanyName, "stockLatestPrice": stockLatestPrice, "title": title })
def quote(args=""): """Get stock quote.""" if request.method == "GET": return render_template("getStockQuote.html", symbol=args) symbol = request.form.get("symbol") if not symbol: return messageAlert(Markup.escape("Stock symbol is required"), 403, "error.png", "quote") stockDict = lookup(symbol) if not stockDict: message = "You have requested an invalid stock symbol " + symbol + ".<br>Please try again." return messageAlert(Markup.escape(message), 403, "error.png", "quote") stockSymbol = stockDict["symbol"] stockCompanyName = stockDict["companyName"] stockLatestPrice = stockDict["latestPrice"] title = "Quote: Stock Symbol " + stockSymbol return render_template('displayStockQuote.html', symbol=stockSymbol, stockSymbol=stockSymbol, stockCompanyName=stockCompanyName, stockLatestPrice=stockLatestPrice, title=title)
def quote(): """Get stock quote.""" if request.method == "GET": return render_template("quote.html") symbol = request.form.get("symbol") quote = lookup(symbol) if not quote: return apology("invalid symbol", 404) name = quote['name'] price = quote['price'] symbol = quote['symbol'] return render_template("quoted.html", name=name, price=price, symbol=symbol)
def sell(): """Sell shares of stock""" if request.method == "GET": symbols = Records.query.with_entities(Records.symbol).\ distinct().filter_by(user_id=session.get("user_id")).all() return render_template("sell.html", symbols=symbols) symbol = request.form.get("symbol") shares = int(request.form.get("shares")) record = db.session.query(db.func.sum(Records.shares).label("shares")).\ group_by(Records.user_id).filter_by(symbol=symbol, user_id=session.get('user_id')).one() if shares > record.shares: return apology( f"You can only sell { record.shares } shares or less than", 400) quote = lookup(symbol) price = quote['price'] value = round(shares * price, 2) user = Users.query.get(session.get('user_id')) += value record = Records(symbol=quote['symbol'], company_name=quote['name'], transact_type="sell", shares=int('-' + str(shares)), price=price, db.session.add(record) db.session.commit() flash('Sold') return redirect(url_for('index'))
def sell(args=""): """Sell shares of stock""" if request.method == "GET": return render_template("buyShares.html", title="Sell Shares", symbol=args, action="sell") symbol = request.form.get("symbol") shares = request.form.get("shares") if not symbol: return messageAlert(Markup.escape("Stock symbol is required"), 403, "error.png", "sell") if not shares: return messageAlert(Markup.escape("Number of shares is required"), 403, "error.png", "sell", symbol) try: int(shares) shares = int(shares) isValidShares = True except ValueError: isValidShares = False if not isValidShares: return messageAlert(Markup.escape("Number of shares is an integer"), 403, "error.png", "sell", symbol) stockDict = lookup(symbol) if not stockDict: message = "You have requested an invalid stock symbol " + symbol + ".<br>Please try again." return messageAlert(Markup.escape(message), 403, "error.png", "sell") stockSymbol = stockDict["symbol"] stockCompanyName = stockDict["companyName"] stockLatestPrice = stockDict["latestPrice"] title = "Buy: Stock Symbol " + stockSymbol # create a database connection #conn = create_connection(db) #conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row conn = psycopg2.connect(host=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_HOST'), database=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_DATABASE'), user=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_USERNAME'), password=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD'), port=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_PORT')) with conn: isError = 0 try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("Select COALESCE(sum(shares),0) as accountShares from orders \ Where user_id='%s' \ And symbol = upper(%s)" , \ (,stockSymbol)) rows = cur.fetchall() # Ensure record exists if len(rows) != 1: message = "You do not own any shares of " + stockCompanyName + " (" + stockSymbol + ").<br>Please try again." return messageAlert(Markup.escape(message), 403, "error.png", "sell", symbol) accountShares = rows[0][0] if shares > accountShares: message = "You own " + \ str(accountShares) + " shares of " + stockCompanyName + " (" + stockSymbol + ").<br>" + \ "You may not sell more shares (" + str(shares) + ") than you currently own." return messageAlert(Markup.escape(message), 403, "error.png", "sell", symbol) shares = shares * (-1) extendedPrice = stockLatestPrice * shares values = (, "Sell", stockSymbol, stockCompanyName, shares, stockLatestPrice, extendedPrice, datetime.utcnow()) sql = ''' INSERT INTO orders(user_id, transaction_type, symbol, company_name, shares, price, extended_price,order_date) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ''' cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, values) id = cur.lastrowid cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("Update users Set cash = cash - %s Where id=%s;", (extendedPrice, conn.commit() # Redirect user to home page return redirect("/") except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: isError = 1 print("Error in route sell", error) if isError == 1: return messageAlert( Markup.escape( "Sell Error: Error while connecting to PostgreSQL to sell an equity" ), 500, "error.png", "index")
def index(): """Show portfolio of stocks""" # create a database connection conn = psycopg2.connect(host=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_HOST'), database=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_DATABASE'), user=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_USERNAME'), password=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD'), port=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_PORT')) #conn = create_connection(db) #conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row with conn: isError = 0 try: cur = conn.cursor() print(f"executing query to get cash") # Query database for username cur.execute( "SELECT id, username, hash, cash, mobile,comments FROM users WHERE id = '%s';", (, )) rows = cur.fetchall() # Ensure record exists if len(rows) != 1: return messageAlert( Markup.escape("Portfolio Error: User does not exist"), 500, "error.png", "login") #cash = rows[0]["cash"] cash = rows[0][3] accountTotal = cash print(f"Account total is {accountTotal}") except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: isError = 1 print("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL for query to get cash", error) if isError == 1: # if(conn): # cur.close() # conn.close() # cur = None # conn = None # print("1) index: PostgreSQL connection is closed") return messageAlert( Markup.escape( "Portfolio Error: Error while connecting to PostgreSQL for query to get cash" ), 500, "error.png", "index") isError = 0 try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT symbol, sum(shares) as shares from orders \ WHERE user_id = '%s' \ group by symbol \ having sum(shares) > 0 \ order by symbol" , \ (,)) rows = cur.fetchall() idx = -1 allStocks = [] for row in rows: idx += 1 # shares = rows[idx][1] stockDict = lookup(rows[idx][0]) if not stockDict: return messageAlert( Markup.escape( "Portfolio Error: Invalid stock symbol " + str(idx) + " " + rows[idx]["symbol"]), 500, "error.png", "quote") # The tuple is constructed as (Symbol, company_name, Shares, Price, TOTAL) stockTuple = () stockSymbol = stockDict["symbol"] stockCompanyName = stockDict["companyName"] shares = rows[idx][1] stockLatestPrice = stockDict["latestPrice"] formattedLatestPrice = "${:,.2f}".format(stockLatestPrice) stockTotalPrice = stockLatestPrice * shares formattedTotalPrice = "${:,.2f}".format(stockTotalPrice) stockTuple = (stockSymbol, stockCompanyName, shares, formattedLatestPrice, formattedTotalPrice) allStocks.append(stockTuple) accountTotal = accountTotal + stockTotalPrice # if(conn): # cur.close() # conn.close() # cur = None # conn = None # print("2) index: PostgreSQL connection is closed") return render_template("portfolio.html", title="Portfolio", cash=cash, allStocks=allStocks, accountTotal=accountTotal) except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: isError = 1 print( "Error while connecting to PostgreSQL for query to get stock transactions", error) # if(conn): # cur.close() # conn.close() # cur = None # conn = None # print("3) index: PostgreSQL connection is closed") if isError == 1: return messageAlert( Markup.escape( "Portfolio Error: Error while connecting to PostgreSQL for query to get stock transactions" ), 500, "error.png", "index")
def buy(args=""): """Buy shares of stock""" if request.method == "GET": return render_template("buyShares.html", title="Buy Shares", symbol=args, action="buy") symbol = request.form.get("symbol") shares = request.form.get("shares") if not symbol: return messageAlert(Markup.escape("Stock symbol is required"), 403, "error.png", "buy") if not shares: return messageAlert(Markup.escape("Number of shares is required"), 403, "error.png", "buy", symbol) try: int(shares) shares = int(shares) isValidShares = True except ValueError: isValidShares = False if not isValidShares: return messageAlert(Markup.escape("Number of shares is an integer"), 403, "error.png", "buy", symbol) stockDict = lookup(symbol) if not stockDict: message = "You have requested an invalid stock symbol " + symbol + ".<br>Please try again." return messageAlert(Markup.escape(message), 403, "error.png", "buy", symbol) stockSymbol = stockDict["symbol"] stockCompanyName = stockDict["companyName"] stockLatestPrice = stockDict["latestPrice"] title = "Buy: Stock Symbol " + stockSymbol extendedPrice = stockLatestPrice * shares # create a database connection # conn = create_connection(db) # conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row conn = psycopg2.connect(host=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_HOST'), database=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_DATABASE'), user=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_USERNAME'), password=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD'), port=os.environ.get('POSTGRESQL_PORT')) with conn: isError = 0 try: cur = conn.cursor() # Query database for username cur.execute( "SELECT id, username, hash, cash, mobile,comments FROM users WHERE id = '%s';", (, )) rows = cur.fetchall() # Ensure record exists if len(rows) != 1: return messageAlert( Markup.escape("Portfolio Error: User does not exist"), 500, "error.png", "login") cash = rows[0][3] if cash < extendedPrice: message = "You do not have sufficient funds (" + "${:,.2f}".format(cash) + ")<br>to buy " + \ str(shares) + " shares of " + stockCompanyName + "(" + stockSymbol + ") at " + \ "${:,.2f}".format(stockLatestPrice) + " a share<br>for a net price of " + "${:,.2f}".format(extendedPrice) + "." return messageAlert(Markup.escape(message), 403, "error.png", "buy", symbol) values = (, "Buy", stockSymbol, stockCompanyName, shares, stockLatestPrice, extendedPrice, datetime.utcnow()) sql = ''' INSERT INTO orders(user_id, transaction_type, symbol, company_name, shares, price, extended_price, order_date) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ''' cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, values) id = cur.lastrowid cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("Update users Set cash = cash - %s Where id=%s;", (extendedPrice, conn.commit() # if(conn): # cur.close() # conn.close() # cur = None # conn = None # print("1) buy: PostgreSQL connection is closed") # Redirect user to home page return redirect("/") except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: isError = 1 print("Error in route Buy", error) # if(conn): # cur.close() # conn.close() # cur = None # conn = None # print("2) buy: PostgreSQL connection is closed") if isError == 1: return messageAlert( Markup.escape( "Buy Error: Error while connecting to PostgreSQL to buy a stock" ), 500, "error.png", "index")