Beispiel #1
def test_computer_monitor_stubs():
    This email was generated by google alerts in production for the alert
    "computer monitors". This tests the stubs function.
    alert = create_alert()
    stubs = alerts.get_html_stubs(compmsg.body())
    assert len(stubs) == 26
Beispiel #2
def test_computer_monitor_raw():
    This email was generated by google alerts in production for the alert
    "computer monitors". This tests getting the raw alerts.
    alert = create_alert()
    stubs = alerts.get_html_stubs(compmsg.body())
    rawAlerts = [alerts.get_raw_alert(stub) for stub in stubs]
    assert len(rawAlerts) == 26
Beispiel #3
def test_get_html_stubs():
    Given some html, return a list
    of html stubs that represent
    alertsmsg = MailRequest(
        "fakepeer", sender, "*****@*****.**", open(home("tests/data/emails/alerts.msg")).read()
    stubs = alerts.get_html_stubs(alertsmsg.body())
    assert len(stubs) == 26
Beispiel #4
def test_get_raw_alert():
    Given a chunk of html, turn it into
    a python dictionary we can use to 
    populate a database record.
    alertsmsg = MailRequest(
        "fakepeer", sender, "*****@*****.**", open(home("tests/data/emails/alerts.msg")).read()
    stub = alerts.get_html_stubs(alertsmsg.body())[1]
    alert = alerts.get_raw_alert(stub)
    assert alert.has_key("blurb")
    assert alert["title"].startswith("Audio reveals swipes at Obama, other Illinois Democrats")
    assert alert["source"] == "Chicago Tribune", "Expected Chicago Tribune, source is actually %s" % alert["source"]
    assert alert["byline"] == ""

    ] == ",0,3385819.story"

    stub = alerts.get_html_stubs(alertsmsg.body())[0]
    alert = alerts.get_raw_alert(stub)
    assert alert["byline"] == ""
    assert alert["url"] == ""