Beispiel #1
def runStats():
    curDT =
    originLat = float(os.environ['LATORG'])
    originLong = float(os.environ['LONORG'])
    limitLat = float(os.environ['LATSTOP'])
    limitLong = float(os.environ['LONSTOP'])
    bbsize = float(os.environ['BBSIZE'])
    NSBoxes = (originLat - limitLat) / bbsize
    EWBoxes = (originLong - limitLong) / bbsize
    crimeCounts = []

    for x in np.arange(0, np.absolute(NSBoxes)):
        # X loop
        for y in np.arange(0, np.absolute(EWBoxes)):
            # Y loop
            p1x = originLat - (x * bbsize)
            p1y = originLong + (y * bbsize)
            p2x = originLat - (x * bbsize) - bbsize
            p2y = originLong + (y * bbsize)
            p3x = originLat - (x * bbsize) - bbsize
            p3y = originLong + (y * bbsize) + bbsize
            p4x = originLat - (x * bbsize)
            p4y = originLong + (y * bbsize) + bbsize
            # Create a selection box to get all crimes in a certain region
            box = "POLYGON((" + str(p1x) + " " + str(p1y) + ", " + str(p2x) + " " + str(p2y) + ", " + str(p3x) + " " + str(p3y) \
                           + ", " + str(p4x) + " " + str(p4y) + ", " + str(p1x) + " " + str(p1y) +  "))"
            result = db.session.query(Incident).filter(

    # Run stats over the array, most likely just find max for normalization heat map
    maxCrimes = max(crimeCounts)

    countIndex = 0
    for x in np.arange(0, np.absolute(NSBoxes)):
        # X loop
        for y in np.arange(0, np.absolute(EWBoxes)):
            # Y loop
            # Create predictions for each grid location
            # Create central point
            x = ((originLat - (x * bbsize)) + (originLat -
                                               (x * bbsize) - bbsize)) / 2
            y = ((originLong + (y * bbsize)) + (originLong +
                                                (y * bbsize) + bbsize)) / 2
            pred = Prediction()
            pred.certainty = crimeCounts[countIndex] / maxCrimes
            pred.countIndex = countIndex + 1
            pred.type = 'general'
            pred.precog = 'basic_stats'
            pred.datetime = curDT
            pred.location = "POINT( " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " )"
            #			print("POINT( " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " )")
            #			print(crimeCounts[countIndex] / maxCrimes)
            countIndex = countIndex + 1
Beispiel #2
def commitToDB(rf):
    curDT =
    #        tryears = [2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006]
    #        tyears = [2007,2008,2009,2010]
    tryears = [2001, 2002]
    tyears = [2003, 2004]
    years = tryears + tyears
    months = range(1, 13)
    originLat = float(os.environ['LATORG'])
    originLong = float(os.environ['LONORG'])
    limitLat = float(os.environ['LATSTOP'])
    limitLong = float(os.environ['LONSTOP'])
    bbsize = float(os.environ['BBSIZE'])
    bbsize = 0.007
    NSBoxes = (originLat - limitLat) / bbsize
    EWBoxes = (originLong - limitLong) / bbsize
    DT =
    countIndex = 0
    run = PreCogRun()
    run.type = "thefts by box-months using random forest"
    run.precog = "MRFT"
    run.datetime = DT
    for x in np.arange(0, np.absolute(NSBoxes)):
        # X loop
        for y in np.arange(0, np.absolute(EWBoxes)):
            for year in years:
                for month in months:
                    centerLat = ((originLat - (x * bbsize)) +
                                 (originLat - (x * bbsize) - bbsize)) / 2
                    centerLon = ((originLong + (y * bbsize)) +
                                 (originLong + (y * bbsize) + bbsize)) / 2
                    pred = Prediction()
                    predic = rf.predict([[centerLon, centerLat, year,
                    pred.precogrun = run.ID
                    pred.certainty = predic
                    pred.countIndex = countIndex + 1
                    #                            pred.type = 'general'
                    #                            pred.precog = 'basic_ml'
                    pred.datetime = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1)
                    pred.location = "POINT( " + str(centerLon) + " " + str(
                        centerLat) + " )"
                    countIndex = countIndex + 1
Beispiel #3
def createDummyPredictions(num):
    DT =
    countIndex = 0
    run = PreCogRun()
    run.type = "JSON TEST DATA ONLY"
    run.precog = "dumb"
    run.datetime = DT
    for i in range(0, num):
        pred = Prediction()
        pred.precogrun = run.ID
        pred.certainty = round(random.uniform(0, 1), 2)
        pred.countIndex = countIndex + 1
        #       pred.type = 'general'
        #       pred.precog = 'basic_ml'
        pred.datetime = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1)
        pred.location = "POINT( " + str(
            round(random.uniform(-87.958428, -87.503532), 6)) + " " + str(
                round(random.uniform(41.640071, 42.029866), 6)) + " )"
        countIndex = countIndex + 1
Beispiel #4
def runStats():
    curDT =

    #years = [2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018]
    years = [2001, 2002]
    months = range(1, 5)
    originLat = float(os.environ['LATORG'])
    originLong = float(os.environ['LONORG'])
    limitLat = float(os.environ['LATSTOP'])
    limitLong = float(os.environ['LONSTOP'])
    bbsize = float(os.environ['BBSIZE'])
    bbsize = 0.007
    NSBoxes = (originLat - limitLat) / bbsize
    EWBoxes = (originLong - limitLong) / bbsize
    crimeCounts = []
    boxes = []
    #X, y = make_regression(n_features=4, n_informative=4,random_state=42, shuffle=False)
    NSBoxes = (originLat - limitLat) / bbsize
    EWBoxes = (originLong - limitLong) / bbsize
    crimeCounts = []
    boxes = []
    totalCrimes = 0
    j = 0
    maxCrimes = 0
    start = time.time()
    for x in np.arange(0, np.absolute(NSBoxes)):
        # X loop
        for y in np.arange(0, np.absolute(EWBoxes)):
            j += 1
            p1x = originLat - (x * bbsize)
            p1y = originLong + (y * bbsize)
            p2x = originLat - (x * bbsize) - bbsize
            p2y = originLong + (y * bbsize)
            p3x = originLat - (x * bbsize) - bbsize
            p3y = originLong + (y * bbsize) + bbsize
            p4x = originLat - (x * bbsize)
            p4y = originLong + (y * bbsize) + bbsize
            # Create a selection box to get all crimes in a certain region
            box = "POLYGON((" + str(p1x) + " " + str(p1y) + ", " + str(p2x) + " " + str(p2y) + ", " + str(p3x) + " " + str(p3y) \
                    + ", " + str(p4x) + " " + str(p4y) + ", " + str(p1x) + " " + str(p1y) +  "))"
            x = ((originLat - (x * bbsize)) + (originLat -
                                               (x * bbsize) - bbsize)) / 2
            y = ((originLong + (y * bbsize)) + (originLong +
                                                (y * bbsize) + bbsize)) / 2
            print("box number ", j)
            print("max count ", maxCrimes / 88)
            print("total crimes ", totalCrimes)
            boxResult = db.session.query(Incident).filter(
            if (boxResult.count() == 0):
            for year in years:
                yearResult = boxResult.filter(Incident.year == year)
                for month in months:

                    # Y loop

                    #1310 max per year
                    #result = db.session.query(Incident).filter(and_(Incident.location.contained(box),Incident.year==year))#,func.extract('month',,
                    #result = db.session.query(Incident).filter(Incident.location.contained(box)).filter(Incident.year==year).filter(func.extract('month',
                    #result = db.session.query(Incident).filter(and_((Incident.year==year),(func.extract('month',,Incident.FBIcode=="06",Incident.location.contained(box)))
                    #print("db says month is ",result[0].date.type.python_type.month)
                    monthResult = yearResult.filter(
                        and_(func.extract('month', == month),
                        Incident.FBIcode == "06")
                    count = monthResult.count()
                    #if count>0:
                    #print("db says month is ",result[0].date.month)
                    #print("python says month is ", month)
                    #                        if result==0:
                    #                            continue

                    boxes.append([x, y, year, month])
                    crimeCounts.append(count / 88)
                    if count > maxCrimes:
                        maxCrimes = count
#                            print("maxcrimes so far is ",maxCrimes)
#                            print("box number ", j)
#                            print("number of crimes is ")
#                            print(count/88)
#                            print("year is ", year, "month is ", month)
                    totalCrimes = totalCrimes + count
                    #print("total crimes ", totalCrimes)

#                        current = time.time()
#print("time remaining: ",(((current-start)/totalCrimes)*6600000)-(current-start))

#monthFeaturesfile = TemporaryFile()
#monthOutputsfile = TemporaryFile()
#monthFeatures = np.array(monthResult)
#monthOutputs = np.array(crimeCounts), monthFeatures), monthOutputs)
# Run stats over the array, most likely just find max for normalization heat map
#maxCrimes = max(crimeCounts)
    regr = RandomForestRegressor()
    features = np.array(boxes[:int(len(boxes) / 10)])
    output = np.array(crimeCounts[:int(len(crimeCounts) / 10)])
    testFeatures = np.array(boxes[int(len(boxes) / 2):])
    testOutput = np.array(crimeCounts[int(len(crimeCounts) / 2):]), output)
    predic = regr.predict(testFeatures)
    joblib.dump(regr, 'precogMonths.joblib')

    variance = sklearn.metrics.explained_variance_score(
        testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput='uniform_average')
    #        r2 = sklearn.metrics.r2_score(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="uniform_average")
    #        r22 = sklearn.metrics.r2_score(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="raw_values")
    #        r222 = sklearn.metrics.r2_score(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="variance_weighted")
    #        mae1 = sklearn.metrics.mean_absolute_error(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="uniform_average")
    #        mae2 = sklearn.metrics.mean_absolute_error(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="raw_values")
    #        mae3 = sklearn.metrics.mean_absolute_error(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="variance_weighted")
    #        mse1 = sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="uniform_average")
    #        mse2 = sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="raw_values")
    #        mse3 = sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(testOutput, predic, sample_weight=None, multioutput="variance_weighted")
    #        #accuracy = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(testOutput,predic,normalize=True,sample_weight=None)
    #        #print(sklearn.metrics.classification_report(testOutput,predic,labels=None,target_names=None,sample_weight=None,digits=10))
    #        print("variance ", variance)
    #        print("score ", regr.score(testFeatures,testOutput))
    #        print("r2 ", r2)
    #        print("r2 raw ", r22)
    #        print("r2  variance weighted", r222)
    #        print("mae ", mae1)
    #        print("mae raw ", mae2)
    #        print("mae  variance weighted", mae3)
    #        print("mse ", mse1)
    #        print("mse raw ", mse2)
    #        print("mse  variance weighted", mse3)
    #        print("input length ", boxes.__len__())
    #        print("total output length ", crimeCounts.__len__())
    #        print("feature length ", features.__len__())
    #        print("output length ", output.__len__())
    #        print("test feature length ", testFeatures.__len__())
    #        print("test output length ", testOutput.__len__())

    #print("accuracy ", accuracy)
    DT =
    countIndex = 0
    run = PreCogRun()
    run.type = "thefts by box-months using random forest"
    run.precog = "MRF"
    run.datetime = DT
    for x in np.arange(0, np.absolute(NSBoxes)):
        # X loop
        for y in np.arange(0, np.absolute(EWBoxes)):
            for year in years:
                for month in months:
                    x = ((originLat - (x * bbsize)) +
                         (originLat - (x * bbsize) - bbsize)) / 2
                    y = ((originLong + (y * bbsize)) +
                         (originLong + (y * bbsize) + bbsize)) / 2
                    pred = Prediction()
                    predic = regr.predict([[x, y, year, month]])[0]
                    pred.precogrun = run.ID
                    pred.certainty = predic
                    pred.countIndex = countIndex + 1
                    pred.type = 'general'
                    pred.precog = 'basic_ml'
                    pred.datetime = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1)
                    pred.location = "POINT( " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " )"
                    countIndex = countIndex + 1