Beispiel #1
def draw_learning_comparison(splits, r_score, u_score, d_score,
                             samples_per_split, repeats, scoring):
    Plot the different learning methods on same graph
    # create ticks for x axis
    ticks = np.linspace(samples_per_split, splits * samples_per_split, splits)

    # set up the figure
    plt.xlabel('Training Instances')
    plt.title('%s Comparison using %s batches and %s repeats' %
              (scoring, splits, repeats))

    plt.plot(ticks, r_score, label='Random Sampling')
    plt.plot(ticks, u_score, label='Uncertainty Sampling')
    plt.plot(ticks, d_score, label='Density Sampling')


    plt.savefig('plots/learning_comparison_' + scoring + '_' +
def plot_roc_curve():
    Plot roc curve, not cross validated for now
    clf = build_pipeline()
    extractor = FeatureExtractor(word_gap=True, word_features=True, count_dict=True, phrase_count=True)

    features, labels = load_features_data(extractor)
    # transform from dict into array for training
    vec = DictVectorizer()
    data = vec.fit_transform(features).toarray()

    # split data into train and test, may want to use cross validation later
    train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels = cross_validation.train_test_split(data, labels, train_size=0.9,
                                                                                         random_state=1), train_labels)

    confidence = clf.decision_function(test_data)
    fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(test_labels, confidence)
    auroc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

    print len(fpr), len(tpr)
    # set up the figure
    plt.xlabel('FP rate')
    plt.ylabel('TP rate')
    plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic')
    plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label='ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % auroc)
    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')

    filepath = 'results/' + time_stamped('roc.png')
    plt.savefig(filepath, format='png')
Beispiel #3
def draw_plots(scores, av_accuracy, samples_per_split):
    Create plots for precision, recall and f-score
    #scores = pickle.load(open('av_scores.p', 'rb'))
    false_p = [s[0][0] for s in scores]
    true_p = [s[0][1] for s in scores]
    false_r = [s[1][0] for s in scores]
    true_r = [s[1][1] for s in scores]
    false_f = [s[2][0] for s in scores]
    true_f = [s[2][1] for s in scores]

    # create ticks for x axis
    ticks = np.linspace(samples_per_split, 9 * samples_per_split, 9)

    plot(ticks, true_p, false_p, 'Precision',
         'plots/' + time_stamped('balanced_precision.png'))
    plot(ticks, true_r, false_r, 'Recall',
         'plots/' + time_stamped('balanced_recall.png'))
    plot(ticks, true_f, false_f, 'F-score',
         'plots/' + time_stamped('balanced_fscore.png'))
    plot(ticks, av_accuracy, None, 'Accuracy',
         'plots/' + time_stamped('balanced_accuracy.png'))
Beispiel #4
def plot_roc_curve(clf, train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels):
    Plot roc curve, not cross validated for now
    """, train_labels)

    confidence = clf.decision_function(test_data)
    fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(test_labels, confidence)
    auroc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

    # set up the figure
    plt.xlabel('FP rate')
    plt.ylabel('TP rate')
    plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic')
    plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label='ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % auroc)
    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')

    filepath = 'results/roc' + time_stamped('.png')
    plt.savefig(filepath, format='png')
Beispiel #5
def learning_method_comparison(splits,
    Plot learning curves to compare accuracy of different learning methods
    clf, extractor, sim = build_pipeline(bag_of_words, orig_only)

    # orig will always be use for training, new will be used for testing and added incrementally
    orig_records, new_records = load_records(orig_only)

    # samples per split = number of records remaining after removing test set divided by number of splits
    samples_per_split = (4 * len(new_records)) / (5 * splits)
    print 'samples per split', samples_per_split

    # can use below if similarities are to be generated each run (so extractor is def correct)
    # faster to pickle them in advance though for the sake of nereating results
    #all_records = orig_records + new_records
    #sim = get_similarities(all_records, extractor)
    #sim = sim[len(orig_records):]

    r_scores = np.zeros(shape=(repeats, splits, 3))
    u_scores = np.zeros(shape=(repeats, splits, 3))
    d_scores = np.zeros(shape=(repeats, splits, 3))

    r_accuracy = np.zeros(shape=(repeats, splits))
    u_accuracy = np.zeros(shape=(repeats, splits))
    d_accuracy = np.zeros(shape=(repeats, splits))

    # loop number of times to generate average scores
    for i in xrange(repeats):
        print i
        # going to split the data here, then pass identical indices to the different learning methods
        all_indices = np.arange(len(new_records))

        # seed the shuffle here so can repeat experiment for different numbers of splits
        np.random.seed(seed * i)

        # take off 20% for testing
        test_indices = all_indices[:len(new_records) / 5]
        train_indices = all_indices[len(new_records) / 5:]

        # now use same test and train indices to generate scores for each learning method
        u_scores[i], u_accuracy[i] = uncertainty_sampling(
            clf, extractor, orig_records, new_records, train_indices,
            test_indices, splits, word_features)
        d_scores[i], d_accuracy[i] = uncertainty_sampling(
            clf, extractor, orig_records, new_records, train_indices,
            test_indices, splits, word_features, sim)
        r_scores[i], r_accuracy[i] = random_sampling(clf, extractor,
                                                     orig_records, new_records,
                                                     test_indices, splits,

    # create array of scores to pass to plotter
    scores = [['Accuracy'], ['Precision'], ['Recall'], ['F-Score']]
    # accuracy scores
    scores[0].append(r_accuracy.mean(axis=0, dtype=np.float64))
    scores[0].append(u_accuracy.mean(axis=0, dtype=np.float64))
    scores[0].append(d_accuracy.mean(axis=0, dtype=np.float64))

    # average over the repeats
    r_scores = r_scores.mean(axis=0, dtype=np.float64)
    u_scores = u_scores.mean(axis=0, dtype=np.float64)
    d_scores = d_scores.mean(axis=0, dtype=np.float64)

    # using numpy slicing to select correct scores
    for i in xrange(3):
        scores[i + 1].append(r_scores[:, i])
        scores[i + 1].append(u_scores[:, i])
        scores[i + 1].append(d_scores[:, i])

    f_name = 'pickles/newCurves_seed%s_splits%s_' % (seed, splits)
    f_name = f_name + time_stamped('.p')
    pickle.dump(scores, open(f_name, 'wb'))

    for i in xrange(4):
        draw_learning_comparison(splits, scores[i][1], scores[i][2],
                                 scores[i][3], samples_per_split, repeats,
                                 scores[i][0], seed)