def logisticRegPredict(self): params = {} logistic_model ='LOGISTIC') if logistic_model: logisticReg = pickle.loads(logistic_model) else: logisticReg = LogisticRegression(params) logisticReg.train(self._train) Redis.write('LOGISTIC', pickle.dumps(logisticReg)) return logisticReg.predict_proba(self._test.values)
def linearRegPredict(self): params = {'n_jobs': 1} linear_model ='LINEAR') if linear_model: linearReg = pickle.loads(linear_model) else: linearReg = LinearRegression(params) linearReg.train(self._train) Redis.write('LINEAR', pickle.dumps(linearReg)) return linearReg.predict(self._test.values)
def SGDClassifierPredict(self): # 随机梯度下降分类方法 params = {} sgd_model ='SGD') if sgd_model: SGDClf = pickle.loads(sgd_model) else: SGDClf = SGDClassifier(params) SGDClf.train(self._train) Redis.write('SGD', pickle.dumps(SGDClf)) return SGDClf.predict(self._test.values)[0]
def SVCPredict(self): # 支持向量机分类方法 params = {} svc_model ='SVC') if svc_model: SVClf = pickle.loads(svc_model) else: SVClf = SVC(params) SVClf.train(self._train) Redis.write('SVC', pickle.dumps(SVClf)) return SVClf.predict(self._test.values)[0]
def bayesClssiferPreidct(self): # 朴素贝叶斯分类方法 params = {} # 训练之前先读取redis是否存在已经训练好的模型,如果有,直接反序列化读取对象,如果没有训练新的模型并写入redis bayes_model ='BAYES') if bayes_model: bayesClf = pickle.loads(bayes_model) else: bayesClf = NBayesClassifier(params) bayesClf.train(self._train) Redis.write('BAYES', pickle.dumps(bayesClf)) return bayesClf.predict(self._test.values)[0]
def __init__(self, project, project_locales=None, key_namespace_counts='trending-topics-counts', max_queue_length=1e4, project_keywords=None, **args): super().__init__(self, **args) self.config = Config() self.namespace = self.config.REDIS_NAMESPACE self.project = project self.max_queue_length = int(max_queue_length) self.project_locales = project_locales self.trending_topics_index_name = f'trending_topics_{project}' = Elastic() self.redis = Redis() if not isinstance(project_keywords, list): self.project_keywords = [] else: self.project_keywords = project_keywords # Counts queue: holds mixture of retweet + tweet token counts self.pq_counts_weighted = PriorityQueue( project, namespace=self.namespace, key_namespace=key_namespace_counts, max_queue_length=self.max_queue_length) # Retweet counts queue: holds counts only from retweets self.pq_counts_retweets = PriorityQueue( project, namespace=self.namespace, key_namespace=key_namespace_counts + '-retweets', max_queue_length=self.max_queue_length) # Tweet counts queue: holds counts only by tweets self.pq_counts_tweets = PriorityQueue( project, namespace=self.namespace, key_namespace=key_namespace_counts + '-tweets', max_queue_length=self.max_queue_length) # set blacklisted tokens (to be ignored by tokenizer) self.default_blacklisted_tokens = [ 'RT', 'breaking', 'amp', 'covid19', 'covid-19', 'coronaviru' ] self.blacklisted_tokens = self._generate_blacklist_tokens( project_keywords=project_keywords)
class TrendingTopics(Redis): """ Compiles a priority queue of recent popular tokens For this we maintain a priority queue where keys are tokens and values are the number of retweets All tweets get processed by the process method. """ def __init__(self, project, project_locales=None, key_namespace_counts='trending-topics-counts', max_queue_length=1e4, project_keywords=None, **args): super().__init__(self, **args) self.config = Config() self.namespace = self.config.REDIS_NAMESPACE self.project = project self.max_queue_length = int(max_queue_length) self.project_locales = project_locales self.trending_topics_index_name = f'trending_topics_{project}' = Elastic() self.redis = Redis() if not isinstance(project_keywords, list): self.project_keywords = [] else: self.project_keywords = project_keywords # Counts queue: holds mixture of retweet + tweet token counts self.pq_counts_weighted = PriorityQueue( project, namespace=self.namespace, key_namespace=key_namespace_counts, max_queue_length=self.max_queue_length) # Retweet counts queue: holds counts only from retweets self.pq_counts_retweets = PriorityQueue( project, namespace=self.namespace, key_namespace=key_namespace_counts + '-retweets', max_queue_length=self.max_queue_length) # Tweet counts queue: holds counts only by tweets self.pq_counts_tweets = PriorityQueue( project, namespace=self.namespace, key_namespace=key_namespace_counts + '-tweets', max_queue_length=self.max_queue_length) # set blacklisted tokens (to be ignored by tokenizer) self.default_blacklisted_tokens = [ 'RT', 'breaking', 'amp', 'covid19', 'covid-19', 'coronaviru' ] self.blacklisted_tokens = self._generate_blacklist_tokens( project_keywords=project_keywords) def get_trending_topics(self, num_topics, method='ms', alpha=.5, field='counts', use_cache=True): trends = self.get_trends(alpha=alpha, field=field, use_cache=use_cache) if len(trends) == 0: return [] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(trends, orient='index') df.sort_values(method, inplace=True, ascending=False) items = df.iloc[:num_topics][method].index.tolist() return items def get_trending_topics_df(self, alpha=.5, field='counts', use_cache=True): trends = self.get_trends(alpha=alpha, field=field, use_cache=use_cache) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(trends, orient='index') return df def get_trends(self, alpha=.5, min_tweets_counts=5, field='counts', use_cache=True): current_hour = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H') cache_key = f'cb:cached-trending-topics-velocities-{current_hour}-{alpha}-{field}' if self.redis.exists(cache_key) and use_cache: return self.redis.get_cached(cache_key) # retrieve all data from ES df =, field=field, s_date='now-1d', interval='hour', with_moving_average=True) if len(df) == 0: return {} # compute velocities for a few different methods df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(df) if min_tweets_counts > 0: # filter out terms which had only min_tweets_counts mentions in tweets total in the past hour bucket df_tweets_counts = self.trending_topics_index_name, field='counts_tweets', s_date='now-1h', interval='hour', with_moving_average=False) if len(df_tweets_counts) > 0: df_tweets_counts = pd.DataFrame.from_records(df_tweets_counts) df_tweets_counts = df_tweets_counts[ df_tweets_counts.value > min_tweets_counts] if len(df_tweets_counts) > 10: df = df[df.term.isin(df_tweets_counts.term)] # pivot table and make sure we only have one value per bucket (take the mean if there are multiple) df_counts = df.pivot(index='bucket_time', columns='term', values='value').resample('H').mean() df_ma = df.pivot(index='bucket_time', columns='term', values='moving_average').resample('H').mean() # fill all nans with zero df_counts = df_counts.fillna(0) df_ma = df_ma.fillna(0) trends = {} for term in df_counts: velocity = {} counts = df_counts[term] # make sure index is sorted counts.sort_index(inplace=True) # ms current_value = counts.iloc[-1] last_hour = counts.iloc[-2] at_24h = counts.iloc[0] v_1h = (current_value - last_hour) / current_value**alpha v_24h = (current_value - at_24h) / current_value**alpha velocity['ms'] = v_1h + v_24h # z-scores zscore = (current_value - counts.mean()) / counts.std() velocity['zscore'] = zscore # v_1h velocity['v1h'] = (current_value - last_hour) / current_value velocity['v1h_alpha'] = (current_value - last_hour) / current_value**alpha # moving average slope ma = df_ma[term] ma.sort_index(inplace=True) y = ma.values x = (ma.index - ma.index[0]).total_seconds().values fit = np.polyfit(x, y, 1) velocity['polyfit_1'] = fit[-1] fit = np.polyfit(x, y, 2) velocity['polyfit_2'] = fit[-1] trends[term] = velocity # set cache self.redis.set_cached(cache_key, trends, expire_in_min=60) return trends def process(self, tweet, retweet_count_increment=0.8): if not self.should_be_processed(tweet): return # get tokens pt = ProcessTweet(tweet, project_locales=self.project_locales) tokens = self.tokenize_tweet(tweet, pt) # determine count increment count_increment = 1 if pt.is_retweet: count_increment = retweet_count_increment # add tokens to queues self.add_to_queue(self.pq_counts_weighted, tokens, count_increment) if pt.is_retweet: self.add_to_queue(self.pq_counts_retweets, tokens, 1) else: self.add_to_queue(self.pq_counts_tweets, tokens, 1) def add_to_queue(self, queue, tokens, increment): for token in tokens: # add count increment to count queue if queue.exists(token): queue.increment_priority(token, incr=increment) else: queue.add(token, priority=increment) def should_be_processed(self, tweet): if self.project_locales is not None: if len(self.project_locales) > 0: if not tweet['lang'] in self.project_locales: return False if 'possibly_sensitive' in tweet: if tweet['possibly_sensitive']: return False return True def tokenize_tweet(self, tweet, pt): text = pt.get_text() # remove mentions and urls text = pt.replace_user_mentions(text, filler='') text = pt.replace_urls(text, filler='') # replace & text = text.replace('&', '&') tokens = self.tokenize(text) return tokens def tokenize(self, text): # create doc doc = nlp(text, disable=['parser']) # find hashtag indices and merge again (so the # are not lost) hashtag_pos = [] for i, t in enumerate(doc[:-1]): if t.text == '#': hashtag_pos.append(i) with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer: for i in hashtag_pos: try: retokenizer.merge(doc[i:(i + 2)]) except ValueError: pass # add named entities allowed_entities = [ 'PERSON', # People, including fictional. 'NORP', # Nationalities or religious or political groups. 'FAC', # Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc. 'ORG', # Companies, agencies, institutions, etc. 'GPE', # Countries, cities, states. 'LOC', # Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water. 'PRODUCT', # Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.) 'EVENT', # Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc. 'WORK_OF_ART', # Titles of books, songs, etc. 'LAW' # Named documents made into laws. ] entities = [ent for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_ in allowed_entities] entities = list(set(entities)) # add all entities to tokens tokens = entities # remove entities from doc for t in doc: # add all nouns longer than 2 characters # print(t, t.tag_) if t.pos_ not in ['NOUN', 'PROPN'] or len(t) <= 2: continue # make sure token was not already part of entities for ent in entities: if str(t.lemma_) in ent.lemma_: break else: tokens.append(t) # remove all tokens which are officially blacklisted tokens = [ t for t in tokens if t.text.lower().strip() not in self.blacklisted_tokens ] tokens = [ t for t in tokens if t.lemma_.lower().strip() not in self.blacklisted_tokens ] # fetch lemmas tokens = [t.lemma_ for t in tokens] return tokens def update(self): """Main function called by celery beat in a regular time interval""" if self.config.ENV in ['stg', 'prd']: self.index_counts_to_elasticsearch() else: 'Indexing of trending topic counts is only run in stg/prd environments' ) # Compute trending topics so they are cached trends = self.get_trends(alpha=.5, field='counts') # clear all other counts self.pq_counts_weighted.self_remove() self.pq_counts_retweets.self_remove() self.pq_counts_tweets.self_remove() def index_counts_to_elasticsearch(self, top_n=300): # create index if it doesn't exist yet if self.trending_topics_index_name not in # compile all count data data = [] utc_now = datetime.utcnow() for rank, (key, counts) in enumerate( self.pq_counts_weighted.multi_pop(top_n, with_scores=True)): # rank/counts of retweets counts_retweets = self.pq_counts_retweets.get_score(key) if counts_retweets is None: counts_retweets = 0 rank_retweets = self.pq_counts_retweets.get_rank(key) if rank_retweets is None: rank_retweets = -1 # rank/counts of tweets counts_tweets = self.pq_counts_tweets.get_score(key) if counts_tweets is None: counts_tweets = 0 rank_tweets = self.pq_counts_tweets.get_rank(key) if rank_tweets is None: rank_tweets = -1 # total counts_total = counts_tweets + counts_retweets data.append({ 'created_at': utc_now, 'bucket_time': utc_now.replace(microsecond=0, second=0, minute=0), 'hour': utc_now.hour, 'term': key, 'rank_weighted': rank, 'rank_tweets': rank_tweets, 'rank_retweets': rank_retweets, 'counts_weighted': counts, 'counts_tweets': counts_tweets, 'counts_retweets': counts_retweets, 'counts': counts_total }) # compile actions actions = [{ '_source': d, '_index': self.trending_topics_index_name, '_type': '_doc' } for d in data] # bulk index f'Bulk indexing of {len(actions):,} documents to index {self.trending_topics_index_name}...' ) def self_remove(self): self.pq_counts_weighted.self_remove() self.pq_counts_retweets.self_remove() self.pq_counts_tweets.self_remove() # private def _generate_blacklist_tokens(self, project_keywords=None): bl_tokens = self.default_blacklisted_tokens if project_keywords is not None: bl_tokens += project_keywords # add hashtag versions bl_tokens += ['#' + t for t in bl_tokens] # lower case everything bl_tokens = [t.lower() for t in bl_tokens] return bl_tokens
def r(): yield Redis()