Beispiel #1
    def find_right_most_successor(self, lane_id):
        lane = self.get_lane_by_id(lane_id)
        if lane is None:
            return False, None
        if lane.successor_id is None or len(lane.successor_id) <= 0:
            return False, None

        successor_endpoints = []
        c_lane_center = lane.centerline
        current_lane_end_point = Point.init_from_other_type(
        for i in range(len(lane.successor_id)):
            next_curve = self.get_lane_by_id(lane.successor_id[i])
            if next_curve is None:
            next_curve_center = next_curve.centerline
            end_point = Point.init_from_other_type(next_curve_center.point[-1])

            successor_endpoints[i] = successor_endpoints[i] - \
        rightmost_index = 0
        if len(successor_endpoints) > 1:
            for j in range(1, len(successor_endpoints)):
                if successor_endpoints[j].cross_product(successor_endpoints[rightmost_index]) > 0:
                    rightmost_index = j

        successor_id = lane.successor_id[rightmost_index]
        return True, successor_id
Beispiel #2
 def get_accumulate_distance(self, lane_id, n):
     lane = self.get_lane_by_id(lane_id)
     if lane is None:
         return 0
     lane_line = self.__lanes_table[lane_id].centerline
     l = 0.
     points_slice = min(n, len(lane_line.point) - 1) + 1
     for point, point_next in zip(lane_line.point[:points_slice], lane_line.point[1:points_slice]):
         l += Point.init_from_other_type(point).distance_to(
     return l
Beispiel #3
 def get_nearest_crosswalk(self, point):
     min_distance = sys.float_info.max
     flag = False
     min_crosswalk_id = -1
     point = Point.init_from_other_type(point)
     for crosswalk_id in self.__crosswalks_table.keys():
         center_point = [0., 0.]
         count = 0.
         for croswalk_point in self.__crosswalks_table[crosswalk_id].polygon.point:
             center_point[0] += croswalk_point.x
             center_point[1] += croswalk_point.y
             count += 1.
         center_point[0] = center_point[0] / count
         center_point[1] = center_point[1] / count
         center_point = Point.init_from_other_type(center_point)
         square_distance = center_point.square_distance_to(point)
         if square_distance < min_distance:
             min_distance = square_distance
             min_crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id
             flag = True
     return flag, min_crosswalk_id
Beispiel #4
    def get_point_and_lane_heading_by_s(self, id, s):
        lane = self.get_lane_by_id(id)
        if lane is None:
            return False, None
        if lane.centerline is None or len(lane.centerline.point) < 1:
            return False, None
        if s <= self.centerline_s_dict[id][0]:
            return True, Point.init_from_other_type(lane.centerline.point[0])
        if s >= self.centerline_s_dict[id][-1]:
            return True, Point.init_from_other_type(lane.centerline.point[-1])

        index = np.array(self.centerline_s_dict[id]).searchsorted(s)
        delta_s = self.centerline_s_dict[id][index] - s
        if delta_s < 1e-10:
            return True, Point.init_from_other_type(lane.centerline.point[index])

        p2 = Point.init_from_other_type(lane.centerline.point[index])
        p1 = Point.init_from_other_type(lane.centerline.point[index - 1])
        unit_directions_ = Line(p1, p2).unit_v

        smooth_point = p2 - unit_directions_ * delta_s

        return True, smooth_point
Beispiel #5
 def get_visible_traffic_lights(self, point, heading):
     max_range = 150
     result = []
     can_get, lane_id, sl = self.get_nearest_lane_with_heading(
         point, heading)
     if not can_get:
         return result
     while not self.get_forward_signals_on_lane(lane_id, sl[0])[0]:
         sl[0] = 0
         center_line = self.get_lane_by_id(lane_id).centerline
         end_point = Point.init_from_other_type(center_line.point[-1])
         if point.distance_to(end_point) > max_range:
         can_find, successor_id = self.find_right_most_successor(lane_id)
         if not can_find:
         lane_id = successor_id
     return self.get_forward_signals_on_lane(lane_id, sl[0])[1]
Beispiel #6
    def get_rough_lane_right_width(self, id, s):
        lane = self.get_lane_by_id(id)
        if lane is None:
            return False, 100000.0
        has_found, lane_point = self.get_point_and_lane_heading_by_s(id, s)
        if not has_found:
            return False, 100000.0

        if lane.right_boundary_id == 0:
            return False, 100000.0
        right_lane_id = lane.right_boundary_id
        right_boundary = self.get_lane_boundary_by_id(right_lane_id)
        if right_boundary is None:
            return False, 100000.0
        right_boundary_points = right_boundary.boundary.point
        min_square_distance = 100000
        min_index = -1
        for idx, boundary_point in enumerate(right_boundary_points):
            p = Point.init_from_other_type(boundary_point)
            square_distance = p.square_distance_to(lane_point)
            if square_distance < min_square_distance:
                min_square_distance = square_distance
                min_index = idx
        if min_index == -1:
            return False, 100000.0

        if min_index == 0 and len(right_boundary_points) == 1:
            return True, math.sqrt(min_square_distance)

        flag = False
        square_right_width = 100000.0
        if min_index != 0:
            line = Line.init_from_pb(
                right_boundary_points[min_index], right_boundary_points[min_index - 1])
            square_right_width = line.get_mini_square_distance(lane_point)
            flag = True
        if min_index < len(right_boundary_points) - 1:
            line = Line.init_from_pb(
                right_boundary_points[min_index], right_boundary_points[min_index + 1])
            square_distance = line.get_mini_square_distance(lane_point)
            if (flag and square_distance < square_right_width) or (not flag):
                square_right_width = square_distance
            flag = True
        return flag, math.sqrt(square_right_width)
Beispiel #7
    def get_nearest_lane_with_heading(self, point, heading):
        output = self.kdtree.query_with_k(point, k=4)
        if len(output[0]) <= 0:
            return False, [], None

        heading_vec = Point(np.cos(heading), np.sin(heading))

        fix_data = {"pt": point,
                    "func_name": "combo_inner_product",
                    "heading": heading_vec}
        pfunc = partial(self.find_line, **fix_data)
        distance_list = list(map(pfunc, output[0]))
        min_pack = distance_list.index(min(distance_list))
        min_id, min_index = output[0][min_pack][0]

        lane_line = self.__lanes_table[min_id].centerline
        line = Line.init_from_pb(
            lane_line.point[min_index], lane_line.point[min_index + 1])
        s, l = line.get_sl(point)
        s = self.get_accumulate_distance(min_id, min_index) + s
        return True, [s, l], min_id