Beispiel #1
def sync_app_plugins(delete_removed=False, verbosity=1):
    We need to do a complicated dance to sync the current registered and
    unregistered implicit plugins and points with the instances in the DB.
    Plugins and points which are removed (or can no longer be found) are
    marked REMOVED (sometimes only to be re-enabed shortly there after).
    There is the option to delete all entries which are marked removed, but
    this should be done carefully. Other apps may have relations to the
    plugins and points for user preferences and customizaiton settings.
    We do not want to blindly delete these in a chain delete, as they may need
    to be migrated to a renamed plugin or point which has now been created as
    part of the sync.

    The process:
        1. for each registered Plugin Point
        1.1. if no instance exists, create it enabled.
        1.2. mark it registered
        1.2. if it was 'removed' then mark it enabled
        2. For each non-removed, registered instance for which there was no reg
        2.1. mark removed
        2.2. mark plugins removed
        3. for each registered plugin
        3.1. if there is no point, create it as unregistered
        3.2. if there is no plugin, create it as reg and enabled, w/template
        3.3. test the template load
        3.4. if the plugin was marked REMOVED
        3.4.1. mark it enabled
        3.4.2. if its point is REMOVED and it is not marked reg, enable it
        4. for each registered plugin for which there is no registration
        4.1. mark it removed
        5. for each non-REMOVED point, get all unregistered plugins via load:
        5.1. if plugin instance does not exist, create unregistered and enable
        5.2. if it does exist and is marked REMOVED, mark unreg-enabled w/ point
        6. for each unreg-non-removed point
        6.1. if all plugins are REMOVED, mark REMOVED.
        7. if asked to delete the removed, do so.
    from app_plugins.library import libraries
    from app_plugins.models import Plugin, PluginPoint, REMOVED, ENABLED
    from app_plugins.models import construct_template_path

    instances = dict((p.label, p) for p in PluginPoint.objects.all())

    ## section 1 - registered plugin points
    for app_label, lib in libraries.iteritems():
        for label in lib.plugin_points:
            pp = instances.pop(label, None)
            if pp is None:
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Creating registered PluginPoint:", label
                pp = PluginPoint(label=label)
            pp.registered = True
            if pp.status == REMOVED:
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Updating registered PluginPoint:", label
                # re-enable a previously removed plugin point and its plugins
                pp.status = ENABLED
                for p in Plugin.objects.filter(point=pp, status=REMOVED):
                    p.status = ENABLED
            # search for unregistered plugins we do not yet know about?

    ## section 2 - removed plugin points
    for pp in instances.itervalues():
        # don't remove pps with active plugins!
        if pp.status != REMOVED and not pp.plugin_set.exclude(
            pp.status = REMOVED
            for p in pp.plugin_set.all():
                p.status = REMOVED

    instances = dict((p.label, p) for p in Plugin.objects.all())

    ## section 3 - registered plugins
    for app_label, lib in libraries.iteritems():
        for label in lib.plugins:
            p = instances.pop(label, None)
            # Don't forget the dot in label! Strip it out.
            # We could increment slice index by 1, but I'm
            # not sure if some labels/libs will have no app_name
            # and thus no joining dot??
            point_label = label[len(lib.app_name):].strip('.')
            if p is None:
                p = Plugin()
                p.label = label
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Creating registered Plugin:", label
                    point = PluginPoint.objects.get(label=point_label)
                    p.point = point
                    if point.status == REMOVED:
                        # point was removed at some point...
                        point.status = ENABLED
                        if point.registered:
                            point.registered = False
                except PluginPoint.DoesNotExist:
                    if verbosity > 1:
                        print "Creating unregistered PluginPoint:", point_label
                    point = PluginPoint(label=point_label)
                    p.point = point
            p.registered = True
            if p.status == REMOVED:
                # re-enable a previously removed plugin
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Updating registered Plugin:", p.label
                p.status = ENABLED
            options = lib.get_plugin_call(point_label).options
            default = construct_template_path(lib.app_name, point_label,
                                              options.get('ext', '.html'))
            # raise an error if it does not exist...
            template = options.get('template', default)
            p.template = template

    ## section 4 - initial marking of unregistered known plugins
    for p in instances.itervalues():
        if p.status != REMOVED:
            p.status = REMOVED

    ## section 5 - unregistered plugins
    instances = dict((p.label, p) for p in Plugin.objects.all())
    for pp in PluginPoint.objects.exclude(status=REMOVED):
        ext = pp.get_options().get('ext', '.html')
        name = pp.label
        for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            label = u'.'.join([app, name])
            template = construct_template_path(app, name, ext)
            bFound = True
            except TemplateDoesNotExist:
                bFound = False
            p = instances.get(label, None)
            if p is None:
                if bFound:
                    if verbosity > 1:
                        print "Creating unregistered Plugin:", label
                    p = Plugin(point=pp, label=label, template=template)
                if p.status == REMOVED and bFound:
                    p.status = ENABLED
                    p.template = template
                    p.registered = False
                    #if verbosity > 1:
                    #    print "Updating unregistered Plugin:", label
                elif not p.registered and not bFound and p.status != REMOVED:
                    p.status = REMOVED
                    p = None
            if p is not None:

    ## section 6 - removed unregistered plugin points
    for pp in PluginPoint.objects.filter(registered=False).exclude(
        if not pp.plugin_set.exclude(status=REMOVED).count():
            if verbosity > 1:
                print "Removing unregistered PluginPoint:", pp.label
            pp.status = REMOVED

    ## section 7 - delete removed
    if delete_removed:
        count = Plugin.objects.filter(status=REMOVED).count()
        if count:
            if verbosity > 1:
                print "Deleting %d Removed Plugins" % count
        count = PluginPoints.objects.filter(status=REMOVED).count()
        if count:
            if verbosity > 1:
                print "Deleting %d Removed PluginPoint" % count
def sync_app_plugins(delete_removed=False, verbosity=1):
    We need to do a complicated dance to sync the current registered and
    unregistered implicit plugins and points with the instances in the DB.
    Plugins and points which are removed (or can no longer be found) are
    marked REMOVED (sometimes only to be re-enabed shortly there after).
    There is the option to delete all entries which are marked removed, but
    this should be done carefully. Other apps may have relations to the
    plugins and points for user preferences and customizaiton settings.
    We do not want to blindly delete these in a chain delete, as they may need
    to be migrated to a renamed plugin or point which has now been created as
    part of the sync.

    The process:
        1. for each registered Plugin Point
        1.1. if no instance exists, create it enabled.
        1.2. mark it registered
        1.2. if it was 'removed' then mark it enabled
        2. For each non-removed, registered instance for which there was no reg
        2.1. mark removed
        2.2. mark plugins removed
        3. for each registered plugin
        3.1. if there is no point, create it as unregistered
        3.2. if there is no plugin, create it as reg and enabled, w/template
        3.3. test the template load
        3.4. if the plugin was marked REMOVED
        3.4.1. mark it enabled
        3.4.2. if its point is REMOVED and it is not marked reg, enable it
        4. for each registered plugin for which there is no registration
        4.1. mark it removed
        5. for each non-REMOVED point, get all unregistered plugins via load:
        5.1. if plugin instance does not exist, create unregistered and enable
        5.2. if it does exist and is marked REMOVED, mark unreg-enabled w/ point
        6. for each unreg-non-removed point
        6.1. if all plugins are REMOVED, mark REMOVED.
        7. if asked to delete the removed, do so.
    from app_plugins.library import libraries
    from app_plugins.models import Plugin, PluginPoint, REMOVED, ENABLED
    from app_plugins.models import construct_template_path

    instances = dict((p.label, p) for p in PluginPoint.objects.all())

    ## section 1 - registered plugin points
    for app_label, lib in libraries.iteritems():
        for label in lib.plugin_points:
            pp = instances.pop(label, None)
            if pp is None:
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Creating registered PluginPoint:", label
                pp = PluginPoint(label=label)
            pp.registered = True
            if pp.status == REMOVED:
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Updating registered PluginPoint:", label
                # re-enable a previously removed plugin point and its plugins
                pp.status = ENABLED
                for p in Plugin.objects.filter(point=pp, status=REMOVED):
                    p.status = ENABLED
            # search for unregistered plugins we do not yet know about?

    ## section 2 - removed plugin points
    for pp in instances.itervalues():
        # don't remove pps with active plugins!
        if pp.status != REMOVED and not pp.plugin_set.exclude(status=REMOVED).count():
            pp.status = REMOVED
            for p in pp.plugin_set.all():
                p.status = REMOVED

    instances = dict((p.label, p) for p in Plugin.objects.all())

    ## section 3 - registered plugins
    for app_label, lib in libraries.iteritems():
        for label in lib.plugins:
            p = instances.pop(label, None)
            # Don't forget the dot in label! Strip it out.
            # We could increment slice index by 1, but I'm
            # not sure if some labels/libs will have no app_name
            # and thus no joining dot??
            point_label = label[len(lib.app_name):].strip('.')
            if p is None:
                p = Plugin()
                p.label = label
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Creating registered Plugin:", label
                    point = PluginPoint.objects.get(label=point_label)
                    p.point = point
                    if point.status == REMOVED:
                        # point was removed at some point...
                        point.status = ENABLED
                        if point.registered:
                            point.registered = False
                except PluginPoint.DoesNotExist:
                    if verbosity > 1:
                        print "Creating unregistered PluginPoint:", point_label
                    point = PluginPoint(label=point_label)
                    p.point = point
            p.registered = True
            if p.status == REMOVED:
                # re-enable a previously removed plugin
                if verbosity > 1:
                    print "Updating registered Plugin:", p.label
                p.status = ENABLED
            options = lib.get_plugin_call(point_label).options
            default = construct_template_path(lib.app_name, point_label,
                                              options.get('ext', '.html'))
            # raise an error if it does not exist...
            template = options.get('template', default)
            p.template = template

    ## section 4 - initial marking of unregistered known plugins
    for p in instances.itervalues():
        if p.status != REMOVED:
            p.status = REMOVED

    ## section 5 - unregistered plugins
    instances = dict((p.label, p) for p in Plugin.objects.all())
    for pp in PluginPoint.objects.exclude(status=REMOVED):
        ext = pp.get_options().get('ext', '.html')
        name = pp.label
        for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            label = u'.'.join([app, name])
            template = construct_template_path(app, name, ext)
            bFound = True
            except TemplateDoesNotExist:
                bFound = False
            p = instances.get(label, None)
            if p is None:
                if bFound:
                    if verbosity > 1:
                        print "Creating unregistered Plugin:", label
                    p = Plugin(point=pp, label=label, template=template)
                if p.status == REMOVED and bFound:
                    p.status = ENABLED
                    p.template = template
                    p.registered = False
                    #if verbosity > 1:
                    #    print "Updating unregistered Plugin:", label
                elif not p.registered and not bFound and p.status != REMOVED:
                    p.status = REMOVED
                    p = None
            if p is not None:

    ## section 6 - removed unregistered plugin points
    for pp in PluginPoint.objects.filter(registered=False).exclude(status=REMOVED):
        if not pp.plugin_set.exclude(status=REMOVED).count():
            if verbosity > 1:
                print "Removing unregistered PluginPoint:", pp.label
            pp.status = REMOVED

    ## section 7 - delete removed
    if delete_removed:
        count = Plugin.objects.filter(status=REMOVED).count()
        if count:
            if verbosity > 1:
                print "Deleting %d Removed Plugins" % count
        count = PluginPoints.objects.filter(status=REMOVED).count()
        if count:
            if verbosity > 1:
                print "Deleting %d Removed PluginPoint" % count