Beispiel #1
def delete():

    # If GET we display the confirmation screen and do not actually delete it.
    if request.method == "GET":
        appid = request.args.get("appid")
        if not appid:
            return "appid not provided", 400
        app = appstorage.get_app(appid)
        if app is None:
            return "App not found", 500
        return render_template("composers/dummy/delete.html", app=app)

    # If POST we consider whether the user clicked Delete or Cancel in the confirmation screen.
    elif request.method == "POST":
        # If the user didn't click delete he probably clicked cancel.
        # We return to the Apps View page.
        if not "delete" in request.form:
            return redirect(url_for("user.apps.index"))

        appid = request.form.get("appid")
        if not appid:
            return "appid not provided", 400
        app = appstorage.get_app(appid)
        if app is None:
            return "App not found", 500


        flash(gettext("App successfully deleted."), "success")

        return redirect(url_for("user.apps.index"))
Beispiel #2
def delete():

    # If GET we display the confirmation screen and do not actually delete it.
    if request.method == "GET":
        appid = request.args.get("appid")
        if not appid:
            return "appid not provided", 400
        app = appstorage.get_app(appid)
        if app is None:
            return "App not found", 500
        return render_template("composers/dummy/delete.html", app=app)

    # If POST we consider whether the user clicked Delete or Cancel in the confirmation screen.
    elif request.method == "POST":
        # If the user didn't click delete he probably clicked cancel.
        # We return to the Apps View page.
        if not "delete" in request.form:
            return redirect(url_for("user.apps.index"))

        appid = request.form.get("appid")
        if not appid:
            return "appid not provided", 400
        app = appstorage.get_app(appid)
        if app is None:
            return "App not found", 500


        flash(gettext("App successfully deleted."), "success")

        return redirect(url_for("user.apps.index"))
    def test_delete_app(self):
        app = api.create_app("UTAppDel", "dummy", "{}")
        assert app is not None

        app = api.get_app_by_name("UTAppDel")
        assert app is None
Beispiel #4
    def test_delete_app(self):
        app = api.create_app("UTAppDel", "dummy", None, "{}")
        assert app is not None

        app = api.get_app_by_name("UTAppDel")
        assert app is None
Beispiel #5
 def _cleanup(self):
     Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
     Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
     app = api.get_app_by_name("UTApp")
     if app is not None:
Beispiel #6
 def _cleanup(self):
     Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
     Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
     app = api.get_app_by_name("UTApp")
     if app is not None:
 def _cleanup(self):
     Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
     Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
     self.flask_app.get("/")  # This is required to create a context. Otherwise session etc don't exist.
     app = api.get_app_by_name("UTApp")
     if app is not None:
Beispiel #8
 def _cleanup(self):
     Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
     Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
     self.client.get("/")  # Required so that we have a ready session
     rv = self.login("testuser", "password")
     app = api.get_app_by_name("UTApp")
     if app is not None:
 def _cleanup(self):
     Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
     Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
     with self.flask_app:
         app = get_app_by_name("TestApp")
         if app is not None:
Beispiel #10
 def _cleanup(self):
     Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
     Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
     self.client.get("/")  # Required so that we have a ready session
     rv = self.login("testuser", "password")
     app = api.get_app_by_name("UTApp")
     if app is not None:
Beispiel #11
    def _cleanup(self):
        Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
        Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
        app = api.get_app_by_name("UTApp")
        if app is not None:
        app = api.get_app_by_name("UTAppDel")
        if app is not None:

        # Remove the Spec that may exist.
        spec = api.db.session.query(Spec).filter_by(url="").first()
        if spec is not None:
    def _cleanup(self):
        Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
        Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests,
        and it is meant to be idempotent.
        pusher.mongo_bundles.remove({"spec": "appcomposer/tests_data/relativeExample/i18n.xml"})
        pusher.mongo_bundles.remove({"bundle": "test_TEST_TEST"})
        pusher.mongo_bundles.remove({"bundle": "test_CELERYTEST_ALL"})

        with self.flask_app:
            self.flask_app.get("/")  # This is required to create a context. Otherwise session etc don't exist.
            app = api.get_app_by_name("UTApp")
            if app is not None:
            app = api.get_app_by_name("UTAppChild")
            if app is not None:
    def _cleanup(self):
        Does cleanup tasks in case the tests failed before.
        Can be invoked *before* and *after* the tests.
        self.flask_app.get("/")  # This is required to create a context. Otherwise session etc don't exist.

        self.login("testuser", "password")
        if self.firstApp is not None:
            app = api.get_app(self.firstApp)
            if app is not None:

        self.login("testuser2", "password")
        if self.secondApp is not None:
            app = api.get_app(self.secondApp)
            if app is not None:

Beispiel #14
def translate_delete():
    Handles the translate app delete endpoint. Only the user who owns the App can delete it.
    This is ensured at the appstorage level. A 401 code is returned if an attempt to delete
    other user's App is made.

    appid = request.values.get("appid")
    if not appid:
        return "appid not provided", 400
    app = get_app(appid)
    if app is None:
        return "App not found", 404

    # Get our spec.
    spec = db.session.query(AppVar.value).filter_by(app=app, name="spec").first()[0]

    # Find out which languages we own.
    ownerships = _db_get_app_ownerships(app)

    # Find out which apps we can transfer to.
    transfer_apps = _db_get_spec_apps(spec)
    transfer_apps = [a for a in transfer_apps if a != app]

    # If GET we display the confirmation screen and do not actually delete it.
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("composers/translate/delete.html", app=app, ownerships=ownerships,

    # If POST we consider whether the user clicked Delete or Cancel in the confirmation screen.
    elif request.method == "POST":

        # Protect against CSRF attacks.
        if not verify_csrf(request):
            return render_template("composers/errors.html",
                                   message=gettext("Request does not seem to come from the right source (csrf check)")), 400

        # If the user didn't click delete he probably clicked cancel.
        # We return to the Apps View page.
        if not "delete" in request.form:
            return redirect(url_for("user.apps.index"))


            # If we have ownerships and we have someone to transfer them to,
            # then we need to do it.
            if len(ownerships) > 0 and len(transfer_apps) > 0:
                transfer_app_id = request.values.get("transfer")
                if transfer_app_id is None:
                    return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("transfer parameter missing")), 400
                transfer_app = get_app(transfer_app_id)
                if transfer_app is None:
                    return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("could not retrieve app")), 400

                # Transfer all ownerships to the selected app.
                for o in ownerships:
           = transfer_app

                transfer_app = get_app(transfer_app_id)


            flash(gettext("App successfully deleted."), "success")

        except NotAuthorizedException:
            return render_template("composers/errors.html", message=gettext("Not Authorized")), 401

        return redirect(url_for("user.apps.index"))