Beispiel #1
0 = x[1] #The name attribute is also set as the Code
    tname.openings = x[6] #Set the number of openings, comes from quota in the data file
    tname.prog_type = x[4] #Set the Type, for example 'C' is categorical
    tname.specialty = x[3] #Set the specialty, for example 140 is internal medicine
    tname.institution = x[2] #Set the institution number, basicly the name without the prog_type and specialty info
    tname.specialty_name = x[0] #This is the Speacialty name rather then code
    tname.obs_match = x[7] # The is the number that matched in the actual data set

    # Comment out the Following to use defualt
    tname.quality = max(min(r.gauss(50, 30), 100), 1) # on a scale 0-100
    tname.number_to_interview = 10 * tname.openings
    tname.observe_1 = r.gauss(1, .2)
    tname.observe_2 = tname.observe_2 = (r.gauss(1, .1)- tname.observe_1)
    tname.observed_1 = r.gauss(1, .2)
    tname.observed_2 = (r.gauss(1, .1)- tname.observed_1) # based on applicant interviewed, percentage
    tname.num_to_rank = 7 * tname.openings
    tname.accept_range = [.7, None] # as a % [.5, 1.5] if [.7, None] then there is no upper limit

    all_institutions.append(tname) #add this instance to the list of Intitutions

#applicants choose institutions to apply to
for index, app in enumerate(all_applicants):
    s1 = sum([x.quality for x in app.applied_to])
    if (len(app.applied_to)):
        #print max([x.quality for x in app.applied_to]), float(s1) / len(app.applied_to), min([x.quality for x in app.applied_to]), len(app.applied_to),
        print('to picky', index, app.quality)

#Institutions invite applicants for interview
print('Make a list of Applicants')
all_applicants = []
for x in range(1, 100):
    tname = 'app' + str(x)
    tname = Applicant() = x
    ##### Comment out the Following to use defualt
    tname.quality = max(min(r.gauss(50, 20), 100), 1)  # on a scale 0-100
    tname.observe_1 = 1  # r.gauss(1, .2) # as a percentage, Applicant error in observing the institutions quality
    tname.observe_2 = 1  # (r.gauss(1, .1) - tname.observe_1)
    tname.observed_1 = 1  # r.gauss(1, .2) # as a percentage, Institutions error "as seen" in observing the applicants quality
    tname.observed_2 = 1  # (r.gauss(1, .1) - tname.observed_1) # CORRECT change to observed_1 after interview default = 1
    tname.applied_to_range = [.5,
                              1.5]  # as a percentage, for example [0.8, 1.2]
    tname.num_applied_to = 5  # the maximum number that the applicant applies to
    tname.num_to_rank = 2
    all_applicants.append(tname)  #Add Applicant to the list of Applicants
print(('number of applicants', len(all_applicants)))

### Make the list of Institutions
##print('importing institution data')
##data2008 = InstitutionData('/Users/vmd/Dropbox/Match/rms/matchdata2008.csv', 140, 'C', 1)

print('Setting Institution Attributes')
all_institutions = []
for x in range(1, 10):
    tname = Institution()  # the Code is set as the object instance name = x  #The name attribute is also set as the Code