Beispiel #1
async def sign_tx(ctx: wire.Context, msg: CardanoSignTx,
                  keychain: seed.Keychain) -> CardanoSignedTx:
    if msg.fee > LOVELACE_MAX_SUPPLY:
        raise wire.ProcessError("Fee is out of range!")

    validate_network_info(msg.network_id, msg.protocol_magic)

        if _has_stake_pool_registration(msg):
            cborized_tx, tx_hash = await _sign_stake_pool_registration_tx(
                ctx, msg, keychain)
            cborized_tx, tx_hash = await _sign_ordinary_tx(ctx, msg, keychain)

        signed_tx_chunks = cbor.encode_chunked(cborized_tx, MAX_TX_CHUNK_SIZE)

        for signed_tx_chunk in signed_tx_chunks:
            response = CardanoSignedTxChunk(signed_tx_chunk=signed_tx_chunk)
            await, CardanoSignedTxChunkAck)

        return CardanoSignedTx(tx_hash=tx_hash, serialized_tx=None)

    except ValueError as e:
        if __debug__:
            log.exception(__name__, e)
        raise wire.ProcessError("Signing failed")
    def test_encode_chunked(self):
        large_dict = {i: i for i in range(100)}
        encoded = encode(large_dict)

        encoded_len = len(encoded)
        assert encoded_len == 354

        arbitrary_encoded_len_factor = 59
        arbitrary_power_of_two = 64
        larger_than_encoded_len = encoded_len + 1

        for max_chunk_size in [
                1, 10, arbitrary_encoded_len_factor, arbitrary_power_of_two,
                encoded_len, larger_than_encoded_len
            encoded_chunks = [
                for chunk in encode_chunked(large_dict, max_chunk_size)

            expected_number_of_chunks = math.ceil(
                len(encoded) / max_chunk_size)
            self.assertEqual(len(encoded_chunks), expected_number_of_chunks)

            # all chunks except the last should be of chunk_size
            for i in range(len(encoded_chunks) - 1):
                self.assertEqual(len(encoded_chunks[i]), max_chunk_size)

            # last chunk should contain the remaining bytes or the whole chunk
            remaining_bytes = len(encoded) % max_chunk_size
            expected_last_chunk_size = remaining_bytes if remaining_bytes > 0 else max_chunk_size
            self.assertEqual(len(encoded_chunks[-1]), expected_last_chunk_size)

            self.assertEqual(b''.join(encoded_chunks), encoded)