Beispiel #1
def _get_prizes(team):
    """Private method to process the prizes half of the page.
       Takes the user's team and returns a dictionary to be used in the template."""

    prize_dict = {}
    today =
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]

    round_name = None
    for prize in Prize.objects.all():
        if prize.round:
            if round_name !=
                # a new round
                round_name =
                prize_dict[round_name] = []

            if today < rounds[round_name]["start"]:
                # If the round happens in the future, we don't care who the leader is.
                prize.current_leader = "TBD"
                # If we are in the middle of the round, display the current leader.
                if today < rounds[round_name]["end"]:
                    prize.current_leader = prize.leader(team)
                    prize.winner = prize.leader(team)


    return prize_dict
Beispiel #2
def supply(request, page_name):
    """Supply the view_objects content for this widget, which is all the scoreboard data."""

    user = request.user

    team = user.get_profile().team
    num_results = 10 if page_name != "status" else None
    round_standings = {}

    current_round = challenge_mgr.get_round_name()
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        if key == current_round or page_name == "status":
            round_standings[key] = {
                "team_standings": team_mgr.team_points_leaders(num_results, key),
                "profile_standings": player_mgr.points_leaders(num_results, key),
                "team_participation": team_mgr.team_active_participation(num_results, key) if \
                                      page_name == "status" else None,
                "user_team_standings": team.points_leaders(num_results, key) if \
                                       team and page_name != "status" else None,
    count = len(rounds)

    return {
        "profile": user.get_profile(),
        "team": team,
        "current_round": current_round,
        "round_standings": round_standings,
        "no_carousel": page_name == "status",
        "range": count,
        "user": user,
Beispiel #3
def supply(request, page_name):
    """supply view_objects for user status."""
    _ = page_name
    _ = request

    todays_users = Profile.objects.filter(

    # Approximate logins by their first points transaction.
    rounds_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
    start = rounds_info["competition_start"]
    today =

    users_anno = User.objects.annotate(login_date=Min('pointstransaction__transaction_date'))
    logins = []
    while start <= today:
        result = {}
        result['date'] = start.strftime("%m/%d")

        result['logins'] = users_anno.filter(login_date__gte=start,
            login_date__lt=start + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).count()
        start += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

    # Find referrals.
    referrals = Profile.objects.filter(referring_user__isnull=False).values(
        'referring_user__profile__name', 'referring_user__username').annotate(

    return {
        "todays_users": todays_users,
        'logins': logins,
        "referrals": referrals,
Beispiel #4
def resource_supply(request, resource, page_name):
    """Supply the view_objects content.
       :return: team, goals_scoreboard, resource_round_ranks"""

    user = request.user
    team =
    round_resource_ranks = {}
    round_group_resource_ranks = {}
    round_resource_goal_ranks = {}

    today =

    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        if rounds[key]["start"] <= today and\
            (rounds[key]["display_scoreboard"] or page_name == "status"):
            round_resource_ranks[key] = resource_mgr.resource_ranks(resource, key)
            round_group_resource_ranks[key] = resource_mgr.group_resource_ranks(resource, key)
            round_resource_goal_ranks[key] = resource_goal.resource_goal_ranks(resource, key)

    round_resource_ranks["Overall"] = resource_mgr.resource_ranks(resource, "Overall")
    round_group_resource_ranks["Overall"] = resource_mgr.group_resource_ranks(resource, "Overall")
    round_resource_goal_ranks["Overall"] = resource_goal.resource_goal_ranks(resource, "Overall")

    resource_setting = resource_mgr.get_resource_setting(resource)
    return {
        "profile": user.profile,
        "team": team,
        "resource": resource_setting,
        "round_resource_goal_ranks": round_resource_goal_ranks,
        "round_resource_ranks": round_resource_ranks,
        "round_group_resource_ranks": round_group_resource_ranks,
def resource_ranks(name, round_name=None):
    """Return the ranking of resource use for all teams."""

    cache_key = "%s_ranks-%s" % (name, slugify(round_name))
    ranks = cache_mgr.get_cache(cache_key)
    if ranks is None:
        resource_usage = _get_resource_usage(name)

        resource_setting = get_resource_setting(name)
        rate = resource_setting.conversion_rate
        if resource_setting.winning_order == "Ascending":
            ordering = "total"
            ordering = "-total"

        round_info = challenge_mgr.get_round_info(round_name)
        if not round_info:
            return None

        all_rounds_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()

        usage_ranks = resource_usage.objects.filter(

        ranks = []
        for rank in usage_ranks:
            ranks.append({"team__name": rank["team__name"],
                          "total": utils.format_usage(rank["total"], rate)})

        cache_mgr.set_cache(cache_key, ranks, 600)
    return ranks
Beispiel #6
def notify_round_started():
    """Notify the user of a start of a round."""
    if not challenge_mgr.in_competition():

    today =
    current_round = None
    previous_round = None
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        # We're looking for a round that ends today and another that starts
        # today (or overall)
        start = rounds[key]["start"]
        end = rounds[key]["end"]
        # Check yesterday's round and check for the current round.
        if start < (today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) < end:
            previous_round = key

        if start < today < end:
            current_round = key

    print "Previous Round: %s" % previous_round
    print "Current Round: %s" % current_round

    if current_round and previous_round and current_round != previous_round:
        print "Sending out round transition notices."
        template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type="round-transition")
        message = template.render({"PREVIOUS_ROUND": previous_round, "CURRENT_ROUND": current_round})
        for user in User.objects.all():
            UserNotification.create_info_notification(user, message, display_alert=True)
Beispiel #7
def _get_prizes(team):
    """Private method to process the prizes half of the page.
       Takes the user's team and returns a dictionary to be used in the template."""

    prize_dict = {}
    today =
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]

    round_name = None
    for prize in Prize.objects.all():
        if prize.round:
            if round_name !=
                # a new round
                round_name =
                prize_dict[round_name] = []

            if today < rounds[round_name]["start"]:
                # If the round happens in the future, we don't care who the leader is.
                prize.current_leader = "TBD"
                # If we are in the middle of the round, display the current leader.
                if today < rounds[round_name]["end"]:
                    prize.current_leader = prize.leader(team)
                    prize.winner = prize.leader(team)


    return prize_dict
def _get_round_start_end(round_name=None):
    """return the start and end date of a round regarding the round_reset."""
    if round_name == "Overall":
        all_round_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
        start = all_round_info["competition_start"]
        end = all_round_info["competition_end"]
        round_info = challenge_mgr.get_round_info(round_name)
        if not round_info:
            return None

        end = round_info["end"].date
        if round_info["round_reset"]:
            start = round_info["start"].date
            # if no round reset, use the competition_start as start date
            start = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["competition_start"]

    return start, end
Beispiel #9
def supply(request, page_name):
    """Supply the view_objects content for this widget, which is all the scoreboard data."""

    user = request.user

    team =
    num_results = 10 if page_name != "status" else None
    round_standings = {}

    current_round = challenge_mgr.get_round_name()
    today =
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        # 1. always display current round
        # 2. if not future round
        #    a. display the round with the "display_scoreboard" flag
        #    b. display in the status page
        if rounds[key]["start"] <= today and \
            (rounds[key]["display_scoreboard"] or page_name == "status"):
            round_standings[key] = {
                #"group_standings": team_mgr.group_points_leaders(num_results, key),
                "team_standings": team_mgr.team_points_leaders(num_results, key),
                "profile_standings": player_mgr.points_leaders(num_results, key),
                #"group_participation": team_mgr.group_active_participation(num_results, key) if \
                #    page_name == "status" else None,
                "team_participation": team_mgr.team_active_participation(num_results, key) if \
                                      page_name == "status" else None,
                "user_team_standings": team.points_leaders(num_results, key) if \
                                       team and page_name != "status" else None,
    # add an overall scoreboard
    round_standings["Overall"] = {
        #"group_standings": team_mgr.group_points_leaders(num_results, "Overall"),
        "team_standings": team_mgr.team_points_leaders(num_results, "Overall"),
        "profile_standings": player_mgr.points_leaders(num_results, "Overall"),
        #"group_participation": team_mgr.group_active_participation(num_results, "Overall") if\
        #    page_name == "status" else None,
        "team_participation": team_mgr.team_active_participation(num_results, "Overall") if \
            page_name == "status" else None,
    count = len(rounds)

    return {
        "profile": user.profile,
        "team": team,
        "current_round": current_round,
        "round_standings": round_standings,
        "no_carousel": page_name == "status",
        "range": count,
        "user": user,
Beispiel #10
def supply(request, page_name):
    """Supply the view_objects content for this widget, which is all the scoreboard data."""

    user = request.user

    team = user.get_profile().team
    num_results = 10 if page_name != "status" else None
    round_standings = {}

    current_round = challenge_mgr.get_round_name()
    today =
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        # 1. always display current round
        # 2. if not future round
        #    a. display the round with the "display_scoreboard" flag
        #    b. display in the status page
        if rounds[key]["start"] <= today and \
            (rounds[key]["display_scoreboard"] or page_name == "status"):
            round_standings[key] = {
                "group_standings": team_mgr.group_points_leaders(num_results, key),
                "team_standings": team_mgr.team_points_leaders(num_results, key),
                "profile_standings": player_mgr.points_leaders(num_results, key),
                "group_participation": team_mgr.group_active_participation(num_results, key) if \
                    page_name == "status" else None,
                "team_participation": team_mgr.team_active_participation(num_results, key) if \
                                      page_name == "status" else None,
                "user_team_standings": team.points_leaders(num_results, key) if \
                                       team and page_name != "status" else None,
    # add an overall scoreboard
    round_standings["Overall"] = {
        "group_standings": team_mgr.group_points_leaders(num_results, "Overall"),
        "team_standings": team_mgr.team_points_leaders(num_results, "Overall"),
        "profile_standings": player_mgr.points_leaders(num_results, "Overall"),
        "group_participation": team_mgr.group_active_participation(num_results, "Overall") if\
            page_name == "status" else None,
        "team_participation": team_mgr.team_active_participation(num_results, "Overall") if \
            page_name == "status" else None,

    count = len(rounds)

    return {
        "profile": user.get_profile(),
        "team": team,
        "current_round": current_round,
        "round_standings": round_standings,
        "no_carousel": page_name == "status",
        "range": count,
        "user": user,
Beispiel #11
def restricted(request):
    """The view when they have logged in before the competition begins."""

    # If we are in the competition, bring them back to the home page.
    if challenge_mgr.in_competition():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home_index'))
    rounds_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
    start = rounds_info["competition_start"]
    end = rounds_info["competition_end"]
    return render_to_response("widgets/home/templates/restricted.html", {
        "before": < start,
        "start": start,
        "end": end,
        }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #12
def notify_round_started():
    """Notify the user of a start of a round."""
    if not challenge_mgr.in_competition():

    today =
    current_round = None
    previous_round = None
    all_round_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
    rounds = all_round_info["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        # We're looking for a round that ends today and another that starts
        # today (or overall)
        start = rounds[key]["start"]
        end = rounds[key]["end"]
        # Check yesterday's round and check for the current round.
        if start < (today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) < end:
            previous_round = key

        if start < today < end:
            current_round = key

    print 'Previous Round: %s' % previous_round
    print 'Current Round: %s' % current_round

    if current_round and previous_round and current_round != previous_round:
        # only carry over the scoreboard entry if the round don't need to be reset
        if not rounds[current_round]["round_reset"]:
            print "carry over scoreboard entry to new round."
            score_mgr.copy_scoreboard_entry(previous_round, current_round)

    # if there is a gap, previous_round is null, check if it is not out of round
    if current_round and current_round != previous_round and\
       all_round_info["competition_start"] <= today <= all_round_info["competition_end"]:
        print 'Sending out round transition notices.'
        template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type="round-transition")
        message = template.render({
            "PREVIOUS_ROUND": previous_round,
            "CURRENT_ROUND": current_round,
        for user in User.objects.all():
Beispiel #13
def supply(request, page_name):
    """supply view_objects for prize status."""
    _ = page_name
    _ = request

    # get the raffle_prizes for all rounds
    raffle_prizes = {}
    for round_name in challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]:
        raffle_prizes[round_name] = RafflePrize.objects.filter(round_name=round_name).all()

    # Calculate unused raffle tickets for every user.
    elig_entries = ScoreboardEntry.objects.filter(

    unused = 0
    errors = []
    for entry in elig_entries:
        available = (entry.points / 25) - entry.profile.user.raffleticket_set.count()
        if available < 0:
        unused += available

    # get user/ticket pairings
    unused_tickets = {}
    temp = {}
    for item in ScoreboardEntry.objects.all():
        if( in temp):
            temp[] = (item.profile, temp[][1] + item.points)
            temp[] = (item.profile, item.points)

    for item, key in temp.iteritems():
        unused_tickets[key[0]] = key[1] / 25 - key[0].user.raffleticket_set.count()

    sorted_list = sorted(unused_tickets.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

    return {
        "raffle_prizes": raffle_prizes,
        "unused": unused,
        "unused_tickets": sorted_list,
        "has_error": len(errors) > 0,
        "errors": errors,
Beispiel #14
def supply(request, page_name):
    """supply view_objects for prize status."""
    _ = page_name
    _ = request

    # get the raffle_prizes for all rounds
    raffle_prizes = {}
    today =

    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        if rounds[key]["start"] <= today:
            raffle_prizes[key] = RafflePrize.objects.filter(

    return {
        "raffle_prizes": raffle_prizes,
Beispiel #15
def supply(request, page_name):
    """supply view_objects for user status."""
    _ = page_name
    _ = request

    #todays_users = Profile.objects.filter(

    rounds_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
    start = rounds_info["competition_start"]
    daily_status = DailyStatus.objects.filter(short_date__gte=start).order_by('short_date')
    prior_day_users = 0
    for status in daily_status:
        status.display_date = "%d/%d" % (status.short_date.month,
        status.new_users = status.setup_users - prior_day_users
        prior_day_users = status.setup_users

    return {
        "daily_status": daily_status,
Beispiel #16
def supply(request, page_name):
    """supply view_objects for prize status."""
    _ = page_name
    _ = request

    # get the raffle_prizes for all rounds
    raffle_prizes = {}
    today =

    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        if rounds[key]["start"] <= today:
            raffle_prizes[key] = RafflePrize.objects.filter(

    return {
        "raffle_prizes": raffle_prizes,
Beispiel #17
def supply(request, page_name):
    """Supply the view_objects content for this widget, which is participation data."""

    _ = request
    _ = page_name

    round_participation_ranks = {}

    today =
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        if rounds[key]["start"] <= today and\
            (rounds[key]["display_scoreboard"] or page_name == "status"):
            round_participation_ranks[key] = participation.participation_ranks(key)

    round_participation_ranks["Overall"] = participation.participation_ranks("Overall")

    return {
        "round_participation_ranks": round_participation_ranks,
Beispiel #18
def notify_round_started():
    """Notify the user of a start of a round."""
    if not challenge_mgr.in_competition():

    today =
    current_round = None
    previous_round = None
    all_round_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
    rounds = all_round_info["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        # We're looking for a round that ends today and another that starts
        # today (or overall)
        start = rounds[key]["start"]
        end = rounds[key]["end"]
        # Check yesterday's round and check for the current round.
        if start < (today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) < end:
            previous_round = key

        if start < today < end:
            current_round = key

    print 'Previous Round: %s' % previous_round
    print 'Current Round: %s' % current_round

    if current_round and previous_round and current_round != previous_round:
        # only carry over the scoreboard entry if the round don't need to be reset
        if not rounds[current_round]["round_reset"]:
            print "carry over scoreboard entry to new round."
            score_mgr.copy_scoreboard_entry(previous_round, current_round)

    # if there is a gap, previous_round is null, check if it is not out of round
    if current_round and current_round != previous_round and\
       all_round_info["competition_start"] <= today <= all_round_info["competition_end"]:
        print 'Sending out round transition notices.'
        template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type="round-transition")
        message = template.render({"PREVIOUS_ROUND": previous_round,
                                   "CURRENT_ROUND": current_round, })
        for user in User.objects.all():
            UserNotification.create_info_notification(user, message,
Beispiel #19
def restricted(request):
    """The view when they have logged in before the competition begins."""

    # If we are in the competition, bring them back to the home page.
    if challenge_mgr.in_competition():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home_index'))
    rounds_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
    today =
    start = rounds_info["competition_start"]
    before = today < start
    end = today > rounds_info["competition_end"]
    if not before:
        next_round = challenge_mgr.get_next_round_info()
        if next_round:
            start = next_round["start"]

    return render_to_response("widgets/home/templates/restricted.html", {
        "before": before,
        "start": start,
        "end": end,
        }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #20
def resource_supply(request, resource, page_name):
    """Supply the view_objects content.
       :return: team, goals_scoreboard, resource_round_ranks"""

    user = request.user
    team = user.get_profile().team
    round_resource_ranks = {}
    round_resource_goal_ranks = {}

    current_round = challenge_mgr.get_round_name()
    rounds = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"]
    for key in rounds.keys():
        if key == current_round or page_name == "status":
            round_resource_ranks[key] = resource_mgr.resource_ranks(resource, key)
            round_resource_goal_ranks[key] = resource_goal.resource_goal_ranks(resource, key)

    resource_setting = resource_mgr.get_resource_setting(resource)
    return {
        "profile": user.get_profile(),
        "team": team,
        "resource": resource_setting,
        "round_resource_goal_ranks": round_resource_goal_ranks,
        "round_resource_ranks": round_resource_ranks,
Beispiel #21
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Custom save method."""
     super(TeamParticipation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
     for round_name in challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"].keys():
         cache_mgr.delete("p_ranks-%s" % slugify(round_name))
def check_daily_resource_goal(team, resource):
    """Check the daily goal, award points to the team members if the goal is met.
    Returns the number of players in the team that got the award."""

    # because the check is scheduled at midnight, we should check the previous day's data
    today =
    if today.hour == 0:
        today = today - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
    # do nothing if out of round
    rounds_info = challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()
    if not rounds_info["competition_start"] < today < rounds_info["competition_end"]:
        return 0

    date =
    actual_usage = None

    resource_data = resource_mgr.team_resource_data(date, team, resource)
    if resource_data:
        goal_settings = team_goal_settings(team, resource)
        goal_usage = team_daily_goal_usage(date, team, resource, goal_settings)

        # check if the manual entry time is within the target time,
        # otherwise can not determine the actual usage
        if not goal_settings.manual_entry or  \
            (goal_settings.manual_entry_time.hour <= resource_data.time.hour and\
             resource_data.time.hour <= (goal_settings.manual_entry_time.hour + 1)):
            actual_usage = resource_data.usage

    count = 0

    goal = _get_resource_goal(resource)
    goal, _ = goal.objects.get_or_create(team=team, date=date)

    if actual_usage:
        if actual_usage <= goal_usage:
            # if already awarded, do nothing
            if goal.goal_status != "Below the goal":
                goal.goal_status = "Below the goal"

                # record the reduction percentage
                goal.percent_reduction = (goal_usage - actual_usage) * 100 / goal_usage

                # adjust the current goal percentage
                _adjust_goal_percent(date, team, resource, goal_settings, goal)

                # Award points to the members of the team.
                goal_points = goal_settings.goal_points
                for profile in team.profile_set.all():
                    if profile.setup_complete:
                        today =
                        # Hack to get around executing this script at midnight.  We want to award
                        # points earlier to ensure they are within the round they were completed.
                        if today.hour == 0:
                            today = today - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)

                        date = "%d/%d/%d" % (today.month,, today.year)
                        profile.add_points(goal_points, today,
                                           "Team %s Goal for %s" % (resource, date), goal)
                        count += 1
            goal.goal_status = "Over the goal"
        # if can not determine the actual usage, set the status to unknown
        goal.goal_status = "Unknown"

    return count
Beispiel #23
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Custom save method."""
     super(TeamParticipation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
     for round_name in challenge_mgr.get_all_round_info()["rounds"].keys():
         cache_mgr.delete("p_ranks-%s" % slugify(round_name))