def batch_get_entity(self, table_name, row_keys, column_names):
    Takes in batches of keys and retrieves their corresponding rows.

      table_name: The table to access
      row_keys: A list of keys to access
      column_names: A list of columns to access
      A dictionary of rows and columns/values of those rows. The format
      looks like such: {key:{column_name:value,...}}
      TypeError: If an argument passed in was not of the expected type.
      AppScaleDBConnectionError: If the batch_get could not be performed due to
        an error with Cassandra.
        if not isinstance(table_name, str): raise TypeError("Expected a str")
        if not isinstance(column_names, list):
            raise TypeError("Expected a list")
        if not isinstance(row_keys, list): raise TypeError("Expected a list")

        row_keys_bytes = [bytearray(row_key) for row_key in row_keys]

        statement = 'SELECT * FROM "{table}" '\
                    'WHERE {key} IN %s and {column} IN %s'.format(
        query = SimpleStatement(statement, retry_policy=BASIC_RETRIES)

        results = []
        # Split the rows up into chunks to reduce the likelihood of timeouts.
        chunk_indexes = [
            (n, n + ENTITY_FETCH_THRESHOLD)
            for n in xrange(0, len(row_keys_bytes), ENTITY_FETCH_THRESHOLD)

        # TODO: This can be made more efficient by maintaining a constant number
        # of concurrent requests rather than waiting for each batch to complete.
        for start, end in chunk_indexes:
            parameters = (ValueSequence(row_keys_bytes[start:end]),
                batch_results = yield self.tornado_cassandra.execute(
                    query, parameters=parameters)
            except dbconstants.TRANSIENT_CASSANDRA_ERRORS:
                message = 'Exception during batch_get_entity'
                raise AppScaleDBConnectionError(message)


        results_dict = {row_key: {} for row_key in row_keys}
        for (key, column, value) in results:
            if key not in results_dict:
                results_dict[key] = {}

            results_dict[key][column] = value

        raise gen.Return(results_dict)