def testUpWithEC2EnvironmentVariables(self): # if the user wants us to use their EC2 credentials when running AppScale, # we should make sure they get set appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1, 'EC2_ACCESS_KEY' : 'access key', 'EC2_SECRET_KEY' : 'secret key' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, pretend that our ec2 image to use exists fake_ec2 = flexmock(name="fake_ec2") fake_ec2.should_receive('get_image').with_args('ami-ABCDEFG') \ .and_return() flexmock(boto) boto.should_receive('connect_ec2').with_args('access key', 'secret key') \ .and_return(fake_ec2) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') appscale.up() self.assertEquals('access key', os.environ['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']) self.assertEquals('secret key', os.environ['EC2_SECRET_KEY'])
def testDestroyWithEC2EnvironmentVariables(self): # if the user wants us to use their EC2 credentials when running AppScale, # we should make sure they get set appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1, 'EC2_ACCESS_KEY' : 'access key', 'EC2_SECRET_KEY' : 'secret key' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-terminate-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('terminate_instances') appscale.destroy() self.assertEquals('access key', os.environ['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']) self.assertEquals('secret key', os.environ['EC2_SECRET_KEY'])
def testDeployWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale deploy app' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-upload-app' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'verbose' : True, 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1 } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call fake_port = 8080 fake_host = 'fake_host' flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('upload_app').and_return( (fake_host, fake_port)) app = '/bar/app' (host, port) = appscale.deploy(app) self.assertEquals(fake_host, host) self.assertEquals(fake_port, port)
def testCleanInClusterDeployment(self): # calling 'appscale clean' in a cluster deployment should ssh into each of # the boxes specified in the ips_layout and run the terminate script # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'ips_layout' : { 'controller': 'public1', 'servers': ['public2', 'public3'] }, 'test' : True } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) flexmock(RemoteHelper) RemoteHelper.should_receive('ssh') \ .with_args(re.compile('public[123]'), 'appscale', str, False) flexmock(LocalState) LocalState.should_receive('cleanup_appscale_files').with_args('appscale') appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) expected = ['public1', 'public2', 'public3'] self.assertEquals(expected, appscale.clean())
def testDeployWithCloudAppScalefileAndTestFlag(self): # same as before, but with the 'test' flag in our AppScalefile appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'verbose' : True, 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1, 'test' : True } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call fake_port = 8080 fake_host = 'fake_host' flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('upload_app').and_return( (fake_host, fake_port)) app = '/bar/app' (host, port) = appscale.deploy(app) self.assertEquals(fake_host, host) self.assertEquals(fake_port, port)
def testUndeployWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale undeploy app' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-remove-app' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'verbose' : True, 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1 } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('remove_app') app = 'barapp' appscale.undeploy(app)
def testTailWithIndexInBounds(self): # calling 'appscale tail 1 *' should tail from the second node # (nodes[1]). If there are two nodes in this deployment, # we should tail from it successfully appscale = AppScale() contents = { 'keyname' : 'boo' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) one = { 'public_ip' : 'blarg' } two = { 'public_ip' : 'blarg2' } nodes = [one, two] nodes_contents = json.dumps(nodes) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) (mock.should_receive('open') .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file('boo')) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: nodes_contents))) flexmock(subprocess) subprocess.should_receive('call').with_args(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostkeyChecking=no", "-i", appscale.get_key_location('boo'), "root@blarg2", "tail -f /var/log/appscale/c*"]).and_return().once() appscale.tail(1, "c*")
def testUpWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is an AppScalefile present # should call appscale-run-instances with the given config # params. here, we assume that the file is intended for use # on EC2 appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1 } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # throw in some mocks for the argument parsing for credential in EC2Agent.REQUIRED_CREDENTIALS: os.environ[credential] = "baz" # finally, pretend that our ec2 image to use exists fake_ec2 = flexmock(name="fake_ec2") fake_ec2.should_receive('get_image').with_args('ami-ABCDEFG') \ .and_return() flexmock(boto) boto.should_receive('connect_ec2').with_args('baz', 'baz').and_return(fake_ec2) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') appscale.up()
def get_key_name(self): """ read key name from AppScalefile, which is by default believed in the current working directory. """ appscale = AppScale() contents = appscale.read_appscalefile() contents_as_yaml = yaml.safe_load(contents) if "keyname" in contents_as_yaml: return contents_as_yaml["keyname"] else: print "No keyname found in AppScalefile...Abort\n"
def testGetLogsWithNoKeyname(self): # calling 'appscale logs dir' with no keyname should produce # a command to exec without the --keyname flag appscale = AppScale() contents = { } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # mock out the actual call to appscale-gather-logs flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') appscale.logs('/baz')
def testTailWithNoNodesJson(self): # calling 'appscale tail' when there isn't a locations.json # file should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() contents = { 'keyname' : 'boo' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) (mock.should_receive('open') .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file('boo')) .and_raise(IOError)) self.assertRaises(AppScaleException, appscale.tail, 0, "")
def testInitWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale init cloud' if there's no AppScalefile in the local # directory should write a new cloud config file there appscale = AppScale() flexmock(os) os.should_receive('getcwd').and_return('/boo').once() flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args('/boo/' + appscale.APPSCALEFILE).and_return(False).once() # mock out the actual writing of the template file flexmock(shutil) shutil.should_receive('copy').with_args(appscale.TEMPLATE_CLOUD_APPSCALEFILE, '/boo/' + appscale.APPSCALEFILE).and_return().once() appscale.init('cloud')
def testUpWithEC2EnvironmentVariables(self): # if the user wants us to use their EC2 credentials when running AppScale, # we should make sure they get set appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1, 'EC2_ACCESS_KEY' : 'access key', 'EC2_SECRET_KEY' : 'secret key', 'zone' : 'my-zone-1b' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( '/boo/' + appscale.APPSCALEFILE).and_return(True) # finally, pretend that our ec2 zone/image to use exist fake_ec2 = flexmock(name="fake_ec2") fake_ec2.should_receive('get_all_instances') fake_ec2.should_receive('get_all_zones').with_args('my-zone-1b') \ .and_return('anything') fake_ec2.should_receive('get_image').with_args('ami-ABCDEFG') \ .and_return() flexmock(boto.ec2) boto.ec2.should_receive('connect_to_region').with_args('my-zone-1', aws_access_key_id='access key', aws_secret_access_key='secret key').and_return(fake_ec2) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') appscale.up() self.assertEquals('access key', os.environ['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']) self.assertEquals('secret key', os.environ['EC2_SECRET_KEY'])
def testTailWithIndexOutOfBounds(self): # calling 'appscale tail 1 *' should tail from the second node # (nodes[1]). If there's only one node in this deployment, # we should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() contents = { 'keyname' : 'boo' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) one = { 'public_ip' : 'blarg' } nodes = [one] nodes_contents = json.dumps(nodes) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) (mock.should_receive('open') .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file('boo')) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: nodes_contents))) self.assertRaises(AppScaleException, appscale.tail, 1, '')
def testTailWithIndexInBounds(self): # calling 'appscale tail 1 *' should tail from the second node # (nodes[1]). If there are two nodes in this deployment, # we should tail from it successfully appscale = AppScale() contents = { 'keyname' : 'boo' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) one = { 'public_ip' : 'blarg' } two = { 'public_ip' : 'blarg2' } nodes = [one, two] nodes_contents = json.dumps(nodes) mock = self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) (mock.should_receive('open') .with_args(appscale.get_locations_json_file('boo')) .and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: nodes_contents))) flexmock(subprocess) subprocess.should_receive('call').with_args(["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostkeyChecking=no", "-i", appscale.get_key_location('boo'), "root@blarg2", "tail -F /var/log/appscale/c*"]).and_return().once() appscale.tail(1, "c*")
def testUpWithClusterAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is an AppScalefile present # should call appscale-run-instances with the given config # params. here, we assume that the file is intended for use # on a virtualized cluster appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'ips_layout': { 'master': 'ip1', 'appengine': 'ip1', 'database': 'ip2', 'zookeeper': 'ip2' }, 'keyname': 'boobazblarg' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) base64_ips_layout = base64.b64encode(yaml.dump(contents["ips_layout"])) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # for this test, let's say that we don't have an SSH key already # set up for ip1 and ip2 # TODO(cgb): Add in tests where we have a key for ip1 but not ip2, # and the case where we have a key but it doesn't work flexmock(os.path) key_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.appscale/boobazblarg.key') os.path.should_call('exists') os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args(key_path).and_return( False).once() # finally, mock out the actual appscale tools calls. since we're running # via a cluster, this means we call add-keypair to set up SSH keys, then # run-instances to start appscale flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('add_keypair') AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') appscale.up()
def testInitWithAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale init cloud' if there is an AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() flexmock(os) os.should_receive('getcwd').and_return('/boo').once() flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( '/boo/' + appscale.APPSCALEFILE).and_return(True).once() self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.init, 'cloud')
def testUpWithClusterAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is an AppScalefile present # should call appscale-run-instances with the given config # params. here, we assume that the file is intended for use # on a virtualized cluster appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'ips_layout': {'master': 'ip1', 'appengine': 'ip1', 'database': 'ip2', 'zookeeper': 'ip2'}, 'keyname': 'boobazblarg', 'group': 'boobazblarg' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( '/boo/' + appscale.APPSCALEFILE).and_return(True) # for this test, let's say that we don't have an SSH key already # set up for ip1 and ip2 # TODO(cgb): Add in tests where we have a key for ip1 but not ip2, # and the case where we have a key but it doesn't work key_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.appscale/boobazblarg.key') os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args(key_path).and_return(False) # finally, mock out the actual appscale tools calls. since we're running # via a cluster, this means we call add-keypair to set up SSH keys, then # run-instances to start appscale flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('add_keypair') AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') appscale.up()
def testGetLogsWithKeyname(self): # calling 'appscale logs dir' with a keyname should produce # a command to exec with the --keyname flag appscale = AppScale() contents = { "keyname" : "boo" } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # mock out the actual call to appscale-gather-logs flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') self.assertRaises(BadConfigurationException, appscale.logs, '/baz')
def testDestroyWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale destroy' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-terminate-instances' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'verbose' : True, 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1 } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-terminate-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('terminate_instances') appscale.destroy()
def testSetPropertyWithAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale set' with an AppScalefile in the local # directory should collect any parameters needed for the # 'appscale-get-property' command and then exec it appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'verbose' : True, 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1 } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-set-property call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('set_property') appscale.set('key', 'value')
def testUpWithCloudAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is an AppScalefile present # should call appscale-run-instances with the given config # params. here, we assume that the file is intended for use # on EC2 appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure': 'ec2', 'machine': 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname': 'bookey', 'group': 'boogroup', 'min': 1, 'max': 1 } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # throw in some mocks for the argument parsing for credential in EC2Agent.REQUIRED_CREDENTIALS: os.environ[credential] = "baz" # finally, pretend that our ec2 image to use exists fake_ec2 = flexmock(name="fake_ec2") fake_ec2.should_receive('get_image').with_args('ami-ABCDEFG') \ .and_return() flexmock(boto) boto.should_receive('connect_ec2').with_args( 'baz', 'baz').and_return(fake_ec2) # finally, mock out the actual appscale-run-instances call flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('run_instances') appscale.up()
def test_register(self): appscale_yaml = {'keyname': 'boo'} deployment = { 'name': 'bar', 'deployment_id': 'baz', 'nodes': [{'public_ip': 'public1', 'jobs': ['shadow']}] } flexmock(AppScale).should_receive('read_appscalefile')\ .and_return(yaml.dump(appscale_yaml)) flexmock(yaml).should_receive('safe_load').and_return({'keyname': 'boo'}) flexmock(AppScale).should_receive('get_nodes')\ .and_return(deployment['nodes']) flexmock(AppScale).should_receive('get_head_node')\ .and_return(deployment['nodes'][0]) flexmock(RegistrationHelper).should_receive('update_deployment') \ .and_return(deployment) flexmock(RegistrationHelper).should_receive('set_deployment_id') \ .and_return() appscale = AppScale() # If the deployment already has an ID and it differs from the one given, # the tools should raise an AppScaleException. existing_deployment_id = 'blarg' flexmock(RegistrationHelper).should_receive('appscale_has_deployment_id')\ .and_return(True) flexmock(RegistrationHelper).should_receive('get_deployment_id')\ .and_return(existing_deployment_id) with self.assertRaises(AppScaleException): appscale.register(deployment['deployment_id']) # If the existing deployment ID is the same as the given deployment ID, # the tools should try to complete the registration with the portal. existing_deployment_id = 'baz' flexmock(RegistrationHelper).should_receive('get_deployment_id') \ .and_return(existing_deployment_id) appscale.register(deployment['deployment_id']) # If the deployment does not have an ID set, the tools should try to # complete the registration. flexmock(RegistrationHelper).should_receive('appscale_has_deployment_id')\ .and_return(False) appscale.register(deployment['deployment_id'])
def testCleanInCloudDeployment(self): # calling 'appscale clean' in a cloud deployment should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'machine' : 'ami-ABCDEFG', 'keyname' : 'bookey', 'group' : 'boogroup', 'verbose' : True, 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1 } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) self.assertRaises(BadConfigurationException, appscale.clean)
def test_get_nodes(self): appscale = flexmock(AppScale()) builtin = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtin.should_call('open') nodes = [{'public_ip': 'blarg'}] appscale_yaml = {'keyname': 'boo'} appscale.should_receive('get_locations_json_file').\ and_return('locations.json') # If the locations JSON file exists, it should return the locations as a # dictionary. builtin.should_receive('open').with_args('locations.json').\ and_return(flexmock(read=lambda: json.dumps(nodes))) self.assertEqual(nodes, appscale.get_nodes(appscale_yaml['keyname'])) # If the locations JSON file does not exist, it should throw an # AppScaleException. builtin.should_receive('open').with_args('locations.json').\ and_raise(IOError) with self.assertRaises(AppScaleException): appscale.get_nodes(appscale_yaml['keyname'])
def testUpWithMalformedClusterAppScalefile(self): # if we try to use an IPs layout that isn't a dictionary, we should throw up # and die appscale = AppScale() # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file, with an IPs layout that is a str contents = { 'ips_layout': "'master' 'ip1' 'appengine' 'ip1'", 'keyname': 'boobazblarg' } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) base64_ips_layout = base64.b64encode(yaml.dump(contents["ips_layout"])) self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) # finally, mock out the actual appscale tools calls. since we're running # via a cluster, this means we call add-keypair to set up SSH keys, then # run-instances to start appscale flexmock(AppScaleTools) AppScaleTools.should_receive('add_keypair') self.assertRaises(BadConfigurationException, appscale.up)
def testUpWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale up' if there is no AppScalefile present # should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.up)
def testSshWithNotIntArg(self): # calling 'appscale ssh not-int' should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, "") self.assertRaises(TypeError, appscale.ssh, "boo")
def testTailWithNotIntArg(self): # calling 'appscale tail not-int *' should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, "") self.assertRaises(TypeError, appscale.tail, "boo", "")
def testRelocateWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale relocate' with no AppScalefile in the local directory # should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.relocate, 'myapp', 80, 443)
def testCleanWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale clean' with no AppScalefile in the local # directory should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.clean)
def testSetPropertyWithNoAppScalefile(self): # calling 'appscale set' with no AppScalefile in the local directory # should throw up and die appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForNoAppScalefile(appscale) self.assertRaises(AppScalefileException, appscale.set, 'key', 'value')