Beispiel #1
Datei: Projekt: yt752/aps
    def __init__(self,
                 checkpoint: Path,
                 metrics: List[str],
                 rank: Optional[int] = None,
                 period: int = 100,
                 tensorboard: bool = True,
                 reduction_tag: str = "none") -> None:
        # NOTE on reduction_tag:
        #   1) for asr tasks we use #tok (token level)
        #   2) for sse tasks we use $utt (utterance level)
        self.rank = rank
        self.period = period
        self.reduction_tag = reduction_tag
        # mkdir
        checkpoint.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        if rank is None:
            logger_loc = (checkpoint / "trainer.log").as_posix()
            self.header = "Trainer"
            logger_loc = (checkpoint / f"trainer.rank.{rank}.log").as_posix()
            self.header = f"Rank {rank}"

        self.logger = get_logger(logger_loc, file=True)
        # only for rank-0
        if tensorboard and rank in [0, None]:
            if not tensorboard_available:
                warnings.warn("tensorboard not installed thus disable it...")
                self.board_writer = None
                self.board_writer = SummaryWriter(checkpoint)
            self.board_writer = None
        self.metrics = metrics
Beispiel #2
# Copyright 2020 Jian Wu
# License: Apache 2.0 (
Beam search for transformer based AM (Transformer decoder)
import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as tf

from aps.asr.beam_search.utils import BeamSearchParam, BeamTracker, BatchBeamTracker
from aps.asr.beam_search.lm import lm_score_impl, LmType
from aps.utils import get_logger
from typing import List, Dict, Optional

logger = get_logger(__name__)

def greedy_search(decoder: nn.Module,
                  enc_out: th.Tensor,
                  sos: int = -1,
                  eos: int = -1,
                  len_norm: bool = True) -> List[Dict]:
    Greedy search (for debugging, should equal to beam search with #beam-size == 1)
    if sos < 0 or eos < 0:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid SOS/EOS ID: {sos:d}/{eos:d}")
    # T x N x D
    _, N, _ = enc_out.shape
    if N != 1: