Beispiel #1
def get_download_stats():
    @summary: Return a tuple (month, day) with the top 25 of downloaded apps last day and month
    @return: (month, day)
            month: list of (app, clicks) for the last month
            day:   list of (app, clicks) for the current day
    ret = ([], [])
    now_str ="%Y-%m-%d")
    month = " SELECT	MAX( s.package )," \
            "           ( SELECT" \
            "             FROM application a" \
            "                  INNER JOIN package x" \
            "                  ON ( a.source_package = x.package OR a.source_package = x.source )" \
            "             WHERE x.package = s.package " \
            "             AND   x.install_class = 'M' " \
            "             LIMIT 1  )," \
            "           SUM(s.hits)" \
            " FROM	package_stats s" \
            " %(where)s " \
            " GROUP BY	2" \
            " ORDER BY	SUM(s.hits)" \
            " DESC LIMIT 25 "
    engine = database.engine()
    for i, l in enumerate(ret):
        # month
        if i == 0:
            where = ""
        # day
            where = "WHERE ddate='%(now_str)s'" % locals()
        sql = month % locals()
        sql = text(sql)
        package = engine.execute(sql).fetchall()
        # setting l = ... does not work. append all elements instead.
    return ret
Beispiel #2
def get_download_stats():
    @summary: Return a tuple (month, day) with the top 25 of downloaded apps last day and month
    @return: (month, day)
            month: list of (app, clicks) for the last month
            day:   list of (app, clicks) for the current day
    ret = ([], [])
    now_str ="%Y-%m-%d")
    month = " SELECT	MAX( s.package )," \
            "           ( SELECT" \
            "             FROM application a" \
            "                  INNER JOIN package x" \
            "                  ON ( a.source_package = x.package OR a.source_package = x.source )" \
            "             WHERE x.package = s.package " \
            "             AND   x.install_class = 'M' " \
            "             LIMIT 1  )," \
            "           SUM(s.hits)" \
            " FROM	package_stats s" \
            " %(where)s " \
            " GROUP BY	2" \
            " ORDER BY	SUM(s.hits)" \
            " DESC LIMIT 25 "
    engine = database.engine()
    for i,l in enumerate(ret):
        # month
        if i == 0:
            where = ""
        # day
            where = "WHERE ddate='%(now_str)s'"%locals()
        sql = month % locals()
        sql = engine.text(sql)
        package = sql.execute().fetchall()
        # setting l = ... does not work. append all elements instead.
    return ret
Beispiel #3
def get_applications_list(q, category, release, page = 1, items_per_page = 10):
    @summary: Returns a list of packages and the associated applications
    @param q: search keyword string (to be matched with app names and short descriptions)
    @param exact_search: flag to enable/disable exact search 
        if enabled search only for app name == q or package name == q
    @param category: category (a Category DB entity)
    @param items_per_page: max number of applications to be returned
    @param page: page number to be used as the initial row offset (page*limit)  
    @return: (app_list, package_dict, data_count)
        app_list : list of applications (Application db entity)
        app_dict: dict containing the package information for packages related 
            to the app_list.  The application id is the dict key.
        page_count : total number of pages, useful for pagination
    if page < 0:
        page = 1
    # First we need to determine the ids for package lists matching the release
    # selection filter
    if not release or release == "all":
        packagelists = PackageList.query.all()
        packagelists = PackageList.query.filter_by(version = release).all()
    packagelist_ids = []
    for plist in packagelists:
        if plist.suite.endswith('-testing'):
    if len(packagelist_ids) == 0: # an empty db
        return ([], {}, 0)
    selected_plists = ' ,'.join(packagelist_ids)
    sql_args = {}
    # We will use a 2 steps process to identify the list of packages/apps that
    # that will be returned
    # STEP 1 - Get list of apps with updates matching the search criteria
    # Get the list of main packages name and and related applications ids
    # ordered with newer packages (last modified) on the top
    sql_select_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "
    sql_select_data = "SELECT DISTINCT, package "
    sql_where = " WHERE package.install_class='M' "    
    sql_join_where = "(application.source_package = package.package OR application.source_package = package.source)"
    sql_limit = " LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset"
    sql_args['limit'] = int(items_per_page)
    sql_args['offset'] = (page - 1) * items_per_page
    match_operator = 'LIKE'   
    if q: # a search keyword was specified
        sql_where += ' AND (package.package '+match_operator+' (:q)'
        sql_where += ' OR '+match_operator+' (:q)'
        sql_where += ' OR package.description '+match_operator+' (:q)'
        sql_where += ')';            
        sql_args['q'] = '%'+q+'%'
    elif category: # a category was specified
        sql_join_where += " AND application.category_id=:category_id"
        sql_args['category_id'] =            
    sql_body = \
    " FROM package" \
    " INNER JOIN application ON (" +sql_join_where +")" \
     + sql_where +\
    " AND IN (SELECT package_id FROM packagelist_members WHERE packagelist_id IN (%s)) " % selected_plists
    sql_order = " ORDER BY last_modified DESC "
    engine = database.engine()
    count_sql = engine.text(sql_select_count+sql_body)
    select_sql = engine.text(sql_select_data+sql_body+sql_order+sql_limit)                
    row_count = count_sql.execute(**sql_args).fetchone()[0]
    if row_count == 0: # nothing found
        return ([], {}, 0) 
    data = select_sql.execute(**sql_args).fetchall()
    # STEP 2 - Get specific version and application records for apps/packages
    # listed on STEP 1
    # We already have apps ids/packages names, now we need to get specific 
    # package and application records  
    app_list = []
    package_dict = {}
    for item in data:
        sql = "SELECT id FROM package WHERE package = :pck_name "
        sql +=  "AND IN (SELECT package_id FROM packagelist_members WHERE packagelist_id IN (%s)) " % selected_plists
        sql += " ORDER BY last_modified DESC LIMIT 1 "
        specific_sql = engine.text(sql)         
        package = specific_sql.execute(pck_name = item.package).fetchone()
        if not package: # Package was deleted ????
        package_id =
        app = Application.query.filter_by(id =
        if not app: # App was deleted ?
        package = Package.query.filter_by(id = package_id).first()
        if not package:
        package_dict[] = package
    page_count = ((row_count - 1) / items_per_page) + 1
    return (app_list, package_dict, page_count)
Beispiel #4
def get_applications_list(q, category, release, page=1, items_per_page=10):
    @summary: Returns a list of packages and the associated applications
    @param q: search keyword string (to be matched with app names and short descriptions)
    @param exact_search: flag to enable/disable exact search 
        if enabled search only for app name == q or package name == q
    @param category: category (a Category DB entity)
    @param items_per_page: max number of applications to be returned
    @param page: page number to be used as the initial row offset (page*limit)  
    @return: (app_list, package_dict, data_count)
        app_list : list of applications (Application db entity)
        app_dict: dict containing the package information for packages related 
            to the app_list.  The application id is the dict key.
        page_count : total number of pages, useful for pagination
    if page < 0:
        page = 1

    # First we need to determine the ids for package lists matching the release
    # selection filter
    if not release or release == "all":
        packagelists = PackageList.query.all()
        packagelists = PackageList.query.filter_by(version=release).all()
    packagelist_ids = []
    for plist in packagelists:
        if plist.suite.endswith('-testing'):
    if len(packagelist_ids) == 0:  # an empty db
        return ([], {}, 0)
    selected_plists = ' ,'.join(packagelist_ids)
    sql_args = {}

    # We will use a 2 steps process to identify the list of packages/apps that
    # that will be returned

    # STEP 1 - Get list of apps with updates matching the search criteria
    # Get the list of main packages name and and related applications ids
    # ordered with newer packages (last modified) on the top
    sql_select_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "
    sql_select_data = "SELECT DISTINCT, package "
    sql_where = " WHERE package.install_class='M' "
    sql_join_where = "(application.source_package = package.package OR application.source_package = package.source)"
    sql_limit = " LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset"
    sql_args['limit'] = int(items_per_page)
    sql_args['offset'] = (page - 1) * items_per_page
    match_operator = 'LIKE'
    if q:  # a search keyword was specified
        sql_where += ' AND (package.package ' + match_operator + ' (:q)'
        sql_where += ' OR ' + match_operator + ' (:q)'
        sql_where += ' OR package.description ' + match_operator + ' (:q)'
        sql_where += ')'
        sql_args['q'] = '%' + q + '%'
    elif category:  # a category was specified
        sql_join_where += " AND application.category_id=:category_id"
        sql_args['category_id'] =
    sql_body = \
    " FROM package" \
    " INNER JOIN application ON (" +sql_join_where +")" \
     + sql_where +\
    " AND IN (SELECT package_id FROM packagelist_members WHERE packagelist_id IN (%s)) " % selected_plists
    sql_order = " ORDER BY last_modified DESC "
    engine = database.engine()
    count_sql = text(sql_select_count + sql_body)
    select_sql = text(sql_select_data + sql_body + sql_order + sql_limit)
    row_count = engine.execute(count_sql, **sql_args).fetchone()[0]
    if row_count == 0:  # nothing found
        return ([], {}, 0)
    data = engine.execute(select_sql, **sql_args).fetchall()

    # STEP 2 - Get specific version and application records for apps/packages
    # listed on STEP 1

    # We already have apps ids/packages names, now we need to get specific
    # package and application records
    app_list = []
    package_dict = {}
    for item in data:
        sql = "SELECT id FROM package WHERE package = :pck_name "
        sql += "AND IN (SELECT package_id FROM packagelist_members WHERE packagelist_id IN (%s)) " % selected_plists
        sql += " ORDER BY last_modified DESC LIMIT 1 "
        specific_sql = text(sql)
        package = engine.execute(specific_sql,
        if not package:  # Package was deleted ????
        package_id =
        app = Application.query.filter_by(
        if not app:  # App was deleted ?
        package = Package.query.filter_by(id=package_id).first()
        if not package:
        package_dict[] = package
    page_count = ((row_count - 1) / items_per_page) + 1
    return (app_list, package_dict, page_count)