Beispiel #1
def _move_sprite(moving_sprite: arcade.Sprite, walls: arcade.SpriteList):
    # Rotate
    moving_sprite.angle += moving_sprite.change_angle

    hit_list = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)

    if len(hit_list) > 0:
        # Resolve any collisions by this weird kludge
        _circular_check(moving_sprite, walls)

    # --- Move in the y direction
    moving_sprite.center_y += moving_sprite.change_y

    # Check for wall hit
    hit_list_x = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)
    # print(f"Post-y move {hit_list_x}")

    # If we hit a wall, move so the edges are at the same point
    if len(hit_list_x) > 0:
        if moving_sprite.change_y > 0:
            while check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls):
                moving_sprite.center_y -= 1
        elif moving_sprite.change_y < 0:
            while check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls):
                moving_sprite.center_y += 1
        was_falling = (abs(moving_sprite.change_y) > abs(
        if was_falling:
            # they have been moving for more than one frame
        moving_sprite.change_y = min(0.0, hit_list_x[0].change_y)

    moving_sprite.center_y = round(moving_sprite.center_y, 2)

    # --- Move in the x direction
    moving_sprite.center_x += moving_sprite.change_x

    check_again = True
    while check_again:
        check_again = False
        # Check for wall hit
        hit_list_y = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)

        # If we hit a wall, move so the edges are at the same point
        if len(hit_list_y) > 0:
            change_x = moving_sprite.change_x
            if change_x > 0:
                while check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls):
                    moving_sprite.center_x -= 1

            elif change_x < 0:
                while check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls):
                    moving_sprite.center_x += 1

                raise AssertionError(
                    "Error, x collision while player wasn't moving.\n"
                    "Make sure you aren't calling multiple updates, like "
                    "a physics engine update and an all sprites list update.")
Beispiel #2
    def sprite_update(self, vec: Vector, spr: arcade.Sprite, tex: int):
        Updates pos, and tex_index
        spr.center_x = vec.x * self._scale
        spr.center_y = vec.y * self._scale

        spr.width = self._scale
        spr.height = self._scale
Beispiel #3
def _circular_check(player: arcade.Sprite, walls: arcade.SpriteList):
    """Guess our way out of a collision."""
    original_x = player.center_x
    original_y = player.center_y

    vary = 1
    while True:
        last_x = player.center_x
        last_y = player.center_y
        try_list = [
            [original_x + vary, original_y],
            [original_x - vary, original_y],

        for my_item in try_list:
            x, y = my_item
            player.center_x = x
            player.center_y = y
            check_hit_list = check_for_collision_with_list(player, walls)
            if len(check_hit_list) == 0:
        vary += 1
    player.center_x = last_x
    player.center_y = last_y
Beispiel #4
def generate_sprites(map_object: TiledMap,
                     layer_name: str,
                     scaling: float,
                     base_directory="") -> SpriteList:
    generate_sprites has been deprecated. Use arcade.tilemap.process_layer instead.
    Generate the sprites for a layer in a map.

    :param TiledMap map_object: Map previously read in from read_tiled_map function
    :param layer_name: Name of the layer we want to generate sprites from. Case sensitive.
    :param scaling: Scaling factor.
    :param base_directory: Directory to read images from. Defaults to current directory.
    :return: List of sprites
    :rtype: SpriteList
    sprite_list = SpriteList()

    if layer_name not in map_object.layers_int_data:
        print(f"Warning, no layer named '{layer_name}'.")
        return sprite_list

    map_array = map_object.layers_int_data[layer_name]

    # Loop through the layer and add in the wall list
    for row_index, row in enumerate(map_array):
        for column_index, item in enumerate(row):
            if str(item) in map_object.global_tile_set:
                tile_info = map_object.global_tile_set[str(item)]
                tmx_file = base_directory + tile_info.source

                my_sprite = Sprite(tmx_file, scaling)
                my_sprite.center_x = column_index * (
                    map_object.tilewidth *
                    scaling) - map_object.tilewidth / 2 * scaling
                my_sprite.center_y = (map_object.height - row_index) * (
                    map_object.tileheight *
                    scaling) - map_object.tileheight / 2 * scaling

                if tile_info.points is not None:
            elif item != 0:
                print(f"Warning, could not find {item} image to load.")

    return sprite_list
Beispiel #5
    def key_place_success(self, key_placed_successfully: bool,
                          normal_key: arcade.Sprite, x_list: List[int],
                          y_list: List[int]):
        Use recursion to check if key place is successful
        key_placed_successfully(bool): break statement of the recursion function
        normal_key(arcade.Sprite): a key Sprite
        x_list: List[int]: all the x coordinates of the keys has been created
        y_list: List[int]: all the y coordinates of the keys has been created

           the position of the key (x, y)
        if key_placed_successfully:
            return normal_key.center_x, normal_key.center_y
        normal_key.center_x = random.randrange(1500)
        normal_key.center_y = random.randrange(1500)

        # See if the key is hitting a wall, hitting another key, or too close from each other
        wall_hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(
            normal_key, self.wall_list)
        key_hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(
            normal_key, self.key_list)
        flag = True
        for item_x in x_list:
            if abs(int(item_x - normal_key.center_x)) < 30:
                flag = False
        for item_y in y_list:
            if abs(int(item_y - normal_key.center_y)) < 20:
                flag = False
        if len(wall_hit_list) == 0 and len(key_hit_list) == 0 and flag:
            key_placed_successfully = True

        return self.key_place_success(key_placed_successfully, normal_key,
                                      x_list, y_list)
def _move_sprite(moving_sprite: Sprite, walls: SpriteList, ramp_up: bool):
    # Rotate
    moving_sprite.angle += moving_sprite.change_angle

    hit_list = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)

    if len(hit_list) > 0:
        # Resolve any collisions by this weird kludge
        _circular_check(moving_sprite, walls)

    # --- Move in the y direction
    moving_sprite.center_y += moving_sprite.change_y

    # Check for wall hit
    hit_list_x = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)
    # print(f"Post-y move {hit_list_x}")
    complete_hit_list = hit_list_x

    # If we hit a wall, move so the edges are at the same point
    if len(hit_list_x) > 0:
        if moving_sprite.change_y > 0:
            while len(check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)) > 0:
                moving_sprite.center_y -= 1
            # print(f"Spot X ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})"
            #       f" {self.player_sprite.change_y}")
        elif moving_sprite.change_y < 0:
            # Reset number of jumps
            for item in hit_list_x:
                while check_for_collision(moving_sprite, item):
                    # self.player_sprite.bottom = <- Doesn't work for ramps
                    moving_sprite.center_y += 0.25

                if item.change_x != 0:
                    moving_sprite.center_x += item.change_x

            # print(f"Spot Y ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
            # TODO: The code below can't execute, as "item" doesn't
            # exist. In theory, this condition should never be arrived at.
            # Collision while player wasn't moving, most likely
            # moving platform.
            # if self.player_sprite.center_y >= item.center_y:
            #     self.player_sprite.bottom =
            # else:
            # = item.bottom
        moving_sprite.change_y = min(0.0, hit_list_x[0].change_y)

    # print(f"Spot D ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
    moving_sprite.center_y = round(moving_sprite.center_y, 2)
    # print(f"Spot Q ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")

    # --- Move in the x direction
    moving_sprite.center_x += moving_sprite.change_x

    check_again = True
    while check_again:
        check_again = False
        # Check for wall hit
        hit_list_y = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)
        complete_hit_list = hit_list_x
        for sprite in hit_list_y:
            if sprite not in complete_hit_list:

        # If we hit a wall, move so the edges are at the same point
        if len(hit_list_y) > 0:
            change_x = moving_sprite.change_x
            if change_x > 0:
                if ramp_up:

                    for _ in hit_list_y:
                        # print(f"Spot 1 ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
                        # See if we can "run up" a ramp
                        moving_sprite.center_y += change_x
                        if len(
                                    moving_sprite, walls)) > 0:
                            # No, ramp run-up doesn't work.
                            moving_sprite.center_y -= change_x
                            moving_sprite.center_x -= 1
                            # print(f"Spot R ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
                            check_again = True
                        # else:
                        # print("Run up ok 1")
                        # print(f"Spot 2 ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
                    while len(
                                moving_sprite, walls)) > 0:
                        moving_sprite.center_x -= 1

            elif change_x < 0:
                if ramp_up:
                    for item in hit_list_y:
                        # See if we can "run up" a ramp
                        moving_sprite.center_y -= change_x
                        if len(
                                    moving_sprite, walls)) > 0:
                            # Can't run up the ramp, reverse
                            moving_sprite.center_y += change_x
                            moving_sprite.left = max(item.right,
                            # print(f"Reverse 1 {item.right}, {self.player_sprite.left}")
                            # Ok, if we were shoved back to the right, we need to check this whole thing again.
                            check_again = True
                        # print(f"Spot 4 ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
                    while len(
                                moving_sprite, walls)) > 0:
                        moving_sprite.center_x += 1

                    "Error, x collision while player wasn't moving.\n"
                    "Make sure you aren't calling multiple updates, like "
                    "a physics engine update and an all sprites list update.")

        # print(f"Spot E ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
    return complete_hit_list
def _move_sprite(moving_sprite: Sprite, walls: SpriteList, ramp_up: bool):

    # start_time = time.time()

    # See if we are starting this turn with a sprite already colliding with us.
    if len(check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)) > 0:
        _circular_check(moving_sprite, walls)

    original_x = moving_sprite.center_x
    original_y = moving_sprite.center_y
    original_angle = moving_sprite.angle

    # --- Rotate
    rotating_hit_list = []
    if moving_sprite.change_angle:

        # Rotate
        moving_sprite.angle += moving_sprite.change_angle

        # Resolve collisions caused by rotating
        rotating_hit_list = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)

        if len(rotating_hit_list) > 0:

            max_distance = (moving_sprite.width + moving_sprite.height) / 2

            # Resolve any collisions by this weird kludge
            _circular_check(moving_sprite, walls)
            if get_distance(original_x, original_y, moving_sprite.center_x,
                            moving_sprite.center_y) > max_distance:
                # Ok, glitched trying to rotate. Reset.
                moving_sprite.center_x = original_x
                moving_sprite.center_y = original_y
                moving_sprite.angle = original_angle

    # --- Move in the y direction
    moving_sprite.center_y += moving_sprite.change_y

    # Check for wall hit
    hit_list_x = check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)
    # print(f"Post-y move {hit_list_x}")
    complete_hit_list = hit_list_x

    # If we hit a wall, move so the edges are at the same point
    if len(hit_list_x) > 0:
        if moving_sprite.change_y > 0:
            while len(check_for_collision_with_list(moving_sprite, walls)) > 0:
                moving_sprite.center_y -= 1
            # print(f"Spot X ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})"
            #       f" {self.player_sprite.change_y}")
        elif moving_sprite.change_y < 0:
            # Reset number of jumps
            for item in hit_list_x:
                while check_for_collision(moving_sprite, item):
                    # self.player_sprite.bottom = <- Doesn't work for ramps
                    moving_sprite.center_y += 0.25

                if item.change_x != 0:
                    moving_sprite.center_x += item.change_x

            # print(f"Spot Y ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
            # TODO: The code below can't execute, as "item" doesn't
            # exist. In theory, this condition should never be arrived at.
            # Collision while player wasn't moving, most likely
            # moving platform.
            # if self.player_sprite.center_y >= item.center_y:
            #     self.player_sprite.bottom =
            # else:
            # = item.bottom
        moving_sprite.change_y = min(0.0, hit_list_x[0].change_y)

    # print(f"Spot D ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")
    moving_sprite.center_y = round(moving_sprite.center_y, 2)
    # print(f"Spot Q ({self.player_sprite.center_x}, {self.player_sprite.center_y})")

    # end_time = time.time()
    # print(f"Move 1 - {end_time - start_time:7.4f}")
    # start_time = time.time()

    loop_count = 0
    # --- Move in the x direction
    if moving_sprite.change_x:
        # Keep track of our current y, used in ramping up
        almost_original_y = moving_sprite.center_y

        # Strip off sign so we only have to write one version of this for
        # both directions
        direction = math.copysign(1, moving_sprite.change_x)
        cur_x_change = abs(moving_sprite.change_x)
        upper_bound = cur_x_change
        lower_bound = 0
        cur_y_change = 0

        exit_loop = False
        while not exit_loop:

            loop_count += 1
            # print(f"{cur_x_change=}, {upper_bound=}, {lower_bound=}, {loop_count=}")

            # Move sprite and check for collisions
            moving_sprite.center_x = original_x + cur_x_change * direction
            collision_check = check_for_collision_with_list(
                moving_sprite, walls)

            # Update collision list
            for sprite in collision_check:
                if sprite not in complete_hit_list:

            # Did we collide?
            if len(collision_check) > 0:
                # We did collide. Can we ramp up and not collide?
                if ramp_up:
                    cur_y_change = cur_x_change
                    moving_sprite.center_y = original_y + cur_y_change

                    collision_check = check_for_collision_with_list(
                        moving_sprite, walls)
                    if len(collision_check) > 0:
                        cur_y_change -= cur_x_change
                        while (len(collision_check) == 0) and cur_y_change > 0:
                            # print("Ramp up check")
                            cur_y_change -= 1
                            moving_sprite.center_y = almost_original_y + cur_y_change
                            collision_check = check_for_collision_with_list(
                                moving_sprite, walls)
                        cur_y_change += 1
                        collision_check = []

                if len(collision_check) > 0:
                    # print(f"Yes @ {cur_x_change}")
                    upper_bound = cur_x_change - 1
                    if upper_bound - lower_bound <= 1:
                        cur_x_change = lower_bound
                        exit_loop = True
                        # print(f"Exit 2 @ {cur_x_change}")
                        cur_x_change = (upper_bound + lower_bound) / 2
                    exit_loop = True
                    # print(f"Exit 1 @ {cur_x_change}")

                # No collision. Keep this new position and exit
                lower_bound = cur_x_change
                if upper_bound - lower_bound <= 1:
                    # print(f"Exit 3 @ {cur_x_change}")
                    exit_loop = True
                    # print(f"No @ {cur_x_change}")
                    cur_x_change = (upper_bound + lower_bound) / 2

        # print(cur_x_change * direction, cur_y_change)
        moving_sprite.center_x = original_x + cur_x_change * direction
        moving_sprite.center_y = almost_original_y + cur_y_change
        # print(f"({moving_sprite.center_x}, {moving_sprite.center_y}) {cur_x_change * direction}, {cur_y_change}")

    # Add in rotating hit list
    for sprite in rotating_hit_list:
        if sprite not in complete_hit_list:

    # end_time = time.time()
    # print(f"Move 2 - {end_time - start_time:7.4f} {loop_count}")

    return complete_hit_list
Beispiel #8
def placeSprite(sprite: Sprite, center_x: float, center_y: float):
    sprite.center_x = center_x
    sprite.center_y = center_y