def get_notifications(self, since_imestamp: int) -> List[NotificationValue]: """ Gets names of all tracked values stored in given group. :param since_imestamp: :return: """ return rest.get_list(f"{URL}/notifications", NotificationValue, params={"since_imestamp": since_imestamp})
def get_pick_poses_for_gripper(self, item_id: str, tool_id: str, pose: Pose) -> List[GripperSetup]: """ Gets pick poses for specific tool and item. :param item_id: :param tool_id: :param pose: :return: """ return rest.get_list(f"{URL}/pick/grippers/setup", GripperSetup, pose, {"item_id": item_id, "tool_id": tool_id})
def get_pick_poses_for_suction(self, item_id: str, tool_id: str, pose: Pose) -> List[Pose]: """ Gets pick poses for specific suction and item. :param item_id: :param tool_id: :param pose: :return: """ return rest.get_list(f"{URL}/pick/suctions/poses", Pose, pose, params={"item_id": item_id, "tool_id": tool_id})
def get_values(self, group_id: str, name: str, since_timestamp: int = 0) -> List[StatisticValue]: """ Gets tracked values with the specified name. Values are sorted as were added to service. :param group_id: Logged value name. :param name: Logged value name. :param since_timestamp: The date and time, as a UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds, after which created values are returned. :return: """ return rest.get_list(f"{URL}/values/{group_id}/{name}", StatisticValue, params={"since_timestamp": since_timestamp})
def robot_joints(self, robot_id: str) -> List[Joint]: return rest.get_list(f"{URL}/robots/{robot_id}/joints", Joint)
def get_meshes() -> MeshList: return rest.get_list(f"{URL}/models/meshes", Mesh)