Beispiel #1
def _compute_axes(shape, xyz_resolution=1, origin='center'):
    """Returns the real_axes defining an image with the given shape 
    at the given resolution as a list of numpy arrays.

    # Validate shape.
    shape = _validate_ndarray(shape, dtype=int, required_ndim=1)

    # Validate xyz_resolution.
    xyz_resolution = _validate_xyz_resolution(len(shape), xyz_resolution)

    # Create axes.

    # axes is a list of arrays matching each shape element from shape, spaced by the corresponding xyz_resolution.
    axes = [
        np.arange(dim_size) * dim_res
        for dim_size, dim_res in zip(shape, xyz_resolution)

    # List all presently recognized origin values.
    origins = ['center', 'zero']

    if origin == 'center':
        # Center each axes array to its mean.
        for xyz_index, axis in enumerate(axes):
            axes[xyz_index] -= np.mean(axis)
    elif origin == 'zero':
        # Allow each axis to increase from 0 along each dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"origin must be one of these supported values: {origins}.\n"
            f"origin: {origin}.")

    return axes
Beispiel #2
def cast_to_typed_array(data, dtype=float):
    Returns a copy of data cast as a np.ndarray of type dtype.
        data (np.ndarray): The array to be cast.
        dtype (type, optional): The dtype to cast data to. Defaults to float. Defaults to float.
        np.ndarray: A copy of data cast to type dtype.

    return _validate_ndarray(data, dtype=dtype)
Beispiel #3
def downsample_image(image, scale_factors, truncate=False):
    Downsample an image by averaging.
        image {np.ndarray} -- The image to be downsampled.
        scale_factors {int, sequence} -- The per-axis factor by which to reduce the image size.
    Keyword Arguments:
        truncate {bool} -- If True, evenly truncates the image down to the nearest multiple of the scale_factor for each axis. (default: {False})
        ValueError: Raised if any of scale_factors is less than 1.
        np.ndarray -- A downsampled copy of <image>.

    # Validate arguments.

    # Validate image.
    image = _validate_ndarray(image)

    # Validate scale_factors.
    scale_factors = _validate_scalar_to_multi(scale_factors, image.ndim, int)
    # Verify that all scale_factors are at least 1.
    if np.any(scale_factors < 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Every element of scale_factors must be at least 1.\n"
            f"np.min(scale_factors): {np.min(scale_factors)}.")

    # Downsample a copy of image by averaging.

    scaled_image = np.copy(
        image)  # Not necessary since _downsample_along_axis does not mutate.

    # Downsample image along each dimension.
    for dim, scale_factor in enumerate(scale_factors):
        scaled_image = _downsample_along_axis(
            scaled_image, dim, scale_factor,
            truncate)  # Side effect: breaks alias.

    return scaled_image
Beispiel #4
def test__validate_ndarray():

    # Test proper use.

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3, dtype=int), dtype=float)
    correct_output = np.arange(3, dtype=float)
    assert np.array_equal(_validate_ndarray(**kwargs), correct_output)

    kwargs = dict(array=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], dtype=float)
    correct_output = np.arange(2 * 3, dtype=float).reshape(2, 3)
    assert np.array_equal(_validate_ndarray(**kwargs), correct_output)

    kwargs = dict(array=np.array([0, 1, 2]), broadcast_to_shape=(2, 3))
    correct_output = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]])
    assert np.array_equal(_validate_ndarray(**kwargs), correct_output)

    kwargs = dict(array=np.array(7), required_ndim=1)
    correct_output = np.array([7])
    assert np.array_equal(_validate_ndarray(**kwargs), correct_output)

    # Test improper use.

    # Validate arguments.

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3), minimum_ndim=1.5)
    expected_exception = TypeError
    match = "minimum_ndim must be of type int."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3), minimum_ndim=-1)
    expected_exception = ValueError
    match = "minimum_ndim must be non-negative."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3), required_ndim=1.5)
    expected_exception = TypeError
    match = "required_ndim must be either None or of type int."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3), required_ndim=-1)
    expected_exception = ValueError
    match = "required_ndim must be non-negative."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3), dtype="not of type type")
    expected_exception = TypeError
    match = "dtype must be either None or a valid type."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    # Validate array.

    kwargs = dict(array=np.array(print), dtype=int)
    expected_exception = TypeError
    match = "array is of a type that is incompatible with dtype."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.array('string that is not an int'), dtype=int)
    expected_exception = ValueError
    match = "array has a value that is incompatible with dtype."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.array([[], 1]),
    expected_exception = TypeError
    match = "Casting array to a np.ndarray produces an array of dtype object while forbid_object_dtype == True and dtype != object."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3), required_ndim=2)
    expected_exception = ValueError
    match = "If required_ndim is not None, array.ndim must equal it unless array.ndim == 0 and required_ndin == 1."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):

    kwargs = dict(array=np.arange(3), minimum_ndim=2)
    expected_exception = ValueError
    match = "array.ndim must be at least equal to minimum_ndim."
    with pytest.raises(expected_exception, match=match):
Beispiel #5
def cast_to_typed_array(data, dtype=float):
    """Returns a copy of data cast as a np.ndarray of type dtype."""

    return _validate_ndarray(data, dtype=dtype)
Beispiel #6
def _downsample_along_axis(image, axis, scale_factor, truncate=False):
    """Average image along axis across intervals of length scale_factor."""

    # Validate arguments.

    # Validate image.
    image = _validate_ndarray(image)

    # Validate axis.
    if not isinstance(axis, int):
        raise TypeError(f"axis must be of type int."
                        f"type(axis): {type(axis)}.")
    if axis not in range(image.ndim):
        if axis in range(-image.ndim, 0):
            # Roll axis around to accept negative values.
            axis = image.ndim + axis
            raise ValueError(
                f"axis must be in range -image.ndim to image.ndim.\n"
                f"axis: {axis}.")

    # Validate scale_factor.
        if scale_factor != int(scale_factor):
            raise ValueError(f"scale_factor must be integer-valued.\n"
                             f"scale_factor: {scale_factor}.")
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError(f"scale_factor must be castable to type int.\n"
                        f"type(scale_factor): {type(scale_factor)}.")
    if scale_factor < 1:
        raise ValueError(f"scale_factor must be at least 1.\n"
                         f"scale_factor: {scale_factor}.")

    # # In the event of the trivial case, perform this shortcut.
    # # A copy is returned to maintain non-aliasing behavior.
    # if scale_factor == 1:
    #     return np.copy(image)

    # scaled_shape[axis] will be rounded down if truncate, else it will be rounded up.
    scaled_shape = np.array(image.shape, float)
    scaled_shape[axis] /= scale_factor

    if truncate:
        # Trim (a copy of) image such that image.shape[axis] is reduced down to the nearest multiple of scale_factor.

        scaled_shape[axis] = np.floor(scaled_shape[axis])
        scaled_shape = scaled_shape.astype(int)
        scaled_image = np.zeros(scaled_shape)

        excess_shape_on_axis = image.shape[axis] % scale_factor
        # Slice image from np.floor(excess_shape_on_axis / 2) to np.ceil(excess_shape_on_axis / 2) along axis.
        image = image[tuple([
            *([slice(None)] * axis),
            slice(int(np.floor(excess_shape_on_axis / 2)),
                  image.shape[axis] - int(np.ceil(excess_shape_on_axis / 2)))
        # Pad (a copy of) image on either side of the given axis with averages.
        # This brings image.shape[axis] up to the nearest multiple of scale_factor.

        scaled_shape[axis] = np.ceil(scaled_shape[axis])
        scaled_shape = scaled_shape.astype(int)
        scaled_image = np.zeros(scaled_shape)

        total_padding = -image.shape[
            axis] % scale_factor  # The difference between image.shape[axis] and the nearest not-smaller multiple of scale_factor.
        on_axis_pad_width = np.array(
            [np.floor(total_padding / 2),
             np.ceil(total_padding / 2)], int)
        pad_width = (*([(0, 0)] * axis), on_axis_pad_width,
                     *([(0, 0)] * (image.ndim - axis - 1)))
        stat_length = scale_factor - on_axis_pad_width
        # Note: if image.dtype == int, the averaged pad values will be truncated accordingly.
        image = np.pad(image,

    # Take scaled_shape-shaped slices of image along axis, adding each slice to scaled_image.
    for scale_index in range(scale_factor):
        # TODO: pick one.
        # All of the following 3 lines do the same thing but with differing readability and speed.
        # scaled_image += image.take(range(scale_index, image.shape[axis], scale_factor), axis) # Simplest.
        # scaled_image += eval(f"image[{':,' * axis} slice(scale_index, image.shape[axis], scale_factor)]") # 2.5 times slower.
        scaled_image += image[tuple([
            *([slice(None)] * axis),
            slice(scale_index, scaled_shape[axis] * scale_factor, scale_factor)
        ])]  # 3 times faster.

    # Divide scaled_image by the number of points added at each coordinate.
    scaled_image /= scale_factor

    return scaled_image
Beispiel #7
def change_resolution_by(image,
    Resample image such that its resolution is scaled by 1 / <xyz_scales>[dim] or abs(xyz_scales[dim]) if xyz_scales[dim] is negative, in each dimension dim.

        image {np.ndarray} -- The image to be resampled, allowing arbitrary dimensions.
        xyz_scales {float, sequence} -- The per-axis factors by which to adjust the resolution of <image>. Negative values are treated as the reciprocal of their positive counterparts.
            xyz_scales[dim] > 1 implies upsampling - increasing resolution and image size.
            xyz_scales[dim] = 1 implies unity - no change in resolution for this dimension.
            xyz_scales[dim] < 1 implies downsampling - decreasing resolution and image size.
            xyz_scales[dim] < 0 implies downsampling by this factor - cast to -1 / xyz_scales[dim].

            xyz_scales[dim] = 2 --> upsample by 2
            xyz_scales[dim] = 1 --> do nothing
            xyz_scales[dim] = 1/2 --> downsample by 2
            xyz_scales[dim] = -3 --> downsample by 3
            xyz_scales[dim] = -1/5 --> upsample by 5
    Keyword Arguments:
        xyz_resolution {float, sequence} -- The per-axis resolution of <image>. (default: {1})
        pad_to_match_res {bool} -- If True, pads a copy of <image> to guarantee that <desired_xyz_resolution> is achieved. (default: {True})
        err_to_higher_res {bool} -- If True and <pad_to_match_res> is False, rounds the shape of the new image up rather than down. (default: {True})
        average_on_downsample {bool} -- If True, performs downsample_image on a copy of <image> before resampling to prevent aliasing. 
            It scales the image by the largest integer possible along each axis without reducing the resolution past the final resolution. (default: {True})
        truncate {bool} -- A kwarg passed to downsample_image. If true, evenly truncates the image down to the nearest multiple of the scale_factor for each axis. (default: {False})
        return_true_resolution {bool} -- If True, rather than just returning the resampled image, returns a tuple containing the resampled image and its actual resolution. (default: {False})
        np.ndarray, tuple -- A resampled copy of <image>. 
            If <return_true_resolution> was provided as True, then the return value is a tuple containing the resampled copy of <image> and its actual resolution.

    # Validate arguments.

    # Validate image.
    image = _validate_ndarray(image)

    # Validate xyz_scales.
    xyz_scales = _validate_scalar_to_multi(xyz_scales, size=image.ndim)
    for dim, scale in enumerate(xyz_scales):
        if scale < 0:
            xyz_scales[dim] = -1 / xyz_scales[dim]

    # Validate xyz_resolution.
    xyz_resolution = _validate_xyz_resolution(image.ndim, xyz_resolution)

    # Compute desired_xyz_resolution.
    desired_xyz_resolution = xyz_resolution / xyz_scales

    change_resolution_to_kwargs = dict(

    return change_resolution_to(**change_resolution_to_kwargs)

# TODO: reconcile use of scipy.interpolate.interpn vs scipy.misc.resize & skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean.

# TODO: isolate negative scale conversion into its own function.
# TODO: merge necessary new_shape transformations etc. into _resample.
Beispiel #8
def change_resolution_to(image,
    Resamples <image> to get its resolution as close as possible to <desired_xyz_resolution>.
        image {np.ndarray} -- The image to be resampled, allowing arbitrary dimensions.
        xyz_resolution {float, sequence} -- The per-axis resolution of <image>.
        desired_xyz_resolution {float, list} -- The desired per-axis resolution of <image> after resampling.
    Keyword Arguments:
        pad_to_match_res {bool} -- If True, pads a copy of <image> to guarantee that <desired_xyz_resolution> is achieved. (default: {True})
        err_to_higher_res {bool} -- If True and <pad_to_match_res> is False, rounds the shape of the new image up rather than down. (default: {True})
        average_on_downsample {bool} -- If True, performs downsample_image on a copy of <image> before resampling to prevent aliasing. 
            It scales the image by the largest integer possible along each axis without reducing the resolution past the final resolution. (default: {True})
        truncate {bool} -- A kwarg passed to downsample_image. If true, evenly truncates the image down to the nearest multiple of the scale_factor for each axis. (default: {False})
        return_true_resolution {bool} -- If True, rather than just returning the resampled image, returns a tuple containing the resampled image and its actual resolution. (default: {False})
        np.ndarray, tuple -- A resampled copy of <image>. 
            If <return_true_resolution> was provided as True, then the return value is a tuple containing the resampled copy of <image> and its actual resolution.

    # Validate arguments.

    # Validate image.
    image = _validate_ndarray(image)

    # Validate resolutions.
    xyz_resolution = _validate_xyz_resolution(image.ndim, xyz_resolution)
    desired_xyz_resolution = _validate_xyz_resolution(image.ndim,

    # Compute new_shape, and consequently true_resolution, after resampling.

    # image.shape * xyz_resolution == new_shape * new_xyz_resolution
    new_shape = image.shape * xyz_resolution / desired_xyz_resolution

    if pad_to_match_res:
        # Guarantee realization of desired_xyz_resolution at the possible expense of maintaining the true shape (shape * resolution).
        new_shape = np.ceil(new_shape)
        # Pad image evenly until image.shape * xyz_resolution >= new_shape * desired_xyz_resolution.
        minimum_image_padding = np.ceil(
            (new_shape * desired_xyz_resolution - image.shape * xyz_resolution)
            / xyz_resolution)
        pad_width = np.array(
                zip(np.ceil(minimum_image_padding / 2),
                    np.ceil(minimum_image_padding / 2))), int)
        old_true_shape = xyz_resolution * image.shape
        new_true_shape = desired_xyz_resolution * new_shape
        stat_length = np.maximum(
            np.ceil((desired_xyz_resolution -
                     ((new_true_shape - old_true_shape) / 2)) /
        stat_length = np.broadcast_to(stat_length, pad_width.T.shape).T
        image = np.pad(image,
        # true_resolution has been guaranteed to equal desired_xyz_resolution.
        true_resolution = desired_xyz_resolution
        # Guarantee the true shape (shape * resolution) is maintained at the possible expense of achieving desired_xyz_resolution.
        if err_to_higher_res:
            # Round resolution up.
            new_shape = np.ceil(new_shape)
            # Round resolution down.
            new_shape = np.floor(new_shape)
        # Compute the achieved resultant resolution, or true_resolution.
        true_resolution = image.shape * xyz_resolution / new_shape
        # Warn the user if desired_xyz_resolution cannot be produced from image and xyz_resolution.
        if not np.array_equal(
                image.shape * xyz_resolution / desired_xyz_resolution):
                f"Could not exactly produce the desired_xyz_resolution.\n"
                f"xyz_resolution {xyz_resolution}.\n"
                f"desired_xyz_resolution: {desired_xyz_resolution}.\n"
                f"true_resolution: {true_resolution}.",

    # Average if appropriate before resampling to lower resolution.

    if average_on_downsample:
        # Check resampling scales.
        downsampling_scale_factors = np.divide(image.shape,
        # downsampling_scale_factors[dim] is the maximum of 1 or factor by which resolution[dim] is multiplied.
        downsampling_scale_factors = np.maximum(
            np.ones_like(downsampling_scale_factors, dtype=int),

        # Perform downsampling.
        image = downsample_image(image,
        # Update xyz_resolution.
        xyz_resolution *= downsampling_scale_factors

    # Compute real_axes and new_real_coords.

    real_axes = _compute_axes(image.shape, xyz_resolution)
    # new_shape is recalculated assuming the image shape is 1 less than it really is along each dimension,
    # with 1 added at the end. This is to account for interpn's coordinate interpretation of voxels,
    # to ensure that new_real_coords all lie within the bounds of real_axes, but as close to filling them as possible.
    real_scales = np.divide(new_shape, image.shape)
    new_shape = np.floor(np.multiply(np.subtract(image.shape, 1),
                                     real_scales)) + 1
    new_real_coords = _compute_coords(new_shape, true_resolution)

    # Perform resampling.

    resampled_image = _resample(image, real_axes, new_real_coords,

    if return_true_resolution:
        return resampled_image, true_resolution
        return resampled_image