Beispiel #1
    def measure_triangle_tool(self, device: arduino_serial.Arduino,
                              world: plot_3d_sympy.DigitalWorldHandler,
                              translation: float,
                              vel=0.01):  # translation in [m]

        measure_points = (
            (translation, -translation,),
            (0, 2 * translation,),
            (-2 * translation, -translation, 0)
        self.cal_points = []
        for point in measure_points:
            # super().translate(point, acc, vel)
            super().translate_tool( point, acc, vel )
            dis = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_top, 100 ) / 1000  # [m]
            # dis -= 0.008  # correct for 8 mm of tcp offset of ultrasonic sensor
            world.setl( super().getl() )
            world.set_ultrasonic_top_distance( dis )
            cur_pos = world.getl_ultrasonic_top()

            self.cal_points.append( cur_pos )

        # super().movel(start_pos, acc, vel) self.cal_points )
        p1, p2, p3 = self.cal_points
        self.plane.set_points( p1, p2, p3 )
Beispiel #2
    def measure_triangle(self, device: arduino_serial.Arduino, translation: float, acc=0.01,
                         vel=0.01):  # translation in [m]

        measure_points = (
            (translation, 0, translation),
            (0, 0, -2 * translation),
            (-2 * translation, 0.0, translation)

        start_pos = super().getl()
        tool_orient = [0, -2.22, -2.22]
        start_pos[3] = tool_orient[0]
        start_pos[4] = tool_orient[1]
        start_pos[5] = tool_orient[2]
        super().movel( start_pos, acc, vel )

        for point in measure_points:
            super().translate( point, acc, vel )
            dis = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_top, 100 ) / 1000  # [m]
            dis -= 0.008  # correct for 8 mm of tcp offset of ultrasonic sensor

            # calculate the real position
            cur_pos = super().getl()
            # cur_pos[1] = cur_pos[1] - self.tcp[2]
            cur_pos[1] = cur_pos[1] + dis

            self.cal_points.append( cur_pos )

        super().movel( start_pos, acc, vel )

        p1, p2, p3 = self.cal_points
        self.plane.set_points( p1, p2, p3 )
Beispiel #3
    def centre_for_triangle(self, device: arduino_serial.Arduino, measurement_offset=-0.03, board_distance=-0.10):
        # get current ditance from the side of the van
        aruco_offset = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_top, 100 ) / 1000  # [m]
        aruco_offset -= 0.008  # correct for 8 mm of tcp offset of ultrasonic sensor

        # set offsets for measurements
        set_centre_measurement = aruco_offset + measurement_offset
        set_triangle_safe_dis = aruco_offset + board_distance

        # do measurements
        self.translate( (0, set_centre_measurement, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, 0.1 )
        self.move_joint( 5, 45, 0.1, 0.5 )
        time.sleep( 0.2 )
        centre_check_1 = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        self.move_joint( 5, 135, 0.1, 0.5 )
        time.sleep( 0.2 )
        centre_check_2 = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        x_to_centre = 0.30 - centre_check_1
        z_to_centre = centre_check_2 - 0.28
        self.translate( (0, -(set_triangle_safe_dis + measurement_offset), 0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, 0.3 )
        self.translate( (x_to_centre, 0, z_to_centre, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, 0.1 )
Beispiel #4
    def repetitive_def_axis(self, device: arduino_serial.Arduino, y_offset=-0.03, axis_measurement_offset=0.15):
        finds four points on the left and top side of the borders of the plane.
        Points found, can be used to define x-axis (top) and z-axis (left).
        :param device: arduino objects
        :param axis_measurement_offset: safety distance from the borders of the plane
        :param y_offset: perpendicular offset from plane
        points1 = []
        points2 = []

        # left 1
        self.move_y_plane( y_offset )
        self.move_joint( 5, 45, 0.1, 0.5 )
        x_check = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        cur_pos = self.getl()
        cur_pos[0] -= (x_check - axis_measurement_offset)
        self.move_y_plane( y_offset, cur_pos )
        x_offset = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        cur_pos = self.getl()
        cur_pos[0] -= x_offset
        points1.append( ['left', x_offset, cur_pos] )
        # top 1
        self.move_joint( 5, 135, 0.1, 0.5 )
        z_check = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        if z_check > 0.4:
            z_check = 0.25
        z_start = self.getl()
        safe_move = (z_check - axis_measurement_offset)
        z_start[2] += (z_check - axis_measurement_offset)
        self.move_y_plane( y_offset, z_start )
        z_offset = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        cur_pos = self.getl()
        cur_pos[2] += z_offset
        points1.append( ['top', z_offset, cur_pos] )
        # print(points1)
        # left 2
        self.move_joint( 5, 45, 0.1, 0.5 )
        x1_check = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        cur_pos = self.getl()
        cur_pos[0] -= x1_check
        points2.append( ['left', x1_check, cur_pos] )
        # top 2
        last_point = self.getl()
        last_point[0] += safe_move
        self.move_y_plane( y_offset, last_point )
        self.move_joint( 5, 135, 0.1, 0.5 )
        z1_offset = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000
        cur_pos = self.getl()
        cur_pos[2] += z1_offset
        points2.append( ['top', z1_offset, cur_pos] )
        # print(points2)

        return points1, points2
Beispiel #5
    def measure_sides(self, device: arduino_serial.Arduino, side_list=None):
        if side_list is None:  # default value
            side_list = ["left", "top"]

        orientations = {  # degrees, axis, pos/neg
            "left": [45, "x", -1],  # left
            "top": [45 + 90 * 1, "z", 1],  # top
            "right": [45 + 90 * 2, "x", 1],  # right
            "bottom": [45 + 90 * 3, "z", -1]  # bottom

        # set orientation of tool right
        start_pos = super().getl()
        tool_orient = [0, -2.22, -2.22]
        start_pos[3] = tool_orient[0]
        start_pos[4] = tool_orient[1]
        start_pos[5] = tool_orient[2]
        super().movel( start_pos )

        side_points = []

        for side in side_list:
            degrees, axis, direction = orientations[side]

            self.move_joint( 5, degrees, 0.1, 0.5 )

            distance = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000  # [m]
            print( degrees, ' - ', distance )
            # calc action point position
            cur_pos = super().getl()
            if axis == "x":
                index = 0
            elif axis == "y":
                index = 1
            elif axis == "z":
                index = 2
                raise Exception( "Didn't find index" )
            cur_pos[index] += distance * direction

                [side, distance, cur_pos] )

        return side_points
Beispiel #6
    def side_look(self, device: arduino_serial.Arduino):
        # measure_list = [  # degrees, axis, pos/neg
        #     [45, "x", -1],  # left
        #     [45 + 90 * 1, "z", 1],  # top
        #     [45 + 90 * 2, "x", 1],  # right
        #     [45 + 90 * 3, "z", -1]  # bottom
        # ]
        measure_list = [  # degrees, axis, pos/neg
            [45, "x", -1],  # left
            [45 + 90 * 1, "z", 1],  # top
            [45 + 90 * 2, "x", 1],  # right
            [45 + 90 * 3, "z", -1]  # bottom

        cur_pos = super().getl()
        y_pos = self.plane.deviation_calc( cur_pos )
        y_pos2 = y_pos - 0.010
        cur_pos[1] = y_pos2
        super().movel( cur_pos )

        for degrees, axis, direction in measure_list:
            self.move_joint( 5, degrees, 0.1, 0.5 )
            distance = device.get_multiple_average( device.get_distance_side, 100 ) / 1000  # [m]
            print( degrees, ' - ', distance )
            # calc action point position
            cur_pos = super().getl()
            if axis == "x":
                index = 0
            elif axis == "y":
                index = 1
            elif axis == "z":
                index = 2
                raise Exception( "Didn't find index" )
            cur_pos[index] += distance * direction

                [degrees, distance, cur_pos] )

        self.move_joint( 5, measure_list[0][0], 0.1, 0.5 )
Beispiel #7
from arduino_serial import Arduino

arduino = Arduino()
arduino.connect("COM4", 9600)
print("Turn LED On or Off.\n")
while arduino.isConnected():
    switch = input("Turn light:")

    if switch == "On":
    elif switch == "Off":
    if switch == "q":
from arduino_serial import Arduino

arduino = Arduino()
arduino.connect("COM4", 9600)
while arduino.isConnected():
    pos = input("Servo position: ")
    if pos == "q":