Beispiel #1
 def run_in_thread(self, daemon=False):
     for channel, handler in iteritems(self.channels):
         if handler is None:
             raise PubSubError("Channel: '%s' has no handler registered")
     for pattern, handler in iteritems(self.patterns):
         if handler is None:
             raise PubSubError("Pattern: '%s' has no handler registered")
     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
     thread = PubSubWorkerThread(self, loop, daemon=daemon)
     return thread
Beispiel #2
 def run_in_thread(self, daemon=False):
     for channel, handler in iteritems(self.channels):
         if handler is None:
             raise PubSubError(
                 "Channel: '{}' has no handler registered".format(channel))
     for pattern, handler in iteritems(self.patterns):
         if handler is None:
             raise PubSubError(
                 "Pattern: '{}' has no handler registered".format(pattern))
     thread = PubSubWorkerThread(self, daemon=daemon)
     return thread
Beispiel #3
 async def on_connect(self, connection):
     "Re-subscribe to any channels and patterns previously subscribed to"
     # NOTE: for python3, we can't pass bytestrings as keyword arguments
     # so we need to decode channel/pattern names back to str strings
     # before passing them to [p]subscribe.
     if self.channels:
         channels = {}
         for k, v in iteritems(self.channels):
             channels[k] = v
         await self.subscribe(**channels)
     if self.patterns:
         patterns = {}
         for k, v in iteritems(self.patterns):
             patterns[k] = v
         await self.psubscribe(**patterns)
Beispiel #4
    async def zaddoption(self, name, option=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Differs from zadd in that you can set either 'XX' or 'NX' option as
        described here: Only for Redis 3.0.2 or

        The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
        redis.zaddoption('my-key', 'XX', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2', name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
        redis.zaddoption('my-key', 'NX CH', name1=2.2)
        if not option:
            raise RedisError("ZADDOPTION must take options")
        options = set(opt.upper() for opt in option.split())
        if options - VALID_ZADD_OPTIONS:
            raise RedisError("ZADD only takes XX, NX, CH, or INCR")
        if 'NX' in options and 'XX' in options:
            raise RedisError("ZADD only takes one of XX or NX")
        pieces = list(options)
        members = []
        if args:
            if len(args) % 2 != 0:
                raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
                                 "values and scores")
        for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
        if 'INCR' in options and len(members) != 2:
            raise RedisError("ZADD with INCR only takes one score-name pair")
        return await self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces, *members)
Beispiel #5
 async def hmset(self, name, mapping):
     Set key to value within hash ``name`` for each corresponding
     key and value from the ``mapping`` dict.
     if not mapping:
         raise DataError("'hmset' with 'mapping' of length 0")
     items = []
     for pair in iteritems(mapping):
     return await self.execute_command('HMSET', name, *items)
Beispiel #6
 async def mset(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Sets key/values based on a mapping. Mapping can be supplied as a single
     dictionary argument or as kwargs.
     if args:
         if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], dict):
             raise RedisError('MSET requires **kwargs or a single dict arg')
     items = []
     for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
     return await self.execute_command('MSET', *items)
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, sentinels, min_other_sentinels=0, sentinel_kwargs=None,
        # if sentinel_kwargs isn't defined, use the socket_* options from
        # connection_kwargs
        if sentinel_kwargs is None:
            sentinel_kwargs = dict([(k, v)
                                    for k, v in iteritems(connection_kwargs)
                                    if k.startswith('socket_')
        self.sentinel_kwargs = sentinel_kwargs

        self.sentinels = [StrictRedis(hostname, port, **self.sentinel_kwargs)
                          for hostname, port in sentinels]
        self.min_other_sentinels = min_other_sentinels
        self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs
Beispiel #8
 async def msetnx(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Sets key/values based on a mapping if none of the keys are already set.
     Mapping can be supplied as a single dictionary argument or as kwargs.
     Returns a boolean indicating if the operation was successful.
     if args:
         if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], dict):
             raise RedisError('MSETNX requires **kwargs or a single '
                              'dict arg')
     items = []
     for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
     return await self.execute_command('MSETNX', *items)
Beispiel #9
    async def mset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Sets key/values based on a mapping. Mapping can be supplied as a single
        dictionary argument or as kwargs.

        Cluster impl:
            Itterate over all items and do SET on each (k,v) pair

            Operation is no longer atomic.
        if args:
            if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], dict):
                raise RedisError('MSET requires **kwargs or a single dict arg')

        for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
            await self.set(pair[0], pair[1])

        return True
Beispiel #10
 async def subscribe(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Subscribe to channels. Channels supplied as keyword arguments expect
     a channel name as the key and a callable as the value. A channel's
     callable will be invoked automatically when a message is received on
     that channel rather than producing a message via ``listen()`` or
     if args:
         args = list_or_args(args[0], args[1:])
     new_channels = {}
     new_channels.update(dict.fromkeys(map(self.encode, args)))
     for channel, handler in iteritems(kwargs):
         new_channels[self.encode(channel)] = handler
     ret_val = await self.execute_command('SUBSCRIBE', *iterkeys(new_channels))
     # update the channels dict AFTER we send the command. we don't want to
     # subscribe twice to these channels, once for the command and again
     # for the reconnection.
     return ret_val
Beispiel #11
 async def psubscribe(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Subscribes to channel patterns. Patterns supplied as keyword arguments
     expect a pattern name as the key and a callable as the value. A
     pattern's callable will be invoked automatically when a message is
     received on that pattern rather than producing a message via
     if args:
         args = list_or_args(args[0], args[1:])
     new_patterns = {}
     new_patterns.update(dict.fromkeys(map(self.encode, args)))
     for pattern, handler in iteritems(kwargs):
         new_patterns[self.encode(pattern)] = handler
     ret_val = await self.execute_command('PSUBSCRIBE',
     # update the patterns dict AFTER we send the command. we don't want to
     # subscribe twice to these patterns, once for the command and again
     # for the reconnection.
     return ret_val
Beispiel #12
    async def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        Set any number of score, element-name pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
        can be specified in two ways:

        As *args, in the form of: score1, name1, score2, name2, ...
        or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...

        The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
        redis.zadd('my-key', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2', name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
        pieces = []
        if args:
            if len(args) % 2 != 0:
                raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
                                 "values and scores")
        for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
        return await self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces)