Beispiel #1
    def _build(self, prediction_model, drop_one_logit=False):

        y = prediction_model.y
        logits = prediction_model.logits

        loss_per_sample = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - logits), axis=1)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_sample)

        # First panel will be at screen during traininig
        list_of_vpanels_of_plots = [[
                'nodes': [loss],
                'names': ["mse"],
                'output': {
                    'fileName': "mse"

        nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to = create_panels_lists(

        return loss, loss_per_sample, nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to
Beispiel #2
    def _build(self, model, drop_one_logit=False):

        y = model.y
        shaper = tf.shape(y)
        # if len(y.shape)==1:
        #     y = tf.expand_dims(y, axis=-1)

        kl_losses = model.kl_losses
        total_KL = tf.reduce_sum(kl_losses) / model.dataset.n_samples_train
        alpha = self._alpha_parameter
        n_samples = model.n_samples_ph

        logits = model.prediction_distr.logits
        probs = model.prediction_distr.probs
        n_labels = logits.shape[1]
        y_tile = tf.tile(y, [n_samples])
        y_true = tf.one_hot(y_tile, n_labels)

        def alphaloss(y_true, logits):
            logits_reshaped = tf.reshape(logits,
                                         (n_samples, shaper[0], n_labels))
            y_true_reshaped = tf.reshape(y_true,
                                         (n_samples, shaper[0], n_labels))
            y_true_reshaped = tf.cast(y_true_reshaped, tf.float32)
            log_solfmax = logits_reshaped - tf.reduce_max(
                logits_reshaped, axis=2, keepdims=True)
            log_solfmaxT = log_solfmax - tf.reduce_logsumexp(
                log_solfmax, axis=2, keepdims=True)
            log_cross_entropy = tf.reduce_sum(
                tf.multiply(y_true_reshaped, log_solfmaxT), -1)
            loss = -1. / alpha * (
                tf.reduce_logsumexp(alpha * log_cross_entropy, 0) -
                tf.log(tf.cast(n_samples, tf.float32)))
            return loss

        if alpha is None:
            loss_per_sample = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
                labels=tf.cast(y_tile, tf.int32), logits=logits)
            loss_per_sample = alphaloss(y_true, logits)

        ce = tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_sample)
        loss = ce + total_KL

        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, axis=1),
                             tf.cast(y_tile, dtype=tf.int64)),

        # First panel will be at screen during training
        list_of_vpanels_of_plots = [
                # {
                #     'nodes' : [loss],
                #     'names': ["loss"],
                #     'fileName' : "loss"
                # },
                    'nodes': [ce],
                    'names': ["ce"],
                    'output': {
                        'fileName': "ce"
                    'nodes': [total_KL],
                    'names': ["kl"],
                    'output': {
                        'fileName': "kl"
                    'nodes': [accuracy],
                    'names': ["accuracy"],
                    'output': {
                        'fileName': "accuracy"
                    'nodes': [1 - accuracy],
                    'names': ["error"],
                    'output': {
                        'fileName': "error",
                        "logscale-y": 1

        # nodes_to_log = [[ce],
        #                 [total_KL],
        #                 [1 - accuracy],
        #                 [accuracy]]
        # nodes_to_log_names = [["ce"], ["kl"], ["error"], ["accuracy"]]
        # nodes_to_log_filenames = [{"fileName": "ce"},
        #                           {"fileName": "kl"},
        #                           {"fileName": "error", "logscale-y": 1},
        #                           {"fileName": "accuracy"}]

        if self._multiclass_metrics:
            y_pred = tf.one_hot(tf.argmax(logits, axis=1), n_labels)
            y_true = tf.one_hot(y_tile, n_labels)
            f1_micro, f1_macro, f1_weighted = tf_f1_score(y_true, y_pred)

            auc, auc_update = tf.metrics.auc(
                labels=tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.float32),
                # predictions=tf.nn.softmax(logits)

            raise Exception("set panels correctly here first!")
            # nodes_to_log += [[auc_update],
            #                 [f1_micro, f1_macro, f1_weighted]]
            # nodes_to_log_names += [["auc"], ["f1_micro", "f1_macro", "f1_weighted"]]
            # nodes_to_log_filenames += [
            #                             {"fileName": "auc"},
            #                             {"fileName": "f1_score"}
            #                             # {"fileName": "f1_micro"},
            #                             # {"fileName": "f1_macro"},
            #                             # {"fileName": "f1_weighted"}
            #                           ]

        nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to = create_panels_lists(

        return loss, loss_per_sample, nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to
Beispiel #3
    def _build(self, model): #, drop_one_logit=False):

        y = model.y
        shaper = tf.shape(y)
        distr = model.prediction_distr

        if self._use_alpha:
            if self._alpha_parameter!=0:
                y_tile = tf.tile(y, [n_samples, 1])
                loss_core = -distr.log_prob(y_tile)
                #loss_per_minibatch = tf.exp(tf.scalar_mul(self._alpha_parameter,distr.log_prob(y_tile)))
                #loss_per_minibatch_reshaped=tf.reshape(loss_per_minibatch, (alpha_samples,shaper[0]))
                loss_per_minibatch = tf.scalar_mul(self._alpha_parameter,distr.log_prob(y_tile))
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                loss_per_minibatch_reshaped=tf.reshape(loss_per_minibatch, (n_samples, shaper[0]))
                y_tile = tf.tile(y, [n_samples, 1])
                loss_core = -distr.log_prob(y_tile)
                loss_per_minibatch = -distr.log_prob(y_tile)
                loss_per_minibatch_reshaped=tf.reshape(loss_per_minibatch, (n_samples, shaper[0]))
                loss_per_sample=tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_minibatch_reshaped, axis=0)

            loss_per_sample = -distr.log_prob(y)
            loss_core = loss_per_sample

        nll = tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_sample, name="nll")
        kl_losses = model.kl_losses
        total_KL = tf.reduce_sum(kl_losses) / model.dataset.n_samples_train
        loss = nll + total_KL
        nll_core = tf.reduce_mean(loss_core, name="nll_core")

        # in case of Bayesian network I need to add kl_losses for the weights if I want to see them
        # (otherwise kl_losses will be an empty list for non bayesian predictions)
        # if kl_losses:
        #     KL_i_names = ["KL_" + str(int(i+1)) for i, l in enumerate(kl_losses)]
        #     nodes_to_log = [[loss],
        #                     [nll],
        #                     # [total_KL],
        #                     # kl_losses
        #                     ]
        #     names_of_nodes_to_log = [["loss"],
        #                              ["NLL"],
        #                              # ["total_KL"],
        #                              # KL_i_names
        #                              ]
        #     filenames_to_log_to = [{"fileName" : "loss"},
        #                             {"fileName" : "negloglikelihood"},
        #                             # {"fileName" : "total_KL"},
        #                             # {"fileName" : "all_KLs", "legend": 0}
        #                            ]
        # else:

        means = model.prediction_mean
        # if self._use_alpha:
        means=tf.reshape(means, (n_samples,shaper[0],shaper[1]))
        # else:
        #     pass

        mse_per_sample = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y - means), axis=1)
        mse = tf.reduce_mean(mse_per_sample)

        # First panel will be at screen during training
        list_of_vpanels_of_plots = [
                        'nodes' : [loss],
                        'names': ["loss"],
                        'output': {'fileName' : "loss"}

                        'nodes': [nll],
                        'names': ["NLL"],
                        'output': {'fileName': "negloglikelihood"}

                        'nodes': [mse],
                        'names': ["mse"],
                        'output': {'fileName': "mse"}

        nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to = create_panels_lists(list_of_vpanels_of_plots)

        # nodes_to_log = [[loss], [nll], [mse], [loss_core]]
        # names_of_nodes_to_log = [["loss"], ["NLL"], ["MSE"], ["loss_core"]]
        # filenames_to_log_to = [{"fileName": "loss"},
        #                        {"fileName": "negloglikelihood"},
        #                        {"fileName": "mse"},
        #                        {"fileName": "loss_core"}
        #                        ]

        return loss, loss_per_sample, nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to
Beispiel #4
    def _build(self, vae):

        prior = vae._prior
        approximate_posterior = vae._approximate_posterior

        vq_losses = vae.net_losses
        perplexity = vq_losses["perplexity"]
        vq_loss = vq_losses["vq_loss"]

        model_visible = vae._model_visible
        x_target = vae.x_target
        n_z_samples = 1

        warm_up = self.get_warm_up_coefficient(self._warm_up_method, vae)

        rec_nll = self.reconstruction_loss(x_target, n_z_samples,
                                           model_visible, vae)

        KL = self.latent_loss(approximate_posterior, prior)

        # use kl only if specified, original VQ-VAE paper doesn't use
        kl_loss = warm_up * self.beta * KL if self._use_kl else 0.

        cost = kl_loss + vq_loss + rec_nll

        dim_with_channels = tf.cast(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(x_target)[1:]),

        # TODO I think this formula is still not correct
        # check
        bits_dim = (
            (rec_nll / dim_with_channels) + tf.log(256.0 / 2.0)) / tf.log(2.0)

        # First panel will be at screen during training
        list_of_vpanels_of_plots = [[
                'nodes': [cost],
                'names': ["loss"],
                'output': {
                    'fileName': "loss"
                'nodes': [bits_dim],
                'names': ["bd"],
                'output': {
                    'fileName': "bits_dim"
                                            'nodes': [KL],
                                            'names': ["KL"],
                                            'output': {
                                                'fileName': "kl"
                                            'nodes': [rec_nll],
                                            'names': ["RL"],
                                            'output': {
                                                'fileName': "rl"
                                            'nodes': [perplexity],
                                            'names': ["perplexity"],
                                            'output': {
                                                'fileName': "perplexity"

        nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to = create_panels_lists(

        return cost, nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to
    def _build(self, prediction_model):  #, drop_one_logit=False):

        y = prediction_model.y
        logits = prediction_model.logits
        n_labels = logits.shape[1]

        # do not delete yet (Luigi)
        if drop_one_logit:
            n = logits.get_shape().as_list()[1]

        loss_per_sample = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            labels=tf.cast(y, tf.int32), logits=logits)
        if self._nbp:

            def nbp(x):
                def grad(dy):
                    I_theta = tf.stop_gradient(tf.nn.softmax(logits))

                    #tf.tensordot(tf.linalg.inv(I_theta),dy, axes=0),dy)
                    #print_op = tf.Print(tf.shape(dy), [tf.shape(dy)])
                    #with tf.control_dependencies([print_op]):
                    #    return dy #tf.matmul(tf.diag(tf.linalg.inv(I_theta)), dy)
                    #return tf.matmul(tf.linalg.inv(I_theta), dy)


                    return tf.matmul(I_theta, dy)

                return tf.identity(x), grad

            loss_per_sample = nbp(loss_per_sample)

        loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss_per_sample)

        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, axis=1),
                             tf.cast(y, dtype=tf.int64)),

        # First panel will be at screen during training
        list_of_vpanels_of_plots = [
                # {
                #     'nodes' : [loss],
                #     'names': ["loss"],
                #     'fileName' : "loss"
                # },
                    'nodes': [loss],
                    'names': ["ce"],
                    'output': {
                        'fileName': "ce"
                    'nodes': [accuracy],
                    'names': ["accuracy"],
                    'output': {
                        'fileName': "accuracy"
                    'nodes': [1 - accuracy],
                    'names': ["error"],
                    'output': {
                        'fileName': "error",
                        "logscale-y": 1

        # nodes_to_log = [[1 - accuracy],
        #                 [accuracy]]
        # nodes_to_log_names = [["err"], ["acc"]]
        # nodes_to_log_filenames = [{"fileName": "error", "logscale-y": 1},
        #                           {"fileName": "accuracy"}]

        if self._multiclass_metrics:
            y_pred = tf.one_hot(tf.argmax(logits, axis=1), n_labels)
            y_true = tf.one_hot(y, n_labels)
            f1_micro, f1_macro, f1_weighted = tf_f1_score(y_true, y_pred)

            auc, auc_update = tf.metrics.auc(labels=tf.cast(y_true,

            raise Exception("set panels correctly here first!")

            # nodes_to_log += [[auc_update],
            #                 [f1_micro, f1_macro, f1_weighted]]
            # nodes_to_log_names += [["auc"], ["f1_micro", "f1_macro", "f1_weighted"]]
            # nodes_to_log_filenames += [
            #                             {"fileName": "auc"},
            #                             {"fileName": "f1_score"}
            #                             # {"fileName": "f1_micro"},
            #                             # {"fileName": "f1_macro"},
            #                             # {"fileName": "f1_weighted"}
            #                           ]

        nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to = create_panels_lists(

        return loss, loss_per_sample, nodes_to_log, names_of_nodes_to_log, filenames_to_log_to