def __init__(
        self, dataset_dir: str, experiment_prefix: str, use_existing_files: bool = True, log_id: str = None
    ) -> None:
        """We will cache the accumulated trajectories per city, per log, and per frame
        for the tracking benchmark.
        self.plot_lane_tangent_arrows = True
        self.plot_lidar_bev = True
        self.plot_lidar_in_img = False
        self.experiment_prefix = experiment_prefix
        self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir
        self.labels_dir = dataset_dir
        self.sdb = SynchronizationDB(self.dataset_dir)

        if log_id is None:
            tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
            per_city_traj_dict_fpath = f"{tmp_dir}/per_city_traj_dict_{experiment_prefix}.pkl"
            log_egopose_dict_fpath = f"{tmp_dir}/log_egopose_dict_{experiment_prefix}.pkl"
            log_timestamp_dict_fpath = f"{tmp_dir}/log_timestamp_dict_{experiment_prefix}.pkl"
            if not use_existing_files:
                # write the accumulate data dictionaries to disk
                PerFrameLabelAccumulator(dataset_dir, dataset_dir, experiment_prefix)

            self.per_city_traj_dict = load_pkl_dictionary(per_city_traj_dict_fpath)
            self.log_egopose_dict = load_pkl_dictionary(log_egopose_dict_fpath)
            self.log_timestamp_dict = load_pkl_dictionary(log_timestamp_dict_fpath)
            pfa = PerFrameLabelAccumulator(dataset_dir, dataset_dir, experiment_prefix, save=False)
            self.per_city_traj_dict = pfa.per_city_traj_dict
            self.log_egopose_dict = pfa.log_egopose_dict
            self.log_timestamp_dict = pfa.log_timestamp_dict
def test_load_pickle_from_disk() -> None:
    """Load a pickle file from disk.

    The file should contain the following Python dictionary:
    {'a': 1, 'b':'2', 'c':[9,8,7,6,5,'d','c','b','a'], 'd': np.array([True,False,True]) }

    We demonstrate that we can load Numpy arrays and lists from Pickle files.
    gt_dict = {
        "a": 1,
        "b": "2",
        "c": [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, "d", "c", "b", "a"],
        "d": np.array([True, False, True])
    pkl_fpath = _TEST_DIR / "test_data/pkl_test_file.pkl"
    loaded_pkl_dict = load_pkl_dictionary(pkl_fpath)
    dictionaries_are_equal(gt_dict, loaded_pkl_dict)