Beispiel #1
class CLIEngine(object):
    """A base class for Command Line Inteface facing tools. :class:`CLIEnigne` 
    provides the basic structure to set up a simple command-line interface,
    based on the :mod:`argparse` framework. The only required implementation 
    below is the :meth:`do` method. All other settings are optional.
    :param str prefix_chars: Sets the prefix characters to command line arguments. 
        by default this is set to "-", reqiuring that all command line argumetns begin 
        with "-".
    At the end of initialization, the configuration (:attr:`config`) and 
    :attr:`parser` will be availabe for use.
    # pylint: disable= too-many-instance-attributes
    def description(self):
        """The textual description of the command line interface, 
        set as the description of the parser from :mod:`argparse`."""
        return self.__doc__
    debug = __debug__
    """Whether this tool will show stack traces."""
    epilog = ""
    """The text that comes at the end of the :mod:`argparse` 
    help text."""
    defaultcfg = "Config.yml"
    """The name of the default configuration file to be loaded. If set to 
    ``False``, no configuration will occur."""
    supercfg = []
    """This is a list of tuples which represent configurations that should be 
    loaded before the default configuration is loaded. Each tuple contains the 
    module name and filename pair that should be passed to 
    :func:`~pkg_resources.resource_filename`. To specify a super-configuration 
    in the current directory, use ``__main__`` as the module name."""
    def __init__(self, prefix_chars=str("-"), 
        super(CLIEngine, self).__init__()
        self._log = getLogger(self.__module__)
        self._parser = ArgumentParser(
            prefix_chars = prefix_chars, add_help = False,
            formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
            description = self.description,
            epilog = self.epilog,
            conflict_handler = conflict_handler)
        self._home = os.environ["HOME"]
        self.config = StructuredConfiguration()
        self._opts = None
        self._rargs = None
        self.__help_action = None
        self.exitcode = 0
        self._hasinit = False
        self._hasargs = False
        self._hasvars = True
    config = ConfigurationProperty()
    def parser(self):
        """:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance for this engine."""
        if getattr(self, '_hasvars', False):
            return self._parser
            raise AttributeError("Parser has not yet been initialized!")
    def opts(self):
        """Command Line Options, as paresed, for this engine"""
        return self._opts
    def log(self):
        """This engine's logger"""
        return self._log
    def init(self):
        """Initialization after the parser has been created."""
        self._hasinit = True
        if self.defaultcfg:
        if self.debug:
    def arguments(self, *args):
        r"""Parse the given arguments. If no arguments are given, parses 
        the known arguments on the command line. Generally this should 
        parse all arguments except ``-h`` for help, which should be 
        parsed last after the help text has been fully assembled. The full 
        help text can be set to the ``self.parser.epilog`` attribute.
        :param \*args: The arguments to be parsed.
        Similar to taking the command line components and doing 
        ``" -h --config test.yml".split()``. Same signature as would be used 
        for :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args()`
        if not self._hasinit:
        self._opts, self._rargs = self.parser.parse_known_args(*args)        
        self._hasargs = True
    def before_configure(self):
        """Actions to be run before configuration. This method can be 
        overwritten to provide custom actions to be taken before the
        engine gets configured.
    def configure(self):
        """Configure the command line engine from a series of YAML files.
        The configuration loads (starting with a blank configuration):
            1. The :attr:`module` configuration file named for 
            2. The command line specified file from the user's home folder 
            3. The command line specified file from the working directory.
        If the third file is not found, and the user specified a new name for 
        the configuration file, then the user is warned that no configuration 
        file could be found. This way the usre is only warned about a missing 
        configuration file if they requested a file specifically (and so 
        intended to use a customized file).
        cfg = getattr(self.opts, 'config', self.defaultcfg)
            defaultcfg=self.defaultcfg, cfg=cfg,supercfg=self.supercfg)
        self.config.parse_literals(*getattr(self.opts, 'configure', []))
    def after_configure(self):
        """Actions to be run after configuration. This method can be 
        overwritten to provide custom actions to be taken before the
        engine gets configured."""
    def parse(self):
        """Parse the command line arguments.
        This function uses the arguments passed in through :meth:`arguments`,
        adds the `-h` option, and calls the parser to understand and act on 
        the arguments. Arguments are then stored in the :attr:`opts` attribute.
        This method also calls :meth:`configure_logging` to set up the logger
        if it is ready to go.
        .. note:: 
            Calling :meth:`configure_logging` allows :meth:`configure` to 
            change the logging configuration values before the logger is 
        self._opts = self.parser.parse_args(self._rargs, self._opts)
    def do(self): # pylint: disable= invalid-name
        """This method should handle the main operations for the command 
        line tool. The user should overwrite this method in Engine subclasses
        for thier own use. The :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or :exc:`SystemExit` 
        errors will be caught by :meth:`kill`"""
    def kill(self):
        """This function should forcibly kill any subprocesses. It is called 
        when :meth:`do` raises a :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or :exc:`SystemExit`
        to ensure that any tasks can be finalized before the system exits.
        Errors raised here are not caught."""
    def run(self):
        """This method is used to run the command line engine in the expected 
        order. This method should be called to run the engine from another 
        if not self._hasinit:
        if not self._hasargs:
            warn("Implied Command-line mode", UserWarning)
        except SystemExit as exc:
            if not getattr(exc, 'code', 0):
            if self.debug:
            self.exitcode = getattr(exc, 'code', self.exitcode)
        except KeyboardInterrupt as exc:
            if self.debug:
        return self.exitcode
    def script(cls):
        """The class method for using this module as a script entry 
        point. This method ensures that the engine runs correctly on 
        the command line, and is cleaned up at the end."""
        engine = cls()
    def _remove_help(self):
        """Remove the ``-h, --help`` argument from the parser.
        .. Warning::
            This method uses a swizzle to access protected parser attributes
            and remove the argument as best as possible. It may break!
        # pylint: disable= protected-access
        for option_string in self.__help_action.option_strings:
            del self._parser._option_string_actions[option_string]
    def _add_help(self):
        """Add the ``-h, --help`` argument."""
        self.__help_action = self.parser.add_argument('-h', '--help',
            action='help', help="Display this help text")
    def _add_configfile_args(self,*args):
        """Add a parser command line argument for changing configuration files.
        :arguments: The set of arguments to be passed to :meth:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = ("--config",)
        self.parser.add_argument(*args, dest='config',
            action='store', metavar='file.yml', default=self.defaultcfg,
            help="Set configuration file. By default, load %(file)s and"
            " ~/%(file)s if it exists." % dict(file=self.defaultcfg))
        self.parser.register('action', 'config', bind_configuration_action(self.config))
    def _add_configure_args(self,*args):
        """Add a parser command line argument for literal configuration items.
        See :meth:`~pyshell.config.DottedConfiguration.parse_literals`.
        :arguments: The set of arguments to be passed to :meth:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = ("--configure",)
        self.parser.add_argument(*args, dest='configure',
            action='append', metavar='Item.Key=value',default=[],
            help="Set configuration value. The value is parsed as a"
            " python literal.")
    def _add_debug_args(self, *args):
        """Add debugging arguments."""
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = ('--ipdb',)
        self.parser.add_argument(*args, dest='debug', action=ipydbAction, help="enable the ipython debugger.")
    def configure_logging(self):
        """Configure the logging system using the configuration underneath 
        ``config["logging"]`` as a dictionary configuration for the :mod:`logging` 
Beispiel #2
class CLIEngine(object):
    """A base class for Command Line Inteface facing tools. :class:`CLIEnigne` 
    provides the basic structure to set up a simple command-line interface,
    based on the :mod:`argparse` framework. The only required implementation 
    below is the :meth:`do` method. All other settings are optional.
    :param str prefix_chars: Sets the prefix characters to command line arguments. 
        by default this is set to "-", reqiuring that all command line argumetns begin 
        with "-".
    At the end of initialization, the configuration (:attr:`config`) and 
    :attr:`parser` will be availabe for use.
    # pylint: disable= too-many-instance-attributes

    def description(self):
        """The textual description of the command line interface, 
        set as the description of the parser from :mod:`argparse`."""
        return self.__doc__

    debug = __debug__
    """Whether this tool will show stack traces."""

    epilog = ""
    """The text that comes at the end of the :mod:`argparse` 
    help text."""

    defaultcfg = "Config.yml"
    """The name of the default configuration file to be loaded. If set to 
    ``False``, no configuration will occur."""

    supercfg = []
    """This is a list of tuples which represent configurations that should be 
    loaded before the default configuration is loaded. Each tuple contains the 
    module name and filename pair that should be passed to 
    :func:`~pkg_resources.resource_filename`. To specify a super-configuration 
    in the current directory, use ``__main__`` as the module name."""

    def __init__(self, prefix_chars=str("-"), conflict_handler='error'):
        super(CLIEngine, self).__init__()
        self._log = getLogger(self.__module__)
        self._parser = ArgumentParser(
        self._home = os.environ["HOME"]
        self.config = StructuredConfiguration()
        self._opts = None
        self._rargs = None
        self.__help_action = None
        self.exitcode = 0
        self._hasinit = False
        self._hasargs = False
        self._hasvars = True

    config = ConfigurationProperty()

    def parser(self):
        """:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance for this engine."""
        if getattr(self, '_hasvars', False):
            return self._parser
            raise AttributeError("Parser has not yet been initialized!")

    def opts(self):
        """Command Line Options, as paresed, for this engine"""
        return self._opts

    def log(self):
        """This engine's logger"""
        return self._log

    def init(self):
        """Initialization after the parser has been created."""
        self._hasinit = True
        if self.defaultcfg:
        if self.debug:

    def arguments(self, *args):
        r"""Parse the given arguments. If no arguments are given, parses 
        the known arguments on the command line. Generally this should 
        parse all arguments except ``-h`` for help, which should be 
        parsed last after the help text has been fully assembled. The full 
        help text can be set to the ``self.parser.epilog`` attribute.
        :param \*args: The arguments to be parsed.
        Similar to taking the command line components and doing 
        ``" -h --config test.yml".split()``. Same signature as would be used 
        for :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args()`
        if not self._hasinit:
        self._opts, self._rargs = self.parser.parse_known_args(*args)
        self._hasargs = True

    def before_configure(self):
        """Actions to be run before configuration. This method can be 
        overwritten to provide custom actions to be taken before the
        engine gets configured.

    def configure(self):
        """Configure the command line engine from a series of YAML files.
        The configuration loads (starting with a blank configuration):
            1. The :attr:`module` configuration file named for 
            2. The command line specified file from the user's home folder 
            3. The command line specified file from the working directory.
        If the third file is not found, and the user specified a new name for 
        the configuration file, then the user is warned that no configuration 
        file could be found. This way the usre is only warned about a missing 
        configuration file if they requested a file specifically (and so 
        intended to use a customized file).
        cfg = getattr(self.opts, 'config', self.defaultcfg)
        self.config.parse_literals(*getattr(self.opts, 'configure', []))

    def after_configure(self):
        """Actions to be run after configuration. This method can be 
        overwritten to provide custom actions to be taken before the
        engine gets configured."""

    def parse(self):
        """Parse the command line arguments.
        This function uses the arguments passed in through :meth:`arguments`,
        adds the `-h` option, and calls the parser to understand and act on 
        the arguments. Arguments are then stored in the :attr:`opts` attribute.
        This method also calls :meth:`configure_logging` to set up the logger
        if it is ready to go.
        .. note:: 
            Calling :meth:`configure_logging` allows :meth:`configure` to 
            change the logging configuration values before the logger is 
        self._opts = self.parser.parse_args(self._rargs, self._opts)

    def do(self):  # pylint: disable= invalid-name
        """This method should handle the main operations for the command 
        line tool. The user should overwrite this method in Engine subclasses
        for thier own use. The :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or :exc:`SystemExit` 
        errors will be caught by :meth:`kill`"""

    def kill(self):
        """This function should forcibly kill any subprocesses. It is called 
        when :meth:`do` raises a :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or :exc:`SystemExit`
        to ensure that any tasks can be finalized before the system exits.
        Errors raised here are not caught."""

    def run(self):
        """This method is used to run the command line engine in the expected 
        order. This method should be called to run the engine from another 
        if not self._hasinit:
        if not self._hasargs:
            warn("Implied Command-line mode", UserWarning)
        except SystemExit as exc:
            if not getattr(exc, 'code', 0):
            if self.debug:
            self.exitcode = getattr(exc, 'code', self.exitcode)
        except KeyboardInterrupt as exc:
            if self.debug:
        return self.exitcode

    def script(cls):
        """The class method for using this module as a script entry 
        point. This method ensures that the engine runs correctly on 
        the command line, and is cleaned up at the end."""
        engine = cls()

    def _remove_help(self):
        """Remove the ``-h, --help`` argument from the parser.
        .. Warning::
            This method uses a swizzle to access protected parser attributes
            and remove the argument as best as possible. It may break!
        # pylint: disable= protected-access
        for option_string in self.__help_action.option_strings:
            del self._parser._option_string_actions[option_string]

    def _add_help(self):
        """Add the ``-h, --help`` argument."""
        self.__help_action = self.parser.add_argument(
            '-h', '--help', action='help', help="Display this help text")

    def _add_configfile_args(self, *args):
        """Add a parser command line argument for changing configuration files.
        :arguments: The set of arguments to be passed to :meth:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = ("--config", )
            help="Set configuration file. By default, load %(file)s and"
            " ~/%(file)s if it exists." % dict(file=self.defaultcfg))
        self.parser.register('action', 'config',

    def _add_configure_args(self, *args):
        """Add a parser command line argument for literal configuration items.
        See :meth:`~pyshell.config.DottedConfiguration.parse_literals`.
        :arguments: The set of arguments to be passed to :meth:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = ("--configure", )
            help="Set configuration value. The value is parsed as a"
            " python literal.")

    def _add_debug_args(self, *args):
        """Add debugging arguments."""
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = ('--ipdb', )
                                 help="enable the ipython debugger.")

    def configure_logging(self):
        """Configure the logging system using the configuration underneath 
        ``config["logging"]`` as a dictionary configuration for the :mod:`logging` 