allObjDict = {}
allSkiesByExp = {}
allDarkDict = {}
allDarkTimes = []
allSkyDict = {}
nightAndFilterDict = {}
for ff in allFiles:
    ##### First check to make sure we don't include reduced fits files
    if (ff[-5:] == ".fits") & (ff[-7:] != ".d.fits") & (ff[-9:] != ".red.fits") & (ff[-9:] != ".sub.fits"):

        ##### A. Target data (all starts with 'q')
        if ff[0] == "q":
            exp = gb.cleanse(ao.getStuffFromHeader(nightPath + ff, "EXPTIME"))
            filt = gb.cleanse(string.replace(ao.getStuffFromHeader(nightPath + ff, "FILTER"), "band", ""))
            obj = aries.getProperName(ao.getStuffFromHeader(nightPath + ff, "OBJECT"))
            ## Create dictionary of objects by object, filter
            if (obj, filt) not in allObjDict.keys():
                # print "New object, filter:",obj, filt
                allObjDict[obj, filt] = [ff]
                allObjDict[obj, filt].append(ff)
                ## Finally, make list of all frames by filter for each night
            start = len(base) + 1
            end = start + 4
            num = int(ff[start:end])
            for nn in frameNumbers:
                if aries.framesForNights[nn][0] <= num <= aries.framesForNights[nn][1]:
                    if (nn, filt) not in nightAndFilterDict.keys():
                        nightAndFilterDict[nn, filt] = [ff]

######################## Pick objects ###################

### List everything with an allObj file in the data directory
objectDirListing = os.listdir(nightPath)

allObjList = []
allProperNames = []
nn = 0
print "\nThe following object lists are available:"
for xx in objectDirListing:
    if xx.startswith("allObj") & xx.endswith(".txt"):
        elems = xx.split("_")
        name = aries.getProperName(elems[1])
        filt = elems[2]
        print nn, name, filt
        nn = nn + 1

### Now pick which to use
print "\n Which objects and filters should be run?"
print "1 -- ALL"
print "2 -- Kepler objects (K*) ONLY, excluding things named NEAR or FIELD"
print "3 -- Non-Kepler objects (not K*) ONLY"
print "4 -- Use subset listed in script (copy and paste into and rerun)"
entry = raw_input("Choice (defaults to 1): ")

useObjList = []
if entry == "2":
Beispiel #3
#print "4 -- Use subset listed in script (copy and paste into and rerun)"
#entry = raw_input("Choice (defaults to 1): ")
#if entry == "2":
#	for nn,obj in enumerate(allProperNames):
#		if ((obj[0]=="K") & (obj.endswith("FIELD")==False) & (obj.endswith("NEAR")==False)):
#			useObjList.append(allObjList[nn])
#elif entry == "3":
#	for nn,obj in enumerate(allProperNames):
#		if ((obj[0]!="K") & (obj.endswith("FIELD")==False) & (obj.endswith("NEAR")==False)):
#			useObjList.append(allObjList[nn])
#elif entry == "4":
#	#### Enter your list here
#	useObjList = ["allObj_K961_Ks.txt", "allObj_K973_Ks.txt", "allObj_K979_Ks.txt"]
#	useObjList = allObjList
#print "Using object lists:",useObjList,"\n"
#g = open("usingObjLists.txt","w")
#for obj in useObjList:
#	print >>g,obj

######## Proper names
print aries.getProperName("KOI85")