def execute_cb(goal):
        succeeded = False
        if goal.down:

            #goal.pose.pose.position.z += FUDGE
                arm.tfl.waitForTransform('base_link', goal.pose.header.frame_id, goal.pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(2.0))
                rospy.loginfo("Placing bridge at " + str(goal.pose) + "\n\n" +
                              "Incidentally, this is also at: " +
                              str(arm.tfl.transformPose('base_link', goal.pose)))

            b_marker = Marker()
            b_marker.ns = "place_bridge_action"
   = 1;
            b_marker.type = Marker.ARROW
            b_marker.header.frame_id = goal.pose.header.frame_id
            b_marker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            b_marker.pose = goal.pose.pose
            b_marker.scale = Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
            b_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1)
            print "=== Publishing bridge desi marker:"
            print b_marker

            bridge_t = pm.fromMsg(goal.pose.pose)
            #r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.093, 0.180, -0.425,   0.157, -0.177, -0.630, 0.740)
            #r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.148, 0.333, -0.300,  0.076, -0.048, -0.721, 0.687)

            # First one we used in driving around tests.  Too high (angle puts cue into table)
            r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.236, 0.260, -0.170,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)
            r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.236, 0.260, -0.250,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)

            # This one is from the measuring session, trying to get it flat
            r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.0, 0.17, -0.300,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)
            # Switching to the shorter bridge
            r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.0, 0.17, -0.280,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)
            r_pose_t = bridge_t * r_in_bridge
            r_pose = PoseStamped()
            r_pose.header = goal.pose.header
            r_pose.pose = pm.toMsg(r_pose_t)

            #r_pose = arm.PS('bridge_frame', -1.148, 0.333, -0.300,  0.076, -0.048, -0.721, 0.687)
            #r_pose = arm.PS('bridge_frame', -1.1, 0.333, -0.300,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)

            rospy.loginfo("Lining up right arm for shot at: " + str(r_pose))
            r_marker = Marker()
            r_marker.ns = "place_bridge_action"
   = 0;
            r_marker.type = Marker.ARROW
            r_marker.header.frame_id = r_pose.header.frame_id
            r_marker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            r_marker.pose = r_pose.pose
            r_marker.scale = Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
            r_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1)
            q_r = arm.ik_r(r_pose, arm.q_stage)
            if not q_r:
                raise Exception("IK failed for lining up right arm")

            # Adjusting the arm position to stage the shot
            q_r[6] += arm.WRIST_BACK_OFF
            if not arm.gotor(q_r):
                raise Exception("Failed to line up right arm")
            if not goal.pose.header.frame_id:
                succeeded = arm.gotol(arm.BRIDGE_PUSH)
                #goal.pose.pose.position.z -= 0.025
                goal_above = copy.deepcopy(goal)
                goal_above.pose.pose.position.z += 0.05
                tool = arm.PS('bridge_frame', 0,0,0, 0,0,0,1)
                rospy.loginfo("Moving the bridge above its goal: " + str(goal_above))
                q = arm.ik_l(goal_above.pose, arm.BRIDGE, tool)
                if not q:
                    raise Exception("IK failed for moving above: " + str(goal_above))
                if not arm.gotol(q):
                    raise Exception("Moving to above failed")
                rospy.loginfo("Moving the bridge to its goal: " + str(goal))
                q = arm.ik_l(goal.pose, arm.BRIDGE, tool)
                if not q:
                    raise Exception("IK failed for placing bridge: " + str(goal_above))
                if not arm.gotol(q):
                    raise Exception("Moving to place the bridge failed")

                goal_below = copy.deepcopy(goal)
                goal_below.pose.pose.position.z += PUSH

                rospy.loginfo("Pushing into the table, to:\n" + str(goal_below))
                q = arm.ik_l(goal_below.pose, arm.BRIDGE, tool)
                if not q:
                    rospy.logerr("IK failed for the pushing goal.  Just leaving it here")
                elif not arm.gotol(q):
                    raise Exception("Moving to push location failed")

                # Bridge has been placed.  Let's print out where it got to.
                    t_bridge = arm.tfl.lookupTransform('table', 'bridge_frame', rospy.Time(0.0))
                    rospy.loginfo("Final resting place of the bridge (in table frame): " + str(t_bridge))
                except Exception as ex:
                    rospy.logerr("Printing out final info failed: " + str(ex))
        else: # Lifting up
            # Tries to lift directly up first
                tool = arm.PS('bridge_frame', 0,0,0, 0,0,0,1)
                bridge_pose = arm.tfl.transformPose('base_link', tool)

                z0 = bridge_pose.pose.position.z

                bridge_pose.pose.position.z = z0 + 0.07
                q = arm.ik_l(bridge_pose, arm.BRIDGE, tool)
                if not q:
                    bridge_pose.pose.position.z = z0 + 0.04
                    q = arm.ik_l(bridge_pose, arm.BRIDGE, tool)
                    if q:
                        rospy.logwarn('Only raising directly upwards a little bit')
                        raise Exception("IK failed for lifting the bridge up directly")
                if not arm.gotol(q):
                    raise Exception("OK, so IK worked but I just couldn't move up.  Weird")
            except Exception as ex:
                rospy.logerr("Couldn't lift directly up.  Just lifting the bridge by joint values.\n" + str(ex))
            if not arm.gotol(arm.BRIDGE_UP):
                raise Exception("Moving arm to lift bridge failed")

    except Exception as ex:
        rospy.logerr("Place bridge failed:\n" + str(ex))
def execute_cb(goal):
        succeeded = False
        if goal.down:

            #### FIXED BRIDGE POSE ####
            goal.pose = arm.PS('base_link',
                               Constants.TABLE_HEIGHT - 0.051,

            b_marker = Marker()
            b_marker.ns = "place_bridge_action"
   = 1;
            b_marker.type = Marker.ARROW
            b_marker.header.frame_id = goal.pose.header.frame_id
            b_marker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            b_marker.pose = goal.pose.pose
            b_marker.scale = Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
            b_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1)
            print "=== Publishing bridge desi marker:"
            print b_marker

            bridge_t = pm.fromMsg(goal.pose.pose)
            #r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.093, 0.180, -0.425,   0.157, -0.177, -0.630, 0.740)
            #r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.148, 0.333, -0.300,  0.076, -0.048, -0.721, 0.687)

            # First one we used in driving around tests.  Too high (angle puts cue into table)
            r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.236, 0.260, -0.170,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)
            r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.236, 0.260, -0.250,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)

            # This one is from the measuring session, trying to get it flat
            r_in_bridge = arm.fromRaw(-1.0, 0.17, -0.300,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)
            r_pose_t = bridge_t * r_in_bridge
            r_pose = PoseStamped()
            r_pose.header = goal.pose.header
            r_pose.pose = pm.toMsg(r_pose_t)

            #r_pose = arm.PS('bridge_frame', -1.148, 0.333, -0.300,  0.076, -0.048, -0.721, 0.687)
            #r_pose = arm.PS('bridge_frame', -1.1, 0.333, -0.300,  0, 0, -0.7071, 0.7071)

            rospy.loginfo("Lining up right arm for shot at: " + str(r_pose))
            r_marker = Marker()
            r_marker.ns = "place_bridge_action"
   = 0;
            r_marker.type = Marker.ARROW
            r_marker.header.frame_id = r_pose.header.frame_id
            r_marker.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            r_marker.pose = r_pose.pose
            r_marker.scale = Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
            r_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1)
            q_r = arm.ik_r(r_pose, arm.q_stage)
            if not q_r:
                raise Exception("IK failed for lining up right arm")
            if not arm.gotor(q_r):
                raise Exception("Failed to line up right arm")
            if not goal.pose.header.frame_id:
                succeeded = arm.gotol(arm.BRIDGE_PUSH)
                #goal.pose.pose.position.z -= 0.025
                goal_above = copy.deepcopy(goal)
                goal_above.pose.pose.position.z += 0.03
                tool = arm.PS('bridge_frame', 0,0,0, 0,0,0,1)
                rospy.loginfo("Moving the bridge above its goal: " + str(goal_above))
                q = arm.ik_l(goal_above.pose, arm.BRIDGE, tool)
                if not q:
                    raise Exception("IK failed for moving above: " + str(goal_above))
                if not arm.gotol(q):
                    raise Exception("Moving to above failed")
                rospy.loginfo("Moving the bridge to its goal: " + str(goal))
                q = arm.ik_l(goal.pose, arm.BRIDGE, tool)
                if not q:
                    raise Exception("IK failed for placing bridge: " + str(goal_above))
                if not arm.gotol(q):
                    raise Exception("Moving to place the bridge failed")
                # TODO: push
            if not arm.gotol(arm.BRIDGE_UP):
                raise Exception("Moving arm to lift bridge failed")

    except Exception as ex:
        rospy.logerr("Place bridge failed:\n" + str(ex))