def sparseArrayPlot(indexes, dimensions, reshape=False,grid=True):
    #convert sparse array into dense array
    arraySize = reduce(operator.mul, dimensions, 1)
    denseArray = numpy.zeros(arraySize)
    denseArray = numpy.reshape(denseArray,dimensions)
    #plot the dense array
    plotReturn = arrayPlot(denseArray,reshape=reshape,grid=grid)

    return plotReturn
def permanencePlot(permanences,numOfSources,numOfEndPoints, grid=True):
    permanences -> [[synapseStart(ie column), synapseEnd(ie input bit), permanence],[45,162,0.230001], ... ]
    numOfSources -> e.g. number of columns in a SP
    numOfEndPoints -> e.g. number of input bits in a SP
    #create an adjacency matrix
    adjMatrix = numpy.zeros([numOfSources,numOfEndPoints])
    #Set each value to be the permanence of the corresponding synapse or NaN if no synapse exists
    for synapse in permanences:
    #plot the matrix using arrayPlot
    returnValues = arrayPlot(adjMatrix,grid=grid)
    #make it big
    return returnValues