def test__ne__equal(self): """common.Member.__ne__: The method should return False when comparing two common.Member objects with the same attribute values. """ obj1 = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D') obj2 = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D') self.assertFalse(obj1 != obj2)
def test__eq__equal(self): """common.Member.__eq__: The function should return True when comparing two common.Member objects with the same attribute values. """ obj1 = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D', 'Senate', 'IL') obj2 = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D', 'Senate', 'IL') self.assertTrue(obj1 == obj2)
def test_valid(self, mock__get, mock__parse_json): """unitedstates.members: The function should return a list of common.Member objects representing the members of U.S. Congress. """ data = [ [ 'Spam', 'Eggs', 'Democrat', 'Senate', 'IL', ], [ 'Bacon', 'Baked Beans', 'Independent', 'Senate', 'IL', ], ] us_json = [build_us_details(item) for item in data] expected = [com.Member(*args) for args in data] mock__get.return_value = json.dumps(us_json) mock__parse_json.return_value = us_json actual = us.members() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) mock__parse_json.assert_called_with(json.dumps(us_json))
def test__from_json(self): """common.Member.from_json: Given a dictionary of information from the @unitedstates project, the method should return an instance of common.Members. """ expected = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'Democrat', 'Senate', 'IL') data = { 'name': { 'first': 'Eggs', 'last': 'Spam', 'official_full': 'Spam Eggs', }, 'terms': [ { 'type': 'sen', 'start': '1995-01-04', 'end': '2001-01-03', 'state': 'IL', 'class': 1, 'party': 'Democrat', }, { 'type': 'sen', 'start': '2001-01-04', 'end': '2007-01-03', 'state': 'IL', 'class': 1, 'party': 'Democrat', }, ] } actual = com.Member.from_json(data) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_valid(self, mock__members, mock__build_matrix): """cli.members: The function should output a list of the members of the U.S. Congress. """ matrix = [ [ 'Last Name', # Member.last_name 'First Name', # Member.first_name 'Party', # ], ['Durbin', 'Dick', 'Democrat',], ['Duckworth', 'Tammy', 'Democrat',], ['Sanders', 'Benard', 'Independent',], ] tmp = '{:<20} {:<20} {}\n' lines = ['\n',] lines.append('LIST OF MEMBERS\n') lines.append('---------------\n') for line in [tmp.format(*args) for args in matrix]: lines.append(line) lines.append('---------------\n') lines.append('\n') expected = ''.join(lines) mock__members.return_value = [common.Member(*args) for args in matrix[1:]] mock__build_matrix.return_value = matrix with capture() as (out, err): cli.members() actual = out.getvalue() self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test__eq__notEqual(self): """common.Member.__eq__: The function should return False when comparing two common.Member objects with different attribute values. """ obj = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D') others = [ com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'R'), com.Member('Spam', 'Bacon', 'D'), com.Member('Baked Beans', 'Eggs', 'D'), com.Member('Spam', 'Ham', 'I'), com.Member('Tomato', 'Eggs', 'I'), com.Member('Dick', 'Durbin', 'D'), com.Member('Bernie', 'Sanders', 'I'), com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D', 'House'), com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D', None, 'IL'), ] for other in others: self.assertFalse(obj == other)
def test__repr(self): """common.Member.__repr__: The method should return a string representation of the object suitable for troubleshooting. """ expected = "Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D', 'House', 'IL')" mbr = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D', 'House', 'IL') actual = mbr.__repr__() self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test__eq__notMember(self): """common.Member.__eq__: The method should raise a NotImplemented exception if asked to compare a non-common.Member object. """ expected = NotImplemented obj1 = com.Member('Spam', 'Eggs', 'D') obj2 = 3 actual = obj1.__eq__(obj2) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_init(self): """common.Member.__init__: The attributes of the class should be populated with the given values when initialized. """ expected = ['Spam', 'Eggs', 'D', 'Senate', 'IL'] obj = com.Member(*expected) actual = [ obj.last_name, obj.first_name,, obj.chamber, obj.state, ] self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_valid(self): """common.build_member_matrix: Given a list of common. Member objects, return a list of rows suitable for writing into a report. """ expected = [ [ 'Last Name', 'First Name', 'Party', ], ] expected.extend(build_args_list()) mem_list = [com.Member(*args) for args in build_args_list()] actual = com.build_member_matrix(mem_list) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)