def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to configure a new network object using standard naming conventions. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, the ASARouting class is used to collect the current routes, and the ASAObject class is used to configure the new network object. The other functions are used to handle formatting. This is similar to a 'object network name' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The configuration result: A 201 means the configuration was applied, other codes indicate an issue with the request. Failures do print the code, reason, and content of the response. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA do you want to view? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK What is the value of the new object? EX: Please provide the host or network name# LABDB002 POST OBJECT CONFIG STATUS_CODE: 201 OK ASA CLI Config Results in: object network lab-network- host description LABDB002 ''' asa = input('What ASA do you want to configure? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() routes = ASARouting(asa, header) asa_routes = routes.asa_get_all_static_routes().text sorted_routes = sort_routes(json.loads(asa_routes)['items']) config = config_variables() used_route = route_used(sorted_routes, config['host']) key = determine_obj_key(config['host']) obj_name = make_name(key, used_route, config['host']) if '/32' in config['host']: config['host'] = config['host'].split('/')[0] net_obj = ASAObject(asa, header) config_obj = net_obj.asa_create_network_object(obj_name, config['host'], config['desc']) if config_obj.ok: print("\nPOST OBJECT CONFIG STATUS_CODE: {} OK\n".format(config_obj.status_code)) else: print("\nPOST OBJECT CONFIG FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}".format( config_obj.status_code, config_obj.reason, config_obj.content))
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to list out the configured network objects. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, and the ASAObject class is used to collect then network objects. The other functions are used to handle formatting. This is similar to a 'show run object network' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The network objects configured on the given ASA. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA do you want to view? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK GET NETWORK OBJECT STATUS_CODE: 200 OK lab-server- lab server weblab-range- Weblab Range for HTTP Servers securelab-network- LABWSWP00023 weblab-network- Weblab HTTPS Servers ''' asa = input('What ASA do you want to view? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() asa_objects = ASAObject(asa, header) net_objects = asa_objects.asa_get_network_objects() if net_objects.ok: print("GET NETWORK OBJECT STATUS_CODE: {} OK \n".format( net_objects.status_code)) net_objects_json = json.loads(net_objects.text)['items'] print_net_objects(net_objects_json) else: print( "GET NETWORK OBJECTS FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}" .format(net_objects.status_code, net_objects.reason, net_objects.content))
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to list out an interface's confiugration. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, and the ASAInterface class is used to collect the Interface configuration. The other functions are used to handle formatting. This is similar to a 'show run interface x/y' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The given interface's configuration on the given ASA. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA do you want to view? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK What interface would you like to view? ['GigabitEthernet0/2', 'Management0/0', 'GigabitEthernet0/1', 'GigabitEthernet0/0']: GigabitEthernet0/1 Interface GigabitEthernet0/1 to lab 5K securelab Security: 40 Speed: auto Duplex: auto ''' asa = input('What ASA would you like to view? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() intfc = input('What interface would you like to view?\n{}: '.format(used_intfcs_hardware_id(asa, header))) asa_intfc = ASAInterface(asa, header) intfc_config = asa_intfc.asa_get_phys_interface(intfc) if intfc_config.ok: intfc = sort_intfc(json.loads((intfc_config.text))) print('\nInterface {}\n {}\n {}\n {}\n Security: {}\n Speed: {}\n Duplex: {}'.format( intfc['intfc'], intfc['desc'], intfc['name'], intfc['ip'], intfc['level'], intfc['speed'], intfc['duplex'])) else: print("GET Interface FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}".format( intfc_config.status_code, intfc_config.reason, intfc_config.content))
def main(): ''' The purpose of this module is to configure a new static route on a Cisco ASA. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, and the ASARouting class is used to collect the currently used to POST the new route configuration to the ASA. The other functions are used to collect configuration and handle formatting. This is similar to a 'route interface_name network subnet_mask gateway' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The configuration result: A 201 means the configuration was applied, other codes indicate an issue with the request. Failures do print the code, reason, and content of the response. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA would you like to modify? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK What Network would you like to route? EX What is the gateway used to reach this network? What interface name is used to reach this network? ['weblab', 'management', 'securelab', 'lab'] lab POST ROUTE CONFIG STATUS_CODE: 201 OK ''' asa = input('What ASA would you like to modify? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() config = config_variables(asa, header) route = ASARouting(asa, header=header) config_route = route.asa_add_static_route(config['network'], config['gateway'], config['zone']) if config_route.ok: print("\nPOST ROUTE CONFIG STATUS_CODE: {} OK\n".format( config_route.status_code)) else: print( "\nPOST ROUTE CONFIG FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}" .format(config_route.status_code, config_route.reason, config_route.content))
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to configure a new interface on an ASA. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, and the ASAInterface class is used to configure the Interface. The other functions are used to handle formatting. Print: The configuration result: A 201 means the configuration was applied, other codes indicate an issue with the request. Failures do print the code, reason, and content of the response. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA would you like to configure? What interface would you like to configure? GigabitEthernet0/3 What is the secuirity level of the interface? 70 What is the name of the interface? test What is the IP address of the interface? What is the Mask for this address? Please enter a description? test desc What is your username? username Enter your password: LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK POST INTERFACE CONFIG STATUS_CODE: 204 OK ''' asa = input('What ASA would you like to configure? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() config = config_variables(asa, header) interface = ASAInterface(asa, header) config_interface = interface.asa_config_phys_interface( config['interface'], config['security_level'], config['name'], config['ip_address'], config['net_mask'], config['description']) if config_interface.ok: print("\nPOST INTERFACE CONFIG STATUS_CODE: {} OK\n".format( config_interface.status_code)) else: print( "\nPOST INTERFACE CONFIG FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}" .format(config_interface.status_code, config_interface.reason, config_interface.content))
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to list out the configured static routes. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, and the ASARouting class is used to collect the Routing configuration. The other functions are used to handle formatting. This is similar to a 'show run route' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The static routes configured on the given ASA. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA do you want to view? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK Network is reachable via over interface GigabitEthernet0/0 in zone lab Network any4 is reachable via over interface Management0/0 in zone management Network is reachable via over interface GigabitEthernet0/0 in zone lab Network is reachable via over interface GigabitEthernet0/2 in zone weblab ''' asa = input('What ASA do you want to configure? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() routes = ASARouting(asa, header) configured_routes = routes.asa_get_all_static_routes() if configured_routes.ok: configured_routes_json = json.loads(configured_routes.text) print_routes(configured_routes_json['items']) else: print( "GET STATIC ROUTES FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}" .format(configured_routes.status_code, configured_routes.reason, configured_routes.content))
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to list out the inbound ACL policy for a particular interface. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, the ASAInterface class is used to provide a list currently used interfaces, and the ASAACL class is used to collect the policy for the given interface. The other functions are used to handle formatting. This is similar to a 'show run access-list acl_name' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The active policy entries for the particular interface is printed out in the format: (permit or deny) source (source) destination (destination) protocol (protocol[/port]) Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA do you want to view? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK What interface's would you like to view? ['weblab', 'management', 'securelab', 'lab'] lab permit source destination any protocol ip permit source destination protocol udp permit source destination protocol icmp/echo permit source destination protocol web_protos permit source destination web_servers protocol tcp/http ''' login_cred = ASAAAA(asa=input('What ASA do you want to view? ')) header = login_cred.asa_login() intfc = input("What interface's would you like to view?\n{} ".format( used_intfcs_name(login_cred.asa, header))) print() acl = ASAACL(login_cred.asa, header) policy = acl.asa_get_acl_access_in(intfc) if policy.ok: policy_json = json.loads(policy.text) print_acls(policy_json['items']) else: print("GET POLICY FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: ".format( policy.status_code, policy.reason, policy.content))
def main(csv): ''' The purpose of this program is to configure new lines of policy to existing ACLs on a Cisco ASA. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, the ASAObject and ASARouting classes are used to help determine which interface the source object group is associated with, and the ASAACL class is used to POST the new ACL configuration policy. The other functions are used to collect configuration and handle formatting. This is similar to an 'access-list acl_name remark remark' and 'access-list acl_name extended [permit,deny] source destination service log' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The configuration result: A 201 means the configuration was applied, other codes indicate an issue with the request. Failures do print the code, reason, and content of the response. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python asa_new_policy.csv What ASA would you like to modify? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK POST ACL CONFIG STATUS_CODE: 201 OK POST ACL CONFIG STATUS_CODE: 201 OK CSV file reads: Source Application,Source,Destination Application,Destination,Protocol, Justification,Remark Network Engineering,grp-lab-neteng-networks,Thousand Eyes,grp-weblab-thousandeyes-monitors, grp-tcp-https,Network Engineering MGMT,RITM00029 Thousand Eyes,grp-weblab-thousandeyes-monitors,Thousand Eyes,grp-securelab-thousandeyes-db, grp-tcpudp-thousandeyes,Thousand Eyes DB Access,RITM00029 ''' asa = input('What ASA would you like to modify? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() obj = ASAObject(asa, header) acl = ASAACL(asa, header) routes = ASARouting(asa, header) config_acls(csv, asa, header, obj, acl, routes)
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to list out the inbound ACLs and their corresponding interfaces. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, and the ASAACL class is used to collect the ACL configuration. The other functions are used to handle formatting. This is similar to a 'show run access-group' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The mapping of all inbound ACLs and their corresponding interface Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA do you want to view? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK ACL: lab_access_in Direction: IN Interface: lab ACL: weblab_access_in Direction: IN Interface: weblab ''' login_cred = ASAAAA(asa=input('What ASA do you want to view? ')) header = login_cred.asa_login() acls = ASAACL(login_cred.asa, header=header) access_groups = acls.asa_get_acls_in() if access_groups.ok: access_groups_json = json.loads(access_groups.text) print_access_groups(access_groups_json['items']) else: print( "GET ACCESS GROUPS FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}" .format(access_groups.status_code, access_groups.reason, access_groups.content))
def __init__(self, asa, header=None, base_url=None): ''' The __init__ method requires an ASA name or IP that can be used to make API calls. It is expected that the ASAAAA class will be used to obtain a header containing a valid authentication token; however, a user will be prompted to initialize ASAAAA and obtain the necessary token if none is provided. The default base URL is based on Cisco's API documentation; all methods will build off the base URL for making an API call. Args: asa: The IP or hostname to be used to reach the desired ASA. header: The header to use for providing the authentication token. base_url: The base URL used by all API calls in the module. Example: >>>asa = input('What firewall would you like to use? ') What firewall would you like to use? >>>asa_login = ASAAAA(asa) What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input >>>header = asa_login.asa_login() LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK >>>asa_interface = ASAAInterface(asa, header) ''' self.asa = asa if header == None: self.header = ASAAAA().asa_login() else: self.header = header if base_url == None: self.base_url = "https://{}/api/interfaces/".format(asa) else: self.base_url = base_url
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to list out an interface's configuration. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, and the ASAInterface class is used to collect the Interface configuration. The other functions are used to handle formatting. This is similar to a 'show run interface x/y' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The given interface's configuration on the given ASA. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA do you want to view? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK Interface GigabitEthernet0/2 to lab 5K weblab Security: 100 Speed: auto Duplex: auto Interface Management0/0 management Security: 100 Speed: auto Duplex: auto Interface GigabitEthernet0/1 to lab 5K securelab Security: 40 Speed: auto Duplex: auto Interface GigabitEthernet0/0 to lab 5K lab Security: 20 Speed: auto Duplex: auto Available Interfaces are: GigabitEthernet0/3 GigabitEthernet0/4 GigabitEthernet0/5 GigabitEthernet0/6 GigabitEthernet0/7 ''' asa = input('What ASA would you like to view? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() asa_intfcs = ASAInterface(asa, header) intfcs_config = asa_intfcs.asa_get_phys_interfaces() if intfcs_config.ok: intfcs_config_json = json.loads(intfcs_config.text)['items'] print_intfcs(intfcs_config_json) else: print( "GET Interfaces FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}" .format(intfcs_config.status_code, intfcs_config.reason, intfcs_config.content))
def main(): ''' The purpose of this program is to configure a new line of policy to an existing ACL on a Cisco ASA. The ASAAAA class is used to establish a session, the ASAInterface class is used to collect the currently used interfaces, and the ASAACL class is used to POST the new ACL configuration policy. The other functions are used to collect configuration and handle formatting. This is similar to an 'access-list acl_name remark remark' and 'access-list acl_name extended [permit,deny] source destination service log' from the CLI of a Cisco ASA. Print: The configuration result: A 201 means the configuration was applied, other codes indicate an issue with the request. Failures do print the code, reason, and content of the response. Example: (py3) C:\\asa_api_tests>python What ASA would you like to modify? What is your username? username Enter your password: getpass is used to hide password input LOGIN STATUS_CODE: 204 OK What interface's policy would you like to modify? ['weblab', 'management', 'securelab', 'lab']lab What kind of object is the Source Address? ('AnyIPAddress', 'IPv4Address', 'IPv4Network', 'IPv4Range', 'objectRef#NetworkObj', 'objectRef#NetworkObjGroup')IPv4Address What is the source? What kind of object is the Destination Address? ('AnyIPAddress', 'IPv4Address', 'IPv4Network', 'IPv4Range', 'objectRef#NetworkObj', 'objectRef#NetworkObjGroup')IPv4Network What is the destination? What kind of service needs to be opened? ('AnyService', 'ICMPService', 'NetworkProtocol', 'NetworkServiceGroups', 'NetworkServiceObjects', 'TcpUdpService')TcpUdpService What service needs to be opened? tcp/22 Please provide the Request #: 78910 POST ACL CONFIG STATUS_CODE: 201 OK ''' asa = input('What ASA would you like to modify? ') login_cred = ASAAAA(asa) header = login_cred.asa_login() intfc = input( "What interface's policy would you like to modify?\n {} ".format( used_intfcs_name(asa, header))) position = get_acl_last_position(asa, header, intfc) config = config_variables(intfc, position) acl = ASAACL(asa, header) config_acl = acl.asa_configure_acl_access_in( intfc, config["source_kind"], config['source'], config['destination_kind'], config['destination'], config['service_kind'], config['service'], config['remark'], config['position']) if config_acl.ok: print("\nPOST ACL CONFIG STATUS_CODE: {} OK\n".format( config_acl.status_code)) else: print( "\nPOST ACL CONFIG FAILED!!! STATUS_CODE: {}\nReason: {}\nContent: {}" .format(config_acl.status_code, config_acl.reason, config_acl.content))