def _check_value(value, schema):
    Perform the actual validation.
    if value is None:
        if schema.get('fits_required'):
            name = schema.get("fits_keyword") or schema.get("fits_hdu")
            raise jsonschema.ValidationError("%s is a required value"
                                              % name)
        validator_context = AsdfFile()
        validator_resolver = validator_context.resolver

        temp_schema = {
        validator = asdf_schema.get_validator(temp_schema,

        value = yamlutil.custom_tree_to_tagged_tree(value, validator_context)
        validator.validate(value, _schema=temp_schema)
Beispiel #2
def _check_value(value, schema):
    Perform the actual validation.
    if value is None:
        if schema.get('fits_required'):
            name = schema.get("fits_keyword") or schema.get("fits_hdu")
            raise jsonschema.ValidationError("%s is a required value"
                                              % name)
        validator_context = AsdfFile()
        validator_resolver = validator_context.resolver

        temp_schema = {
        validator = asdf_schema.get_validator(temp_schema,

        value = yamlutil.custom_tree_to_tagged_tree(value, validator_context)
        validator.validate(value, _schema=temp_schema)
def _check_value(value):
    Perform the actual validation.

    validator_context = AsdfFile()
    validator_resolver = validator_context.resolver

    temp_schema = {
        '$schema': ''
    validator = asdf_schema.get_validator(temp_schema, validator_context,

    value = yamlutil.custom_tree_to_tagged_tree(value, validator_context)
    validator.validate(value, _schema=temp_schema)
Beispiel #4
class DataModel(properties.ObjectNode, ndmodel.NDModel):
    Base class of all of the data models.

    schema_url = None
    The schema URI to validate the model against.  If
    None, only basic validation of required metadata
    properties (filename, date, model_type) will occur.
    def __init__(self,
        init : str, tuple, ``, ndarray, dict, None

            - None : Create a default data model with no shape.

            - tuple : Shape of the data array.
              Initialize with empty data array with shape specified by the.

            - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS or ASDF)

            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file

            - `` : Initialize from the given

            - A numpy array: Used to initialize the data array

            - dict: The object model tree for the data model

        schema : dict, str (optional)
            Tree of objects representing a JSON schema, or string naming a schema.
            The schema to use to understand the elements on the model.
            If not provided, the schema associated with this class
            will be used.

        memmap : bool
            Turn memmap of FITS file on or off.  (default: False).  Ignored for
            ASDF files.

        pass_invalid_values : bool or None
            If `True`, values that do not validate the schema
            will be added to the metadata. If `False`, they will be set to `None`.
            If `None`, value will be taken from the environmental PASS_INVALID_VALUES.
            Otherwise the default value is `False`.

        strict_validation : bool or None
            If `True`, schema validation errors will generate
            an exception. If `False`, they will generate a warning.
            If `None`, value will be taken from the environmental STRICT_VALIDATION.
            Otherwise, the default value is `False`.

        ignore_missing_extensions : bool
            When `False`, raise warnings when a file is read that
            contains metadata about extensions that are not available.
            Defaults to `True`.

        kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments passed to lower level functions. These arguments
            are generally file format-specific. Arguments of note are:

            - FITS

              skip_fits_update - bool or None
                  `True` to skip updating the ASDF tree from the FITS headers, if possible.
                  If `None`, value will be taken from the environmental SKIP_FITS_UPDATE.
                  Otherwise, the default value is `True`.

        # Override value of validation parameters if not explicitly set.
        if pass_invalid_values is None:
            pass_invalid_values = get_envar_as_boolean("PASS_INVALID_VALUES",
        self._pass_invalid_values = pass_invalid_values
        if strict_validation is None:
            strict_validation = get_envar_as_boolean("STRICT_VALIDATION",
        self._strict_validation = strict_validation
        self._ignore_missing_extensions = ignore_missing_extensions

        kwargs.update({'ignore_missing_extensions': ignore_missing_extensions})

        # Load the schema files
        if schema is None:
            if self.schema_url is None:
                schema = _DEFAULT_SCHEMA
                # Create an AsdfFile so we can use its resolver for loading schemas
                schema = asdf_schema.load_schema(self.schema_url,

        self._schema = mschema.merge_property_trees(schema)

        # Provide the object as context to other classes and functions
        self._ctx = self

        # Initialize with an empty AsdfFile instance as this is needed for
        # reading in FITS files where validate._check_value() gets called, and
        # ctx needs to have an _asdf attribute.
        self._asdf = AsdfFile()

        # Determine what kind of input we have (init) and execute the
        # proper code to intiailize the model
        self._files_to_close = []
        self._iscopy = False
        is_array = False
        is_shape = False
        shape = None

        if init is None:
            asdffile = self.open_asdf(init=None, **kwargs)

        elif isinstance(init, dict):
            asdffile = self.open_asdf(init=init, **kwargs)

        elif isinstance(init, np.ndarray):
            asdffile = self.open_asdf(init=None, **kwargs)

            shape = init.shape
            is_array = True

        elif isinstance(init, tuple):
            for item in init:
                if not isinstance(item, int):
                    raise ValueError("shape must be a tuple of ints")

            shape = init
            is_shape = True
            asdffile = self.open_asdf(init=None, **kwargs)

        elif isinstance(init, DataModel):
            asdffile = None
            self.clone(self, init)
            if not isinstance(init, self.__class__):

        elif isinstance(init, AsdfFile):
            asdffile = init

        elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
            asdffile = fits_support.from_fits(init, self._schema, self._ctx,

        elif isinstance(init, (str, bytes, PurePath)):
            if isinstance(init, PurePath):
                init = str(init)
            if isinstance(init, bytes):
                init = init.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
            file_type = filetype.check(init)

            if file_type == "fits":
                if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(init):
                    init_fitsopen = s3_utils.get_object(init)
                    memmap = None
                    init_fitsopen = init

                hdulist =, memmap=memmap)
                asdffile = fits_support.from_fits(hdulist, self._schema,
                                                  self._ctx, **kwargs)

            elif file_type == "asdf":
                asdffile = self.open_asdf(init=init, **kwargs)

                # TODO handle json files as well
                raise IOError(
                    "File does not appear to be a FITS or ASDF file.")

            raise ValueError("Can't initialize datamodel using {0}".format(

        # Initialize object fields as determined from the code above
        self._shape = shape
        self._instance = asdffile.tree
        self._asdf = asdffile

        # Initalize class dependent hidden fields
        self._no_asdf_extension = False

        # Instantiate the primary array of the image
        if is_array:
            primary_array_name = self.get_primary_array_name()
            if not primary_array_name:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Array passed to DataModel.__init__, but model has "
                    "no primary array in its schema")
            setattr(self, primary_array_name, init)

        # If a shape has been given, initialize the primary array.
        if is_shape:
            primary_array_name = self.get_primary_array_name()
            if not primary_array_name:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Shape passed to DataModel.__init__, but model has "
                    "no primary array in its schema")

            # Initialization occurs when the primary array is first
            # referenced. Do so now.
            getattr(self, primary_array_name)

        # if the input is from a file, set the filename attribute
        if isinstance(init, str):
            self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(init)
        elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
            info = init.fileinfo(0)
            if info is not None:
                filename = info.get('filename')
                if filename is not None:
                    self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(filename)

        # if the input model doesn't have a date set, use the current date/time
        if not self.meta.hasattr('date'):
            current_date = Time(
            current_date.format = 'isot'
   = current_date.value

        # store the data model type, if not already set
        klass = self.__class__.__name__
        if klass != 'DataModel':
            if not self.meta.hasattr('model_type'):
                self.meta.model_type = klass

        # initialize arrays from keyword arguments when they are present

        for attr, value in kwargs.items():
            if value is not None:
                subschema = properties._get_schema_for_property(
                    self._schema, attr)
                if 'datatype' in subschema:
                    setattr(self, attr, value)

    def _model_type(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def __repr__(self):
        buf = ['<']

        if self.shape:

            filename = self.meta.filename
        except AttributeError:
            filename = None
        if filename:
            buf.append(" from ")

        return "".join(buf)

    def __del__(self):
        """Ensure closure of resources when deleted."""

    def override_handle(self):
        """override_handle identifies in-memory models where a filepath
        would normally be used.
        # Arbitrary choice to look something like crds://
        return "override://" + self.__class__.__name__

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def _drop_arrays(self):
        def _drop_array(d):
            # Walk tree and delete numpy arrays
            if isinstance(d, dict):
                for val in d.values():
            elif isinstance(d, list):
                for val in d:
            elif isinstance(d, np.ndarray):
                del d


    def close(self):
        if not self._iscopy:
            if self._asdf is not None:

            for fd in self._files_to_close:
                if fd is not None:

    def clone(target, source, deepcopy=False, memo=None):
        if deepcopy:
            instance = copy.deepcopy(source._instance, memo=memo)
            target._asdf = AsdfFile(instance)
            target._instance = instance
            target._iscopy = source._iscopy
            target._asdf = source._asdf
            target._instance = source._instance
            target._iscopy = True

        target._files_to_close = []
        target._shape = source._shape
        target._ctx = target
        target._no_asdf_extension = source._no_asdf_extension

    def copy(self, memo=None):
        Returns a deep copy of this model.
        result = self.__class__(init=None,
        self.clone(result, self, deepcopy=True, memo=memo)
        return result

    __copy__ = __deepcopy__ = copy

    def validate(self):
        Re-validate the model instance againsst its schema
        validate.value_change(str(self), self._instance, self._schema, self)

    def validate_required_fields(self):
        Walk the schema and make sure all required fields are
        in the model
        def callback(schema, path, combiner, ctx, recurse):
            if 'fits_required' not in schema:

            # Get the value pointed at by the path to the node,
            # or None in case there is no entry for the node

            node = ctx
            for attr in path:
                node = getattr(node, attr)
                if node is None:

            validate.value_change(path, node, schema, self)

        mschema.walk_schema(self._schema, callback, ctx=self)

    def info(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def search(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return*args, **kwargs)

        info.__doc__ =
        search.__doc__ =
    except AttributeError:

    def get_primary_array_name(self):
        Returns the name "primary" array for this model, which
        controls the size of other arrays that are implicitly created.
        This is intended to be overridden in the subclasses if the
        primary array's name is not "data".
        if properties._find_property(self._schema, 'data'):
            primary_array_name = 'data'
            primary_array_name = ''
        return primary_array_name

    def on_save(self, path=None):
        This is a hook that is called just before saving the file.
        It can be used, for example, to update values in the metadata
        that are based on the content of the data.

        Override it in the subclass to make it do something, but don't
        forget to "chain up" to the base class, since it does things
        there, too.

        path : str
            The path to the file that we're about to save to.
        if isinstance(path, str):
            self.meta.filename = os.path.basename(path)

        current_date = Time(
        current_date.format = 'isot' = current_date.value

        # Enforce model_type to be the actual type of model being saved.
        self.meta.model_type = self._model_type

    def save(self, path, dir_path=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Save to either a FITS or ASDF file, depending on the path.

        path : string or func
            File path to save to.
            If function, it takes one argument with is
            model.meta.filename and returns the full path string.

        dir_path: string
            Directory to save to. If not None, this will override
            any directory information in the `path`

        output_path: str
            The file path the model was saved in.
        if callable(path):
            path_head, path_tail = os.path.split(path(self.meta.filename))
            path_head, path_tail = os.path.split(path)
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(path_tail)
        if isinstance(ext, bytes):
            ext = ext.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())

        if dir_path:
            path_head = dir_path
        output_path = os.path.join(path_head, path_tail)

        # TODO: Support gzip-compressed fits
        if ext == '.fits':
            # TODO: remove 'clobber' check once depreciated fully in astropy
            if 'clobber' not in kwargs:
                kwargs.setdefault('overwrite', True)
            self.to_fits(output_path, *args, **kwargs)
        elif ext == '.asdf':
            self.to_asdf(output_path, *args, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError("unknown filetype {0}".format(ext))

        return output_path

    def open_asdf(init=None,
        Open an asdf object from a filename or create a new asdf object
        if isinstance(init, str):
            if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(init):
                init = s3_utils.get_object(init)
            asdffile =

            asdffile = AsdfFile(
        return asdffile

    def from_asdf(cls, init, schema=None, **kwargs):
        Load a data model from an ASDF file.

        init : str, file object, `~asdf.AsdfFile`
            - str : file path: initialize from the given file
            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file object
            - `~asdf.AsdfFile` : Initialize from the given`~asdf.AsdfFile`.
        schema :
            Same as for `__init__`
        kwargs : dict
            Aadditional arguments passed to lower level functions

        model : `~jwst.datamodels.DataModel` instance
            A data model.
        return cls(init, schema=schema, **kwargs)

    def to_asdf(self, init, *args, **kwargs):
        Write a data model to an ASDF file.

        init : file path or file object
        args : tuple, list
            Additional positional arguments passed to `~asdf.AsdfFile.write_to`.
        kwargs : dict
            Any additional keyword arguments are passed along to
        asdffile = self.open_asdf(self._instance, **kwargs)
        asdffile.write_to(init, *args, **kwargs)

    def from_fits(cls, init, schema=None, **kwargs):
        Load a model from a FITS file.

        init : file path, file object,
            - file path: Initialize from the given file
            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file object
            - Initialize from the given

        schema : dict, str
            Same as for `__init__`

        kwargs : dict
            Aadditional arguments passed to lower level functions.

        model : `~jwst.datamodels.DataModel`
            A data model.
        return cls(init, schema=schema, **kwargs)

    def to_fits(self, init, *args, **kwargs):
        Write a data model to a FITS file.

        init : file path or file object

        args, kwargs
            Any additional arguments are passed along to

        with fits_support.to_fits(self._instance, self._schema) as ff:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Card is too long')
                if self._no_asdf_extension:
                    ff._hdulist.writeto(init, *args, **kwargs)
                    ff.write_to(init, *args, **kwargs)

    def shape(self):
        if self._shape is None:
            primary_array_name = self.get_primary_array_name()
            if primary_array_name and self.hasattr(primary_array_name):
                primary_array = getattr(self, primary_array_name)
                self._shape = primary_array.shape
        return self._shape

    def my_attribute(self, attr):
        properties = frozenset(("shape", "history", "_extra_fits", "schema"))
        return attr in properties

    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        if self.my_attribute(attr):
            object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
        elif ndmodel.NDModel.my_attribute(self, attr):
            ndmodel.NDModel.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
            properties.ObjectNode.__setattr__(self, attr, value)

    def extend_schema(self, new_schema):
        Extend the model's schema using the given schema, by combining
        it in an "allOf" array.

        new_schema : dict
            Schema tree.
        schema = {'allOf': [self._schema, new_schema]}
        self._schema = mschema.merge_property_trees(schema)
        return self

    def add_schema_entry(self, position, new_schema):
        Extend the model's schema by placing the given new_schema at
        the given dot-separated position in the tree.

        position : str
            Dot separated string indicating the position, e.g. ````.
        new_schema : dict
            Schema tree.
        parts = position.split('.')
        schema = new_schema
        for part in parts[::-1]:
            schema = {'type': 'object', 'properties': {part: schema}}
        return self.extend_schema(schema)

    # return_result retained for backward compatibility
    def find_fits_keyword(self, keyword, return_result=True):
        Utility function to find a reference to a FITS keyword in this
        model's schema.  This is intended for interactive use, and not
        for use within library code.

        keyword : str
            A FITS keyword name.

        locations : list of str
            If `return_result` is `True`, a list of the locations in
            the schema where this FITS keyword is used.  Each element
            is a dot-separated path.
        from . import schema
        return schema.find_fits_keyword(self.schema, keyword)

    def search_schema(self, substring):
        Utility function to search the metadata schema for a
        particular phrase.

        This is intended for interactive use, and not for use within
        library code.

        The searching is case insensitive.

        substring : str
            The substring to search for.

        locations : list of tuples
        from . import schema
        return schema.search_schema(self.schema, substring)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Get a metadata value using a dotted name.
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        meta = self
        for part in key.split('.'):
                meta = getattr(meta, part)
            except AttributeError:
                raise KeyError(repr(key))
        return meta

    def get_item_as_json_value(self, key):
        Equivalent to __getitem__, except returns the value as a JSON
        basic type, rather than an arbitrary Python type.
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        meta = self
        parts = key.split('.')
        for part in parts:
                meta = getattr(meta, part)
            except AttributeError:
                raise KeyError(repr(key))
        return yamlutil.custom_tree_to_tagged_tree(meta, self._instance)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        Set a metadata value using a dotted name.
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        meta = self
        parts = key.split('.')
        for part in parts[:-1]:
                part = int(part)
            except ValueError:
                    meta = getattr(meta, part)
                except AttributeError:
                    raise KeyError(repr(key))
                meta = meta[part]

        part = parts[-1]
            part = int(part)
        except ValueError:
            setattr(meta, part, value)
            meta[part] = value

    def iteritems(self):
        Iterates over all of the schema items in a flat way.

        Each element is a pair (`key`, `value`).  Each `key` is a
        dot-separated name.  For example, the schema element
        `` will end up in the result as::

            ("": "2012-04-22T03:22:05.432")
        def recurse(tree, path=[]):
            if isinstance(tree, dict):
                for key, val in tree.items():
                    for x in recurse(val, path + [key]):
                        yield x
            elif isinstance(tree, (list, tuple)):
                for i, val in enumerate(tree):
                    for x in recurse(val, path + [i]):
                        yield x
            elif tree is not None:
                yield ('.'.join(str(x) for x in path), tree)

        for x in recurse(self._instance):
            yield x

    # We are just going to define the items to return the iteritems
    items = iteritems

    def iterkeys(self):
        Iterates over all of the schema keys in a flat way.

        Each result of the iterator is a `key`.  Each `key` is a
        dot-separated name.  For example, the schema element
        `` will end up in the result as the
        string `""`.
        for key, val in self.iteritems():
            yield key

    keys = iterkeys

    def itervalues(self):
        Iterates over all of the schema values in a flat way.
        for key, val in self.iteritems():
            yield val

    values = itervalues

    def update(self, d, only=None, extra_fits=False):
        Updates this model with the metadata elements from another model.

        Note: The ``update`` method skips a WCS object, if present.

        d : `~jwst.datamodels.DataModel` or dictionary-like object
            The model to copy the metadata elements from. Can also be a
            dictionary or dictionary of dictionaries or lists.
        only: str, None
            Update only the named hdu, e.g. ``only='PRIMARY'``. Can either be
            a string or list of hdu names. Default is to update all the hdus.
        extra_fits : boolean
            Update from ``extra_fits``.  Default is False.
        def hdu_keywords_from_data(d, path, hdu_keywords):
            # Walk tree and add paths to keywords to hdu keywords
            if isinstance(d, dict):
                for key, val in d.items():
                    if len(path) > 0 or key != 'extra_fits':
                        hdu_keywords_from_data(val, path + [key], hdu_keywords)
            elif isinstance(d, list):
                for key, val in enumerate(d):
                    hdu_keywords_from_data(val, path + [key], hdu_keywords)
            elif isinstance(d, np.ndarray):
                # skip data arrays

        def hdu_keywords_from_schema(subschema, path, combiner, ctx, recurse):
            # Add path to keyword to hdu_keywords if in list of hdu names
            if 'fits_keyword' in subschema:
                fits_hdu = subschema.get('fits_hdu', 'PRIMARY')
                if fits_hdu in hdu_names:

        def hdu_names_from_schema(subschema, path, combiner, ctx, recurse):
            # Build a set of hdu names from the schema
            hdu_name = subschema.get('fits_hdu')
            if hdu_name:

        def included(cursor, part):
            # Test if part is in the cursor
            if isinstance(part, int):
                return part >= 0 and part < len(cursor)
                return part in cursor

        def set_hdu_keyword(this_cursor, that_cursor, path):
            # Copy an element pointed to by path from that to this
            part = path.pop(0)
            if not included(that_cursor, part):
            if len(path) == 0:
                this_cursor[part] = copy.deepcopy(that_cursor[part])
                that_cursor = that_cursor[part]
                if not included(this_cursor, part):
                    if isinstance(path[0], int):
                        if isinstance(part, int):
                            this_cursor[part] = []
                        if isinstance(part, int):
                        elif isinstance(that_cursor, list):
                            this_cursor[part] = []
                            this_cursor[part] = {}
                this_cursor = this_cursor[part]
                set_hdu_keyword(this_cursor, that_cursor, path)

        def protected_keyword(path):
            # Some keywords are protected and
            # should not be copied frpm the other image
            if len(path) == 2:
                if path[0] == 'meta':
                    if path[1] in ('date', 'model_type'):
                        return True
            return False

        # Get the list of hdu names from the model so that updates
        # are limited to those hdus

        if only is not None:
            if isinstance(only, str):
                hdu_names = set([only])
                hdu_names = set(list(only))
            hdu_names = set(['PRIMARY'])
            mschema.walk_schema(self._schema, hdu_names_from_schema, hdu_names)

        # Get the paths to all the keywords that will be updated from

        hdu_keywords = []
        if isinstance(d, DataModel):
            schema = d._schema
            d = d._instance
            mschema.walk_schema(schema, hdu_keywords_from_schema, hdu_keywords)
            path = []
            hdu_keywords_from_data(d, path, hdu_keywords)

        # Perform the updates to the keywords mentioned in the schema
        for path in hdu_keywords:
            if not protected_keyword(path):
                set_hdu_keyword(self._instance, d, path)

        # Update from extra_fits as well, if indicated
        if extra_fits:
            for hdu_name in hdu_names:
                path = ['extra_fits', hdu_name, 'header']
                set_hdu_keyword(self._instance, d, path)


    def to_flat_dict(self, include_arrays=True):
        Returns a dictionary of all of the schema items as a flat dictionary.

        Each dictionary key is a dot-separated name.  For example, the
        schema element `` will end up in the
        dictionary as::

            { "": "2012-04-22T03:22:05.432" }

        def convert_val(val):
            if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                return val.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(val, Time):
                return str(val)
            return val

        if include_arrays:
            return dict(
                (key, convert_val(val)) for (key, val) in self.iteritems())
            return dict((key, convert_val(val))
                        for (key, val) in self.iteritems()
                        if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray))

    def schema(self):
        return self._schema

    def get_fileext(self):
        return 'fits'

    # TODO: This is just here for backward compatibility
    def _extra_fits(self):
        return self.extra_fits

    # TODO: For backward compatibility
    def get_section(self, name):
        return getattr(self, name)

    def history(self):
        Get the history as a list of entries
        return HistoryList(self._asdf)

    def history(self, values):
        Set a history entry.

        values : list
            For FITS files this should be a list of strings.
            For ASDF files use a list of ``HistoryEntry`` object. It can be created
            with `~jwst.datamodels.util.create_history_entry`.

        entries = self.history

    def get_fits_wcs(self, hdu_name='SCI', hdu_ver=1, key=' '):
        Get a `astropy.wcs.WCS` object created from the FITS WCS
        information in the model.

        Note that modifying the returned WCS object will not modify
        the data in this model.  To update the model, use `set_fits_wcs`.

        hdu_name : str, optional
            The name of the HDU to get the WCS from.  This must use
            named HDU's, not numerical order HDUs. To get the primary
            HDU, pass ``'PRIMARY'``.

        key : str, optional
            The name of a particular WCS transform to use.  This may
            be either ``' '`` or ``'A'``-``'Z'`` and corresponds to
            the ``"a"`` part of the ``CTYPEia`` cards.  *key* may only
            be provided if *header* is also provided.

        hdu_ver: int, optional
            The extension version. Used when there is more than one
            extension with the same name. The default value, 1,
            is the first.

        wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS` or `pywcs.WCS` object
            The type will depend on what libraries are installed on
            this system.
        ff = fits_support.to_fits(self._instance, self._schema)
        hdu = fits_support.get_hdu(ff._hdulist, hdu_name, index=hdu_ver - 1)
        header = hdu.header
        return WCS(header, key=key, relax=True, fix=True)

    def set_fits_wcs(self, wcs, hdu_name='SCI'):
        Sets the FITS WCS information on the model using the given
        `astropy.wcs.WCS` object.

        Note that the "key" of the WCS is stored in the WCS object
        itself, so it can not be set as a parameter to this method.

        wcs : `astropy.wcs.WCS` or `pywcs.WCS` object
            The object containing FITS WCS information

        hdu_name : str, optional
            The name of the HDU to set the WCS from.  This must use
            named HDU's, not numerical order HDUs.  To set the primary
            HDU, pass ``'PRIMARY'``.
        header = wcs.to_header()
        if hdu_name == 'PRIMARY':
            hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)
            hdu = fits.ImageHDU(name=hdu_name, header=header)
        hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu])

        ff = fits_support.from_fits(

        self._instance = properties.merge_tree(self._instance, ff.tree)

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # These two method aliases are here for astropy.registry
    # compatibility and should not be called directly
    # --------------------------------------------------------

    read = __init__

    def write(self, path, *args, **kwargs):, *args, **kwargs)

    def getarray_noinit(self, attribute):
        """Retrieve array but without initilization

        Arrays initialize when directly referenced if they had
        not previously been initialized. This circumvents the
        initialization and instead raises `AttributeError`.

        attribute : str
            The attribute to retrieve.

        value : object
           The value of the attribute.

            If the attribute does not exist.
        if attribute in self.instance:
            return getattr(self, attribute)
        raise AttributeError(f'{self} has no attribute "{attribute}"')
Beispiel #5
tree = {"wcs": wcsobj}

#fa = fits_embed.AsdfInFits(hdul, tree)
#fa = fits_embed.AsdfInFits(fits.HDUList(), tree)
af = AsdfFile(tree)

fd = io.BytesIO()

#af._write_tree(tree, fd, pad_blocks=False)
wcsbytes =
# af.write_to('testfull.asdf')

fmt = 'A{0}'.format(len(wcsbytes))

col = fits.Column(name='gWCS',
hdu = fits.TableHDU.from_columns([col], name='WCS')



# Read back in: