Beispiel #1
    def get_forces(self, atoms, dft_d_cutoff_radius=30.0):
	Altered version of the original get_forces function in the Vasp-class.
	The function obtains the DFT forces by using the original call for the
	VASP package and adds the DFT-D2 contribution to the calculated forces.
        # Conversion factors a.u. -> eV and a.u. -> eV/Angst
        Eh__2__eV = 27.211396132
        Eh_rb__2__eV_Angst = 51.422086162
        # Get functional name as string
        functional = xc_name(str.lower(vasp.Vasp.get_xc_functional(self)))
        # Calling original VASP-calculator for forces
        self.dft_forces = vasp.Vasp.get_forces(self, atoms)
        # Call DFT-D module: Energy and gradients
        self.dispersion_correction, self.dft_d_gradient_contribution = d2_pbc(atoms, functional)
        # Convert to proper units
        self.dispersion_correction = self.dispersion_correction * Eh__2__eV
        self.dft_d_gradient_contribution = self.dft_d_gradient_contribution * Eh_rb__2__eV_Angst
        print "DFT-D total gradients:", -self.dft_d_gradient_contribution[0] + self.forces[0]
        for ind_i in range(1, len(self.forces)):
            print "                      ", -self.dft_d_gradient_contribution[ind_i] + self.forces[ind_i]
        # Adding correction contributions to forces
        # Note the (-) sign: DFT-D module delivers gradients, not forces
        return self.dft_forces - self.dft_d_gradient_contribution
Beispiel #2
    def get_potential_energy(self, atoms, force_consistent=False, dft_d_cutoff_radius=30.0):
	Altered version of the original get_potential_energy function
        in the class Vasp. The function obtains the DFT energy by using
	the original call for the VASP package and adds the DFT-D2 contribution
	to the converged SCF-energy.
        # Conversion factors a.u. -> eV
        Eh__2__eV = 27.211396132
        # Get functional name as string
        functional = xc_name(str.lower(vasp.Vasp.get_xc_functional(self)))
        # Calling original VASP-calculator for energy
        self.energy_free_or_zero = vasp.Vasp.get_potential_energy(self, atoms, force_consistent)
        # Call DFT-D module: Energy and gradients
        self.dispersion_correction, self.dft_d_gradient_contribution = d2_pbc(atoms, functional)
        # Convert to proper units
        self.dispersion_correction = self.dispersion_correction * Eh__2__eV
        # Print out components (Useful?)
        print >> sys.stdout, " "
        print >> sys.stdout, "DFT total energy  : ", self.energy_free_or_zero
        print >> sys.stdout, "DFT-D2 correction : ", self.dispersion_correction
        print >> sys.stdout, " "
        print >> sys.stdout, "DFT-D2 final corrected energy: ", self.energy_free_or_zero + self.dispersion_correction
        print >> sys.stdout, " "
        # Adding correction contribution to energy
        return self.energy_free_or_zero + self.dispersion_correction
Beispiel #3
    def get_forces(self, atoms):
        Altered version of the original get_forces function in the GPAW-class.
        The function obtains the DFT forces by using the original call for the
        GPAW package and adds the DFT-D contribution to the calculated forces.
        # Conversion factors a.u. -> eV and a.u. -> eV/Angst
        Eh__2__eV          = 27.211396132
        Eh_rb__2__eV_Angst = 51.422086162
        # Calling original VASP-calculator for forces
        self.dft_forces = GPAW.get_forces(self, atoms)
        # Get functional name as string
	self.functional = xc_name(str.lower(GPAW.get_xc_functional(self)))
        # Call DFT-D module: Energy and gradients
        self.dispersion_correction, self.dft_d_gradient_contribution = d2_pbc(atoms,self.functional)
        # Convert to proper units
        self.dispersion_correction       = self.dispersion_correction       * Eh__2__eV
        self.dft_d_gradient_contribution = self.dft_d_gradient_contribution * Eh_rb__2__eV_Angst
        # Adding correction contributions to forces
        # Note the (-) sign: DFT-D module delivers gradients, not forces
        return self.dft_forces - self.dft_d_gradient_contribution
Beispiel #4
 def get_potential_energy(self, atoms, force_consistent=False):
     Altered version of the original get_potential_energy function
     in the class GPAW. The function obtains the DFT energy by using
     the original call for the GPAW package and adds the DFT-D2 contribution
     to the converged SCF-energy.
     # Conversion factors a.u. -> eV
     Eh__2__eV          = 27.211396132
     # Calling original GPAW-calculator for energy
     self.ks_scf_energy = 0.0 #GPAW.get_potential_energy(self, atoms, force_consistent)
     # Get functional name as string
     self.functional = 'pbe' #str.lower(GPAW.get_xc_functional(self))
     # Call DFT-D module: Energy and gradients
     self.dispersion_correction, self.dft_d_gradient_contribution = d2_pbc(atoms, self.functional)
     # Convert to proper units
     self.dispersion_correction       = self.dispersion_correction       * Eh__2__eV
     # Print out components (Useful?)
     print 'DFT total energy  : ', self.ks_scf_energy
     print 'DFT-D2 correction : ', self.dispersion_correction
     print 'DFT-D2 final corrected energy: ', self.ks_scf_energy + self.dispersion_correction
     # Adding correction contribution to energy
     return self.ks_scf_energy + self.dispersion_correction
Beispiel #5
    def get_dispersion_correction(self, atoms):
        Returns the DFT-D dispersion correction for the current geometry
        # Conversion factors a.u. -> eV
        Eh__2__eV          = 27.211396132
        # Get functional name as string
	self.functional = xc_name(str.lower(GPAW.get_xc_functional(self)))
        # Call DFT-D module: Energy and gradients
        self.dispersion_correction, self.dft_d_gradient_contribution = d2_pbc(atoms, self.functional)
        # Convert to proper units
        self.dispersion_correction       = self.dispersion_correction       * Eh__2__eV
        # Return dispersion correction
        return self.dispersion_correction