def viewStructs(name, directory, kind = 'gen'): """ View collection of structures as a "trajectory" Args: - name (str): substring unique to structures (.gen, POSCAR, slab, etc) - directory (str): Directory where the structures live - kind: kind of output froim list of (vasp, gen) Opens viewer with loaded trajectory (if remote, need X server) """ geometries = [] files = os.listdir(directory) if kind == 'gen': pattern = r"{}.*.gen".format(name) elif kind == 'vasp': pattern = r"{}".format(name) else: raise ValueError("file kind must be from (vasp, gen)") for i in files: key =, i) if key: if kind == 'gen': geometries += [gen.read_gen(directory + i)] elif kind == 'vasp': geometries += [vasp.read_vasp(directory + i)] else: raise ValueError("file kind must be from (vasp, gen)") view(geometries)
def getabBondcountStructure(data, idx, element): """ Gets a struture with 'charges' equal to nbonds between a (fixed) and b(``element``) data needs geom, coordlabels, and (optionally) wantedIndices columns geom is Atoms object of structure coordlabels is a raw output from the coordlabeller function (relcoords and raw bonds) element is desired secondary element (primary element determined by input) Calls view() on resulting geometry Returns the structure """ coordlabels = data.loc[idx, 'coordlabels'] geometry = data.loc[idx, 'geom'] if 'wantedIndices' in data: indices = data.loc[idx, 'wantedIndices'] else: indices = np.arange(len(geometry)) bondcounts = {key: np.sum( np.array([geometry[i].symbol for i in value]) == element ) for key, value in pd.Series(coordlabels[1])[indices].items() } charges = [0] * len(geometry) for i in range(len(charges)): charges[i] = bondcounts.get(i, -1) geometry.set_initial_charges(charges) view(geometry) return geometry
def test_03(): lammps_setting = {'data_lmp':'data.lmp', 'in_lmp':'in.min', 'lammps_exe' :'/opt/lmpizarro/GitHub/lammps/src/lmp_serial'} setting ={'elements':['Al', 'Fe'], 'pot':'zhou', \ 'pca':[20], 'nAtoms':250,\ #'structure':'bcc',\ #'positions':'rnd','a':3.0, 'period':[5,5,5]} 'structure':'rnd',\ 'positions':'rnd','a':4.2, 'period':[5,5,5],\ 'lammps_setting':lammps_setting } sys = System(setting) print sys.setting['elements'] print sys.setting['nAt'] print sys.setting['pca'] print 'atoms', sys.elsProps print 'bulk', sys.bulk view(sys.bulk) print sys.Interaction()
def test_replay(testdir): # Distance between Cu atoms on a (100) surface: d = 3.6 / sqrt(2) a = Atoms('Cu', positions=[(0, 0, 0)], cell=(d, d, 1.0), pbc=(True, True, False)) a *= (2, 2, 1) # 2x2 (100) surface-cell # Approximate height of Ag atom on Cu(100) surfece: h0 = 2.0 a += Atom('Ag', (d / 2, d / 2, h0)) if 0: view(a) constraint = FixAtoms(range(len(a) - 1)) a.calc = EMT() a.set_constraint(constraint) with QuasiNewton(a, trajectory='AgCu1.traj', logfile='AgCu1.log') as dyn1: a = read('AgCu1.traj') a.calc = EMT() print(a.constraints) with QuasiNewton(a, trajectory='AgCu2.traj', logfile='AgCu2.log') as dyn2: dyn2.replay_trajectory('AgCu1.traj')
def viewSuperCell(atoms): P = build.find_optimal_cell_shape_pure_python(atoms.cell, 32, "sc") atoms = build.make_supercell(atoms, P) atoms[0].symbol = "Mg" atoms[1].symbol = "Mg" atoms[2].symbol = "Mg" view(atoms, viewer="Avogadro")
def main(): cif_dir = "//data/GOO.cif" zeolite = Zeotype.build_from_cif_with_labels(cif_dir) view(zeolite) iz = zeolite.get_imperfect_zeotype() iz = iz.create_silanol_defect(95) view(iz)
def main( uid ): db_name = "ce_hydrostatic.db" db_name = "almg_217.db" db = connect( db_name ) atoms = db.get_atoms( id=uid ) print ( "Chemical formula {}".format(atoms.get_chemical_formula()) ) view(atoms)
def create_relaxed_Na_cluster(N, view=False): print(f'************ Na{N} ************') start = time.time() #**** Initialize system ****# if N==6: clust = Atoms('Na'*6, positions=[(1,1,0),(1,-1,0),(-1,-1,0),(-1,1,0),(0,0,1),(0,0,-1)], cell=(d, d, d)) else: clust = Atoms('Na'*N, positions=[np.random.randn(3) for i in range(N)], cell=(d, d, d)) # random initialization if view: view(clust) #**** Define the calculator ****# calc = GPAW(nbands=10, h=0.25, txt=f'Na{N}_out.txt', occupations=FermiDirac(0.05), setups={'Na': '1'}, mode='lcao', basis='dzp') #**** Relax the system ****# clust.set_calculator(calc) dyn = GPMin(clust, trajectory=f'Na{N}_relax_clust.traj', logfile='Na{N}_relax_clust.log') print(f'**** Relaxing system of {N} atoms ****'), steps=100) #**** Calculate energy and wavefunction ****# e = clust.get_potential_energy() # Note opposite signa from e_file = open(f'Na{N}_e_cluster.txt', 'w') print(f'Na{N} cluster energy: {e} eV', file=e_file) calc.write(f'Na{N}_cluster.gpw', mode='all') end = time.time() print(f'**** Elapsed time: {end-start} s ****') print('*****************************\n')
def view_all(): a = 4.05 c = 6.0 cell = [[2.0 * a, 0, 0], [0.0, np.sqrt(3) * a, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, c]] hcp_sites = [ [a / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0], [3.0 * a / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.sqrt(3.0) * a / 2.0, 0.0], [2.0 * a, np.sqrt(3.0) * a / 2.0, 0.0], [a / 2.0, np.sqrt(3.0) * a, 0.0], [3.0 * a / 2.0, np.sqrt(3.0) * a, 0.0], [a, np.sqrt(3.0) * a / 2.0, 0.0], [a, a * (0.5 * np.sqrt(3) - 1 / np.sqrt(3.0)), c / 2.0], [a / 2.0, 0.5 * a * (np.sqrt(3) + 1.0 / np.sqrt(3.0)), c / 2.0], [3.0 * a / 2.0, 0.5 * a * (np.sqrt(3) + 1.0 / np.sqrt(3.0)), c / 2.0] ] bcc_sites = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0 * a, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.sqrt(3.0) * a, 0.0], [2.0 * a, np.sqrt(3.0) * a, 0.0], [a, 0.5 * np.sqrt(3) * a, c / 2.0]] hcp_symbs = ["V" for _ in range(len(hcp_sites))] bcc_symbs = ["Si" for _ in range(len(bcc_sites))] symbs = hcp_symbs + bcc_symbs sites = hcp_sites + bcc_sites atoms = Atoms(symbs, sites) atoms.set_cell(cell) view(atoms)
def test_adsorbate_placer(): from import read from import molecule import numpy as np from import place_adsorbate, rotate_and_place_adsorbate from ase import Atoms molecule = molecule('CH3CH2OH') h_atom = Atoms('H', positions=[(0, 0, 0)]) site = read("data/H-Y_cluster/") zeolite, rotated_ads = place_adsorbate(h_atom, site, 0, 0, 1.0) ads_and_site, rotated_ads = rotate_and_place_adsorbate( molecule, zeolite, 1.0, 2, 0, 0, rotation=[-45, 0, -45]) comp_pos1 = np.array([2.00311656e+01, 5.31509397e+00, 1.89702619e+00]) comp_pos2 = np.array([2.04405930e+01, 4.53669268e+00, 2.54385921e+00]) error_pos1 = np.linalg.norm(comp_pos1 - rotated_ads.positions[0], axis=-1) error_pos2 = np.linalg.norm(comp_pos2 - rotated_ads.positions[-1], axis=-1) assert np.isclose(error_pos1, 0, rtol=0, atol=1e-06), f"Error = {error_pos1}" assert np.isclose(error_pos2, 0, rtol=0, atol=1e-06), f"Error = {error_pos2}" from ase.visualize import view view(ads_and_site)
def open_file(self): # select a file name in the selected folder : name = askopenfilename(initialdir=self.dirname) try: datatype = name.split('.')[-1] except: datatype = 'error' # text files if datatype == 'txt' or datatype == 'dat' or datatype == 'out' or name.find( 'README') != -1: with open(name, 'r') as UseFile: s = self.text.delete("1.0", "end") self.text.insert(END, s) self.text.pack() #self.display.pack() #self.text.grid(column=0,row=0) #self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) #self.columnconfigure(3, pad=7) #self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1) #self.rowconfigure(5, pad=7) #self.text.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=4,padx=5, sticky=E+W+S+N) #self.display.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=4,padx=5, sticky=E+W+S+N) self.text.update() self.newwin.update() self.newwin.deiconify() # material structural formats using ase if datatype == 'xyz' or datatype == 'cif': struct = read(name) view(struct)
def convert_to_cubic(setting_prim): conc_args = { "conc_ratio_min_1":[[64,0,0]], "conc_ratio_max_1":[[24,40,0]], "conc_ratio_min_2":[[64,0,0]], "conc_ratio_max_2":[[22,21,21]] } setting_cubic = BulkCrystal( crystalstructure="fcc", a=4.05, size=[3,3,3], basis_elements=[["Mg","Si","Al",]], \ conc_args=conc_args, db_name=db_name_cubic, max_cluster_size=4, cubic=True ) view(setting_cubic.atoms) atoms = setting_prim.atoms.copy() a = 4.05 atoms.set_cell([[4*a,0,0],[0,4*a,0],[0,0,4*a]]) atoms.wrap() view(atoms) print (setting_prim.atoms.get_cell()) exit() out_file = "data/" target_cell = setting_cubic.atoms.get_cell() cubic_str_gen = struc_generator = GenerateStructures( setting_cubic, struct_per_gen=10 ) db = connect(db_name) for row in energy = atoms = row.toatoms() atoms.set_cell(target_cell) atoms.wrap() write(out_file,atoms) calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms,energy=energy) atoms.set_calculator(calc) cubic_str_gen.insert_structure(init_struct=out_file,final_struct=atoms)
def prebeta_spacegroup(n_template_structs=0): atoms = bulk("Al", cubic=True) # Add one site at the center L = atoms.get_cell()[0,0] at = Atoms( "X", positions=[[L/2,L/2,L/2]] ) atoms.extend(at) view(atoms) sp_gr = get_spacegroup(atoms) print(sp_gr) print(atoms.get_scaled_positions()) sc = atoms*(6,6,6) jump_moves = CollectiveJumpMove(mc_cell=sc) jump_moves.view_columns() temp_atoms = atoms*(2,2,2) print(len(temp_atoms)) view(temp_atoms) if n_template_structs > 0: symbs = ["Al","Mg","Si"] for i in range(n_template_structs): atoms = bulk("Al",cubic=True,a=4.05) selection = [symbs[randint(low=0,high=3)] for _ in range(len(atoms))] for indx in range(len(atoms)): atoms[indx].symbol = selection[indx] at = Atoms( "X", positions=[[L/2,L/2,L/2]] ) atoms.extend(at) atoms = atoms*(2,2,2) fname = "data/prebeta_template{}.xyz".format(i) write(fname,atoms) print("Template structure written to {}".format(fname))
def remove_CO(CONTCAR_filename, view_flag=True): ''' Read the old CONTCAR file with a CO onto it remove the CO and save as a new CONTCAR ''' old_name = CONTCAR_filename #'pd20-ceria-co-CONTCAR' atoms = read(old_name) # find number of Pd # find C atom index nPd = 0 for i, atom in enumerate(atoms): if atom.symbol == 'Pd': nPd = nPd + 1 if atom.symbol == 'C': C_in_CO = i C_O_Dist = [] O_in_CO = [] for k, atom in enumerate(atoms): if atom.symbol == 'O': dist = atoms.get_distance(C_in_CO, k) C_O_Dist.append(dist) O_in_CO.append(k) O_in_CO = O_in_CO[C_O_Dist.index(min(C_O_Dist))] del atoms[[O_in_CO, C_in_CO]] write('pd' + str(nPd) + '-no-CO-CONTCAR', atoms) # View the atom object if the flag is true if view_flag: view(atoms)
def plot_neb(self, show=True): ''' retrieve the energies and atoms from the band by default shows the plot figure ''' import jasp try: images, energies = self.get_neb() except (jasp.VaspQueued): # let's get a snapshot of the progress calc = read_neb_calculator() images = calc.neb_images energies = [] energies += [float(open('00/energy').readline())] for i in range(1,len(images)-1): f = open('0{0}/OUTCAR'.format(i)) elines = [] for line in f: if 'energy w' in line: elines += [line] f.close() # take last line fields = elines[-1].split() energies += [float(fields[-1])] energies += [float(open('0{0}/energy'.format(len(images)-1)).readline())] energies = np.array(energies) - energies[0] # add fitted line to band energies. we make a cubic spline # interpolating function of the negative energy so we can find the # minimum which corresponds to the barrier from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.optimize import fmin f = interp1d(range(len(energies)), -energies, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False) x0 = len(energies)/2. #guess barrier is at half way xmax = fmin(f, x0) xfit = np.linspace(0,len(energies)-1) bandfit = -f(xfit) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt p = plt.plot(energies-energies[0],'bo ',label='images') plt.plot(xfit, bandfit,'r-',label='fit') plt.plot(xmax,-f(xmax),'* ',label='max') plt.xlabel('Image') plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)') s = ['$\Delta E$ = {0:1.3f} eV'.format(float(energies[-1]-energies[0])), '$E^\ddag$ = {0:1.3f} eV'.format(float(-f(xmax)))] plt.title('\n'.join(s)) plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1) if show: from ase.visualize import view view(images) return p
def __getitem__(self, name): d =[name] # the index of label in labels less one # (compound is already as key in d) a = d[self.labels.index("aexp") - 1] if name in ["Cr2CoGa", "Mn2CoAl", "Mn2CoGe", "Fe2CoSi"]: # sg = 216 else: sg = 225 symbols = string2symbols(name) symbols.pop(0) b = crystal( symbols=symbols, basis=[(1.0 / 4, 1.0 / 4, 1.0 / 4), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0 / 2, 1.0 / 2, 1.0 / 2)], spacegroup=sg, cellpar=[a, a, a, 90, 90, 90], primitive_cell=True, ) # set average moments on all atoms (add + 2.0) magmom = d[self.labels.index("mexp") - 1] + 2.0 m = [magmom / len(b)] * len(b) # break spin symmetry between atoms no. 1 and 2 m[1] = m[1] + m[2] m[2] = -m[2] b.set_initial_magnetic_moments(m) if 0: from ase.visualize import view view(b) return b
def _import_ase(filename, **kwargs): """ Imports a structure in a number of formats using the ASE routines. """ from os.path import abspath from import StructureData try: import except ImportError: echo.echo_critical("You have not installed the package ase. \n" "You can install it with: pip install ase") store = kwargs.pop('store') view_in_ase = kwargs.pop('view') echo.echo('importing structure from: \n {}'.format(abspath(filename))) filepath = abspath(filename) try: asecell = new_structure = StructureData(ase=asecell) if store: if view_in_ase: from ase.visualize import view view(new_structure.get_ase()) echo.echo(' Succesfully imported structure {}, ' '(PK = {})'.format(new_structure.get_formula(), except ValueError as err: echo.echo_critical(err)
def main(): aluminum = build.bulk("Al", crystalstructure="fcc") * 4 print(len(aluminum)) # Extract 3 111 planes planes = build.cut(aluminum, (1, -1, 0), (1, 1, -2), nlayers=3) view(planes, viewer="Avogadro")
def _import_pwi(filename, **kwargs): """ Imports a structure from a quantumespresso input file. """ from os.path import abspath try: from qe_tools.parsers.pwinputparser import PwInputFile except ImportError: echo.echo_critical("You have not installed the package qe-tools. \n" "You can install it with: pip install qe-tools") store = kwargs.pop('store') view_in_ase = kwargs.pop('view') echo.echo('importing structure from: \n {}'.format(abspath(filename))) filepath = abspath(filename) try: inputparser = PwInputFile(filepath) new_structure = inputparser.get_structuredata() if store: if view_in_ase: from ase.visualize import view view(new_structure.get_ase()) echo.echo(' Succesfully imported structure {}, ' '(PK = {})'.format(new_structure.get_formula(), except ValueError as err: echo.echo_critical(err)
def main1(): traj = read('MFI_2Al_replaced.traj', ':') traj_CuOCu = [] for atoms in traj: inserted_atoms = insert_CuOCu(atoms) traj_CuOCu.append(inserted_atoms) view(traj_CuOCu)
def view_avo(atoms): from ase.visualize import view if atoms._calc and atoms.calc.__module__ == 'gausspy.gaussian': os.system("avogadro {f}".format(f=atoms.calc.label + '.log')) else: print('Viewing xyz file') view(atoms,viewer='avogadro')
def chemical_potential_sweep(ceBulk, eci, chem_pots=None): solver = Solver(ceBulk, eci, verbose=True, chem_pot={"Mg": 0.0}) ceBulk.atoms[0].symbol = "Mg" model = solver.get_model() if (not chem_pots is None): for chem in chem_pots: print("Current: chemical potential {}".format(chem)) solver.update_chemical_potentials(model, {"Mg": chem}) solver.solve("gurobi", model) view(ceBulk.atoms) else: lower = 0.0 upper = 0.1 # Find upper and lower bounds for pure phase for i in range(0, 100): current = (lower + upper) / 2.0 model = solver.update_chemical_potentials(model, {"Mg": current}) # Bisection solver.solve("gurobi", model) elms = solver.get_atoms_count() if (elms["Mg"] >= 32): lower = current else: upper = current if (elms["Mg"] < 64 and elms["Mg"] > 16): break view(ceBulk.atoms) print(lower, upper)
def view_avo(atoms): from ase.visualize import view if atoms._calc and atoms.calc.__module__ == 'gausspy.gaussian': os.system("avogadro {f}".format(f=atoms.calc.label + '.log')) else: print('Viewing xyz file') view(atoms, viewer='avogadro')
def addAdsorbate(constraint="1"): constrnts = AND(COMPLETED, RELAX, SURFACE, SYMMETRIC(False), constraint) ads = {'H': ['O1']} output = db.query(['fwid', 'params_json', 'finaltraj_pckl'], constrnts) question = 'Are you sure you want to add adsorbates to %d slabs?' % len( output) if ask(question): for fw, paramStr, ftraj in output: params = json.loads(paramStr) newsurf = surfFuncs.adsorbedSurface( ftraj, json.loads(params['facet_json']), ads) if jobs.Job(params).spinpol(): newsurf.set_initial_magnetic_moments([ 3 if e in misc.magElems else 0 for e in newsurf.get_chemical_symbols() ]) ase.visualize.view(newsurf) params['name'] += '_' + printAds(ads) params['surfparent'] = fw params['inittraj_pckl'] = pickle.dumps(newsurf) params['adsorbates_json'] = json.dumps(ads) job = jobs.Job(params) if viz.view(newsurf) question = 'Does this structure look right?\n' + abbreviateDict( params) if ask(question): job.check() job.submit() misc.launch()
def wan(calc): centers = [([0.125, 0.125, 0.125], 0, 1.5), ([0.125, 0.625, 0.125], 0, 1.5), ([0.125, 0.125, 0.625], 0, 1.5), ([0.625, 0.125, 0.125], 0, 1.5)] w = Wannier(4, calc, nbands=4, verbose=False, initialwannier=centers) w.localize() x = w.get_functional_value() centers = (w.get_centers(1) * k) % 1 c = (centers - 0.125) * 2 #print w.get_radii() # broken! XXX assert abs(c.round() - c).max() < 0.03 c = c.round().astype(int).tolist() c.sort() assert c == [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] if 0: from ase.visualize import view from ase import Atoms watoms = calc.atoms + Atoms(symbols='X4', scaled_positions=centers, cell=calc.atoms.cell) view(watoms) return x
def hilighter(event): # if we did not hit a node, bail if not hasattr(event, 'nodes') or not event.nodes: return # pull out the graph, graph = event.artist.graph # clear any non-default color on nodes for node, attributes in attributes.pop('color', None) for u, v, attributes in attributes.pop('width', None) for node in event.nodes: graph.nodes[node]['color'] = 'C1' #print(node) for edge_attribute in graph[node].values(): edge_attribute['width'] = 3 # update the screen event.artist.stale = True event.artist.figure.canvas.draw_idle() print(event.nodes) simulation_id = event.nodes[0] simulation = simulations[str(simulation_id)] pp(simulation) print("simulation id", simulation_id) atoms = atoms_dict_to_ase(simulation["atoms"]) view(atoms)
def test_diag_symmetries(): total_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(total_path) # Diagonalize the dynamical matrix in the supercell dyn = CC.Phonons.Phonons("../TestDiagonalizeSupercell/prova", 4) w, p = dyn.DiagonalizeSupercell() view(dyn.structure.get_ase_atoms()) # Get the symmetries supercell_s = dyn.structure.generate_supercell(dyn.GetSupercell()) spglib_syms = spglib.get_symmetry(dyn.structure.get_ase_atoms()) syms = CC.symmetries.GetSymmetriesFromSPGLIB(spglib_syms) # Get the symmetries on the polarization vectors pols_syms = CC.symmetries.GetSymmetriesOnModes(syms, supercell_s, p) # Now complete the diagonalization of the polarization vectors # To fully exploit symmetries new_pols, syms_character = CC.symmetries.get_diagonal_symmetry_polarization_vectors(p, w, pols_syms) # TODO: Test if these new polarization vectors really rebuild the dynamical matrix # write the symmetry character n_modes, n_syms = syms_character.shape for i in range(n_modes): print("Mode {} | ".format(i), np.angle(syms_character[i,:], deg = True))
def show_stable(ids): atoms = [] db = connect(sa_db) for i in ids: atoms.append(db.get(id=int(i)).toatoms()) view(atoms)
def test_cap_atom(self): with self.subTest(msg="test hydrogen capping"): iz = Zeolite( Atoms('OSiOSi', positions=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]])) iz = iz.delete_atoms(2) # delete Si iz = iz.cap_atoms() x = 0 # self.assertEqual(len(iz), 3) for atom in iz: if atom.symbol == "H": pass # self.assertTrue(np.all(atom.position == np.array([0, 0, 1]))) if atom.symbol == "O": pass # self.assertTrue(np.all(atom.position == np.array([0, 0, -1]))) with self.subTest('oxygen and hydrogen capping'): cha = Zeolite.make('CHA') cha = cha.delete_atoms([i for i in range(0, 10)]) for atom in cha: if atom.symbol == 'O': atom.symbol = 'Po' cha = cha.cap_atoms() view(cha)
def plot(self, out_folder='.', unit_cell='POSCAR', code_name='vasp'): try: from import Trajectory from import read, iread from ase.visualize import view except ImportError: raise ImportError( "\nThe parent directory of ase package must be included in 'sys.path'" ) if code_name == 'espresso': code_name = 'espresso-in' # aims, espresso-in, vasp atom = read(unit_cell, format=code_name) _current_position_true = atom.positions.copy()[ self.process.unit_cell.atom_true] _mass_weight = self.process.unit_cell.mass_true.reshape( (-1, 3)) / self.process.unit_cell.mass_true.max() for mode_ind in self.mode_inds: traj = Trajectory( out_folder + "/Trajectory_{0}.traj".format(mode_ind), 'w') for ind, x in enumerate( np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.num_images, endpoint=False), 1): atom.positions[self.process.unit_cell.atom_true] = _current_position_true \ + np.sin(x) * self.mode[mode_ind, :].reshape((-1, 3)).real / np.sqrt(_mass_weight) traj.write(atom) traj.close() atoms = iread(out_folder + "/Trajectory_{0}.traj".format(mode_ind)) view(atoms)
def main(): database = "aluminum.db" # Parse parameters from the database con = sqdb.connect(database) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT VIEW,CUTOFF,KPTS,LATTICEPARAM,_rowid_,STRUCTURE FROM PARAMS WHERE STATUS=?", ("RUN", )) jobs = cur.fetchall() con.close() print(jobs) for job in jobs: stamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") structure = job[5] a = job[3] show = job[0] b = a / 2.0 if (structure == "FCC"): bulk = Atoms("Al", cell=[[0, b, b], [b, 0, b], [b, b, 0]], pbc=True) elif (structure == "BCC"): bulk = Atoms("Al", cell=[[b, b, b], [b, b, -b], [b, -b, b]], pbc=True) else: print("Unknown lattice type") continue if (show == 1): view(bulk) calcfile = "data/alum" + structure + stamp + ".txt" cutoff = job[1] k = job[2] calc = gp.GPAW(mode=gp.PW(cutoff), kpts=(k, k, k), txt=calcfile, xc="LDA") bulk.set_calculator(calc) energy = bulk.get_potential_energy() gpwfile = "data/alum" + structure + stamp + ".gpw" calc.write(gpwfile) # Update the database aseDB = db.connect(database) lastID = aseDB.write(bulk) con = sqdb.connect(database) cur = con.cursor() row = int(job[4]) cur.execute( "UPDATE PARAMS SET GPWFILE=?,TXTFILE=?,STATUS=?,ID=? WHERE _rowid_=?", (gpwfile, calcfile, "FINISHED", lastID, row)) con.commit() con.close()
def main(argv): fname = argv[0] with open(fname, 'r') as infile: data = json.load(infile) pickle_name = fname.split(".")[0] + ".pkl" pickle_name = "data/bc_10x10x10_linvib.pkl" with open(pickle_name, 'rb') as infile: bc, cf, eci = pck.load(infile) # Plot heat capacities gr_spec = {"hspace": 0.0} fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw=gr_spec) colors = [ '#a6cee3', '#1f78b4', '#b2df8a', '#33a02c', '#fb9a99', '#e31a1c', '#fdbf6f', '#ff7f00', '#cab2d6' ] counter = 0 mu = [] max_T = [] max_conc = [] for key, value in data.iteritems(): value = sort_based_on_temp(value) color = colors[counter % len(colors)] mu.append(value["mu_c1_0"]) U = np.array(value["energy"]) * mol / (len(bc.atoms) * kJ) energy_interp = UnivariateSpline(value["temperature"], U, k=3, s=1) ax[0].plot(value["temperature"], U, "o", mfc="none", color=color) T = np.linspace(np.min(value["temperature"]), np.max(value["temperature"]), 500) ax[0].plot(T, energy_interp(T), color=color) singl = np.array(value["singlet_c1_0"]) x = 0.5 * (1.0 + singl) ax[1].plot(value["temperature"], x, label="{}".format(value["mu_c1_0"]), color=color, marker="o", mfc="none") counter += 1 #indx_max = np.argmax( Cv(T) ) #max_T.append( T[indx_max] ) #interp_conc = UnivariateSpline( value["temperature"], x, k=3, s=1 ) #x_interp = interp_conc(T) #max_conc.append( x_interp[indx_max] ) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) ax[1].set_xlabel("Temperature (K)") ax[0].set_ylabel("Internal energy (kJ/mol)") ax[1].set_ylabel("Al conc.") ax[1].legend(frameon=False) isochemical_potential(data, max_T, max_conc) #mu_T_phase_diag( mu, max_T, 200.0, 900.0 ) print(cf) calc = ClusterExpansion(bc, cluster_name_eci=eci, init_cf=cf, logfile=None) bc.atoms.set_calculator(calc) view(bc.atoms) free_energy(data, bc, eci)
def wulff(fname): from import read, write from ase.visualize import view from import WulffConstruction from matplotlib import pyplot as plt atoms = read(fname) atoms = extract_largest_cluster(fname) surface_file = fname.rpartition(".")[0] + "" wulff = WulffConstruction(cluster=atoms, max_dist_in_element=5.0) wulff.filter_neighbours(num_neighbours=9, elements=["Mg", "Si"], cutoff=4.5) write(surface_file, wulff.cluster) print("Cluster written to {}".format(surface_file)) surface = wulff.surface_atoms view(surface) mesh_file = fname.rpartition(".")[0]+"_surfmesh.msh" # wulff.fit_harmonics(show=True, order=100, penalty=0.1) wulff.interface_energy_poly_expansion(order=12, show=True, spg=225, average_cutoff=20.0, penalty=0.1) wulff.save_surface_mesh(mesh_file) ref_dir = [0.57735027, 0.57735027, -0.57735027] gamma = 86.37379010832926/2.0 theta = np.arccos(ref_dir[2]) phi = np.arctan2(ref_dir[1], ref_dir[0]) value = wulff.eval(theta, phi) wulff.wulff_plot(show=True, n_angles=60) wulff.path_plot(path=[90, 45], normalization=gamma/value) wulff.wulff_plot_plane(tol=5.0)
def test(size, R, nk): atoms_flat = get_square_uCell(size) view(atoms_flat) # CALCULATOR FLAT calc_f = Hotbit(SCC=False, kpts=(nk,nk,1), \ txt= path + 'test_consistency/') atoms_flat.set_calculator(calc_f) opt_f = BFGS(atoms_flat) = 0.05) e_flat = atoms_flat.get_potential_energy() atoms_c = atoms_flat.copy() L = atoms_c.get_cell().diagonal() atoms_c.set_cell(L) angle = L[1]/R atoms_c.rotate('y', np.pi/2) atoms_c.translate((-atoms_c[0].x, 0, 0) ) for a in atoms_c: r0 = a.position phi = r0[1]/L[1]*angle a.position[0] = R*np.cos(phi) a.position[1] = R*np.sin(phi) atoms_c = Atoms(atoms = atoms_c, container = 'Wedge') atoms_c.set_container(angle = angle, height = L[0], physical = False, pbcz = True) if R < 100: view(atoms_c.extended_copy((8,1,3))) # CALCULATOR Cyl calc_c = Hotbit(SCC=False, kpts=(nk,1, nk), physical_k = False, \ txt= path + 'test_consistency/') atoms_c.set_calculator(calc_c) opt_c = BFGS(atoms_c) = 0.05) e_cyl = atoms_c.get_potential_energy() print 'R = %.2f' %R print 'energy flat = %.6f' %e_flat print 'energy cylinder = %.6f' %e_cyl print 'energy dif (e_cylinder - eflat)/nAtoms = %.6f \n' %(-(e_flat - e_cyl)/len(atoms_flat)) return e_flat, e_cyl, len(atoms_flat)
def view(self, index=None): """Visualize the calculation. """ from ase.visualize import view if index is not None: return view(self.traj[index]) else: return view(self.traj)
def gui_view(): horizontal_dimension = int(horizon_sheet_variable.get()) vertical_dimension = int(vertical_sheet_variable.get()) symmetry_int = int(symmetry_var.get()) atoms = build_sheet(horizontal_dimension, vertical_dimension, symmetry=symmetry_int) unsat_int = int(unsat_var.get()) if unsat_int==0: daves_super_saturate(atoms) elif unsat_int==1: pass view(atoms, viewer="avogadro")
def bp(info=None): """A breakpoint to view something and stop the rest of the script.""" if isinstance(info, Atoms): view(info) elif isinstance(info, list) and info: if all(isinstance(i, Atoms) for i in info): view(info) else: print(info) elif info is not None: print(info) sys.exit()
def hyster_study(edge, folder = None): if folder == None: folder = os.getcwd() print folder for fileC in os.listdir(folder): if fileC[-6:] == '.simul': fileC = folder + fileC _, length, _, _, v, T, dt, fric, dtheta, \ thresZ, interval, deltaY, theta, M, edge = read_simul_params_file(fileC) mdfile = fileC[:-6] + '.traj' traj = PickleTrajectory(mdfile, 'r') atoms_init = traj[0] constraints, _, twist, rend_b, rend_t = get_constraints(atoms_init, edge, \ bond, None, key = 'twist_p') #constraints, _, rend_b, rend_t = get_constraints(atoms_init, edge, \ # bond, None, key = 'twist_p') atoms = traj[-1] atoms.set_constraint(constraints) vels = (traj[-2].positions - traj[-1].positions) / (interval * dt) atoms.set_velocities(vels) calc = LAMMPS(parameters=get_lammps_params()) atoms.set_calculator(calc) view(atoms) dyn = Langevin(atoms, dt*units.fs, T*units.kB, fric) twist.set_angle(theta) * interval) view(atoms) traj_new= PickleTrajectory(fileC[:-6] + '_hyst.traj', 'w', atoms) mdlogf = fileC[:-6] + '_hyst.log' do_dynamics(mdlogf, atoms, dyn, rend_b, rend_t, v, dt, deltaY, \ theta, dtheta, length, thresZ, \ interval, traj_new, M, twist) mdhystf = fileC[:-6] + '_hyst.traj' logfile = fileC[:-6] + '.log' append_files(logfile, mdlogf, logfile[:-4] + '_comp.log') call(['ase-gui', mdfile, mdhystf, '-o', logfile[:-4] + '_comp.traj'])
def run(self, names): """Run task far all names. The task will be one of these four: * Open ASE's GUI * Write configuration to file * Write summary * Do the actual calculation """ names = self.expand(names) names = names[self.slice] names = self.exclude(names) if self.gui: for name in names: view(self.create_system(name)) return if self.write_to_file: if self.write_to_file[0] == ".": for name in names: filename = self.get_filename(name, self.write_to_file) write(filename, self.create_system(name)) else: assert len(names) == 1 write(self.write_to_file, self.create_system(names[0])) return if self.write_summary: self.analyse() self.summarize(names) return atoms = None for name in names: if self.use_lock_files: lockfilename = self.get_filename(name, ".json") fd = opencew(lockfilename) if fd is None: self.log("Skipping", name) continue fd.close() atoms = self.run_single(name) return atoms
def plot_neb(self, show=True): """Return a list of the energies and atoms objects for each image in the band. by default shows the plot figure """ images, energies = self.get_neb() # add fitted line to band energies. we make a cubic spline # interpolating function of the negative energy so we can find the # minimum which corresponds to the barrier from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.optimize import fmin f = interp1d(range(len(energies)), -energies, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False) x0 = len(energies) / 2. # guess barrier is at half way xmax = fmin(f, x0) xfit = np.linspace(0, len(energies) - 1) bandfit = -f(xfit) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt p = plt.plot(energies - energies[0], 'bo ', label='images') plt.plot(xfit, bandfit, 'r-', label='fit') plt.plot(xmax, -f(xmax), '* ', label='max') plt.xlabel('Image') plt.ylabel('Energy (eV)') s = ['$\Delta E$ = {0:1.3f} eV'.format(float(energies[-1] - energies[0])), '$E^\ddag$ = {0:1.3f} eV'.format(float(-f(xmax)))] plt.title('\n'.join(s)) plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1) if show: from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator from ase.visualize import view # It seems there might be some info on the atoms that causes # an error here. Making a copy seems to get rid of the # issue. Hacky. tatoms = [x.copy() for x in images] for i, x in enumerate(tatoms): x.set_calculator(SinglePointCalculator(x, energy=energies[i])) view(tatoms) return p
def plot_fig1(): mdfile = '/space/tohekorh/ShearSlide/files/LJ_10/ac_twistTaito/w=7/md_L=24_v=0.20_00.traj' #mdfile = '/space/tohekorh/ShearSlide/files/KC_10/ac_stickTaito/w=7/r=20/md_L=145_stL=27_00.traj' traj = PickleTrajectory(mdfile) z_init = np.average(traj[0].positions[:,2]) xrange = [np.min(traj[0].positions[:,0]), np.max(traj[0].positions[:,0])] yrange = [np.min(traj[0].positions[:,1]), np.max(traj[0].positions[:,1])] from ase.structure import graphene_nanoribbon from ase.visualize import view from ase import Atoms base = graphene_nanoribbon(70, 50, type='armchair', saturated=False, C_C=bond, main_element='N') base.rotate([1,0,0], np.pi/2) base.positions[:,2] = z_init - 3.8 atoms_v = Atoms() n = int(len(traj)/1.3) #n = nsnap = 3 atoms_use = [traj[i] for i in np.array(range(nsnap))*n/nsnap] for i, atoms in enumerate(atoms_use): atoms.positions[:,1] = -atoms.positions[:,1] - i*20 #atoms.positions[:,0] = -atoms.positions[:,0] atoms_v += atoms cent_atoms = np.array([np.average(atoms_v.positions[:,0]), np.average(atoms_v.positions[:,1]), 0]) cent_base = np.array([np.average(base.positions[:,0]), np.average(base.positions[:,1]), 0]) base.translate(cent_atoms - cent_base) #atoms_v += base view(atoms_v, viewer = 'vmd')
def run(args, parser): if args.vacuum0: parser.error('Please use -V or --vacuum instead!') if '.' in # Read from file: atoms = read( elif args.crystal_structure: atoms = build_bulk(args) else: atoms = build_molecule(args) if args.magnetic_moment: magmoms = np.array( [float(m) for m in args.magnetic_moment.split(',')]) atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments( np.tile(magmoms, len(atoms) // len(magmoms))) if args.modify: exec(args.modify, {'atoms': atoms}) if args.repeat is not None: r = args.repeat.split(',') if len(r) == 1: r = 3 * r atoms = atoms.repeat([int(c) for c in r]) if args.gui: view(atoms) if args.output: write(args.output, atoms) elif sys.stdout.isatty(): write( + '.json', atoms) else: con = connect(sys.stdout, type='json') con.write(atoms,
# initial approximation: n = int(mc.L/2) # hollow core-shell initial structure s = 4 mc.GRID[(n-s):(n+s), (n-s):(n+s), (n-s):(n+s)] = mc.chems[0] s = 3 mc.GRID[(n-s):(n+s), (n-s):(n+s), (n-s):(n+s)] = mc.chems[1] # mc.chems[0] s = 2 mc.GRID[(n-s):(n+s), (n-s):(n+s), (n-s):(n+s)] = mc.chems[1] # 0 if True: # test move change 13 print('Test MoveChange13') move = MoveChange13() move.setup(mc.GRID, n, n, n, mc.chems[0]) move() from ase.visualize import view view(mc.get_atoms()) raw_input('Press enter') print('Test reject') move.reject() view(mc.get_atoms()) raw_input('Press enter') target_CN = np.zeros(4) target_CN[0] = 2.8 # Cu-Cu target_CN[1] = 4.0 # Pt-Cu target_CN[2] = 1.8 # Cu-Pt target_CN[3] = 6.2 # Pt-Pt #i = 0 #for B in mc.chems: # for A in mc.chems: # print('CN [',A,'-',B,'] = ', target_CN[i])
from __future__ import print_function from ase.visualize import view from ase.constraints import FixAtoms from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton from ase.lattice.surface import fcc100, add_adsorbate from gpaw import GPAW, PW # Initial state: # 2x2-Al(001) surface with 1 layer and an # Au atom adsorbed in a hollow site: slab = fcc100('Al', size=(2, 2, 2)), vacuum=3.0) add_adsorbate(slab, 'Au', 1.6, 'hollow') # Make sure the structure is correct: view(slab) # Fix the Al atoms: mask = [atom.symbol == 'Al' for atom in slab] print(mask) fixlayer = FixAtoms(mask=mask) slab.set_constraint(fixlayer) # Use GPAW: calc = GPAW(mode=PW(200), kpts=(2, 2, 1), xc='PBE', txt='hollow.txt') slab.set_calculator(calc) qn = QuasiNewton(slab, trajectory='hollow.traj') # Find optimal height. The stopping criterion is: the force on the # Au atom should be less than 0.05 eV/Ang
cell = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]] atoms = BodyCenteredCubic('Fe', directions=cell) atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments([5,5]) atoms.set_cell([a, a, a], scale_atoms=True) carbon = Atom('C', position=(0,0.5*a,0.75*a), charge=0.4) atoms = atoms*(2,2,2) + carbon constraint = FixAtoms(indices=[3,5,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]) atoms.set_constraint(constraint) atoms[-1].position = [0, 0.5*a, 0.25*a] init = atoms.copy() view(init) atoms[-1].position = [0, 0.5*a, 0.75*a] final = atoms.copy() view(final) def save( filename, arg ): f = open(filename, 'a+t') f.write('{0} \n'.format(arg)) f.close() os.system('mkdir result') print atoms.get_cell()
mol = atoms[mask] del atoms[mask] mol.cell[0:2, ] = mol.cell[0:2, ]*1/3.0 mol.cell[2][2] = 3 mol[-1].z = mol[-3].z mol[-1].position = mol[-1].position + mol.cell[0]/6 + mol.cell[1]/6 mol.translate([0, 0, -mol[1].z]) mol = mol*[3, 3, 2] mol = sortz(mol) mol1 = mol.copy() mol1.translate([0, 0, atoms[-1].z + 2.0]) atoms = atoms + mol1 view(atoms) constraint = FixAtoms(mask=[atom.symbol != 'O' and atom.symbol != 'C' for atom in atoms]) atoms.set_constraint(constraint) with jasp('442-coo2-sm5', xc='PBE', encut=350, kpts=[1, 1, 1], gamma='true', ismear=0, sigma=0.1, # this is small for a molecule prec='normal', algo='fast', lreal='atuo',
fmax = 0.05 nimages = 3 print([a.get_potential_energy() for a in Trajectory('H.traj')]) images = [Trajectory('H.traj')[-1]] for i in range(nimages): images.append(images[0].copy()) images[-1].positions[6, 1] = 2 - images[0].positions[6, 1] neb = NEB(images) neb.interpolate() if 0: # verify that initial images make sense from ase.visualize import view view(neb.images) for image in images: image.set_calculator(MorsePotential()) dyn = BFGS(neb, trajectory='mep.traj') # , logfile='mep.log') for a in neb.images: print(a.positions[-1], a.get_potential_energy()) neb.climb = True # Check NEB tools.
def run(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] elif isinstance(argv, str): argv = argv.split() parser = build_parser() opt, args = parser.parse_args(argv) if len(args) != 1: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") name = args[0] if world.rank == 0: out = sys.stdout#open('%s-%s.results' % (name, opt.identifier), 'w') else: out = devnull a = None try: symbols = string2symbols(name) except ValueError: # name was not a chemical formula - must be a file name: atoms = read(name) else: if opt.crystal_structure: a = opt.lattice_constant if a is None: a = estimate_lattice_constant(name, opt.crystal_structure, opt.c_over_a) out.write('Using an estimated lattice constant of %.3f Ang\n' % a) atoms = bulk(name, opt.crystal_structure, a, covera=opt.c_over_a, orthorhombic=opt.orthorhombic, cubic=opt.cubic) else: try: # Molecule? atoms = molecule(name) except NotImplementedError: if len(symbols) == 1: # Atom atoms = Atoms(name) elif len(symbols) == 2: # Dimer atoms = Atoms(name, positions=[(0, 0, 0), (opt.bond_length, 0, 0)]) else: raise ValueError('Unknown molecule: ' + name) if opt.magnetic_moment: magmom = opt.magnetic_moment.split(',') atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(np.tile(magmom, len(atoms) // len(magmom))) if opt.repeat is not None: r = opt.repeat.split(',') if len(r) == 1: r = 3 * r atoms = atoms.repeat([int(c) for c in r]) if opt.gui: view(atoms) return if opt.write_to_file: write(opt.write_to_file, atoms) return if opt.effective_medium_theory: Runner = EMTRunner else: Runner = GPAWRunner if strains = np.linspace(0.98, 1.02, 5) else: strains = None if opt.constrain_tags: tags = [int(t) for t in opt.constrain_tags.split(',')] constrain = FixAtoms(mask=[t in tags for t in atoms.get_tags()]) atoms.constraints = [constrain] runner = Runner(name, atoms, strains, tag=opt.identifier, clean=not, fmax=opt.relax, out=out) if not opt.effective_medium_theory: # Import stuff that eval() may need to know: from import PW from gpaw.occupations import FermiDirac, MethfesselPaxton if opt.parameters: input_parameters = eval(open(opt.parameters).read()) else: input_parameters = {} for key in defaults: value = getattr(opt, key) if value is not None: try: input_parameters[key] = eval(value) except (NameError, SyntaxError): input_parameters[key] = value runner.set_parameters(vacuum=opt.vacuum, write_gpw_file=opt.write_gpw_file, **input_parameters) runner.summary(plot=opt.plot, a0=a) return runner
from ase import Atoms from ase.visualize import view from ase.calculators.aims import Aims, AimsCube from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton water = Atoms('HOH', [(1,0,0), (0,0,0), (0,1,0)]) water_cube = AimsCube(points=(29,29,29), plots=('total_density','delta_density', 'eigenstate 5','eigenstate 6')) calc=Aims(xc='pbe', sc_accuracy_etot=1e-6, sc_accuracy_eev=1e-3, sc_accuracy_rho=1e-6, sc_accuracy_forces=1e-4, species_dir='/home/hanke/codes/fhi-aims/fhi-aims.workshop/species_defaults/light/', run_command='aims.workshop.serial.x', cubes=water_cube) water.set_calculator(calc) dynamics = QuasiNewton(water,trajectory='square_water.traj') view(water)
import as ab from import writeSiesta from ase.visualize import view atom = ab.mx2() view(atom) writeSiesta('structure.fdf',atom)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] name/input-file [output-file]") add = parser.add_option add("-M", "--magnetic-moment", metavar="M1,M2,...", help="Magnetic moment(s). " + 'Use "-M 1" or "-M 2.3,-2.3".') add( "--modify", metavar="...", help="Modify atoms with Python statement. " + 'Example: --modify="atoms.positions[-1,2]+=0.1".', ) add( "-v", "--vacuum", type=float, default=3.0, help="Amount of vacuum to add around isolated atoms " "(in Angstrom).", ) add("--unit-cell", help='Unit cell. Examples: "10.0" or "9,10,11" ' + "(in Angstrom).") add("--bond-length", type=float, help="Bond length of dimer in Angstrom.") add( "-x", "--crystal-structure", help="Crystal structure.", choices=[ "sc", "fcc", "bcc", "hcp", "diamond", "zincblende", "rocksalt", "cesiumchloride", "fluorite", "wurtzite", ], ) add("-a", "--lattice-constant", default="", help="Lattice constant(s) in Angstrom.") add("--orthorhombic", action="store_true", help="Use orthorhombic unit cell.") add("--cubic", action="store_true", help="Use cubic unit cell.") add("-r", "--repeat", help='Repeat unit cell. Use "-r 2" or "-r 2,3,1".') add("-g", "--gui", action="store_true") opts, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0 or len(args) > 2: parser.error("Wrong number of arguments!") name = args.pop(0) if "." in name: # Read from file: atoms = read(name) elif opts.crystal_structure: atoms = build_bulk(name, opts) else: atoms = build_molecule(name, opts) if opts.magnetic_moment: magmoms = np.array([float(m) for m in opts.magnetic_moment.split(",")]) atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(np.tile(magmoms, len(atoms) // len(magmoms))) if opts.modify: exec(opts.modify, {"atoms": atoms}) if opts.repeat is not None: r = opts.repeat.split(",") if len(r) == 1: r = 3 * r atoms = atoms.repeat([int(c) for c in r]) if opts.gui: view(atoms) if args: write(args[0], atoms) elif sys.stdout.isatty(): write(name + ".json", atoms) else: con = connect(sys.stdout, type="json") con.write(atoms, name=name)
def run_moldy(N, save = False): # params = {'bond':bond, 'a':a, 'h':h} # DEFINE FILES mdfile, mdlogfile, mdrelax = get_fileName(N, 'tear_E_rebo+KC_v', taito, v, edge) # GRAPHENE SLAB atoms = make_graphene_slab(a,h,width,length,N, \ edge_type = edge, h_pass = True, \ stacking = 'abc')[3] view(atoms) #exit() params['ncores'] = ncores params['positions'] = atoms.positions.copy() params['pbc'] = atoms.get_pbc() params['cell'] = atoms.get_cell().diagonal() params['ia_dist'] = 10 params['chemical_symbols'] \ = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() # FIX constraints = [] print 'hii' left = get_ind(atoms.positions.copy(), 'left', 2, bond) top = get_ind(atoms.positions.copy(), 'top', fixtop - 1, left) rend_t = get_ind(atoms.positions.copy(), 'rend', atoms.get_chemical_symbols(), 1, edge) rend = get_ind(atoms.positions.copy(), 'rend', atoms.get_chemical_symbols(), fixtop, edge) print rend print 'hoo' exit() fix_left = FixAtoms(indices = left) fix_top = FixAtoms(indices = top) add_kc = KC_potential_p(params) for ind in rend: fix_deform = FixedPlane(ind, (0., 0., 1.)) constraints.append(fix_deform) for ind in rend_t: fix_deform = FixedPlane(ind, (0., 0., 1.)) constraints.append(fix_deform) constraints.append(fix_left) constraints.append(fix_top) constraints.append(add_kc) # END FIX # CALCULATOR LAMMPS parameters = {'pair_style':'rebo', 'pair_coeff':['* * CH.airebo C H'], 'mass' :['1 12.0', '2 1.0'], 'units' :'metal', 'boundary' :'f p f'} calc = LAMMPS(parameters=parameters) atoms.set_calculator(calc) # END CALCULATOR #view(atoms) # TRAJECTORY if save: traj = PickleTrajectory(mdfile, 'w', atoms) else: traj = None #data = np.zeros((M/interval, 5)) # RELAX atoms.set_constraint(add_kc) dyn = BFGS(atoms, trajectory = mdrelax) # FIX AFTER RELAXATION atoms.set_constraint(constraints) # DYNAMICS dyn = Langevin(atoms, dt*units.fs, T*units.kB, fric) n = 0 header = '#t [fs], d [Angstrom], epot_tot [eV], ekin_tot [eV], etot_tot [eV] \n' log_f = open(mdlogfile, 'w') log_f.write(header) log_f.close() if T != 0: # put initial MaxwellBoltzmann velocity distribution mbd(atoms, T*units.kB) print 'Start the dynamics for N = %i' %N for i in range(0, M): if T == 0: for ind in rend: atoms[ind].position[2] -= dz elif T != 0: if tau < i*dt: hw = i*dz for ind in rend: atoms[ind].position[2] -= dz if i%interval == 0: epot, ekin = saveAndPrint(atoms, traj, False)[:2] if T != 0: if tau < i*dt: hw = i*dz - tau*v else: hw = 0 else: hw = i*dz data = [i*dt, hw, epot, ekin, epot + ekin] if save: log_f = open(mdlogfile, 'a') stringi = '' for k,d in enumerate(data): if k == 0: stringi += '%.2f ' %d elif k == 1: stringi += '%.6f ' %d else: stringi += '%.12f ' %d log_f.write(stringi + '\n') log_f.close() n += 1 if save and T != 0 and i*dt == tau: log_f = open(mdlogfile, 'a') log_f.write('# Thermalization complete. ' + '\n') log_f.close() if 1e2 <= M: if i%(int(M/100)) == 0: print 'ready = %.1f' %(i/(int(M/100))) + '%'
def check_nuts(self, value): """ Test NUTS simulation Parameters ---------- value: list or tuple The values to use in the tests """ print(self.traj_file) ideal_atoms, _ = value[0] ideal_atoms.set_velocities(np.zeros((len(ideal_atoms), 3))) s = ElasticScatter(verbose=True) if value[1] == 'PDF': target_data = s.get_pdf(ideal_atoms) exp_func = s.get_pdf exp_grad = s.get_grad_pdf calc = Calc1D(target_data=target_data, exp_function=exp_func, exp_grad_function=exp_grad, potential='rw', conv=30) elif value[1] == 'FQ': target_data = s.get_pdf(ideal_atoms) exp_func = s.get_pdf exp_grad = s.get_grad_pdf calc = Calc1D(target_data=target_data, exp_function=exp_func, exp_grad_function=exp_grad, potential='rw', conv=30) else: calc = value[1] ideal_atoms.positions *= 1.02 ideal_atoms.set_calculator(calc) start_pe = ideal_atoms.get_potential_energy() if value[2]: traj_name = else: traj_name = None nuts = NUTSCanonicalEnsemble(ideal_atoms, escape_level=4, verbose=True, seed=seed, trajectory=traj_name) traj, metadata = print(traj[0].get_momenta()) pe_list = [] for atoms in traj: pe_list.append(atoms.get_potential_energy()) min_pe = np.min(pe_list) print(len(traj)) print(min_pe, start_pe) if start_pe != 0.0: if not min_pe < start_pe: view(traj) assert min_pe < start_pe self.traj_file.close() if value[2]: assert os.path.exists( read_traj = TrajectoryReader( print(len(traj), len(read_traj)) assert len(traj) == len(read_traj) for i, (atoms1, atoms2) in enumerate(zip(read_traj, traj)): for att in ['get_positions', 'get_potential_energy', 'get_forces', 'get_momenta']: print(i, att) assert_allclose(*[getattr(a, att)() for a in [atoms1, atoms2]]) del traj
def gui(id): if open_ase_gui: atoms = connection.get_atoms(id) view(atoms) return '', 204, []
def run(self, names=None): """Run task for all names. The task will be one of these four: * Open ASE's GUI * Write configuration to file * Write summary * Do the actual calculation """ if self.lock is None: # Create lock object: self.lock = Lock(self.get_filename(ext='lock')) if self.clean: self.clean_json_file(names) return if names is None or len(names) == 0: names = self.collection.keys() names = self.expand(names) names = names[self.slice] names = self.exclude(names) if self.gui: for name in names: view(self.create_system(name)) return if self.write_to_file: if self.write_to_file[0] == '.': for name in names: filename = self.get_filename(name, self.write_to_file) write(filename, self.create_system(name)) else: assert len(names) == 1 write(self.write_to_file, self.create_system(names[0])) return if self.write_summary: self.analyse() self.summarize(names) return atoms = None for name in names: if self.use_lock_files: try: filename = self.get_filename(ext='json') self.lock.acquire() if os.path.isfile(filename): data = read_json(filename) if name not in data: data[name] = {} write_json(filename, data) else: self.log('Skipping', name) continue else: write_json(filename, {name: {}}) finally: self.lock.release() if atoms is not None: del atoms.calc atoms = self.run_single(name) return atoms
from ase.lattice import surface from ase.constraints import FixAtoms from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp from ase.visualize import view from import write from import read #sigma=0.01 for gases and edif=13-8 calc = Vasp(xc='PBE', kpts=(3,3,1), lwave=False, lcharg=False,lvtot=False, nwrite=1 , encut=400, algo='Fast', ismear=0, sigma=0.0031, voskown=1, istart=0, nelm=400, nelmdl=-10, ediff=1e-8, ispin=2 ,nsw=1, isif=2, ibrion=5, nfree=2, potim=0.015, ediffg=-0.05, isym=0 ,lvdw=True, vdw_version=3 ,lreal='Auto') slab = read('../CONTCAR'),axis=2) view(slab) # View the slab, frozen atoms will be marked with a "X" #slab.set_calculator(calc) calc.initialize(slab) calc.write_incar(slab) calc.write_potcar() calc.write_kpoints() write('POSCAR', calc.atoms_sorted) # this will write a "sorted" POSCAR
a = 4.0614 b = a / sqrt(2) h = b / 2 initial = Atoms('Al2', positions=[(0, 0, 0), (a / 2, b / 2, -h)], cell=(a, b, 2 * h), pbc=(1, 1, 0)) initial *= (2, 2, 2) initial.append(Atom('Al', (a / 2, b / 2, 3 * h))), axis=2) final = initial.copy() final.positions[-1, 0] += a view([initial, final]) # Construct a list of images: images = [initial] for i in range(5): images.append(initial.copy()) images.append(final) # Make a mask of zeros and ones that select fixed atoms (the # two bottom layers): mask = initial.positions[:, 2] - min(initial.positions[:, 2]) < 1.5 * h constraint = FixAtoms(mask=mask) print(mask) for image in images: # Let all images use an EMT calculator:
from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton, BFGS from ase.visualize import view # doo = 2.74 doht = 0.957 doh = 0.977 angle = radians(104.5) initial = Atoms('HOHOH', positions=[(-sin(angle) * doht, 0., cos(angle) * doht), (0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., doh), (0., 0., doo), (sin(angle) * doht, 0., doo - cos(angle) * doht)]) if 0: view(initial) final = Atoms('HOHOH', positions=[(-sin(angle) * doht, 0., cos(angle) * doht), (0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., doo - doh), (0., 0., doo), (sin(angle) * doht, 0., doo - cos(angle) * doht)]) if 0: view(final) # Make band: images = [initial.copy()] for i in range(3): images.append(initial.copy()) images.append(final.copy())
from ase.optimize import LBFGS from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp from import write_vasp from ase.visualize import view from import write calc = Vasp(xc='PBE', kpts=(1,1,1), nwrite=1, lwave=False, lcharg=False,lvtot=False , encut=400, algo='Fast', ismear=0, sigma=0.003, voskown=1, istart=0, nelm=400, nelmdl=-10, ediff=1e-6, ispin=2 ,nsw=1000, isif=2, ibrion=1, nfree=2, potim=0.2,lvdw=True, vdw_version=3 ,isym=0 ,lreal='Auto') # Create a c(2x2) surface with 4 layers and 14 Angstrom of vacuum d=0.9575 t = np.pi/180*104.51 molecule = Atoms('H2O', positions=[(d, 0, 0),(d * np.cos(t), d * np.sin(t), 0),(0, 0, 0)]) view(molecule) # View the slab, frozen atoms will be marked with a "X" #slab.set_calculator(calc) calc.initialize(molecule) calc.write_incar(molecule) calc.write_potcar() calc.write_kpoints() write('POSCAR', calc.atoms_sorted) # this will write a "sorted" POSCAR