Beispiel #1
def parse_svn_commit(c, project_name):
    commit = {}
    commit["project"] = project_name

    log = c.splitlines()

    log = [l for l in log if not l.startswith("'")]
    log = [l for l in log if not l.isspace() and l]

    rev_user_date = log[0]
    res = rev_user_date.split("|")

    # res should contain at least rev num, username, and commit date
    if len(res) < 3:
        return False

    commit["commit_id"] = res[0].strip()
    commit["username"] = res[1].strip()

    date_tmp = res[2].strip()
    date_tmp = date_tmp[:25]

    # for now, only record commits with dates in ISO 8601 with utc offset
    if len(date_tmp) != 25:
        return False

    commit["date"] = date_tmp

    files = []
    i = 2
    if log[1] and "Changed paths" in log[1]:
        while i < len(log) and"\s\s\s[A-Z]\s.*", log[i]):
            m_file = log[i].strip()
            file = {}
            file["commit_id"] = commit["commit_id"]
            file["action"] = m_file[:1].strip()
            file["name"] = m_file[2:].strip()
            i = i + 1

    comment = ""
    for j in range(i, len(log)):
        comment = comment + log[j]

    commit["comment"] = comment

    valid_commit = asf_db_client.insert_commit(commit)

    if not valid_commit:
        return False

    for f in files:

    return True
Beispiel #2
def parse_git_commit(c, project_name):
    commit = {}
    commit["project"] = project_name

    log = c.splitlines()

    log = [l for l in log if not l.startswith("'")]
    log = [l for l in log if l]

    hash_user_date = log[0]
    res = hash_user_date.split("|")
    commit["commit_id"] = res[0]
    commit["username"] = res[1]
    commit["date"] = res[2]

    comment = log[1]
    comment = comment[1:]
    if comment:
        commit["comment"] = comment

    valid_commit = False
    if "No Author" not in commit["username"]:
        valid_commit = asf_db_client.insert_commit(commit)

    if not valid_commit:
        return False

    if len(log) > 2 and len(log) < 40:
        for x in range(2, len(log)):
            file = {}
            file["commit_id"] = res[0]
            file["action"] = log[x][:1]
            file["name"] = log[x][2:]

    return True