def findanimal(furrid=""): """ Looks for an animal with the given FuRR ID in the collection of animals. If one wasn't found, or the ID given was blank, a new animal is added to the collection and returned """ if furrid.strip() == "": a = asm.Animal() animals.append(a) return a for a in animals: if a.ExtraID == furrid.strip(): return a a = asm.Animal() a.ExtraID = furrid.strip() animals.append(a) return a
asm.setid("media", 100) asm.setid("dbfs", 200) print("DELETE FROM media WHERE ID >= 100;") print("DELETE FROM dbfs WHERE ID >= 200;") pf = asm.petfinder_get_adoptable(PETFINDER_ID) data = asm.csv_to_list(PATH) uo = asm.Owner() uo.OwnerSurname = "Unknown Owner" uo.OwnerName = uo.OwnerSurname owners.append(uo) # petpal files are newest first order for d in reversed(data): a = asm.Animal() animals.append(a) a.AnimalTypeID = asm.iif(d["Pet Type"] == "Cat", 11, 2) if a.AnimalTypeID == 11 and d["Intake Type"] == "Stray": a.AnimalTypeID = 12 a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(d["Pet Type"]) a.AnimalName = d["Pet Name"] if a.AnimalName.strip() == "": a.AnimalName = "(unknown)" if d["DOB"].strip() == "": a.DateOfBirth = asm.getdate_mmddyyyy(d["Intake Date"]) a.EstimatedDOB = 1 else: a.DateOfBirth = asm.getdate_mmddyyyy(d["DOB"]) if a.DateOfBirth is None: a.DateOfBirth =
PERS_NOTES = 100 PERS_SOURCE = 101 BEH_BEHAVIOR_INTAKE__DATE = 102 BEH_MADE_ADOPTABLE_DATE = 103 reader = csv.reader(open("data/shelter_guest_info.csv", "r"), dialect="excel") for row in reader: # Skip the header if row[GUEST_PIN_ID].startswith("GUEST"): continue # Skip some blank rows with no intake date if strip(row, GUEST_PIN_INTAKE_DATE) == "": continue # Each row contains a new animal, owner, adoption and adoption donation a = asm.Animal(nextanimalid) animals.append(a) nextanimalid += 1 if nextanimalid == 8151: nextanimalid = 8300 # Avoid manually added records a.DateBroughtIn = getdate(row[GUEST_PIN_INTAKE_DATE]) if a.DateBroughtIn is None: a.DateBroughtIn = a.SpeciesID = getspecies(row[GUEST_DOG]) a.AnimalTypeID = gettype(row[GUEST_DOG]) a.AnimalName = row[GUEST_SHELTER_GUEST_NAME] if a.AnimalName.strip() == "": a.AnimalName = "(unknown)" a.generateCode(gettypeletter(a.AnimalTypeID)) a.ShortCode = row[GUEST_PIN_ID] a.Sex = getsexmf(row[GUEST_MALE]) breed = row[GUEST_BREED]
RABIES_LOCATION = 25 HEALTH_PROBLEMS = 26 print "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\nBEGIN;" print "DELETE FROM animal WHERE ID >= 2;" print "DELETE FROM additional WHERE LinkType = 0;" nextid = 2 reader = csv.reader(open("cw0243.csv", "r"), dialect="excel") for row in reader: # Not enough data for row if row[1].strip() == "": break a = asm.Animal(nextid) nextid += 1 comments = "" a.ShelterCode = row[CODE] a.ShortCode = row[CODE] a.AnimalName = row[NAME] a.DateOfBirth = getdate(row[DOB]) a.Sex = getsexmf(row[SEX]) a.AnimalTypeID = type_id_for_name(row[TYPE]) a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(row[SPECIES]) a.BreedID = asm.breed_id_for_name(row[BREED]) if row[CROSSBREED].strip() == "": a.Breed2ID = a.BreedID a.BreedName = asm.breed_name_for_id(a.BreedID) a.CrossBreed = 0 else:
def process_impound(d, dt): a = asm.Animal() animals.append(a) a.EntryReasonID = 7 # Stray if d["Species"].lower() == "cat": a.AnimalTypeID = 12 # Stray Cat elif d["Species"].lower() == "dog": a.AnimalTypeID = 10 # Stray Dog else: a.AnimalTypeID = 40 # Misc a.SpeciesID = asm.species_id_for_name(d["Species"]) a.AnimalName = d["Animal's Name"].replace("\n", " ") if a.AnimalName == "?" or a.AnimalName.strip() == "": a.AnimalName = "(unknown)" releasedate = getdate(d["Date of Release"]) intakedate = getdate(d["Date of P/U"]) if intakedate is None and releasedate is not None: intakedate = releasedate if intakedate is None: intakedate = dt a.DateBroughtIn = intakedate a.DateOfBirth = asm.subtract_days(a.DateBroughtIn, 365) a.CreatedDate = a.DateBroughtIn a.LastChangedDate = a.DateBroughtIn a.generateCode() a.Sex = asm.getsex_mf(d["Sex-Altered?"]) a.Size = 2 a.Neutered = asm.iif( d["Sex-Altered?"].lower() == "mn" or d["Sex-Altered?"].lower() == "fs", 1, 0) a.IdentichipNumber = d["Microchip"] if a.IdentichipNumber != "no chip found" and a.IdentichipNumber != "Unable to scan" and a.IdentichipNumber != "no" and a.IdentichipNumber != "": a.Identichipped = 1 asm.breed_ids(a, d["Breed"], default=442) if d["Breed"].lower().find("mix") != -1 or d["Breed"].find("X") != -1: a.CrossBreed = 1 a.Breed2ID = 442 a.HiddenDetails = "Breed: %s\nColor: %s\nCollar: %s\nTags: %s\nMicrochip: %s\n" % ( d["Breed"], d["Color"], d["Collar"], d["Tags"], d["Microchip"]) a.Comments = d["Comments"] # Now create the owner if d["Owner's Name"] != "n/a" and d["Owner's Name"] != "" and d[ "Owner's Name"] != "?" and d[ "Owner's Name"] != "Went to Rescue" and d[ "Owner's Name"] != "unknown" and d["Address"] != "" and d[ "Address"] != "n/a": o = asm.Owner() owners.append(o) name = d["Owner's Name"] lastname = name firstname = "" if name.find(" ") != -1: firstname, lastname = name.split(" ", 1) ppo[name] = o o.OwnerForeNames = firstname o.OwnerSurname = lastname o.OwnerName = "%s, %s" % (lastname, firstname) o.OwnerAddress = d["Address"] o.OwnerTown = "Burnsville" o.OwnerCounty = "MN" o.HomeTelephone = d["Phone #"] # Reclaim if there's a date if releasedate is not None: m = asm.Movement() m.AnimalID = a.ID m.OwnerID = o.ID m.MovementType = 5 m.MovementDate = releasedate a.Archived = 1 a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID a.ActiveMovementType = 5 a.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate movements.append(m) # Was the animal euthanised? if "Euthanized" in d and d["Euthanized"] == "1": a.DeceasedDate = releasedate or intakedate a.PutToSleep = 1 a.PTSReasonID = 4 a.PTSReason = d["If Euthanized, Why?"] a.Archived = 1 # Is this animal still on shelter? If so, we need to get it off with a fake reclaim if a.Archived == 0: m = asm.Movement() m.AnimalID = a.ID m.OwnerID = uo.ID m.MovementType = 5 m.MovementDate = releasedate or intakedate a.Archived = 1 a.ActiveMovementID = m.ID a.ActiveMovementType = 5 a.LastChangedDate = m.MovementDate movements.append(m)