if x in ['-g3', '-g', '-O1', '-O2', '-framepointer'] ] preprocessed_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='preprocessed', suffix='.c', delete=False) try: asmproc_flags = opt_flags + [ in_file, '--input-enc', 'utf-8', '--output-enc', 'euc-jp' ] compile_cmdline = compiler + compile_args + [ '-I', in_dir, '-o', out_file, preprocessed_file.name ] functions, deps = asm_processor.run(asmproc_flags, outfile=preprocessed_file) try: subprocess.check_call(compile_cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Failed to compile file " + in_file + ". Command line:") print() print(' '.join(shlex.quote(x) for x in compile_cmdline)) print() sys.exit(55) # To keep the preprocessed file: # os._exit(1) asm_processor.run(asmproc_flags + [ '--post-process', out_file, '--assembler', assembler_sh, '--asm-prelude', prelude ],
if x in ['-g3', '-g', '-O1', '-O2', '-framepointer'] ] preprocessed_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='preprocessed', suffix='.c', delete=False) try: asmproc_flags = opt_flags + [ in_file, '--input-enc', 'utf-8', '--output-enc', 'euc-jp' ] compile_cmdline = compiler + compile_args + [ '-I', in_dir, '-o', out_file, preprocessed_file.name ] asm_processor.run(asmproc_flags, outfile=preprocessed_file) try: subprocess.check_call(compile_cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Failed to compile file " + in_file + ". Command line:") print() print(' '.join(shlex.quote(x) for x in compile_cmdline)) print() # To keep the preprocessed file: # os._exit(1) asm_processor.run(asmproc_flags + [ '--post-process', out_file, '--assembler', assembler_sh, '--asm-prelude', prelude ]) finally:
# resulting .o files much smaller and speeds up builds, but loses line # number debug data. # asmproc_flags += ["--drop-mdebug-gptab"] # Convert encoding before compiling. # asmproc_flags += ["--input-enc", "utf-8", "--output-enc", "euc-jp"] preprocessed_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="preprocessed", suffix=".c", delete=False) try: compile_cmdline = (compiler + compile_args + ["-I", in_dir, "-o", out_file, preprocessed_file.name]) functions, deps = asm_processor.run(asmproc_flags, outfile=preprocessed_file) try: subprocess.check_call(compile_cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Failed to compile file " + in_file + ". Command line:") print() print(" ".join(shlex.quote(x) for x in compile_cmdline)) print() sys.exit(55) # To keep the preprocessed file: # os._exit(1) asm_processor.run( asmproc_flags + [ "--post-process", out_file,