def bessel_ns_radial(bandlimit, support_size, x):
    bessel = get_bessel()
    bessel = bessel[bessel[:, 3] <= 2 * np.pi * bandlimit * support_size, :]
    angular_freqs = bessel[:, 0]
    max_ang_freq = int(np.max(angular_freqs))
    n_theta = int(np.ceil(16 * bandlimit * support_size))
    if n_theta % 2 == 1:
        n_theta += 1

    radian_freqs = bessel[:, 1]
    r_ns = bessel[:, 2]
    phi_ns = np.zeros((len(x), len(angular_freqs)))
    phi = {}

    angular_freqs_length = len(angular_freqs)
    for i in range(angular_freqs_length):
        r0 = x * r_ns[i] / bandlimit
        f = sp.jv(angular_freqs[i], r0)
        # probably the square and the sqrt not needed
        tmp = np.pi * np.square(sp.jv(angular_freqs[i] + 1, r_ns[i]))
        phi_ns[:, i] = f / (bandlimit * np.sqrt(tmp))

    for i in range(max_ang_freq + 1):
        phi[i] = phi_ns[:, angular_freqs == i]

    struct_dict = {'phi_ns': phi, 'angular_freqs': angular_freqs, 'radian_freqs': radian_freqs, 'n_theta': n_theta}
    return common.create_struct(struct_dict)
def fast_rotate_precomp(szx, szy, phi):
    phi, mult90 = adjust_rotate(phi)

    phi = np.pi * phi / 180
    phi = -phi

    if szy % 2:
        cy = (szy + 1) // 2
        sy = 0
        cy = szy // 2 + 1
        sy = 0.5

    if szx % 2:
        cx = (szx + 1) // 2
        sx = 0
        cx = szx // 2 + 1
        sx = 0.5

    my = np.zeros((szy, szx), dtype='complex128')
    r = np.arange(cy)
    r_t = np.arange(szy, cy, -1) - 1
    u = (1 - np.cos(phi)) / np.sin(phi + np.finfo(float).eps)
    alpha1 = 2 * np.pi * 1j * r / szy
    for x in range(szx):
        ux = u * (x + 1 - cx + sx)
        my[r, x] = np.exp(alpha1 * ux)
        my[r_t, x] = np.conj(my[1:cy - 2 * sy, x])

    my = my.T

    mx = np.zeros((szx, szy), dtype='complex128')
    r = np.arange(cx)
    r_t = np.arange(szx, cx, -1) - 1
    u = -np.sin(phi)
    alpha2 = 2 * np.pi * 1j * r / szx
    for y in range(szy):
        uy = u * (y + 1 - cy + sy)
        mx[r, y] = np.exp(alpha2 * uy)
        mx[r_t, y] = np.conj(mx[1:cx - 2 * sx, y])

    # because I am using real fft I take only part of mx and my
    return common.create_struct({
        'phi': phi,
        'mx': mx[:szx // 2 + 1].copy(),
        'my': my[:, :szy // 2 + 1].copy(),
        'mult90': mult90
Beispiel #3
def fbcoeff_nfft(images, support_size, basis, sample_points, num_threads):
    split_images = np.array_split(images, num_threads, axis=2)
    image_size = split_images[0].shape[0]
    orig = int(np.floor(image_size / 2))
    start_pixel = orig - support_size
    end_pixel = orig + support_size
    new_image_size = int(2 * support_size)

    # unpacking input
    phi_ns = basis.phi_ns
    angular_freqs = basis.angular_freqs
    max_angular_freqs = int(np.max(angular_freqs))
    n_theta = basis.n_theta
    x = sample_points.x
    w = sample_points.w
    w = w * x

    # sampling points in the fourier domain
    freqs = pft_freqs(x, n_theta)
    precomp = common.create_struct({
        'n_theta': n_theta,
        'n_r': len(x),
        'resolution': new_image_size,
        'freqs': freqs
    scale = 2 * np.pi / n_theta

    coeff_pos_k = []
    pos_k = []

    for i in range(num_threads):
        curr_images = split_images[i]
        # can work with odd images as well
        curr_images = curr_images[start_pixel:end_pixel,
                                  start_pixel:end_pixel, :]
        tmp = cryo_pft_nfft(curr_images, precomp)
        pf_f = scale * np.fft.fft(tmp, axis=1)
        pos_k.append(pf_f[:, :max_angular_freqs + 1, :])

    pos_k = np.concatenate(pos_k, axis=2)

    for i in range(max_angular_freqs + 1):
            np.einsum('ki, k, kj -> ij', phi_ns[i], w, pos_k[:, i]))

    return coeff_pos_k
def organize_star_records(star_records):
    stacks_info = {}
    for i, rec in enumerate(star_records):
        pos, path = rec.rlnImageName.split('@')
        pos = int(pos) - 1
        if path in stacks_info.keys():
            stack_struct = stacks_info[path]
            stack_struct = create_struct({'pos_in_stack': [pos], 'pos_in_records': [i]})
            stacks_info[path] = stack_struct

    for path in stacks_info:
        stack_struct = stacks_info[path]
        stack_struct.pos_in_stack = np.array(stack_struct.pos_in_stack)
        stack_struct.pos_in_records = np.array(stack_struct.pos_in_records)
    return stacks_info
Beispiel #5
def cryo_abinitio_c1_worker(stack,
    resolution = stack.shape[1]
    num_projections = stack.shape[2]
    n_r = int(np.ceil(n_r * resolution))
    max_shift = int(np.ceil(max_shift * resolution))

    mask_radius = resolution * 0.45
    # mask_radius is of the form xxx.5
    if mask_radius * 2 == int(mask_radius * 2):
        mask_radius = np.ceil(mask_radius)
    # mask is not of the form xxx.5
        mask_radius = int(round(mask_radius))

    # mask projections
    center = (resolution + 1) / 2
    m = fuzzy_mask(resolution, mask_radius, origin=(center, center))
    masked_projs = stack.copy()
    masked_projs = masked_projs.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    masked_projs *= m
    masked_projs = masked_projs.transpose((1, 2, 0)).copy()

    # compute polar fourier transform
    pf, _ = cryo_pft(masked_projs, n_r, n_theta)

    # find common lines from projections
        'Finding common lines between pairs of imagges with maximum shift of {} pixels and shift step of {}'
        .format(max_shift, shift_step))
    tic = time.time()
    clstack, _, _, _, _ = cryo_clmatrix_cpu(pf, num_projections, max_shift,
    toc = time.time()
    print('Finished in {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))

    if algo == 2:
        s = cryo_syncmatrix_vote(clstack, n_theta)
        rotations = cryo_sync_rotations(s)
        raise NotImplementedError('algo currently support only "2"!')

    est_shifts, _ = cryo_estimate_shifts(pf, rotations, max_shift, shift_step)

    # reconstruct downsampled volume with no CTF correction
    n = stack.shape[1]
    params = create_struct({
        'rot_matrices': rotations,
        'ctf': np.ones((n, n)),
        'ampl': np.ones(num_projections),
        'ctf_idx': np.array([True] * num_projections),
        'shifts': est_shifts

    print('Estimating mean')
    tic = time.time()
    v1, _ = cryo_estimate_mean(stack, params)
    toc = time.time()
    print('Finished in {} seconds'.format(toc - tic))
    v1 = v1.real
    return v1
def compute_spca(images, noise_v_r, adaptive_support=False):
    num_images = images.shape[2]
    resolution = images.shape[0]

    if adaptive_support:
        raise NotImplementedError('Adaptive support was not implemented yet')
        # energy_thresh = 0.99
        # # Estimate bandlimit and compact support size
        # [bandlimit, support_size] = choose_support_v6(common.fast_cfft2(images), energy_thresh)
        # # Rescale between 0 and 0.5
        # bandlimit = bandlimit * 0.5 / np.floor(resolution / 2.0)

        bandlimit = 0.5
        support_size = resolution // 2

    n_r = int(np.ceil(4 * bandlimit * support_size))
    basis, sample_points = precompute_fb(n_r, support_size, bandlimit)
    _, coeff, mean_coeff, spca_coeff, u, d = jobscript_ffbspca(images, support_size,
                                                                   basis, sample_points)

    ang_freqs = []
    rad_freqs = []
    vec_d = []
    for i in range(len(d)):
        if len(d[i]) != 0:
            ang_freqs.extend(np.ones(len(d[i]), dtype='int') * i)
            rad_freqs.extend(np.arange(len(d[i])) + 1)

    ang_freqs = np.array(ang_freqs)
    rad_freqs = np.array(rad_freqs)
    d = np.array(vec_d)
    k = min(len(d), 400)  # keep the top 400 components
    sorted_indices = np.argsort(-d)
    sorted_indices = sorted_indices[:k]
    d = d[sorted_indices]
    ang_freqs = ang_freqs[sorted_indices]
    rad_freqs = rad_freqs[sorted_indices]

    s_coeff = np.zeros((len(d), num_images), dtype='complex128')

    for i in range(len(d)):
        s_coeff[i] = spca_coeff[ang_freqs[i]][rad_freqs[i] - 1]

    fn = ift_fb(support_size, bandlimit)

    eig_im = np.zeros((np.square(2 * support_size), len(d)), dtype='complex128')

    for i in range(len(d)):
        tmp = fn[ang_freqs[i]]
        tmp = tmp.reshape((int(np.square(2 * support_size)), tmp.shape[2]), order='F')
        eig_im[:, i] =, u[ang_freqs[i]][:, rad_freqs[i] - 1])

    fn0 = fn[0].reshape((int(np.square(2 * support_size)), fn[0].shape[2]), order='F')

    spca_data_struct = {'eigval': d, 'freqs': ang_freqs, 'radial_freqs': rad_freqs, 'coeff': s_coeff,
                        'mean': mean_coeff, 'c': bandlimit, 'r': support_size, 'eig_im': eig_im, 'fn0': fn0}
    spca_data = common.create_struct(spca_data_struct)
    return spca_data