def cryo_epsds(imstack, samples_idx, max_d):
    p = imstack.shape[0]
    if max_d >= p:
        max_d = p - 1
        print('max_d too large. Setting max_d to {}'.format(max_d))

    r, x, _ = cryo_epsdr(imstack, samples_idx, max_d)

    r2 = np.zeros((2 * p - 1, 2 * p - 1))
    dsquare = np.square(x)
    for i in range(-max_d, max_d + 1):
        for j in range(-max_d, max_d + 1):
            d = i**2 + j**2
            if d <= max_d**2:
                idx, _ = bsearch(dsquare, d * (1 - 1e-13), d * (1 + 1e-13))
                r2[i + p - 1, j + p - 1] = r[idx - 1]

    w = gwindow(p, max_d)
    p2 = common.fast_cfft2(r2 * w)

    p2 = p2.real

    e = 0
    for i in range(imstack.shape[2]):
        im = imstack[:, :, i]
        e += np.sum(np.square(im[samples_idx] - np.mean(im[samples_idx])))

    mean_e = e / (len(samples_idx[0]) * imstack.shape[2])
    p2 = (p2 / p2.sum()) * mean_e * p2.size
    neg_idx = np.where(p2 < 0)
    p2[neg_idx] = 0
    return p2, r, r2, x
Beispiel #2
def im_filter(im, filter_f):
    n_im = im.shape[2]
    n_filter = filter_f.shape[2]

    if n_filter != 1 and n_filter != n_im:
        raise ValueError('The number of filters must be 1 or match the number of images')
    if im.shape[:2] != filter_f.shape[:2]:
        raise ValueError('The size of the images and filters must match')

    im_f = fast_cfft2(im, axes=(0, 1))
    im_filtered_f = im_f * filter_f
    im_filtered = np.real(fast_icfft2(im_filtered_f, axes=(0, 1)))
    return im_filtered
Beispiel #3
def im_backproject(im, rot_matrices, half_pixel=False):
    # TODO - test for even resolution
    resolution = im.shape[1]
    n = im.shape[2]
    if im.shape[0] != resolution:
        raise ValueError('im must be squared - LxLxN')
    if rot_matrices.shape[2] != n:
        raise ValueError('The number of rotation matrices must match the number of images')

    pts_rot = rotated_grids(resolution, rot_matrices, half_pixel)
    pts_rot = pts_rot.reshape((3, -1), order='F')

    if resolution % 2 == 0 and half_pixel:
        grid = np.arange(-resolution / 2, resolution / 2)
        y, x = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)
        phase_shift = 2 * np.pi * (x + y) / (2 * resolution)
        im = np.einsum('ijk, ij -> ijk', im, np.exp(1j * phase_shift))

    im = im.transpose((1, 0, 2))
    im_f = fast_cfft2(im, axes=(0, 1)) / resolution ** 2

    if resolution % 2 == 0:
        if half_pixel:
            grid = np.arange(-resolution / 2, resolution / 2)
            y, x = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)
            phase_shift = 2 * np.pi * (x + y) / (2 * resolution)
            phase_shift += - np.reshape(pts_rot.sum(0), (resolution, resolution, n)) / 2
            im_f = np.einsum('ijk, ij -> ijk', im_f, np.exp(1j * phase_shift))
            im_f[0] = 0
            im_f[:, 0] = 0

    im_f = im_f.flatten('F')
    vol = anufft3(im_f, pts_rot, [resolution] * 3)
    vol = vol.real
    return vol
def cryo_prewhiten(proj, noise_response, rel_threshold=None):
    Pre-whiten a stack of projections using the power spectrum of the noise.

    :param proj: stack of images/projections
    :param noise_response: 2d image with the power spectrum of the noise. If all
                           images are to be whitened with respect to the same power spectrum,
                           this is a single image. If each image is to be whitened with respect
                           to a different power spectrum, this is a three-dimensional array with
                           the same number of 2d slices as the stack of images.

    :param rel_threshold: The relative threshold used to determine which frequencies
                          to whiten and which to set to zero. If empty (the default)
                          all filter values less than 100*eps(class(proj)) are
                          zeroed out, while otherwise, all filter values less than
                          threshold times the maximum filter value for each filter
                          is set to zero.

    :return: Pre-whitened stack of images.

    delta = np.finfo(proj.dtype).eps

    L1, L2, num_images = proj.shape
    l1 = L1 // 2
    l2 = L2 // 2
    K1, K2 = noise_response.shape
    k1 = int(np.ceil(K1 / 2))
    k2 = int(np.ceil(K2 / 2))

    filter_var = np.sqrt(noise_response)
    filter_var /= np.linalg.norm(filter_var)

    filter_var = (filter_var + np.flipud(filter_var)) / 2
    filter_var = (filter_var + np.fliplr(filter_var)) / 2

    if rel_threshold is None:
        nzidx = np.where(filter_var > 100 * delta)
        raise NotImplementedError('not implemented for rel_threshold != None')

    fnz = filter_var[nzidx]
    one_over_fnz = 1 / fnz

    # matrix with 1/fnz in nzidx, 0 elsewhere
    one_over_fnz_as_mat = np.zeros(
        (noise_response.shape[0], noise_response.shape[1]))
    one_over_fnz_as_mat[nzidx] += one_over_fnz
    pp = np.zeros((noise_response.shape[0], noise_response.shape[1]))
    p2 = np.zeros((num_images, L1, L2), dtype='complex128')
    proj = proj.transpose((2, 0, 1)).copy()

    row_start_idx = k1 - l1 - 1
    row_end_idx = k1 + l1
    col_start_idx = k2 - l2 - 1
    col_end_idx = k2 + l2

    if L1 % 2 == 0 and L2 % 2 == 0:
        row_end_idx -= 1
        col_end_idx -= 1

    for i in range(num_images):
        pp[row_start_idx:row_end_idx, col_start_idx:col_end_idx] = proj[i]
        fp = common.fast_cfft2(pp)
        fp *= one_over_fnz_as_mat
        pp2 = common.fast_icfft2(fp)
        p2[i] = np.real(pp2[row_start_idx:row_end_idx,

    # change back to x,y,z convention
    proj = p2.real.transpose((1, 2, 0)).copy()
    return proj, filter_var, nzidx