def train(args): """ Train the CNN. :param args: """ # get our working device device = get_device(args) # read training samples from disk, and prepare the dataset (i.e., shuffle, scaling, and moving the data to tensors.) dts = dataset(device) dts.read_training_dataset(args['train_data']) train_dts, test_dts = dts, dts if args['D'] != None: train_dts, test_dts = dts.train_test_splits(args['D'], td=False) classifier = seq2seq(dts.words_converter.no_entries(), dts.slots_converter.no_entries(), dts.intent_converter.no_entries(), device, train_dts.words_converter.T2id('<PAD>'), train_dts.slots_converter.T2id('<PAD>'), args) if args['E'] != None: embeddings = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format( args['E'][0], binary=True) classifier.pretrained_embeddings(train_dts, embeddings) try:, test_dts, args['e'], args['b'], args['lr'], args['save_every'], args['o'], do_predict=not args['no_training_predictions']) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass intent_true, intent_pred, slots_true, slots_pred = classifier.predict_and_get_labels_batch( test_dts, args['b']) assess(dts, intent_true, intent_pred, slots_true, slots_pred) if args['o'] != None: # write it into a file. classifier.dump(args['o'])
def add_level(node, play, level): if level <= 0: return gameState = node.contents[0] all_play_moves = { 'w': white_moves.all_white_moves, 'b': black_moves.all_black_moves } positions, moves = all_play_moves[play](gameState) play_moves = {'w': white_moves.move_white, 'b': black_moves.move_black} if play == 'w': next_play = 'b' elif play == 'b': next_play = 'w' for ind in range(len(positions)): for piece_move in moves[ind]: new_state = gameState.copy() play_moves[play](new_state, positions[ind], piece_move) new_node = node.addNode([new_state, positions[ind], piece_move], assessment.assess(new_state)) add_level(new_node, next_play, level - 1) # Prune the node if play == 'w': node.pruneSetMax() elif play == 'b': node.pruneSetMin()
def move(gameState, play, depth=1): trunk = tree.Node(0, [gameState, 0, 0], assessment.assess(gameState)) start_play = play add_level(trunk, play, depth) if play == 'w': trunk.pruneSetMax() if play == 'b': trunk.pruneSetMin() return trunk.nodes[0].contents
def fit(self, train, dev, epochs, batch_size, learning_rate, save_every, save_model_path, print_every=50, do_predict=True): for i in range(epochs): print(f"******Epoch: {i}********") self.trainIters(train, batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, print_every=print_every, no_epochs=epochs) if do_predict: print(' predicting:') intent_true, intent_pred, slots_true, slots_pred = self.predict_and_get_labels_batch(dev, batch_size) intent_assessment, slots_assessment = assess(dev, intent_true, intent_pred, slots_true, slots_pred, plot=False) if save_every != None and i % save_every == 0: self.dump(save_model_path + '.epoch' + str(i))
state = state.State() print(state) for itt in range(80): # White move positions, moves = white_moves.all_white_moves(state) ind = random.randrange(len(positions)) position = positions[ind] dst = random.choice(moves[ind]) white_moves.move_white(state, position, dst) print( str(itt) + ": White moves " + convert_position.coord2basic(position) + " --> " + convert_position.coord2basic(dst)) print(state) print("Assessment: " + str(assessment.assess(state))) if state.isEnd(): break print() # Black move positions, moves = black_moves.all_black_moves(state) ind = random.randrange(len(positions)) position = positions[ind] dst = random.choice(moves[ind]) black_moves.move_black(state, position, dst) print( str(itt) + ": Black moves " + convert_position.coord2basic(position) + " --> " + convert_position.coord2basic(dst)) print(state) print("Assessment: " + str(assessment.assess(state))) if state.isEnd(): break