Beispiel #1
def test_Location_SolarDepression():
    c = Location(("Heidelberg", "Germany", 49.412, -8.71, "Europe/Berlin"))
    c.solar_depression = 'nautical'
    assert c.solar_depression == 12
    c.solar_depression = 18
    assert c.solar_depression == 18
Beispiel #2
def CalcAstralDayTime(Date,Time,Latitude,Longitude):
    Calcule la position du soleil pour l'heure donnée.
    :param Date: Date UTC
    :param Time:  Heure UTC
    :param Latitude: Latitude
    :param Longitude: Longitude
    :return: D pour Day, U pour Dusk/crépuscule, N pour Night/Nuit, A pour Aube/Dawn
    from astral import Location
    l = Location()
    l.solar_depression= 'nautical'
    l.latitude = Latitude
    l.longitude = Longitude
    s = l.sun(date=Date, local=False)
    # print(Date,Time,Latitude,Longitude,s,)
    Result = '?'
    Inter=( {'d': 'sunrise', 'f': 'sunset' , 'r': 'D'}
          , {'d': 'sunset' , 'f': 'dusk'   , 'r': 'U'}
          , {'d': 'dusk'   , 'f': 'dawn'   , 'r': 'N'}
          , {'d': 'dawn'   , 'f': 'sunrise', 'r': 'A'}
    for I in Inter:
        if s[I['d']].time()<s[I['f']].time() and (Time>=s[I['d']].time() and Time<=s[I['f']].time() ) :
        elif s[I['d']].time() > s[I['f']].time() and (Time >= s[I['d']].time() or Time <= s[I['f']].time()):
            Result = I['r'] # Changement de jour entre les 2 parties de l'intervalle
    return Result
Beispiel #3
def get_sun_times(

    loc = Location() = 'Melbourne'
    loc.region = 'Oceania'
    loc.latitude = -37.787027
    loc.longitude = 145.110013
    loc.timezone = 'Australia/Melbourne'
    loc.elevation = 75

    loc.solar_depression = 'civil'

    resp = {}
    for k, v in loc.sun(dt).items():

        resp[k] = arrow.get(v).timestamp

    return resp
Beispiel #4
def calc_sunset_times(stops_df, latitude, longitude, timezone, date_col = 'date'):
    Calculates the sunset times for all unique dates in stops_df using the provided latitude and longitude using the given

    stops_df: A pandas DataFrame that contains stops observations.
    latitude: An object that can be converted to a float that represents the latitude
    longitude: An object that can be converted to a float that represents the longitude
    timezone: A string indicating the timezone to calculate the times in.
              For a list of accepted arguments for timezone, use the follow code:

              from pytz import all_timezones
              for timezone in all_timezones:
    date_col: A string indicating the date column on stops_df. By default assumes it is 'date'.

    A pandas DataFrame in which each row contains information about a date, with column 'sunset' representing sunset
    time, 'dusk' representing dusk time, 'sunset_minutes' representing sunset time in minutes, and 'dusk_minutes' representing
    dusk time in minutes.
    l = Location()
    l.solar_depression = 'civil'
    l.latitude = float(latitude)
    l.longitude = float(longitude)
    l.timezone = timezone
    l.elevation = 0
    unique_dates = list(stops_df[date_col].unique())
    sunset = [l.sun(pd.Timestamp(date), local = True)['sunset'].time() for date in unique_dates]
    dusk = [l.sun(pd.Timestamp(date), local = True)['dusk'].time() for date in unique_dates]
    sunset_minutes = [time.hour * 60 + time.minute for time in sunset]
    dusk_minutes = [time.hour * 60 + time.minute for time in dusk]
    sunset_times = pd.DataFrame(zip(unique_dates, sunset, dusk, sunset_minutes, dusk_minutes))
    sunset_times.columns = ['date', 'sunset', 'dusk', 'sunset_minute', 'dusk_minute']
    return sunset_times
Beispiel #5
#input files:
weather_irradiation = 'input/weather/solarirradiation_twenthe.csv'
weather_timebaseDataset = 3600  #in seconds per interval

#number of days to simulate and skipping of initial days. Simulation starts at Sunday January 1.
numDays = 5  # number of days
startDay = 180  # Initial day
numHouses = 30

#Select the geographic location. Refer to the Astral plugin to see available locations (or give a lon+lat)
# Use e.g.
from astral import Location

location = Location()
location.solar_depression = 'civil'
location.latitude = 52.239095
location.longitude = 6.857018
location.timezone = 'Europe/Amsterdam'
location.elevation = 0

#Select the devices in the neighbourhood

#Scale overall consumption:
consumptionFactor = 1.0  #consumption was a bit too high

# Penetration of emerging technology in percentages
# all values must be between 0-100
# These indicate what percentage of the houses has a certain device
Beispiel #6
    # create a new diel event table
    table_name = 'ev_' + in_name[3:]
    eventTable = arcpy.CreateTable_management(diveDir, table_name, evTemplate)

    # field list
    f_names = [
        'ptt', 'fromlocation', 'tolocation', 'diel', 'moon', 'startdate',
    with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(eventTable, f_names) as iCur:
        rows = []

        # define diel events for first day
        loc = Location(('loc', '', locs[0][1][1], locs[0][1][0], 'US/Pacific',
                        0))  # pass in as a tuple
        loc.solar_depression = 'civil'
        loc_day = startDate  # as datetime
        sun = loc.sun(loc_day)
        moon = loc.moon_phase(loc_day)
        events = {
            1: sun['dawn'].replace(tzinfo=None),
            2: sun['sunrise'].replace(tzinfo=None),
            3: sun['sunset'].replace(tzinfo=None),
            4: sun['dusk'].replace(tzinfo=None)
        diel_name = {1: 'Night', 2: 'Dawn', 3: 'Day', 4: 'Dusk'}
        per = 3  # first timevalue (deploy) will always be sometime before sunset, RIGHT?
        seg = 0
        cur_hour = startDate.hour  # integer
        endDate = datetime.datetime.combine(,
                                            datetime.time(cur_hour + 1))
Beispiel #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

import datetime
from astral import Astral, Location
import pytz

def dt2min(dt):
    return dt.hour * 60 + dt.minute

loc = Location(("Santa Clara", "California", 37.21, -121.58, "US/Pacific", 22))
loc.solar_depression = 'civil'
oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
soy =, 1, 1)
for  i in (range(1, 366)):
    sun = loc.sun(date=soy, local=True)
    print("{{ 0x{0:X}, 0x{1:X} }},".format(dt2min(sun['sunrise']), dt2min(sun['sunset'])))
    soy = soy + oneday