Beispiel #1
def compute_paral_angles(header, latitude, ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, 
                         acqtime_key, date_key='DATE-OBS'):
    """Calculates the parallactic angle for a frame, taking coordinates and
    local sidereal time from fits-headers (frames taken in an alt-az telescope 
    with the image rotator off).
    The coordinates in the header are assumed to be J2000 FK5 coordinates.
    The spherical trigonometry formula for calculating the parallactic angle
    is taken from Astronomical Algorithms (Meeus, 1998).
    header : dictionary
        Header of current frame.
    latitude : float
        Latitude of the observatory in degrees. The dictionaries in 
        vip_hci/conf/ can be used like: latitude=LBT['latitude'].
    ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, acqtime_key, date_key : strings
        Keywords where the values are stored in the header.
    pa.value : float
        Parallactic angle in degrees for current header (frame).
    obs_epoch = Time(header[date_key], format='iso', scale='utc')
    # equatorial coordinates in J2000
    ra = header[ra_key]                                                         
    dec = header[dec_key]   
    coor = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(hourangle,degree), frame=FK5, 
    # recalculate for DATE-OBS (precession)
    coor_curr = coor.transform_to(FK5(equinox=obs_epoch))
    # new ra and dec in radians
    ra_curr = coor_curr.ra                                                      
    dec_curr = coor_curr.dec
    lst_split = header[lst_key].split(':')
    lst = float(lst_split[0])+float(lst_split[1])/60+float(lst_split[2])/3600
    exp_delay = (header[acqtime_key] * 0.5) / 3600
    # solar to sidereal time
    exp_delay = exp_delay*1.0027                                                
    # hour angle in degrees
    hour_angle = (lst + exp_delay) * 15 - ra_curr.deg                           
    hour_angle = np.deg2rad(hour_angle)                                         
    latitude = np.deg2rad(latitude)                                             
    # PA formula from Astronomical Algorithms 
    pa = -np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-np.sin(hour_angle), np.cos(dec_curr) * \
                 np.tan(latitude) - np.sin(dec_curr) * np.cos(hour_angle)))     
    #if dec_curr.value > latitude:  pa = (pa.value + 360) % 360
    return pa.value
Beispiel #2
def compute_paral_angles(header, latitude, ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, 
                         acqtime_key, date_key='DATE-OBS'):
    """Calculates the parallactic angle for a frame, taking coordinates and
    local sidereal time from fits-headers (frames taken in an alt-az telescope 
    with the image rotator off).
    The coordinates in the header are assumed to be J2000 FK5 coordinates.
    The spherical trigonometry formula for calculating the parallactic angle
    is taken from Astronomical Algorithms (Meeus, 1998).
    header : dictionary
        Header of current frame.
    latitude : float
        Latitude of the observatory in degrees. The dictionaries in 
        vip/conf/ can be used like: latitude=LBT['latitude'].
    ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, acqtime_key, date_key : strings
        Keywords where the values are stored in the header.
    pa.value : float
        Parallactic angle in degrees for current header (frame).
    obs_epoch = Time(header[date_key], format='iso', scale='utc')
    # equatorial coordinates in J2000
    ra = header[ra_key]                                                         
    dec = header[dec_key]   
    coor = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(hourangle,degree), frame=FK5, 
    # recalculate for DATE-OBS (precession)
    coor_curr = coor.transform_to(FK5(equinox=obs_epoch))
    # new ra and dec in radians
    ra_curr = coor_curr.ra                                                      
    dec_curr = coor_curr.dec
    lst_split = header[lst_key].split(':')
    lst = float(lst_split[0])+float(lst_split[1])/60+float(lst_split[2])/3600
    exp_delay = (header[acqtime_key] * 0.5) / 3600
    # solar to sidereal time
    exp_delay = exp_delay*1.0027                                                
    # hour angle in degrees
    hour_angle = (lst + exp_delay) * 15 - ra_curr.deg                           
    hour_angle = np.deg2rad(hour_angle)                                         
    latitude = np.deg2rad(latitude)                                             
    # PA formula from Astronomical Algorithms 
    pa = -np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-np.sin(hour_angle), np.cos(dec_curr) * \
                 np.tan(latitude) - np.sin(dec_curr) * np.cos(hour_angle)))     
    #if dec_curr.value > latitude:  pa = (pa.value + 360) % 360
    return pa.value
Beispiel #3
def skycoord_to_lmn(pos: SkyCoord, phasecentre: SkyCoord):
    Convert astropy sky coordinates into the l,m,n coordinate system
    relative to a phase centre.

    The l,m,n is a RHS coordinate system with
    * its origin on the sky sphere
    * m,n and the celestial north on the same plane
    * l,m a tangential plane of the sky sphere

    Note that this means that l increases east-wards

    # Determine relative sky position
    todc = pos.transform_to(phasecentre.skyoffset_frame())
    dc = todc.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation)

    # Do coordinate transformation - astropy's relative coordinates do
    # not quite follow imaging conventions
    return dc.y.value, dc.z.value, dc.x.value - 1