Beispiel #1
def test_redshifts_from_comoving_density():

    from skypy.galaxy.redshift import redshifts_from_comoving_density
    from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM

    # random cosmology
    H0 = np.random.uniform(50, 100)
    Om = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
    Ol = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
    cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om, Ode0=Ol)

    # fixed comoving density of Ngal galaxies total
    Ngal = 1000
    redshift = np.arange(0.0, 2.001, 0.1)
    density = Ngal/cosmo.comoving_volume(redshift[-1]).to_value('Mpc3')
    fsky = 1.0

    # sample galaxies over full sky without Poisson noise
    z_gal = redshifts_from_comoving_density(redshift, density, fsky, cosmo, noise=False)

    # make sure number of galaxies is correct (no noise)
    assert np.isclose(len(z_gal), Ngal, atol=1, rtol=0)

    # test the distribution of the sample against the analytical CDF
    V_max = cosmo.comoving_volume(redshift[-1]).to_value('Mpc3')
    D, p = kstest(z_gal, lambda z: cosmo.comoving_volume(z).to_value('Mpc3')/V_max)
    assert p > 0.01, 'D = {}, p = {}'.format(D, p)
Beispiel #2
def test_redshifts_from_comoving_density():

    from skypy.galaxy.redshift import redshifts_from_comoving_density
    from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM
    from astropy import units

    # random cosmology
    H0 = np.random.uniform(50, 100)
    Om = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
    Ol = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9)
    cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om, Ode0=Ol)

    # fixed comoving density of Ngal galaxies total
    Ngal = 1000
    redshift = np.arange(0.0, 2.001, 0.1)
    density = Ngal / cosmo.comoving_volume(redshift[-1]).to_value('Mpc3')
    sky_area = 4 * np.pi * units.steradian

    # sample galaxies over full sky without Poisson noise
    z_gal = redshifts_from_comoving_density(redshift,

    # make sure number of galaxies is correct (no noise)
    assert np.isclose(len(z_gal), Ngal, atol=1, rtol=0)

    # test the distribution of the sample against the analytical CDF
    V_max = cosmo.comoving_volume(redshift[-1]).to_value('Mpc3')
    D, p = kstest(z_gal,
                  lambda z: cosmo.comoving_volume(z).to_value('Mpc3') / V_max)
    assert p > 0.01, 'D = {}, p = {}'.format(D, p)

    # Test that an error is raised if sky_area has the wrong units
    sky_area = 1 *
    with pytest.raises(units.UnitsError):

    # Test that an error is raised if sky_area has no units
    sky_area = 1
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Beispiel #3
def choose_z_volume_SFR(n_req=10000, zmax=8.0, binsize=0.01):


    z = np.arange(0.0, zmax, binsize)
    z_dz = np.arange(0.0 + binsize, zmax + binsize, binsize)

    cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ode0=0.7)

    v_z = cosmo.comoving_volume(z)
    v_z_dz = cosmo.comoving_volume(z_dz)

    v_dz = v_z_dz - v_z

    norm_v_dz = v_dz / np.nanmax(v_dz)

    sfr_z = calculate_SFR(z)
    sfr_norm = sfr_z / np.nanmax(sfr_z)

    volumetric_rate = norm_v_dz * sfr_norm
    normed_volumetric_rate = volumetric_rate / np.nanmax(volumetric_rate)

    pdf = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(z, normed_volumetric_rate)

    n = 0
    z_sim = []
    while n < n_req:
        x = np.random.random() * zmax
        y = np.random.random()

        if y <= pdf(x):
            n += 1

    return z_sim
Beispiel #4
    simlib07 = SIMLIBReader(simlib_file=simlib_file07)

    simlib_array = np.array([simlib05, simlib06, simlib07])

    # mag_offsets = lsstt.sims.choose_magoffset(n = n_sne_req)
    # z_obs = lsstt.sims.choose_z_volume_SFR(n_req=n_sne_req, zmax=z_max)

    ## This is faster than choose_z_volume_SFR -
    ## choose_z_volume_SFR is faster to generate large numbers
    binsize = 0.01
    z = np.arange(0.0, z_max, binsize)
    z_dz = np.arange(0.0 + binsize, z_max + binsize, binsize)

    cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ode0=0.7)

    v_z = cosmo.comoving_volume(z)
    v_z_dz = cosmo.comoving_volume(z_dz)

    v_dz = v_z_dz - v_z

    norm_v_dz = v_dz / np.nanmax(v_dz)

    sfr_z = lsstt.sims.calculate_SFR(z)
    sfr_norm = sfr_z / np.nanmax(sfr_z)

    volumetric_rate = norm_v_dz * sfr_norm
    normed_volumetric_rate = volumetric_rate / np.nanmax(volumetric_rate)
    ## Generate probability density function
    pdf = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(z, normed_volumetric_rate)

    info = pcc.InfoClass()
Beispiel #5
    return sky_distances


if not build_skydistances:
    print("Skipping Sky Distances...")
    ## Build Sky Distance Objects ##
    print("\n\nBuilding Sky Distances...")

    sky_distances = []
    for i in range(len(distance_at_resolution_change)):

        start_vol = 0.0 * u.Mpc**3
        end_vol = cosmo.comoving_volume(
            (Distance(distance_at_resolution_change[i], u.Mpc)).z)
        start_distance = 0.0 * u.Mpc

        if i > 0:
            start_vol = cosmo.comoving_volume(
                (Distance(distance_at_resolution_change[i - 1], u.Mpc)).z)
            start_distance = sky_distances[-1].D2 * u.Mpc

        sky_distances += compute_sky_distance(start_vol, end_vol,
                                              start_distance, frac[i],

    if isDEBUG:
        print("\nGenerated distances:\n")
        for d in sky_distances:
Beispiel #6
def ChooseTABLE_z_V(MODnamef):
    OmegaMf = 0.3  # Omega M
    OmegaLf = 0.7  # Omega vac
    OmegaKf = 1. - OmegaMf - OmegaLf
    Hcf = 70.0
    ######### TABLE V - Z ###########
    print "      # DEFAULT COSMOLOGY: OmegaM = 0.3, OmegaL = 0.7, Hubble constant = 70  (km/s)/Mpc"
    print "      # CHOSEN TABLE redshift(z) - Comoving Volume (CV): VOLUME_table_0p004_Om03_H70.txt                         #"
    print "      #    > step in z is: dz = step in z from the RATE                                                          #"
    print "      # Enter 0 if that is ok                                                                                    #"
    print "      # Enter 1 if you want the more refined table VOLUME_table_em6_Om03_H70.txt                                 #"
    print "      # Enter 2 if you want a more refined table to be built                                                     #"
    print "      # Enter 3 if you want to change cosmology and redefined the table                                          #"
    print "      # NB:  OPTION 3 AVAILABLE ONLY FOR User and Mandel rate models for concistency                             #"
    invalid_option = True
    NameFILE_TABf = ""
    while invalid_option:
        OPT = input("      # Enter the number: ")
        if (OPT == 0):
            invalid_option = False
            NameFILE_TABf = "VOLUME_table_0p004_Om03_H70.txt"
            TABzVCf = prefix + "z_CV_TABLES/" + NameFILE_TABf
        elif (OPT == 1):
            invalid_option = False
            NameFILE_TABf = "VOLUME_table_em6_Om03_H70.txt"
            TABzVCf = prefix + "z_CV_TABLES/" + NameFILE_TABf
        elif (OPT == 2):
            invalid_option = False
            dz = input("Enter desired resolution in redshift dz: ")

            from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
            Vp = cosmo.comoving_volume(1)
            cosmo_FL = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3)

            MINz = 0.0
            MAXz = np.max(zR)

            ROUGH_dV_Om03_H70 = []
            ROUGH_Vcum_Om03_H70 = []
            Z_Vec = []

            zi = MINz
            V_old = cosmo_FL.comoving_volume(zi)
            if (zi > 0.0000):
                ROUGH_dV_Om03_H70.append(V_old.value * Mpc**3)
                ROUGH_Vcum_Om03_H70.append(V_old.value * Mpc**3)
            while zi < MAXz:
                zi = zi + dz
                Vi = cosmo_FL.comoving_volume(zi)
                DV_i = Vi.value - V_old.value
                ROUGH_dV_Om03_H70.append(DV_i * Mpc**3)
                ROUGH_Vcum_Om03_H70.append(Vi.value * Mpc**3)
                V_old = Vi

            print len(ROUGH_dV_Om03_H70)
            print len(ROUGH_Vcum_Om03_H70)
            print len(Z_Vec)
            NameFILE_TABf = "VOLUME_table_%.2E_Om03_H70.txt" % dz
            TABzVCf = prefix + "z_CV_TABLES/" + NameFILE_TABf
            print TABzVCf
            with open(TABzVCf, 'w') as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
                    zip(Z_Vec, ROUGH_dV_Om03_H70, ROUGH_Vcum_Om03_H70))
        elif (OPT == 3):
            if (MODnamef != "User" and MODnamef != "Mandel2017"):
                print "      # Invalid option for rate ", MODnamef
            invalid_option = False
            invalidCOSM = True
            while invalidCOSM:
                Ode0 = input('# Cosmological constant: ')
                Om0 = input('# Matter constant: ')
                OmegaKf = input('# Curvature : ')
                H0 = input('# Hubble constant [km/s/Mpc]: ')
                if (np.abs(Ode0 + Om0 + OmegaKf - 1.) < 0.000001):
                    invalidCOSM = False
                    print "      # INVALID COSMSOLOGY, constants not sum to 1"
            if OmegaKf == 0:
                from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM

                Vp = cosmo.comoving_volume(1)
                cosmo_FL = FlatLambdaCDM(H0, Om0)
                dz = input('# Enter desired resolution in redshift dz: ')
                MINz = 0.0
                MAXz = input(
                    '# Enter maximum redshift for table building (please consider the redshifts required by the rate model): '
                MAXz = MAXz + dz

                ROUGH_dV = []
                ROUGH_Vcum = []
                Z_Vec = []

                zi = MINz
                V_old = cosmo_FL.comoving_volume(zi)
                if (zi > 0.0000):
                    ROUGH_dV.append(V_old.value * Mpc**3)
                    ROUGH_Vcum.append(V_old.value * Mpc**3)
                while zi < MAXz:
                    zi = zi + dz
                    Vi = cosmo_FL.comoving_volume(zi)
                    DV_i = Vi.value - V_old.value
                    ROUGH_dV.append(DV_i * Mpc**3)
                    ROUGH_Vcum.append(Vi.value * Mpc**3)
                    V_old = Vi

                print len(ROUGH_dV)
                print len(ROUGH_Vcum)
                print len(Z_Vec)
                NameFILE_TABf = "VOLUME_table_%.2E_Ode%.2f_Om%.2f_H%2.1f.txt" % (
                    dz, Ode0, Om0, H0)
                TABzVCf = prefix + "z_CV_TABLES/" + NameFILE_TABf
                print TABzVCf
                with open(TABzVCf, 'w') as f:
                    writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
                    writer.writerows(zip(Z_Vec, ROUGH_dV, ROUGH_Vcum))
                from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM
                Vp = cosmo.comoving_volume(1)
                cosmo_LCDM = LambdaCDM(H0, Om0, Ode0)
                dz = input('# Enter desired resolution in redshift dz: ')
                MINz = 0.0
                MAXz = input(
                    '# Enter maximum redshift for table building (please consider the redshifts required by the rate model): '

                ROUGH_dV = []
                ROUGH_Vcum = []
                Z_Vec = []

                zi = MINz
                V_old = cosmo_LCDM.comoving_volume(zi)
                if (zi > 0.0000):
                    ROUGH_dV.append(V_old.value * Mpc**3)
                    ROUGH_Vcum.append(V_old.value * Mpc**3)
                while zi < MAXz:
                    zi = zi + dz
                    Z_Vec.append(np.round(zi, 2))
                    Vi = cosmo_LCDM.comoving_volume(zi)
                    DV_i = Vi.value - V_old.value
                    ROUGH_dV.append(DV_i * Mpc**3)
                    ROUGH_Vcum.append(Vi.value * Mpc**3)
                    V_old = Vi

                print len(ROUGH_dV)
                print len(ROUGH_Vcum)
                print len(Z_Vec)
                NameFILE_TABf = "VOLUME_table_%.2E_Om%.2f_H%2.1f.txt" % (
                    dz, Om0, H0)
                TABzVCf = prefix + "z_CV_TABLES/" + NameFILE_TABf
                print TABzVCf
                with open(TABzVCf, 'w') as f:
                    writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t')
                    writer.writerows(zip(Z_Vec, ROUGH_dV, ROUGH_Vcum))
                Hcf = H0
                OmegaLf = Ode0
                OmegaMf = Om0

            print "Invalid OPTION"

    print "      ############################################################################################################"
    outTAB_Qf = [NameFILE_TABf, TABzVCf, Hcf, OmegaMf, OmegaLf, OmegaKf]
    return outTAB_Qf
def com_vol(z_2, z_1=0):
    obj = LambdaCDM(H0=69.6, Om0=0.286, Ode0=1 - 0.286)
    vol_2 = obj.comoving_volume(z_2).value  # MPC^3
    vol_1 = obj.comoving_volume(z_1).value  # MPC^3
    vol = vol_2 - vol_1
    return vol