Beispiel #1
def rho0(z):
    global _rho0_func
    if _critical_density_func is None:
        zs = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
        rho_0 = 2.77536627e11
        density = cosmo.critical_density(zs) / cosmo.critical_density0 * rho_0
        _critical_density_func = np.interp(z, density)
Beispiel #2
def projected_rho_mean(z1, z2):
    # return the mean density of the unvierse integrated across redshifts
    # z1 and z2, in comoving (M_sun/h)(Mpc/h)^-3
    pc0 = cosmo.critical_density(0).to(units.Msun / units.Mpc**3).value
    Om0 = cosmo.Om0
    rho_mean_0 = Om0 * pc0

    d1 = cosmo.comoving_distance(z1).value
    d2 = cosmo.comoving_distance(z2).value

    return rho_mean_0 * (d2 - d1) / cosmo.h
Beispiel #3
def tdyn_nsnap(nsnap): 
    z_t = z_nsnap(nsnap)
    rho_m = WMAP7.Om(z_t) * WMAP7.critical_density(z_t)
    return ((4./3. * np.pi * 200. * rho_m * Const.G)**-0.5).to(U.Gyr).value