Beispiel #1
    class MyModel(Fittable1DModel):
        a = Parameter(default=1)
        b = Parameter(default=2)

        def evaluate(x, a, b):
            return a * x + b
Beispiel #2
class GaussianAbsorption(Fittable1DModel):
    The Gaussian absorption profile.

    This is defined in terms of the emission Gaussian1D model.

    amplitude = Parameter(default=1., min=0.)
    mean = Parameter(default=1.)
    stddev = Parameter(default=1.)

    def evaluate(x, amplitude, mean, stddev):
        GaussianAbsorption model function.
        return models.Gaussian1D.evaluate(x, -amplitude, mean, stddev)

    def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, mean, stddev):
        GaussianAbsorption model function derivatives.
        import operator
        return list(
                models.Gaussian1D.fit_deriv(x, -amplitude, mean, stddev)))
Beispiel #3
class SetterModel(FittableModel):

    inputs = ('x', 'y')
    outputs = ('z',)

    xc = Parameter(default=1, setter=setter1)
    yc = Parameter(default=1, setter=setter2)

    def evaluate(self, x, y, xc, yc):
        return ((x - xc)**2 + (y - yc)**2)

    def do_something(self, v):

    def __init__(self, xc, yc, p):
        self.p = p  # p is a value intended to be used by the setter
        self.xc = xc
        self.yc = yc

    def evaluate(self, x, y, xc, yc):
        return ((x - xc)**2 + (y - yc)**2)

    def do_something(self, v):
Beispiel #4
class _ConstraintsTestA(Model):
    stddev = Parameter(default=0, min=0, max=0.3)
    mean = Parameter(default=0, fixed=True)

    def evaluate(stddev, mean):
        return stddev, mean
Beispiel #5
    def test_std(self):
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert param.std is None
        assert param._std is None

        param.std = 5
        assert param.std == 5 == param._std
Beispiel #6
    class MyModel(Fittable1DModel):
        a = Parameter(default=1)
        b = Parameter(default=0, min=0, fixed=True)

        def evaluate(x, a, b):
            return x * a + b
Beispiel #7
class AngleFromGratingEquation(Model):
    Grating Equation Model. Computes the diffracted/refracted angle.

    groove_density : int
        Grating ruling density.
    order : int
        Spectral order.

    separable = False

    inputs = ("lam", "alpha_in", "beta_in", "z")
    outputs = ("alpha_out", "beta_out", "zout")

    groove_density = Parameter()
    order = Parameter(default=-1)

    def evaluate(self, lam, alpha_in, beta_in, z, groove_density, order):
        if alpha_in.shape != beta_in.shape != z.shape:
            raise ValueError("Expected input arrays to have the same shape")
        orig_shape = alpha_in.shape or (1, )
        xout = -alpha_in - groove_density * order * lam
        yout = -beta_in
        zout = np.sqrt(1 - xout**2 - yout**2)
        xout.shape = yout.shape = zout.shape = orig_shape
        return xout, yout, zout
Beispiel #8
class TModel_1_1(Fittable1DModel):
    p1 = Parameter()
    p2 = Parameter()

    def evaluate(x, p1, p2):
        return x + p1 + p2
class  CustomInputNamesModel(Fittable1DModel):

    n_inputs = 1
    n_outputs = 1

    a = Parameter(default=1.0)
    b = Parameter(default=1.0)

    def __init__(self, a=a, b=b):
        super().__init__(a=a, b=b)
        self.inputs = ('inn',)
        self.outputs = ('out',)

    def evaluate(inn, a, b):
        return a * inn + b

    def input_units(self):
        if self.a.unit is None and self.b.unit is None:
            return None
            return {'inn': self.b.unit / self.a.unit}

    def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit):
        return {'a': outputs_unit['out'] / inputs_unit['inn'],
                'b': outputs_unit['out']
Beispiel #10
    class TestModel(Model):
        p1 = Parameter()
        p2 = Parameter()
        p3 = Parameter()

        def evaluate(self, *args):
Beispiel #11
    def test_quantity(self):
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3])
        assert param.unit is None
        assert param.quantity is None

        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3], unit=u.m)
        assert param.unit == u.m
        assert (param.quantity == np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.m).all()
Beispiel #12
class ModelDefault(Model):
    slope = Parameter()
    intercept = Parameter()
    _separable = False

    def evaluate(x, slope, intercept):
        return slope * x + intercept
Beispiel #13
 def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
     if attr[0] != '_' and self._param_names and attr in self._param_names:
         param = Parameter(attr, default=0.0, model=self)
         # This is a little hackish, but we can actually reuse the
         # Parameter.__set__ method here
         param.__set__(self, value)
         super(SinglePSF, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
Beispiel #14
    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):

        if attr[0] != '_' and self._param_names and attr in self._param_names:
            param = Parameter(attr, default=0.0, model=self)
            # This is a little hackish, but we can actually reuse the
            # Parameter.__set__ method here
            param.__set__(self, value)
            super(SinglePSF, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
Beispiel #15
    def test_size(self):
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert param.size == 4

        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1])
        assert param.size == 1

        param = Parameter(name='test', default=1)
        assert param.size == 1
Beispiel #16
class classmodel(FittableModel):
    f = Parameter(default=1)
    x = Parameter(default=0)
    y = Parameter(default=2)

    def __init__(self, f=f.default, x=x.default, y=y.default):
        super().__init__(f, x, y)

    def evaluate(self):
Beispiel #17
class Spline1D(Fittable1DModel):

    degree = Parameter(default=3, fixed=True)
    smooth = Parameter(default=1, fixed=True)  # default=None crashes the app

    def evaluate(self, x, degree, smooth):
        _f = UnivariateSpline(self.wave, self.flux,
        return _f(x)
Beispiel #18
    def test_raw_value(self):
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3, 4])

        # Normal case
        assert (param._raw_value == param.value).all()

        # Bad setter
        param._setter = True
        param._internal_value = 4
        assert param._raw_value == 4
Beispiel #19
def test_parameter_properties():
    """Test if getting / setting of Parameter properties works."""

    p = Parameter('alpha', default=1)

    assert == 'alpha'

    # Parameter names are immutable
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError): = 'beta'

    assert p.fixed is False
    p.fixed = True
    assert p.fixed is True

    assert p.tied is False
    p.tied = lambda _: 0

    p.tied = False
    assert p.tied is False

    assert p.min is None
    p.min = 42
    assert p.min == 42
    p.min = None
    assert p.min is None

    assert p.max is None
    p.max = 41
    assert p.max == 41
Beispiel #20
class TModel_1_2(FittableModel):
    inputs = ('x',)
    outputs = ('y', 'z')

    p1 = Parameter()
    p2 = Parameter()
    p3 = Parameter()

    def evaluate(x, p1, p2, p3):
        return (x + p1 + p2, x + p1 + p2 + p3)
Beispiel #21
class subclassmodel(classmodel):
    f = Parameter(default=3, fixed=True)
    x = Parameter(default=10)
    y = Parameter(default=12)
    h = Parameter(default=5)

    def __init__(self, f=f.default, x=x.default, y=y.default, h=h.default):
        super().__init__(f, x, y)

    def evaluate(self):
Beispiel #22
class TModel_1_2(FittableModel):

    n_inputs = 1
    n_outputs = 2

    p1 = Parameter()
    p2 = Parameter()
    p3 = Parameter()

    def evaluate(x, p1, p2, p3):
        return (x + p1 + p2, x + p1 + p2 + p3)
Beispiel #23
    def test_fixed(self):
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert param.fixed == False == param._fixed

        # Set error
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            param.fixed = 3
        assert str(err.value) == \
            "Value must be boolean"

        # Set
        param.fixed = True
        assert param.fixed == True == param._fixed
Beispiel #24
class TParModel(Model):
    A toy model to test parameters machinery

    coeff = Parameter()
    e = Parameter()

    def __init__(self, coeff, e, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(coeff=coeff, e=e, **kwargs)

    def evaluate(coeff, e):
Beispiel #25
class Sersic2DAsym(Sersic2D):
    Two dimensional Sersic profile with asymmetry.

    Parameters are same as Sersic2D, plus:
    asym_strength : float, optional
        Strength of asymmetry.
    asym_angle : float, optional
        Position angle of maximum asymmetry.

    Asymmetry introduced by multiplying Sersic2D profile by
    (1 - asym_strength * cosine(azimuthal angle - asym_angle)

    asym_strength = Parameter(default=0)
    asym_angle = Parameter(default=0)

    def evaluate(cls, x, y, amplitude, r_eff, n, x_0, y_0, ellip, theta,
                 asym_strength, asym_angle):
        """Two dimensional Sersic profile function with asymmetry."""

        if cls._gammaincinv is None:
                from scipy.special import gammaincinv
                cls._gammaincinv = gammaincinv
            except ValueError:
                raise ImportError('Sersic2D model requires scipy > 0.11.')

        bn = cls._gammaincinv(2. * n, 0.5)
        a, b = r_eff, (1 - ellip) * r_eff
        cos_theta, sin_theta = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
        x_maj = (x - x_0) * cos_theta + (y - y_0) * sin_theta
        x_min = -(x - x_0) * sin_theta + (y - y_0) * cos_theta
        z = np.sqrt((x_maj / a)**2 + (x_min / b)**2)
        eps = 1e-32
        angle = np.arctan(x_maj / (x_min + eps))
        angle += np.pi * (x_min < 0) - np.pi / 2
        angle[np.isnan(angle)] = 0
        asym = (1 - asym_strength * np.cos(theta - asym_angle - angle))
        return amplitude * asym * np.exp(-bn * (z**(1 / n) - 1))

    def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit):
        par_unit = super()._parameter_units_for_data_units(
            inputs_unit, outputs_unit)
        return par_unit + {'asym_angle': u.rad}
Beispiel #26
class BlackBody(Fittable1DModel):
    Produce a blackbody flux spectrum.

    Note that the wave and flux arrays used to Quantity

    See `~astropy.modeling.Fittable1DModel`
    for further details on modeling and all
    possible parameters that can be passed in.

    Description of the blackbody function itself is described in
    temp = Parameter(default=5000, min=10.)
    norm = Parameter(default=1.)

    def evaluate(self, x, temp, norm):
        Evaluate the blackbody for a given temperature over a wavelength range.

        x: numpy.ndarray
            The wavelengths to evaulate over.

        temp: float
            The temperature to evualate at.

        norm: float
            The normalization factor.

        blackbody_flux: numpy.ndarray
            The blackbody flux.
        # x is passed as a bare numpy array; must be
        # converted back to Quantity before calling
        # astropy's black body functions.
        _x_u = x * self.wave.unit

        # convert result of the Planck function to
        # flux density in the same units as the data.
        _flux = (blackbody_lambda(_x_u, temp) *

        # normalize and return just the values,
        # to conform to the Model API.
        return (norm * _flux).value
Beispiel #27
class Spectrum1DLinearWCS(BaseSpectrum1DWCS):
    A simple linear wcs

    dispersion0 = Parameter('dispersion0')
    dispersion_delta = Parameter('dispersion_delta')

    @deprecated('', message='please use Spectrum1DPolynomialWCS')
    def __init__(self, dispersion0, dispersion_delta, pixel_index, unit):
        super(Spectrum1DLinearWCS, self).__init__()

        #### Not clear what to do about units of dispersion0 and dispersion_delta.
        # dispersion0 should have units like angstrom, whereas dispersion_delta should have units like angstrom/pix
        # for now I assume pixels don't have units and both dispersion0 and dispersion_delta should have the same unit
        dispersion0 = u.Quantity(dispersion0, unit)
        dispersion_delta = u.Quantity(dispersion_delta, unit)


        ##### Quick fix - needs to be fixed in modelling ###
        if unit is None:
            unit = dispersion0.unit

        self.unit = unit

        self.dispersion0 = dispersion0.value
        self.dispersion_delta = dispersion_delta.value
        self.pixel_index = pixel_index

    def __call__(self, pixel_indices):
        if misc.isiterable(pixel_indices) and not isinstance(
                pixel_indices, basestring):
            pixel_indices = np.array(pixel_indices)
        return (self.dispersion0 + self.dispersion_delta *
                (pixel_indices - self.pixel_index)) * self.unit

    def invert(self, dispersion_values):
        if not hasattr(dispersion_values, 'unit'):
            raise u.UnitsException(
                'Must give a dispersion value with a valid unit (i.e. quantity 5 * u.Angstrom)'

        if misc.isiterable(dispersion_values) and not isinstance(
                dispersion_values, basestring):
            dispersion_values = np.array(dispersion_values)
        return float((dispersion_values - self.dispersion0) /
                     self.dispersion_delta) + self.pixel_index
Beispiel #28
class RefractionIndexFromPrism(Model):
    Compute the refraction index of a prism (NIRSpec).

    prism_angle : float
        Prism angle in deg.

    standard_broadcasting = False

    inputs = (
    outputs = ("n")

    prism_angle = Parameter(setter=np.deg2rad, getter=np.rad2deg)

    def __init__(self, prism_angle, name=None):
        super(RefractionIndexFromPrism, self).__init__(prism_angle=prism_angle,

    def evaluate(self, alpha_in, beta_in, alpha_out, prism_angle):
        sangle = math.sin(prism_angle)
        cangle = math.cos(prism_angle)
        nsq = ((alpha_out + alpha_in * (1 - 2 * sangle**2)) / (2 * sangle * cangle)) **2 + \
            alpha_in ** 2 + beta_in ** 2
        return np.sqrt(nsq)
Beispiel #29
class TParModel(Model):
    A toy model to test parameters machinery
    # standard_broadasting = False
    inputs = ('x', )
    outputs = ('x', )
    coeff = Parameter()
    e = Parameter()

    def __init__(self, coeff, e, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(coeff=coeff, e=e, **kwargs)

    def evaluate(x, coeff, e):
        return x * coeff + e
Beispiel #30
class Snell(Model):
    """Computes the Prism Snell refraction through a surface.

    n: float
        refraction index as calculated for a given wavelenth

    inputs = ("xin", "yin", "zin")
    outputs = ("xout", "yout", "zout")

    n = Parameter(default=1.0)

    def __init__(self, n=n, name=None):
        super(Snell, self).__init__(n=n, name=name)

    def evaluate(self, x, y, z, n):
        """Compute Snell's refraction law from the front surface."""

        xout = x / n
        yout = y / n
        zout = np.sqrt(1.0 - xout**2 - yout**2)
        return xout, yout, zout

    def inverse(self, x, y, z, n):
        """Compute Snell's refraction law from the back surface."""

        xout = x * n
        yout = y * n
        zout = np.sqrt(1.0 - xout**2 - yout**2)
        return xout, yout, zout
Beispiel #31
    def test_param_repr_oneline(self):
        # Single value no units
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=1)
        assert param_repr_oneline(param) == '1.'

        # Vector value no units
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3, 4])
        assert param_repr_oneline(param) == '[1., 2., 3., 4.]'

        # Single value units
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=1*u.m)
        assert param_repr_oneline(param) == '1. m'

        # Vector value units
        param = Parameter(name='test', default=[1, 2, 3, 4] * u.m)
        assert param_repr_oneline(param) == '[1., 2., 3., 4.] m'