Beispiel #1
def test_inconsistent_energy_values_warns_correctly():
    d1 = elements.Dipole('d1', 1, BendingAngle=numpy.pi, Energy=5.e+9,
    d2 = elements.Dipole('d2', 1, BendingAngle=numpy.pi, Energy=3.e+9,
    m1 = elements.Marker('m1', Energy=5.e+9)
    m2 = elements.Marker('m2', Energy=3.e+9)
    with pytest.warns(AtWarning):
        params = _matlab_scanner([m1, m2])
        assert params['_energy'] == 5.e+9
    with pytest.warns(AtWarning):
        params = _matlab_scanner([d1, d2])
        assert params['_energy'] == 5.e+9
Beispiel #2
def ringparam_filter(params, elem_iterator, *args):
    Run through all elements, process and optionally removes RingParam elements

        keep_all=False  if True, keep RingParam elem_iterator as Markers
    keep_all = params.pop('keep_all', False)
    ringparams = []
    radiate = False
    for elem in elem_iterator(params, *args):
        if (elem.PassMethod.endswith('RadPass')
                or elem.PassMethod.endswith('CavityPass')):
            radiate = True
        if isinstance(elem, RingParam):
            for k, v in elem.items():
                if k not in _param_ignore:
                    params.setdefault(_param_to_lattice.get(k, k.lower()), v)
            if keep_all:
                pars = vars(elem).copy()
                name = pars.pop('FamName')
                yield elements.Marker(name, **pars)
            yield elem
    params['_radiation'] = radiate

    if len(ringparams) > 1:
        warn(AtWarning('More than 1 RingParam element, the 1st one is used'))
Beispiel #3
    def sbreak(self, break_s, break_elems=None):
        """Insert elements at selected locations in the lattice

            break_s:        location or array of locations of breakpoints
            break_elems:    elements to be inserted at breakpoints (array of
                            elements as long as break_s or single element
                            duplicated as necessary). Default: Marker('sbreak')
            A new lattice with new elements inserted at breakpoints
        def sbreak_iterator(elems, insertions):
            """Iterate over elements and breaks where necessary"""
            def next_mk():
                """Extract the next element to insert"""
                    return next(insertions)
                except StopIteration:
                    return sys.float_info.max, None

            s_end = 0.0
            # get the 1st insertion
            smk, mk = next_mk()
            # skip all insertions at negative break_s, if any
            while smk < s_end:
                smk, mk = next_mk()

            for elem in elems:
                s_end += elem.Length
                # loop over all insertions within the element
                while smk < s_end:
                    frac = (s_end - smk) / elem.Length
                    if frac < 1.0:  # breakpoint is within the element
                        el0, elem = elem.divide([1.0 - frac, frac])
                        yield el0
                    yield mk
                    smk, mk = next_mk()
                yield elem

        # set default insertion
        if break_elems is None:
            break_elems = elements.Marker('sbreak')
        break_elems = numpy.reshape(break_elems, -1)
        # Check element lengths
        if not all(e.Length == 0 for e in break_elems):
                    "Inserting elements with length!=0 may change the lattice")
        # broadcast break_s and break_elems to arrays of same size
        # and create an iterator over the elements to be inserted
        iter_mk = zip(*numpy.broadcast_arrays(break_s, break_elems))

        return Lattice(sbreak_iterator(self, iter_mk), **vars(self))
Beispiel #4
def test_get_elements(hmba_lattice):
    # test FamName direct match
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice, 'BPM_06') == [hmba_lattice[65]]
    # test FamName wildcard matching
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice, 'QD2?') == list(hmba_lattice[9, 113])
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice, 'QD3*') == list(hmba_lattice[19, 105])
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice, 'S*H2B') == list([hmba_lattice[55]])
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice, '*C_1') == list(hmba_lattice[59, 60])
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice,
                        'DR_2[1-3]') == list(hmba_lattice[54, 56, 58])
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice,
                        'DR_2[!1-7]') == list(hmba_lattice[52, 78, 80])
    # test element instance
    marker = elements.Marker('M1')
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice,
                        marker) == list(hmba_lattice[1, 12, 61, 67, 73])
    # test element type
    assert get_elements(hmba_lattice, elements.RFCavity) == [hmba_lattice[0]]
    # test invalid key raises TypeError
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        get_elements(hmba_lattice, None)
    # test quiet suppresses print statement correctly
    if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
        capturedOutput = BytesIO()
        capturedOutput = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = capturedOutput
    get_elements(hmba_lattice, 'BPM_06', quiet=True)
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    assert capturedOutput.getvalue() == ''
    sys.stdout = capturedOutput
    get_elements(hmba_lattice, 'BPM_06', quiet=False)
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    assert capturedOutput.getvalue() == ("String 'BPM_06' matched 1 family: "
                                         "BPM_06\nall corresponding elements "
                                         "have been returned.\n")