Beispiel #1
    def _parseFormat(self):
        if self.filePath.endswith('.txt'):
            f = open(self.filePath)
            fileStr =
        else: return None # no other file types supported
        dataEval = [] # evaluated data, sorted by val, fq, other
        # for some reason radline got strange results on macos x
        # manually reading line types
        if fileStr.find('\r\n') >= 0: SEProw = '\r\n' # win 
        elif '\r' in fileStr: SEProw = '\r' # macos
        elif '\n' in fileStr: SEProw = '\n' # unix
        else: return None # error, bad file
        fileLines = fileStr.split(SEProw)               

        # skip first line, as is key
        for line in fileLines:
            if line == '': continue
            # need to figure seperator
            elif '\t' in line: SEPcol = '\t'
            else: return None # error, bad file
            spectData = line.split(SEPcol)
            #print _MOD, spectData
            # tabbed lists should have either 2 or 3 items
            spectChunk = len(spectData)
            if spectChunk < 2 or spectChunk > 3:
            if spectChunk == 2: # assume audacity spectrum
                # Frequency (Hz), Level (dB)
                # return amp, fq
                fmt = 'audacity.spectrum'
                fq = drawer.strToNum(spectData[0])
                if fq == None: continue
                amp = drawer.strToNum(spectData[1])
                if amp == None: continue
                dataEval.append((amp, fq))
            elif spectChunk == 3: # assume audacity spectrum
                # Lag (seconds), Frequency (Hz), Level
                fmt = 'audacity.autocorrelation'
                fq = drawer.strToNum(spectData[1])
                if fq == None: continue
                amp = drawer.strToNum(spectData[2])
                if amp == None: continue
                s = drawer.strToNum(spectData[0])
                if s == None: continue
                dataEval.append((amp, fq, s))
        if len(dataEval) == 0: return None
        # sort so amps is ranked first
        dataEval.reverse() # largest on top
        return dataEval, fmt
Beispiel #2
 def _parseWeightValue(self, pairWeight):
     """read a complete dictionary of transition keys and weights, 
     and load weights as a list"""
     self._weightSrc = {} 
     for key, value in pairWeight.items():
         # make key into a list of symbol strings
         key = self._parseWeightKey(key)
         # make value into a list of pairs
         weights = value.split(self.ASSIGNDELIMIT)
         weightList = []
         for assign in weights:
             if self.ASSIGN not in assign: continue
             if assign.count(self.ASSIGN) > 1: # bad syntax or other error
                 raise error.TransitionSyntaxError, \
                         "incorrect weight specification: %s" % assign
             symbol, w = assign.split(self.ASSIGN)
             # convert to float or int, may not be less tn zero
             # will return None on error
             w = drawer.strToNum(w, 'num', 0, None)
             # it woudl be nice to accept zero weights but this causes many
             # side-effects; need to test in whole
             # not defining all weights is permitted
             if w in (None, 0): # no zero weights, or other errors
                 raise error.TransitionSyntaxError, \
                         "bad weight value given: %s" % assign
             weightList.append((symbol, w))
         # assign to weight src
         self._weightSrc[key] = weightList 
Beispiel #3
 def _parseWeightValue(self, pairWeight):
     """read a complete dictionary of transition keys and weights, 
     and load weights as a list"""
     self._weightSrc = {} 
     for key, value in list(pairWeight.items()):
         # make key into a list of symbol strings
         key = self._parseWeightKey(key)
         # make value into a list of pairs
         weights = value.split(self.ASSIGNDELIMIT)
         weightList = []
         for assign in weights:
             if self.ASSIGN not in assign: continue
             if assign.count(self.ASSIGN) > 1: # bad syntax or other error
                 raise error.TransitionSyntaxError("incorrect weight specification: %s" % assign)
             symbol, w = assign.split(self.ASSIGN)
             # convert to float or int, may not be less tn zero
             # will return None on error
             w = drawer.strToNum(w, 'num', 0, None)
             # it woudl be nice to accept zero weights but this causes many
             # side-effects; need to test in whole
             # not defining all weights is permitted
             if w in (None, 0): # no zero weights, or other errors
                 raise error.TransitionSyntaxError("bad weight value given: %s" % assign)
             weightList.append((symbol, w))
         # assign to weight src
         self._weightSrc[key] = weightList 
Beispiel #4
def psNameToPs(psStr):
    """pitch names to ps numbers
    middle c == c4 == midi 60 == 0
    should support negative octaves, like d-2
    psStr = psStr.lower() # make sure lower case
    pcBase = REFdiaNameToPc[psStr[0]] # get first char
    flatScore = 0
    sharpScore = 0
    qScore = 0
    octaveStr = '' # assume c4 octave
    for char in psStr:
        if char == SYMflat:
          flatScore = flatScore + 1
        if char == SYMsharp: # or char == '+':
            sharpScore = sharpScore + 1
        elif char == SYMqTone:
            qScore = qScore + 1
        # oct may be negative
        elif char.isdigit() or char == '-': # get oct, negative if present
            octaveStr = octaveStr + char             
    octaveInt = drawer.strToNum(octaveStr, 'int') # will return None on error
    if octaveInt == None:
        octaveInt = 4 # octave starting at middle c
    # adjust pitch
    pcBase = pcBase - flatScore
    pcBase = pcBase + sharpScore
    if qScore != 0: # add quarter tones
        pcBase = pcBase + (qScore * .5)
    # add octave:
    pcBase = pcBase + _octNameToPsShift(octaveInt)
    return pcBase
Beispiel #5
def psNameToPs(psStr):
    """pitch names to ps numbers
    middle c == c4 == midi 60 == 0
    should support negative octaves, like d-2
    psStr = psStr.lower() # make sure lower case
    pcBase = REFdiaNameToPc[psStr[0]] # get first char
    flatScore = 0
    sharpScore = 0
    qScore = 0
    octaveStr = '' # assume c4 octave
    for char in psStr:
        if char == SYMflat:
          flatScore = flatScore + 1
        if char == SYMsharp: # or char == '+':
            sharpScore = sharpScore + 1
        elif char == SYMqTone:
            qScore = qScore + 1
        # oct may be negative
        elif char.isdigit() or char == '-': # get oct, negative if present
            octaveStr = octaveStr + char             
    octaveInt = drawer.strToNum(octaveStr, 'int') # will return None on error
    if octaveInt == None:
        octaveInt = 4 # octave starting at middle c
    # adjust pitch
    pcBase = pcBase - flatScore
    pcBase = pcBase + sharpScore
    if qScore != 0: # add quarter tones
        pcBase = pcBase + (qScore * .5)
    # add octave:
    pcBase = pcBase + _octNameToPsShift(octaveInt)
    return pcBase
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, usrStr):
     """usrStr may have a comma, and thus include data for
     the number of values to read; can also be set below
     w/ getPitch method"""
     if usrStr == None:
         raise ValueError, 'bad file path given'
     if usrStr.find(',') >= 0:
         filePath, maxCount = usrStr.split(',')[:2]
         maxCount = drawer.strToNum(maxCount, 'int')
         #print _MOD, 'got maxCount of', maxCount
         filePath = usrStr
         maxCount = None # default
     if maxCount != None:
         self.maxCount = maxCount
     else: self.maxCount = 10
     # file path shuold always exists
     filePath = drawer.pathScrub(filePath)
     if not os.path.exists(filePath) or os.path.isdir(filePath): 
         raise ValueError, 'bad file path given'
     self.filePath = filePath
     self.forms = ['audacity.spectrum', 'audacity.autocorrelation']
     ok = self._parseFormat()
     if ok == None:
         raise ValueError, 'bad file path given'
     self.dataEval, self.fmt = ok
Beispiel #7
 def _updateDefault(self, src):
     """make a ca dictionary
     rule and mutation are left out, as dynamic"""
     xMAX = 1000
     yMAX = 10000
     ref = { # these are the limits
         'f' : ('s',), # must be first element of a list
         'k' : (2, 0, 36), # def, min, max
         'r' : (1, .5, 10),
         'i' : ('center',),
         'x' : (91, 1, xMAX), # should be odd value
         'y' : (135, 1, yMAX),
         'w' : (0, 0, yMAX), # will get value of 
         'c' : (0, -xMAX, xMAX), # center
         's' : (0, 0, yMAX), # skip
     # src keys have already been formated to single character refs
     for key in ref.keys():
         if key not in src.keys():
             src[key] = ref[key][0]
         else: # keu exists, eval numbers if necessary
             if drawer.isNum(ref[key][0]): # check numbers                           
                 min = ref[key][1]
                 max = ref[key][2]
                 # permit r values w/ decimal .5
                 if key =='r' and '.' in src[key]:
                     # double, round, and divide; will be either 0 or .5
                     value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'float', min, max)
                     value = round(value*2) / 2
                     value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'int', min, max)
                 if value != None:
                     src[key] = value
                 else: # cant resolve value, provide default
                     src[key] = ref[key][0]
             if drawer.isStr(ref[key][0]): # check strings
                 if key == 'f':
                     value = caFormatParser(src[key])
                 elif key == 'i':
                     value = caInitParser(src[key])
                 if value != None:
                     src[key] = value
                     src[key] = ref[key][0]      
     return src       
Beispiel #8
    def _updateDefault(self, src):
        """make a ca dictionary
        rule and mutation are left out, as dynamic"""
        xMAX = 1000
        yMAX = 10000
        ref = {  # these are the limits
            'f': ('s', ),  # must be first element of a list
            'k': (2, 0, 36),  # def, min, max
            'r': (1, .5, 10),
            'i': ('center', ),
            'x': (91, 1, xMAX),  # should be odd value
            'y': (135, 1, yMAX),
            'w': (0, 0, yMAX),  # will get value of 
            'c': (0, -xMAX, xMAX),  # center
            's': (0, 0, yMAX),  # skip

        # src keys have already been formated to single character refs
        for key in ref.keys():
            if key not in src.keys():
                src[key] = ref[key][0]
            else:  # keu exists, eval numbers if necessary
                if drawer.isNum(ref[key][0]):  # check numbers
                    min = ref[key][1]
                    max = ref[key][2]
                    # permit r values w/ decimal .5
                    if key == 'r' and '.' in src[key]:
                        # double, round, and divide; will be either 0 or .5
                        value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'float', min, max)
                        value = round(value * 2) / 2
                        value = drawer.strToNum(src[key], 'int', min, max)
                    if value != None:
                        src[key] = value
                    else:  # cant resolve value, provide default
                        src[key] = ref[key][0]
                if drawer.isStr(ref[key][0]):  # check strings
                    if key == 'f':
                        value = caFormatParser(src[key])
                    elif key == 'i':
                        value = caInitParser(src[key])
                    if value != None:
                        src[key] = value
                        src[key] = ref[key][0]
        return src
Beispiel #9
 def _parsePsReal(self, usrStr):
     """process a usr string entered as a list psReals"""
     usrList = drawer.strToListFlat(usrStr, 'L')
     psList = []
     for elem in usrList: # may be int or float
         elem = drawer.strToNum(elem.strip(), 'num')
         if elem == None: continue
         else: psList.append(elem)
     return psList
Beispiel #10
 def _parsePsReal(self, usrStr):
     """process a usr string entered as a list psReals"""
     usrList = drawer.strToListFlat(usrStr, 'L')
     psList = []
     for elem in usrList:  # may be int or float
         elem = drawer.strToNum(elem.strip(), 'num')
         if elem == None: continue
         else: psList.append(elem)
     return psList
Beispiel #11
 def _parseFq(self, usrStr):
     """conver midi values to psInt values"""
     usrStr = drawer.strStripAlpha(usrStr)
     usrList = drawer.strToListFlat(usrStr, 'L')
     #usrList = usrStr.split(',')
     psList = []
     for elem in usrList:  # may be int or float
         elem = drawer.strToNum(elem.strip(), 'num')
         if elem == None: continue
         else: psList.append(pitchTools.fqToPs(elem))
     return psList
Beispiel #12
 def _getCount(self, termObj):
     """get number of pitches to read interactively"""
     query = 'number of pitches?'
     while 1:
         usrStr = dialog.askStr(query, termObj)
         if usrStr == None: return None
         num = drawer.strToNum(usrStr, 'int')
         if num != None and num != 0: return num
             dialog.msgOut(('%senter a positive or negative integer.\n' % 
                 lang.TAB), termObj)          
Beispiel #13
 def _parseFq(self, usrStr):
     """conver midi values to psInt values"""
     usrStr = drawer.strStripAlpha(usrStr)
     usrList = drawer.strToListFlat(usrStr, 'L')
     #usrList = usrStr.split(',')
     psList = []
     for elem in usrList: # may be int or float
         elem = drawer.strToNum(elem.strip(), 'num')
         if elem == None: continue
         else: psList.append(pitchTools.fqToPs(elem))
     return psList
Beispiel #14
    def clear(self):
        """processes init value and replaces history with first generation
        will always add an init to the history, meaning that there will always
        be one more generation than expected in most cases

        stepInit = self._getTemplate()
        if drawer.isStr(self.init):
            numStr, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(self.init)
            if self.init == 'center':
                centerIndex = self._getCenter()
                if self.dstValues == None:  # continuous case
                    if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(1)
                    else: val = 1.0
                    # should add one here, but need -1 for list position shift
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = val
                else:  # center value is dependent; must provude as variable
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = self.dstValues[
            elif self.init == 'random':
                for x in range(self.size):
                    if self.dstValues == None:  # continuous case
                        if self.DECIMAL:
                            val = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
                            val = random.random()
                        stepInit[x] = val
                    else:  # discrete
                        stepInit[x] = random.choice(self.dstValues)
            # may be number as a string; treat as a list
            elif len(numStr) == len(self.init):
                for x in range(self.size):
                    # must be integers, use force to limit at min / max
                    if self.dstValues != None:
                        min = self.dstValues[0]
                        max = self.dstValues[-1]
                    else:  # continuous, unit interval
                        min = 0
                        max = 1
                    val = drawer.strToNum(self.init[(x % len(self.init))],
                                          'int', min, max, 1)
                    stepInit[x] = val
        elif drawer.isNum(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init
        elif drawer.isList(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init[(x % len(self.init))]
        self.stepHistory = [stepInit]  # a list of arrays
Beispiel #15
    def clear(self):
        """processes init value and replaces history with first generation
        will always add an init to the history, meaning that there will always
        be one more generation than expected in most cases

        stepInit = self._getTemplate()
        if drawer.isStr(self.init):
            numStr, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(self.init)
            if self.init == 'center':
                centerIndex = self._getCenter()
                if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
                    if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(1)
                    else: val = 1.0
                    # should add one here, but need -1 for list position shift
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = val 
                else: # center value is dependent; must provude as variable
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = self.dstValues[self.dstIndexCenter] 
            elif self.init == 'random':
                for x in range(self.size):
                    if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
                        if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
                        else: val = random.random() 
                        stepInit[x] = val                
                    else: # discrete
                        stepInit[x] = random.choice(self.dstValues)
            # may be number as a string; treat as a list
            elif len(numStr) == len(self.init):
                for x in range(self.size):
                    # must be integers, use force to limit at min / max
                    if self.dstValues != None:
                        min = self.dstValues[0]
                        max = self.dstValues[-1]
                    else: # continuous, unit interval
                        min = 0
                        max = 1
                    val = drawer.strToNum(self.init[(x % len(self.init))], 'int', 
                                                 min, max, 1)
                    stepInit[x] = val
        elif drawer.isNum(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init               
        elif drawer.isList(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init[(x % len(self.init))]
        self.stepHistory = [stepInit] # a list of arrays        
Beispiel #16
    def _parseRuleValue(self, pairRule):
        """Read a preliminary dictionary of rules, and split into a list of rules based on having one or more probabilistic rule options

        >>> g = Grammar()
        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab|ac'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 1), ('ac', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab|ac|aa=3'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 1), ('ac', 1), ('aa', 3)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|aa=3'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('aa', 3)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|aa=3', 'c': 'b=3|c=5|a'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('aa', 3)], 'c': [('b', 3), ('c', 5), ('a', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|aa=0'})
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TransitionSyntaxError: bad weight value given: aa=0

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': ''})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'*a': 'ab=3|c=12|a=3'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'*a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('a', 3)]}

        self._rules = {}  # this always clears the last rules
        for key, value in list(pairRule.items()):
            # make value into a src:dst pairs
            ruleList = []
            weights = value.split(self.ASSIGNDELIMIT)  # this is the |

            if len(weights) == 1:
                # if there is only one weight, add an assignment value of 1
                # this is permitted
                if self.ASSIGN not in weights[0]:
                    ruleList.append((weights[0], 1))
                else:  # remove weight, as it is not significant
                    w = weights[0].split(self.ASSIGN)[0]
                    ruleList.append((w, 1))
            # if there are no assignments but more than one option
            # that is, no = sign assignments
            elif value.count(self.ASSIGN) == 0:
                for symbol in weights:
                    ruleList.append((symbol, 1))
                #environment.printDebug(['obtained weights', weights, value.count(self.ASSIGN)])

                for assign in weights:
                    # if not assignment, provide one as a string
                    if self.ASSIGN not in assign:
                        assign += '=1'  # assume 1

                    symbol, w = assign.split(self.ASSIGN)
                    # convert to float or int, may not be less tn zero
                    # will return None on error
                    w = drawer.strToNum(w, 'num', 0, None)
                    if w in [None, 0]:  # no zero weights, or other errors
                        raise error.TransitionSyntaxError(
                            "bad weight value given: %s" % assign)
                    ruleList.append((symbol, w))
            self._rules[key] = ruleList
Beispiel #17
    def _parseRuleValue(self, pairRule):
        """Read a preliminary dictionary of rules, and split into a list of rules based on having one or more probabilistic rule options

        >>> g = Grammar()
        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab|ac'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 1), ('ac', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab|ac|aa=3'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 1), ('ac', 1), ('aa', 3)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|aa=3'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('aa', 3)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|aa=3', 'c': 'b=3|c=5|a'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('aa', 3)], 'c': [('b', 3), ('c', 5), ('a', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|aa=0'})
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TransitionSyntaxError: bad weight value given: aa=0

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': ''})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'a': 'ab=3|c=12|'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('', 1)]}

        >>> g._parseRuleValue({'*a': 'ab=3|c=12|a=3'})
        >>> g._rules
        {'*a': [('ab', 3), ('c', 12), ('a', 3)]}

        self._rules = {} # this always clears the last rules
        for key, value in pairRule.items():
            # make value into a src:dst pairs
            ruleList = []
            weights = value.split(self.ASSIGNDELIMIT) # this is the |

            if len(weights) == 1:
                # if there is only one weight, add an assignment value of 1
                # this is permitted
                if self.ASSIGN not in weights[0]:
                    ruleList.append((weights[0], 1))
                else: # remove weight, as it is not significant
                    w = weights[0].split(self.ASSIGN)[0]
                    ruleList.append((w, 1))
            # if there are no assignments but more than one option
            # that is, no = sign assignments
            elif value.count(self.ASSIGN) == 0: 
                for symbol in weights:
                    ruleList.append((symbol, 1))
                #environment.printDebug(['obtained weights', weights, value.count(self.ASSIGN)])

                for assign in weights:
                    # if not assignment, provide one as a string
                    if self.ASSIGN not in assign:
                        assign += '=1' # assume 1

                    symbol, w = assign.split(self.ASSIGN)
                    # convert to float or int, may not be less tn zero
                    # will return None on error
                    w = drawer.strToNum(w, 'num', 0, None)
                    if w in [None, 0]: # no zero weights, or other errors
                        raise error.TransitionSyntaxError(
                                "bad weight value given: %s" % assign)
                    ruleList.append((symbol, w))
            self._rules[key] = ruleList