Beispiel #1
class Pipe(Operation):
    """ An operation that extrudes a profile along a spline, wire, or path.
    spline: Edge or Wire
        The spline to extrude along.
    profile: Wire
        The profile to extrude.
    fill_mode: String, optional
        The fill mode to use.
    See examples/pipes.enaml
    #: Reference to the implementation control
    proxy = Typed(ProxyPipe)

    #: Spline to make the pipe along
    spline = d_(Instance(Shape))

    #: Profile to make the pipe from
    profile = d_(ForwardInstance(WireFactory))

    #: Fill mode
    fill_mode = d_(
        Enum(None, 'corrected_frenet', 'fixed', 'frenet', 'constant_normal',
             'darboux', 'guide_ac', 'guide_plan', 'guide_ac_contact',
             'guide_plan_contact', 'discrete_trihedron')).tag(view=True,

    @observe('spline', 'profile', 'fill_mode')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        super(Pipe, self)._update_proxy(change)
Beispiel #2
class Splitter(ConstraintsWidget):
    """ A widget which displays its children in separate resizable
    compartments that are connected with a resizing bar.

    A Splitter can have an arbitrary number of Container children.

    #: The orientation of the Splitter. 'horizontal' means the children
    #: are laid out left to right, 'vertical' means top to bottom.
    orientation = d_(Enum('horizontal', 'vertical'))

    #: Whether the child widgets resize as a splitter is being dragged
    #: (True), or if a simple indicator is drawn until the drag handle
    #: is released (False). The default is True.
    live_drag = d_(Bool(True))

    #: A splitter expands freely in height and width by default.
    hug_width = set_default('ignore')
    hug_height = set_default('ignore')

    #: A reference to the ProxySplitter object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxySplitter)

    def split_items(self):
        """ Get the split item children defined on the splitter.

        return [c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, SplitItem)]

    # Observers
    @observe('orientation', 'live_drag')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(Splitter, self)._update_proxy(change)
Beispiel #3
class EditText(TextView):
    """A simple control for displaying read-only text."""

    #: Text selection
    selection = d_(Tuple(int))

    #: Make editable by default
    input_type = set_default("text")

    #: Placeholder text
    placeholder = d_(Str())

    #: Style (iOS)
    style = d_(Enum("", "line", "bezel", "rounded_rect"))

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyEditText)

    @observe("selection", "placeholder", "style")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):

Beispiel #4
class InsertTab(DockLayoutOp):
    """ A layout operation which inserts a tab into a tab group.

    This operation will remove an item from the current layout and
    insert it into a tab group in a dock area. If the item does not
    exist, the operation is a no-op.

    If the target -

    - is a normally docked item
        The target and item will be merged into a new tab group
        using the default tab position.

    - is docked in a tab group
        The item will be inserted into the tab group.

    - is docked in a dock bar
        The item will be appended to the dock bar.

    - is a floating dock item
        A new dock area will be created and the target and item will
        be merged into a new tab group.

    - does not exist
        The item is inserted into the left border of the primary dock

    #: The name of the dock item to insert into the tab group.
    item = Unicode()

    #: The name of an existing dock item in the tab group of interest.
    target = Unicode()

    #: The index at which to insert the dock item.
    index = Int(-1)

    #: The position of the tabs for a newly created tab group.
    tab_position = Enum('default', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')
Beispiel #5
class SplitLayout(LayoutNode):
    """ A layout object for defining split dock layouts.

    #: The orientation of the split layout.
    orientation = Enum('horizontal', 'vertical')

    #: The default sizes to apply to the items in the splitter. If
    #: provided, the length must be equal to the number of items.
    sizes = List(Int())

    #: This list of split layout items to include in the split layout.
    items = List(Coerced(_SplitLayoutItem))

    def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs):
        super(SplitLayout, self).__init__(items=list(items), **kwargs)

    def children(self):
        """ Get the list of children of the split layout.

        return self.items[:]
Beispiel #6
class Material_Parameters(Check):
    c_eta = Float(c_eta).tag(
        desc="The element factor",
        unit="for 50% metallization (Datta assuming sqrt(2) cancellation)",

    material = Enum(*sorted(material_dict.keys()))

    def _default_material(self):
        return material

    Dvv = FloatRange(0.00001, 10 / 100.0,
                              LiNb=2.4 / 100.0,
                              reference="Morgan pg 9",
                              desc="Piezoelectric coupling constant",

    epsinf = FloatRange(0.0001 * 1.0e-12, 500 * 8.85e-12,
                                    LiNb=46.0 * 8.85e-12,
                                    reference="Morgan pg 9",
                                    aka="C_S in Datta (50% metalization)",
                                    desc="Capacitance for one finger pair")

    v = FloatRange(1000.0, 10000.0, v).tag(
        desc="propagation velocity of SAW (free surface)"
    )  # propagation velocity for YZ lithium niobate --- page 9 Morgan's Book

    def _observe_material(self, change):
        self.Dvv = material_dict[self.material]['Dvv']
        self.epsinf = material_dict[self.material]['epsinf']
        self.v = material_dict[self.material]['v']
Beispiel #7
class InstrUser(Declarative):
    """Extension to the 'ecpy.instruments.users' extensions point.

    #: Plugin id associated with this use of instrument. This allow the manager
    #: to know what part of the application requested the right to use some
    #: drivers.
    id = d_(Unicode())

    #: Is the plugin susceptible to release the profiles it is currently using
    #: if the manager asks it to do so.
    policy = d_(Enum('releasable', 'unreleasable'))

    def release_profiles(self, workbench, profiles):
        """Release the specified profiles or some of them.

        This call can block until the profiles can be released (if it is likely
        to happen in a relatively short time). The
        'ecpy.instruments.notify_profiles_released' command should not be
        called (the manager knows what profiles it requested and will handle
        the tracking of the current user for each profile itself).

        workbench :
            Application workbench.

        profiles : list[unicode]
            List of profiles the manager is requesting the user to release.

        released_profiles : list[unicode]
            List of the profiles that have been released.

        raise NotImplementedError()
Beispiel #8
class RejectEpochs(EpochInput):
    Rejects epochs whose amplitude exceeds a specified threshold.

    threshold : float
        Reject threshold
    mode : {'absolute value', 'amplitude'}
        If absolute value, rejects epoch if the minimum or maximum exceeds the
        reject threshold. If amplitude, rejects epoch if the difference between
        the minimum and maximum exceeds the reject threshold.
    threshold = d_(Float()).tag(metadata=True)
    mode = d_(Enum('absolute value', 'amplitude')).tag(metadata=True)

    total = Int()
    rejects = Int()
    reject_ratio = Float()

    def configure_callback(self):
        valid_cb = super().configure_callback()
        return reject_epochs(self.threshold, self.mode, self, valid_cb).send
Beispiel #9
class Button(TextView):
    """ A simple control for displaying a button.

    #: Button is clickable by default
    clickable = set_default(True)

    #: Styles
    style = d_(Enum('', 'borderless', 'inset', 'small'))

    #: A reference to the proxy object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyButton)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Button, self)._update_proxy(change)
Beispiel #10
class LorentzianFitter(LeastSqFitter):
    """Atom wrapper for Lorentzian least square fitting"""
    fit_type = Enum("lorentzian", "refl_lorentzian")
    gamma = Float(1.0).tag(desc="width of peak for initial guess")
    end_indices = Int(10).tag(desc="indices to average for background guess")

    fit_func_dict = {
        "lorentzian": lorentzian,
        "refl_lorentzian": refl_lorentzian

    p_guess_dict = {
        "lorentzian": lorentzian_p_guess,
        "refl_lorentzian": refl_lorentzian_p_guess

    def fit_func(self):
        return self.fit_func_dict[self.fit_type]

    def p_guess_func(self):
        return self.p_guess_dict[self.fit_type]
Beispiel #11
class Markdown(Raw):
    """ A block for rendering Markdown source. """

    #: Extensions to use when rendering
    extensions = d_(

    #: Configuration for them
    extension_configs = d_(
            'markdown.extensions.codehilite': {
                'css_class': 'highlight'

    #: Disallow raw HTMl
    safe_mode = d_(Bool()).tag(attr=False)

    #: Output format
    output_format = d_(
        Enum("xhtml1", "xhtml5", "xhtml", "html4", "html5",

    #: Tab size
    tab_length = d_(Int(4)).tag(attr=False)

    #: Reference to the proxy
    proxy = Typed(ProxyMarkdown)

    @observe('extensions', 'extension_configs', 'safe_mode', 'output_format',
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ The superclass implementation is sufficient. """
        super(Markdown, self)._update_proxy(change)
class Parameter(ContextItem):
    A context item that can be evaluated dynamically, but cannot be included as
    part of a selector.  This is typically used for settings that must be
    determined before values are drawn from the selectors (e.g., probability of
    a go trial).
    # Default value of the context item when used as part of a selector.
    default = d_(Value())

    expression = d_(Str()).tag(preference=True)

    # Defines the span over which the item's value does not change:
    # * experiment - the value cannot change once the experiment begins
    # * trial - The value cannot change once a trial begins. This is the only
    #   type of item that can be roved using a selector.
    # * arbitrary - The value can be changd at any time but it does not make
    #   sense for it to be a roving item.
    scope = d_(Enum('trial', 'experiment', 'arbitrary'))

    # Is the value of this item managed by a selector?
    rove = d_(Bool()).tag(preference=True)

    def _default_expression(self):
        return str(self.default)

    def _default_dtype(self):
        return np.array(self.default).dtype.str

    def _default_label(self):

    def to_expression(self, value):
        return str(value)

    def set_value(self, value):
        self.expression = self.to_expression(value)
Beispiel #13
class InsertBorderItem(DockLayoutOp):
    """ A layout operation which inserts an item into an area border.

    This operation will remove an item from the current layout and
    insert it into the border of a dock area. If the item does not
    exist, the operation is a no-op.

    If the target -

    - is a normally docked item
        The item is inserted into the border of the dock area containing
        the target.

    - is docked in a tab group
        The item is inserted into the border of the dock area containing
        the tab group.

    - is docked in a dock bar
        The item is inserted into the border of the dock area containing
        the dock bar.

    - is a floating dock item
        A new dock area will be created and the item will be inserted
        into the border of the new dock area.

    - does not exist
        The item is inserted into the border of the primary dock area.

    #: The name of the dock item to insert into the layout.
    item = Unicode()

    #: The name of the dock item to use as the target location.
    target = Unicode()

    #: The border position at which to insert the item.
    position = Enum('left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom')
class StreamInterpolator(Atom):
    filespec = Typed(StreamFileSpec)
    is_reference = Bool(False)
    selector = Enum(*RECORD_SELECTORS)
    latency = Float(0.0)

    streamfile = Typed(StreamFile)

    def fieldname(self):
        return self.filespec.fieldname

    def datatype(self):
        return self.filespec.datatype

    def is_array(self):
        return self.filespec.is_array

    def timestamps(self):
        return self.streamfile.timestamps

    def interval(self):
        return self.streamfile.interval

    def record_count(self):
        return self.streamfile.count

    def _default_streamfile(self):
        return self.filespec.getStreamFile()

    def get(self, idx, dts):
        return self.streamfile.get(idx, dts - self.latency, self.selector)
Beispiel #15
class RejectEpochs(EpochInput):
    Rejects epochs whose amplitude exceeds a specified threshold.

    threshold : float
        Reject threshold
    mode : {'absolute value', 'amplitude'}
        If absolute value, rejects epoch if the minimum or maximum exceeds the
        reject threshold. If amplitude, rejects epoch if the difference between
        the minimum and maximum exceeds the reject threshold.
    threshold = d_(Float()).tag(metadata=True)
    mode = d_(Enum('absolute value', 'amplitude')).tag(metadata=True)

    total = Int()
    rejects = Int()
    reject_percent = Float()

    def status_cb(self, n_total, n_accepted):
        def update():
            # Update the status. Must be wrapped in a deferred call to ensure
            # that the update occurs on the GUI thread.
            nonlocal self
            nonlocal n_total
            nonlocal n_accepted
   += n_total
            self.rejects += n_total - n_accepted
            self.reject_percent = self.rejects / * 100


    def configure_callback(self):
        valid_cb = super().configure_callback()
        return pipeline.reject_epochs(self.threshold, self.mode,
                                      self.status_cb, valid_cb).send
Beispiel #16
class Text_Editor(Atom):
    view = Enum("Text_Editor")
    name = Unicode("Text_Editor")
    main_file = Unicode("idt.jdf").tag(private=True)
    dir_path = Unicode("/Users/thomasaref/Dropbox/Current stuff/TA_software"
    data = Str().tag(discard=True,
    read_file = Typed(Read_TXT).tag(no_spacer=True)
    save_file = Typed(Save_TXT).tag(no_spacer=True)

    def obs_read_event(self, change): = "".join(["data"])

    def obs_save_event(self, change):
        self.save_file.direct_save(, write_mode='w')

    def _default_read_file(self):
        return Read_TXT(main_file=self.main_file, dir_path=self.dir_path)

    def _default_save_file(self):
        return Save_TXT(main_file=self.read_file.main_file,

    def data_list(self):

    def view_window(self):
        with imports():
            from e_UserTemps import TextEditorWindow
        return TextEditorWindow(instr=self)
Beispiel #17
class StorageDefConstruct(ConstructNode):
    """ A construct node for a storage definition.

    #: The kind of the state definition.
    kind = Enum('attr', 'event')

    #: The name of the state object being defined.
    name = Str()

    #: The typename of the allowed values for the state object.
    typename = Str()

    #: The resolved type class for using with the state def. This is
    #: updated during the resolution passes over the tree.
    typeclass = Typed(type)

    def from_dict(cls, dct):
        self = super(StorageDefConstruct, cls).from_dict(dct)
        self.kind = dct['kind'] = dct['name']
        self.typename = dct['typename']
        return self
Beispiel #18
class Table(Control):
    """ Enaml declarative control for giving a Table grid widget.

    rows = d_(List())
    columns = d_(List())
    selected_rows = d_(List())
    alternate_row_colors = d_(Bool(default=True))
    stretch_last_column = d_(Bool())
    select_mode = d_(
        Enum("single_row", "multi_rows", "single_cell", "multi_cells", "none"))

    row_style_callback = d_(Value())
    double_click_action = d_(Value())

    #: A reference to the ProxyTable implementation.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyTable)

    hug_height = "weak"
    hug_width = "weak"

    # Observers ---------------------------------------------------------------
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.
        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Table, self)._update_proxy(change)
class ActivityIndicator(View):
    """ A simple control for displaying an ActivityIndicator.


    #: Style for indeterminate
    size = d_(Enum('normal', 'small', 'large'))

    #: Sets the color of the indicator.
    color = d_(Unicode())

    #: A reference to the ProxyActivityIndicator object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyActivityIndicator)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('size', 'color')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(ActivityIndicator, self)._update_proxy(change)
Beispiel #20
class TabLayout(LayoutNode):
    """ A layout object for defining tabbed dock layouts.

    #: The position of the tabs in the tab layout.
    tab_position = Enum('top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')

    #: The index of the currently selected tab.
    index = Int(0)

    #: Whether or not the tab layout is maximized.
    maximized = Bool(False)

    #: The list of item layouts to include in the tab layout.
    items = List(Coerced(ItemLayout))

    def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs):
        super(TabLayout, self).__init__(items=list(items), **kwargs)

    def children(self):
        """ Get the list of children of the tab layout.

        return self.items[:]
Beispiel #21
class Plot1DLine(Plot1D):

    #: Color of the plot
    color = ColorMember()

    #: Weight of the line
    line_weight = Float(1.0)

    #: Style of the line
    line_style = Str()

    #: Should markers be displayed
    markers_enabled = Bool()

    #: Size of the markers
    markers_size = Float()

    #: Shape of the marker
    # FIXME complete
    marker_shape = Enum((
Beispiel #22
 class XYFormat(Atom):
     rend_list=List(default=[None, None, None]) #First is line, second is scatter #Typed(BaseXYPlot)
     line_color=Enum(*mycolors) #'blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple',  'black', 'darkgray', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'orange')
     plot_type=Enum('line', 'scatter', 'line+scatter')
     marker = Enum('square', 'circle', 'triangle', 'inverted_triangle', 'plus', 'cross', 'diamond', 'dot', 'pixel')
     marker_size = Float(3.0)
     line_style=Enum('solid', 'dot dash', 'dash', 'dot', 'long dash')
     render_style=Enum('connectedpoints', 'hold', 'connectedhold')
     plotter=ForwardTyped(lambda: Plotter)
     def _default_name(self):
         return self.yname
     def set_param(self, param, change, index=-1):
         if change['type']!='create':
           #  if self.rend_list[index]!=None:
                 setattr(self.rend_list[index], param, change['value'])
                 #print self.rend_list
     def set_line_param(self, param, change):
         self.set_param(param, change, index=0)
     def set_scatter_param(self, param, change):
         self.set_param(param, change, index=1)
     def _observe_line_color(self, change):
         self.set_line_param('color', change)
     def _observe_marker_size(self, change):
         self.set_scatter_param('marker_size', change)
     def _observe_marker(self, change):
         self.set_scatter_param('marker', change)
     def _observe_line_width(self, change):
         self.set_line_param('line_width', change)
     def _observe_outline_width(self, change):
         self.set_scatter_param('line_width', change)
     def _observe_outline_color(self, change):
         self.set_scatter_param('outline_color', change)
     def _observe_inside_color(self, change):
         self.set_scatter_param('color', change)
     def _observe_line_style(self, change):
         self.set_line_param('line_style', change)
     def redraw_plot(self):
         self.draw_plot(, zname=self.zname, xname=self.xname)
     def draw_img_plot(self, name, zname, xname=None, yname=None):
         #self.plotter.pd.set_data(zname, z)
         img_plot = self.plotter.plot.img_plot(self.zname,
 #        z_shape=shape(self.plotter.pd.get_data(self.zname))
         if xname!=None:
         if yname!=None:
     def draw_plot(self, name, zname, zdata=None, xname='', xdata=None):
         if "img_plot" in self.plotter.plot.plots.keys():
         if "{0}_line".format(name) in self.plotter.plot.plots.keys():
         if "{0}_scatter".format(name) in self.plotter.plot.plots.keys():
         #if xname==None:
         #    xname="{0}_x0".format(zname)
         #    self.plotter.pd.set_data(xname, arange(len(self.plotter.pd.arrays[zname])))
         if self.plot_type=='line':
         elif self.plot_type=='scatter':
         elif self.plot_type=='line+scatter':
 #        if data.x_unit:
 #            x_label = "{} [{}]".format(data.x_label, data.x_unit)
 #        else:
 #            x_label = data.x_label
 #        if data.y_unit:
 #            y_label = "{} [{}]".format(data.y_label, data.y_unit)
 #        else:
 #            y_label = data.y_label
 #        plot.x_axis.title = x_label
 #        plot.y_axis.title = y_label
 #        plot.x_axis.tick_label_formatter = lambda x: '%.e'%x
 #        plot.y_axis.tick_label_formatter = lambda x: '%.e'%x
     def draw_line_plot(self):
         renderer=self.plotter.plot.plot( self.zname ,
         if xdata!=None:
     def draw_scatter_plot(self):
            name="{0}_scatter".format(, #self.zname,
            type="scatter", #self.xyformat.plot_type,
            marker = self.marker,
            marker_size = self.marker_size,
         if xdata!=None:
Beispiel #23
 class Plotter(Atom):
      #pd=Typed(ArrayPlotData, ())
      plot= ForwardTyped(lambda: Plot)
      overall_plot_type=Enum("XY", "img", "polygon")
      value_scale=Enum('linear', 'log')
      index_scale=Enum('linear', 'log')
      #def _default_clt(self):
      #    return PolyCollection([((0,0), (0,0))], alpha=0.6, antialiased=True)#, rasterized=False, antialiased=False)
      def _default_axe(self):
          return axe
      def _default_fig(self):
          return Figure()
      def _observe_value_scale(self, change):
          if self.overall_plot_type=="XY plot":
      def _observe_index_scale(self, change):
          if self.overall_plot_type=="XY plot":
      def _default_plottables(self):
          return dict(plotted=[None])
      def _observe_title(self, change):
      def _observe_xlabel(self, change):
      def _observe_ylabel(self, change):
 #         self.plot.request_redraw()
      def _default_xyfs(self):
          return {"All":xyf}
      def delete_all_plots(self):
          for key in self.plot.plots.keys():
      def _save(self):
          global PlotGraphicsContext
          if PlotGraphicsContext==None:
              from chaco.plot_graphics_context import PlotGraphicsContext
          win_size = self.plot.outer_bounds
          plot_gc = PlotGraphicsContext(win_size)#, dpi=300)
      def set_data(self, zname, zdata, zcolor):
          if zdata!=None:
              if self.overall_plot_type=="polygon":
                 if zname not in self.clts: #plottables['plotted']:#self.pd.list_data():
                     clt=PolyCollection(zdata, alpha=0.5, antialiased=True)#, rasterized=False, antialiased=False)
                     self.axe.add_collection(self.clts[zname], autolim=True)
              if self.overall_plot_type=="XY":
                  if zname not in self.clts:
                      clt = LineCollection(zdata)#, offsets=offs)
                      #print dir(clt)
                      self.axe.add_collection(self.clts[zname], autolim=True)
              if self.overall_plot_type=="img":
                  if zname not in self.clts:
                      axeimg=self.axe.imshow( Magvec, 
                                             vmax=0.001, #amax(Magvec), 
                                             aspect="auto", origin="lower",
                                      extent=[amin(yoko),amax(yoko), amin(freq),amax(freq)],
      def draw(self):
          if self.fig.canvas!=None:
              #trans = transforms.Affine2D().scale(self.fig.dpi/72.0)
              #self.clt.set_transform(trans)  # the points to pixels transform
      def set_xlim(self, xmin, xmax):
          self.axe.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
      def set_ylim(self, ymin, ymax):
          self.axe.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
      def get_data(self, zname, index=None, axis=0):
         data=[c.to_polygons() for c in self.clt.get_paths()]
         if index==None:
             return data
         if axis==0:
             return atleast_2d(data)[index, :]
         return atleast_2d(data)[:, index]
      def add_poly_plot_old(self, n, verts, cn="green", polyname=""):
          nxarray, nyarray = transpose(verts)
          xname=polyname+"x" + str(n)
          yname=polyname+"y" + str(n)
          self.pd.set_data(xname, nxarray, coord='x') #coord='x' is likely redundant or a metadata tag
          self.pd.set_data(yname, nyarray, coord='y')
          self.plot.plot((xname, yname),
                           face_color=cn, #colors[nsides],
      def add_poly_plot(self, n, verts, cn="green", polyname=""):
         #for n,p in enumerate(self.polylist):
             log_debug("drawing polygon #: {0}".format(n))
             #npoints = p.verts #n_gon(center=p, r=2, nsides=nsides)
             nxarray, nyarray = transpose(verts)
             self.pd.set_data("x" + str(n), nxarray)
             self.pd.set_data("y" + str(n), nyarray)
             log_debug("data set")            
             self.plot.plot(("x"+str(n), "y"+str(n)),
                           face_color=cn, #colors[nsides],
             log_debug("plot occured")
      def add_img_plot(self, zname, zdata, xname=None, xdata=None, yname=None,  ydata=None):
          self.add_data(zname=zname, zdata=zdata, xname=xname, xdata=xdata, yname=yname, ydata=ydata, overwrite=True, concat=False)
          print self.pd.get_data(zname)
          xyf.draw_img_plot(name='img_plot', zname=zname, xname=xname, yname=yname)
          self.xyfs.update(**{ xyf})
          self.overall_plot_type="img plot"
      def add_line_plot(self, name, zname, zdata, xname='', xdata=None):
         #self.add_data(zname=zname, zdata=zdata, xname=xname, xdata=xdata, overwrite=True)
         self.set_data(zname, zdata)
         self.set_data(xname, xdata)
         #if 1: #zdata.ndim>1:
         #    for i, arr in enumerate(self.splitMultiD(zdata, 0)):
         #        self.add_line_plot(name+str(i), zname+str(i), squeeze(arr), xname, xdata )
             #self.set_data(zname, zdata)
             #if xname!=None and xdata!=None:
             #    self.set_data(xname, xdata, coord='x')
         xyf.draw_plot(name=name, zname=zname, xname=xname)
         self.xyfs.update(**{ xyf})
         self.overall_plot_type="XY plot"
 #     def append_data(self, name, zpoint, xpoint=None):
 #         xyf=self.xyfs[name]
 #         zdata=self.pd.get_data(xyf.zname)
 #         zdata=append(zdata, zpoint)
 #         self.pd.set_data(xyf.zname, zdata)
 #         xdata=self.pd.get_data(xyf.xname)
 #         if xpoint==None:
 #             xpoint=max(xdata)+range(len(zpoint))+1
 #         xdata=append(xdata, xpoint)
 #         self.pd.set_data(xyf.xname, xdata)
 #     def _default_plot(self):
 #        global Plot, PanTool, ZoomTool, LegendTool
 #        if Plot==None:
 #            from chaco.plot import Plot
 #        if PanTool==None or ZoomTool==None or LegendTool==None:
 #            from import PanTool, ZoomTool,  LegendTool #, LineInspector
 #        plot=Plot(self.pd, padding=50, fill_padding=True,
 #                        bgcolor="white", use_backbuffer=True,  unified_draw=True)#, use_downsampling=True)
 #, constrain_key="shift"))
 #        plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False))
 #, drag_button="right"))
 #        return plot
      def splitMultiD(self, arr, axis=0):
         if arr.ndim<2:
             return atleast_2d(arr)
             return split(arr, arr.shape[axis], axis=axis)
      def gatherMultiD(self, name, arrs, appen=None, concat=True, overwrite=False):
          if not isinstance(arrs, tuple):
          if appen==None:
              if shape(arrs)==(1,):
          if orig!=None and not overwrite:
          if appen:
          print arrs[0]==atleast_2d(*arrs)
          #if ndim(arrs[0])>1:
          #    concat=False
          if concat:             
              data=concatenate(atleast_2d(*arrs), axis)
          self.set_data(name, data)
      def add_data(self, zname, zdata, xname=None, xdata=None, yname=None, ydata=None, appen=None, concat=True, overwrite=False):
          if xname!=None:
              self.gatherMultiD(xname, xdata, appen=appen, overwrite=overwrite, concat=concat)
          if yname!=None:
              self.gatherMultiD(yname, ydata, appen=appen, overwrite=overwrite, concat=concat)
          self.gatherMultiD(zname, zdata, appen=appen, overwrite=overwrite, concat=concat)
      def show(self):
         with imports():
             from e_Plotter import PlotMain
         app = QtApplication()
         view = PlotMain(plotr=self)
Beispiel #24
class FFTAlazarTask(InstrumentTask):
    """ Get the raw or averaged quadratures of the signal.
        Can also get raw or averaged traces of the signal.
        Custom shape for demodulation can be used.

    tracetimeaftertrig = Str('0').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    tracetimeaftertrigB = Str('0').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    traceduration = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracedurationB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracesbuffer = Str('20').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    tracesnumber = Str('1000').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    average = Bool(True).tag(pref=True)

    Npoints = Str('0').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    trigrange = Enum('2.5V', '5V').tag(pref=True)

    triglevel = Str('0.3').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    powerPhaseA = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    powerPhaseB = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    database_entries = set_default({
        'FFT': {},
        'freq': {},
        'power': {},
        'phase': {}

    def format_string(self, string, factor, n):
        s = self.format_and_eval_string(string)
        if isinstance(s, list) or isinstance(s, tuple) or isinstance(
                s, np.ndarray):
            return [elem * factor for elem in s]
            return [s * factor] * n

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        test, traceback = super(FFTAlazarTask, self).check(*args, **kwargs)

        if (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) %
                self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer) != 0):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''The number of traces must be an integer multiple of the number of traces per buffer.''')

        if not (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) >= 1000):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''At least 1000 traces must be recorded. Please make real measurements and not noisy s***.''')

        tracetime = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        traceduration = self.format_string(self.traceduration, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeB = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationB = self.format_string(self.tracedurationB, 10**-9, 1)

        for t, d in ((tracetime, traceduration), (tracetimeB, tracedurationB)):
            if len(t) != len(d):
                test = False
                traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                    cleandoc('''An equal number of "Start time after trig" and "Duration" should be given.''')
                for tt, dd in zip(t, d):
                    if not (tt >= 0 and dd >= 0):
                        test = False
                        traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                            cleandoc('''Both "Start time after trig" and "Duration" must be >= 0.''')

        if ((0 in traceduration) and (0 in tracedurationB)):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                           cleandoc('''All measurements are disabled.''')

        return test, traceback

    def perform(self):
        if not self.driver:

        if self.trigrange == '5V':
            trigrange = 5
            trigrange = 2.5

        triglevel = self.format_and_eval_string(self.triglevel)

        self.driver.configure_board(trigrange, triglevel)

        recordsPerCapture = self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber)
        recordsPerBuffer = int(self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer))

        Npoints = self.format_and_eval_string(self.Npoints)

        tracetimeA = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationA = self.format_string(self.traceduration, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeB = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationB = self.format_string(self.tracedurationB, 10**-9, 1)

        NtraceA = len(tracedurationA)
        if 0 in tracedurationA:
            NtraceA = 0
            tracetimeA = []
            tracedurationA = []
        NtraceB = len(tracedurationB)
        if 0 in tracedurationB:
            NtraceB = 0
            tracetimeB = []
            tracedurationB = []

        startaftertrig = tracetimeA + tracetimeB
        duration = tracedurationA + tracedurationB
        powerPhase = [self.powerPhaseA, self.powerPhaseB]
        answerFFT, answerFreq, answerFFTpower, answerFFTphase = self.driver.get_FFT(
            startaftertrig, duration, recordsPerCapture, recordsPerBuffer,
            self.average, NtraceA, NtraceB, Npoints, powerPhase)
        self.write_in_database('FFT', answerFFT)
        self.write_in_database('freq', answerFreq)
        self.write_in_database('power', answerFFTpower)
        self.write_in_database('phase', answerFFTphase)
Beispiel #25
class Scintilla(Control):
    """ A Scintilla text editing control.

    The 'background', 'foreground', and 'font' attributes have no effect
    on this widget. All styling is supplied via the 'theme' attribute.

    #: Enable autocompletion
    autocomplete = d_(Enum('none', 'all', 'document', 'apis'))

    #: Autocompletion values and call signatures.
    #: Images can be used by appending "?<image_no>" to the completion value.
    #: The images are defined by passing a list of image paths as the
    #: "autocompletion_images" settings key.
    autocompletions = d_(List(str))

    #: Position of the cursor within the editor in the format (line, column)
    #: This is needed for autocompletion engines to determine the current text
    cursor_position = d_(Tuple(int, default=(0, 0)), writable=False)

    #: The scintilla document buffer to use in the editor. A default
    #: document will be created automatically for each editor. This
    #: value only needs to be supplied when swapping buffers or when
    #: using a single buffer in multiple editors.
    document = d_(Typed(ScintillaDocument, ()))

    #: The language syntax to apply to the document.
    syntax = d_(Enum(*SYNTAXES))

    #: The theme to apply to the widget. See the './THEMES' document
    #: for how to create a theme dict for the widget.
    theme = d_(Typed(dict, ()))

    #: The settings to apply to the widget. See the './SETTINGS'
    #: document for how to create a settings dict for the widget.
    settings = d_(Typed(dict, ()))

    #: The zoom factor for the editor. The value is internally clamped
    #: to the range -10 to 20, inclusive.
    zoom = d_(Int())

    #: An event emitted when the text is changed.
    text_changed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Text Editors expand freely in height and width by default.
    hug_width = set_default('ignore')
    hug_height = set_default('ignore')

    #: Markers to display.
    markers = d_(List(ScintillaMarker))

    #: Indicators to display.
    indicators = d_(List(ScintillaIndicator))

    #: A reference to the ProxyScintilla object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyScintilla)

    # Post Validators
    def _post_validate_document(self, old, new):
        """ Post validate the text document.

        A new document is created when the existing document is set to
        None. This ensures that the proxy object never receives a null
        document and helps keep the state synchronized.

        return new or ScintillaDocument()

    def _post_validate_theme(self, old, new):
        """" Post validate the theme.

        The theme is reset to an empty dictionary if set to None.

        return new or {}

    def _post_validate_settings(self, old, new):
        """" Post validate the settings.

        The settings are reset to an empty dictionary if set to None.

        return new or {}

    # Observers
    @observe('document', 'syntax', 'theme', 'settings', 'zoom', 'autocomplete',
             'autocompletions', 'indicators', 'markers')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the document change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Scintilla, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Public API
    def get_text(self):
        """ Get the text in the current document.

        result : unicode
            The text in the current document.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.get_text()
        return u''

    def set_text(self, text):
        """ Set the text in the current document.

        text : unicode
            The text to apply to the current document.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
Beispiel #26
class VNAAlazarTask(InstrumentTask):
    """ Allows to used an Alazar card as a VNA.
    freq = Str('[]').tag(pref=True)

    freqB = Str('[]').tag(pref=True)

    timeaftertrig = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    timeaftertrigB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    duration = Str('1000').tag(pref=True)

    durationB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracesbuffer = Str('20').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    tracesnumber = Str('1000').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    average = Bool(True).tag(pref=True)

    trigrange = Enum('2.5V', '5V').tag(pref=True)

    triglevel = Str('0.3').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    demodFormFile = Str('[]').tag(pref=True)

    aux_trig = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    database_entries = set_default({'VNADemod': {}})

    def format_string(self, string, factor, n):
        s = self.format_and_eval_string(string)
        if isinstance(s, list) or isinstance(s, tuple) or isinstance(
                s, np.ndarray):
            return [elem * factor for elem in s]
            return [s * factor] * n

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        test, traceback = super(VNAAlazarTask, self).check(*args, **kwargs)

        if (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) %
                self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer) != 0):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''The number of traces must be an integer multiple of the number of traces per buffer.''')

        if not (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) >= 1000):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''At least 1000 traces must be recorded. Please make real measurements and not noisy s***.''')

        time = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        duration = self.format_string(self.duration, 10**-9, 1)
        timeB = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        durationB = self.format_string(self.durationB, 10**-9, 1)

        for t, d in ((time, duration), (timeB, durationB)):
            if len(t) != len(d):
                test = False
                traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                    cleandoc('''An equal number of "Start time after trig" and "Duration" should be given.''')
                for tt, dd in zip(t, d):
                    if not (tt >= 0 and dd >= 0):
                        test = False
                        traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                            cleandoc('''Both "Start time after trig" and "Duration" must be >= 0.''')

        if ((0 in duration) and (0 in durationB)):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                           cleandoc('''All measurements are disabled.''')

        demodFormFile = self.format_and_eval_string(self.demodFormFile)
        samplesPerSec = 500000000.0

        if demodFormFile != []:
            duration = duration + durationB
            for d in duration:
                if len(demodFormFile[0]) > samplesPerSec * d:
                    test = False
                    traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                       cleandoc('''Acquisition's duration must be larger than demodulation fonction's duration''')

        return test, traceback

    def perform(self):
        if not self.driver:

        if self.trigrange == '5V':
            trigrange = 5
            trigrange = 2.5

        triglevel = self.format_and_eval_string(self.triglevel)

        self.driver.configure_board(trigrange, triglevel)

        recordsPerCapture = self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber)
        recordsPerBuffer = int(self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer))

        timeA = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        durationA = self.format_string(self.duration, 10**-9, 1)
        timeB = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        durationB = self.format_string(self.durationB, 10**-9, 1)

        demodFormFile = self.format_and_eval_string(self.demodFormFile)

        NdemodA = len(durationA)
        if 0 in durationA:
            NdemodA = 0
            timeA = []
            durationA = []
        NdemodB = len(durationB)
        if 0 in durationB:
            NdemodB = 0
            timeB = []
            durationB = []

        if len(demodFormFile) == 0:
            demodCosinus = 1
            demodCosinus = 0

        startaftertrig = timeA + timeB
        duration = durationA + durationB

        freqA = self.format_string(self.freq, 10**6, NdemodA)
        freqB = self.format_string(self.freqB, 10**6, NdemodB)
        freq = freqA + freqB
        freqA = self.format_string(self.freq, 10**6, 1)
        if freqA != []:
            Nfreq = len(freqA)
            Nfreq = len(self.format_string(self.freqB, 10**6, 1))

        answerDemod = self.driver.get_VNAdemod(startaftertrig, duration,
                                               recordsPerBuffer, freq,
                                               self.average, Nfreq, NdemodA,
                                               NdemodB, demodFormFile,
                                               demodCosinus, self.aux_trig)

        self.write_in_database('VNADemod', answerDemod)
Beispiel #27
class DemodAlazarTask(InstrumentTask):
    """ Get the raw or averaged quadratures of the signal.
        Can also get raw or averaged traces of the signal.
        Custom shape for demodulation can be used.
    freq = Str('50').tag(pref=True)

    freqB = Str('50').tag(pref=True)

    timeaftertrig = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    timeaftertrigB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    timestep = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    timestepB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracetimeaftertrig = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracetimeaftertrigB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    duration = Str('1000').tag(pref=True)

    durationB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    traceduration = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracedurationB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracesbuffer = Str('20').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    tracesnumber = Str('1000').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    average = Bool(True).tag(pref=True)

    Npoints = Str('0').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    IQtracemode = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    trigrange = Enum('2.5V', '5V').tag(pref=True)

    triglevel = Str('0.3').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    demodFormFile = Str('[]').tag(pref=True)

    powerBoolA = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    powerBoolB = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    aux_trig = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    database_entries = set_default({'Demod': {}, 'Trace': {}, 'Power': {}})

    def format_string(self, string, factor, n):
        s = self.format_and_eval_string(string)
        if isinstance(s, list) or isinstance(s, tuple) or isinstance(
                s, np.ndarray):
            return [elem * factor for elem in s]
            return [s * factor] * n

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        test, traceback = super(DemodAlazarTask, self).check(*args, **kwargs)

        if (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) %
                self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer) != 0):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''The number of traces must be an integer multiple of the number of traces per buffer.''')

        if not (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) >= 1000):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''At least 1000 traces must be recorded. Please make real measurements and not noisy s***.''')

        time = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        duration = self.format_string(self.duration, 10**-9, 1)
        timeB = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        durationB = self.format_string(self.durationB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetime = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        traceduration = self.format_string(self.traceduration, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeB = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationB = self.format_string(self.tracedurationB, 10**-9, 1)

        for t, d in ((time, duration), (timeB, durationB),
                     (tracetime, traceduration), (tracetimeB, tracedurationB)):
            if len(t) != len(d):
                test = False
                traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                    cleandoc('''An equal number of "Start time after trig" and "Duration" should be given.''')
                for tt, dd in zip(t, d):
                    if not (tt >= 0 and dd >= 0):
                        test = False
                        traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                            cleandoc('''Both "Start time after trig" and "Duration" must be >= 0.''')

        if ((0 in duration) and (0 in durationB) and (0 in traceduration)
                and (0 in tracedurationB)):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                           cleandoc('''All measurements are disabled.''')

        timestep = self.format_string(self.timestep, 10**-9, len(time))
        timestepB = self.format_string(self.timestepB, 10**-9, len(timeB))
        freq = self.format_string(self.freq, 10**6, len(time))
        freqB = self.format_string(self.freqB, 10**6, len(timeB))
        samplesPerSec = 500000000.0

        if 0 in duration:
            duration = []
            timestep = []
            freq = []
        if 0 in durationB:
            durationB = []
            timestepB = []
            freqB = []

        for d, ts in zip(duration + durationB, timestep + timestepB):
            if ts and np.mod(int(samplesPerSec * d), int(samplesPerSec * ts)):
                test = False
                traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                   cleandoc('''The number of samples in "IQ time step" must divide the number of samples in "Duration".''')

        for f, ts in zip(freq + freqB, timestep + timestepB):
            if ts and np.mod(f * int(samplesPerSec * ts), samplesPerSec):
                test = False
                traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                   cleandoc('''The "IQ time step" does not cover an integer number of demodulation periods.''')

        demodFormFile = self.format_and_eval_string(self.demodFormFile)

        if demodFormFile != []:
            duration = duration + durationB
            for d in duration:
                if len(demodFormFile[0]) > samplesPerSec * d:
                    test = False
                    traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                       cleandoc('''Acquisition's duration must be larger than demodulation fonction's duration''')

        #RAM estimation and test

        #Prepare the parameters
        recordsPerCapture = self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber)
        timeA = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        durationA = self.format_string(self.duration, 10**-9, 1)
        timeB = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        durationB = self.format_string(self.durationB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeA = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationA = self.format_string(self.traceduration, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeB = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationB = self.format_string(self.tracedurationB, 10**-9, 1)
        demodFormFile = self.format_and_eval_string(self.demodFormFile)

        NdemodA = len(durationA)
        if 0 in durationA:
            NdemodA = 0
            timeA = []
            durationA = []
        NdemodB = len(durationB)
        if 0 in durationB:
            NdemodB = 0
            timeB = []
            durationB = []
        NtraceA = len(tracedurationA)
        if 0 in tracedurationA:
            NtraceA = 0
            tracetimeA = []
            tracedurationA = []
        NtraceB = len(tracedurationB)
        if 0 in tracedurationB:
            NtraceB = 0
            tracetimeB = []
            tracedurationB = []
        if len(demodFormFile) == 0:
            demodCosinus = 1
            demodCosinus = 0

        startaftertrig = timeA + timeB + tracetimeA + tracetimeB
        duration = durationA + durationB + tracedurationA + tracedurationB
        timestepA = self.format_string(self.timestep, 10**-9, NdemodA)
        timestepB = self.format_string(self.timestepB, 10**-9, NdemodB)
        timestep = timestepA + timestepB
        freqA = self.format_string(self.freq, 10**6, NdemodA)
        freqB = self.format_string(self.freqB, 10**6, NdemodB)
        freq = freqA + freqB
        samplesPerSec = 500000000.0

        #Initialize the RAM quantities
        size_data = 0
        RAM_DEMOD = 0  #RAM coming from demodulations
        RAM_TRACE = 0  #RAM coming from traces
        RAM_list = [
        ]  #storage of the RAM estimations from each demodulation/trace

        #Quantities of reference
        RAM_USAGE_1_REF = 15.265243530273438  #15.265243530273438 MB = deep_getsizeof(data,set())/(1024*1024)
        #where data is generated with NdemodA=1,duration=200e-9,recordsPerCapture=20000 (these are the parameters relevant to the size of data) and timestep=20ns
        #NOTE : the deep_getsizeof function can be found at, line 80 (thanks to the author by the way)
        RAM_USAGE_2_REF = 0.1529388427734375  #0.1530609130859375 MB = deepgetsizeof(np.empty((20000,1)),set())/(1024*1024)

        #Calculate the RAM needed
        samplesPerDemod_RAM = []

        #Calculate RAM_DEMOD (in MB) coming from demodulations
        for i in range(NdemodA + NdemodB):
            samplesPerDemod_RAM.append(int(samplesPerSec * duration[i]))

            if timestep[i] or not demodCosinus:
                RAM_DEMOD += RAM_USAGE_1_REF * (duration[i] / 200e-9) * (
                    recordsPerCapture / 20000)
                RAM_list.append(RAM_USAGE_1_REF * (duration[i] / 200e-9) *
                                (recordsPerCapture / 20000))

                # Check wheter it is possible to cut each record in blocks of size equal
                # to an integer number of periods
                periodsPerBlock = 1
                while (periodsPerBlock * samplesPerSec <
                       freq[i] * samplesPerDemod_RAM[i]
                       and periodsPerBlock * samplesPerSec % freq[i]):
                    periodsPerBlock += 1
                RAM_DEMOD += RAM_USAGE_2_REF * (
                    recordsPerCapture / 20000) * int(
                        np.minimum(periodsPerBlock * samplesPerSec / freq[i],
                #We make the assumption that the size of np.empty((a,b)) becomes linearly dependent on a and b at sufficiently high vallues
                #of a and b. Here, recordsPerCapture will not be under 1000, which guaranties this assumption

        #Calculate RAM_TRACE (in MB) coming from traces
        for i in (np.arange(NtraceA + NtraceB) + NdemodA + NdemodB):
            RAM_TRACE += RAM_USAGE_1_REF * (duration[i] / 200e-9) * (
                recordsPerCapture / 20000)
            RAM_list.append(RAM_USAGE_1_REF * (duration[i] / 200e-9) *
                            (recordsPerCapture / 20000))

        size_data = RAM_DEMOD + RAM_TRACE  #RAM used by the data array in MB

        #Determine the heights of RAM peaks linked to the wanted demodulations/traces
        RAM_peaks = []
        for k in range(len(RAM_list)):
            RAM_peaks.append(RAM_list[k] * 3 + (size_data - RAM_list[k]))
            #The demodulation/trace being calculated takes 3 times the RAM needed by its
            #data and we still have to take into account the RAM taken by the other demodulation/traces that have been or will be processed.
        estimation = max(
        )  #The higher peak is the one that matters to determine if the calculation is possible or not
        estimation = (estimation / 1024)  #Conversion into GB

        #In the case with no timestep, we have to take into account the RAM used by the buffers
        RAM_BUFFERS_REF = 1.0  #RAM (in GB) used by buffers with following parameters : recordsPerCapture = 1000000 ; duration = 1000ns
        #(it has been measured)
        total_duration_max = np.max(
            np.array(startaftertrig) + np.array(duration))
        RAM_BUFFERS = RAM_BUFFERS_REF * (recordsPerCapture / 1000000) * (
            total_duration_max / 1000e-9)

        if len(timestep) != 0 and not timestep[0]:
            estimation = max(
                estimation, RAM_BUFFERS
            )  #measurements showed that the higher quantity overshadows the other and is the one
            #that matter for the RAM used in the end

        #Retrieval of quantities of available RAM : physical and total (physical+virtual) and conversion into GB
        RAM_physique_dispo = psutil.virtual_memory()[1] / (1024**3)
        RAM_totale_dispo = psutil.swap_memory()[2] / (1024**3)

        if (estimation + 2) > RAM_physique_dispo:
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''Available RAM may be insufficient. RAM needed for this calculation = '''+str(round(estimation,3))+''' (+1/-2) GB VS Available physical RAM = '''+str(round(RAM_physique_dispo,3))+''' GB and Total available RAM (physical and virtual) = '''+str(round(RAM_totale_dispo,3))+''' GB.''')

        return test, traceback

    def perform(self):
        if not self.driver:

        if self.trigrange == '5V':
            trigrange = 5
            trigrange = 2.5

        triglevel = self.format_and_eval_string(self.triglevel)

        self.driver.configure_board(trigrange, triglevel)

        recordsPerCapture = self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber)
        recordsPerBuffer = int(self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer))

        Npoints = self.format_and_eval_string(self.Npoints)

        timeA = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        durationA = self.format_string(self.duration, 10**-9, 1)
        timeB = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        durationB = self.format_string(self.durationB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeA = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationA = self.format_string(self.traceduration, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeB = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationB = self.format_string(self.tracedurationB, 10**-9, 1)
        demodFormFile = self.format_and_eval_string(self.demodFormFile)

        NdemodA = len(durationA)
        if 0 in durationA:
            NdemodA = 0
            timeA = []
            durationA = []
        NdemodB = len(durationB)
        if 0 in durationB:
            NdemodB = 0
            timeB = []
            durationB = []
        NtraceA = len(tracedurationA)
        if 0 in tracedurationA:
            NtraceA = 0
            tracetimeA = []
            tracedurationA = []
        NtraceB = len(tracedurationB)
        if 0 in tracedurationB:
            NtraceB = 0
            tracetimeB = []
            tracedurationB = []
        if len(demodFormFile) == 0:
            demodCosinus = 1
            demodCosinus = 0

        startaftertrig = timeA + timeB + tracetimeA + tracetimeB
        duration = durationA + durationB + tracedurationA + tracedurationB

        timestepA = self.format_string(self.timestep, 10**-9, NdemodA)
        timestepB = self.format_string(self.timestepB, 10**-9, NdemodB)
        timestep = timestepA + timestepB
        freqA = self.format_string(self.freq, 10**6, NdemodA)
        freqB = self.format_string(self.freqB, 10**6, NdemodB)
        freq = freqA + freqB

        power = [self.powerBoolA, self.powerBoolB]

        answerDemod, answerTrace, answerPower = self.driver.get_demod(
            startaftertrig, duration, recordsPerCapture, recordsPerBuffer,
            timestep, freq, self.average, NdemodA, NdemodB, NtraceA, NtraceB,
            Npoints, demodFormFile, demodCosinus, self.aux_trig, power)

        self.write_in_database('Demod', answerDemod)
        self.write_in_database('Trace', answerTrace)
        self.write_in_database('Power', answerPower)
Beispiel #28
class Driver(Declarator):
    """Declarator used to register a new driver for an instrument.

    #: Path to the driver object. Path should be dot separated and the class
    #: name preceded by ':'.
    #: TODO complete : ex: ecpy_hqc_legacy.instruments.
    #: The path of any parent Drivers object will be prepended to it.
    driver = d_(Unicode())

    #: Name identifying the system the driver is built on top of (lantz, hqc,
    #: slave, etc ...). Allow to handle properly multiple drivers declared in
    #: a single extension package for the same instrument.
    architecture = d_(Unicode())

    #: Name of the instrument manufacturer. Can be inferred from parent
    #: Drivers.
    manufacturer = d_(Unicode())

    #: Serie this instrument is part of. This is optional as it does not always
    #: make sense to be specified but in some cases it can help finding a
    #: a driver. Can be inferred from parent Drivers.
    serie = d_(Unicode())

    #: Model of the instrument this driver has been written for.
    model = d_(Unicode())

    #: Kind of the instrument, to ease instrument look up. If no kind match,
    #: leave 'Other' as the kind. Can be inferred from parent
    #: Drivers.
    kind = d_(Enum(None, *INSTRUMENT_KINDS))

    #: Starter to use when initializing/finialzing this driver.
    #: Can be inferred from parent Drivers.
    starter = d_(Unicode())

    #: Supported connections and default values for some parameters. The
    #: admissible values for a given kind can be determined by looking at the
    #: Connection object whose id match.
    #: ex : {'visa_tcpip' : {'port': 7500, 'resource_class': 'SOCKET'}}
    #: Can be inferred from parent Drivers.
    connections = d_(Dict())

    #: Special settings for the driver, not fitting the connections. Multiple
    #: identical connection infos with different settings can co-exist in a
    #: profile. The admissible values for a given kind can be determined by
    #: looking at the Settings object whose id match.
    #: ex : {'lantz': {'resource_manager': '@py'}}
    #: Can be inferred from parent Drivers.
    settings = d_(Dict())

    #: Id of the driver computed from the top-level package and the driver name
    id = Property(cached=True)

    def register(self, collector, traceback):
        """Collect driver and add infos to the DeclaratorCollector
        contributions member.

        # Build the driver id by assembling the package name, the architecture
        # and the class name
            driver_id =
        except KeyError:  # Handle the lack of architecture
            traceback[self.driver] = format_exc()

        # Determine the path to the driver.
        path = self.get_path()
            d_path, driver = (path + '.' +
                              self.driver if path else self.driver).split(':')
        except ValueError:
            msg = 'Incorrect %s (%s), path must be of the form a.b.c:Class'
            traceback[driver_id] = msg % (driver_id, self.driver)

        # Check that the driver does not already exist.
        if driver_id in collector.contributions or driver_id in traceback:
            i = 0
            while True:
                i += 1
                err_id = '%s_duplicate%d' % (driver_id, i)
                if err_id not in traceback:

            msg = 'Duplicate definition of {}, found in {}'
            traceback[err_id] = msg.format(self.architecture + '.' + driver,

            meta_infos = {
                k: getattr(self, k)
                for k in ('architecture', 'manufacturer', 'serie', 'model',
            infos = DriverInfos(id=driver_id,
        # ValueError catch wrong kind value
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            traceback[driver_id] = format_exc()

        # Get the driver class.
        d_cls = import_and_get(d_path, driver, traceback, driver_id)
        if d_cls is None:

            infos.cls = d_cls
        except TypeError:
            msg = '{} should be a callable.\n{}'
            traceback[driver_id] = msg.format(d_cls, format_exc())

        collector.contributions[driver_id] = infos

        self.is_registered = True

    def unregister(self, collector):
        """Remove contributed infos from the collector.

        if self.is_registered:

            # Remove infos.
            driver_id =
                del collector.contributions[driver_id]
            except KeyError:

            self.is_registered = False

    def __str__(self):
        """Identify the decl by its members.

        members = ('driver', 'architecture', 'manufacturer', 'serie', 'model',
                   'kind', 'starter', 'connections', 'settings')
        st = '{} whose known members are :\n{}'
        st_m = '\n'.join(' - {} : {}'.format(m, v)
                         for m, v in [(m, getattr(self, m)) for m in members])
        return st.format(type(self).__name__, st_m)

    # =========================================================================
    # --- Private API ---------------------------------------------------------
    # =========================================================================

    def _default_manufacturer(self):
        """Default value grabbed from parent if not provided explicitely.

        return self._get_inherited_member('manufacturer')

    def _default_serie(self):
        """Default value grabbed from parent if not provided explicitely.

        return self._get_inherited_member('serie')

    def _default_kind(self):
        """Default value grabbed from parent if not provided explicitely.

        return self._get_inherited_member('kind')

    def _default_architecture(self):
        """Default value grabbed from parent if not provided explicitely.

        return self._get_inherited_member('architecture')

    def _default_starter(self):
        """Default value grabbed from parent if not provided explicitely.

        return self._get_inherited_member('starter')

    def _default_connections(self):
        """Default value grabbed from parent if not provided explicitely.

        return self._get_inherited_member('connections')

    def _default_settings(self):
        """Default value grabbed from parent if not provided explicitely.

        return self._get_inherited_member('settings')

    def _get_inherited_member(self, member, parent=None):
        """Get the value of a member found in a parent declarator.

        parent = parent or self.parent
        if isinstance(parent, Drivers):
            value = getattr(parent, member)
            if value:
                return value
                parent = parent.parent
            parent = None

        if parent is None:
            if member == 'settings':
                return {}  # Settings can be empty
            elif member == 'serie':
                return ''  # An instrument can have no serie
            elif member == 'kind':
                return 'Other'
            raise KeyError('No inherited member was found for %s' % member)

        return self._get_inherited_member(member, parent)

    def _get_id(self):
        """Create the unique identifier of the driver using the top level
        package the architecture and the class name.

        if ':' in self.driver:
            path = self.get_path()
            d_path, d = (path + '.' +
                         self.driver if path else self.driver).split(':')

            # Build the driver id by assembling the package name, architecture
            # and the class name
            return '.'.join((d_path.split('.', 1)[0], self.architecture, d))

            return self.driver
Beispiel #29
class Widget(ToolkitObject):
    """ The base class of visible widgets in Enaml.

    #: Whether or not the widget is enabled.
    enabled = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Whether or not the widget is visible.
    visible = d_(Bool(True))

    #: The background color of the widget.
    background = d_(ColorMember())
    # TODO remove in Enaml version 0.8.0
    bgcolor = _warn_prop('bgcolor', 'background')

    #: The foreground color of the widget.
    foreground = d_(ColorMember())
    # TODO remove in Enaml version 0.8.0
    fgcolor = _warn_prop('fgcolor', 'foreground')

    #: The font used for the widget.
    font = d_(FontMember())

    #: The minimum size for the widget. The default means that the
    #: client should determine an intelligent minimum size.
    minimum_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: The maximum size for the widget. The default means that the
    #: client should determine and inteliigent maximum size.
    maximum_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: The tool tip to show when the user hovers over the widget.
    tool_tip = d_(Unicode())

    #: The status tip to show when the user hovers over the widget.
    status_tip = d_(Unicode())

    #: A flag indicating whether or not to show the focus rectangle for
    #: the given widget. This is not necessarily support by all widgets
    #: on all clients. A value of None indicates to use the default as
    #: supplied by the client.
    show_focus_rect = d_(Enum(None, True, False))

    #: A reference to the ProxyWidget object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyWidget)

    # Observers
    @observe(('enabled', 'visible', 'background', 'foreground', 'font',
        'minimum_size', 'maximum_size', 'show_focus_rect', 'tool_tip',
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ Update the proxy widget when the Widget data changes.

        This method only updates the proxy when an attribute is updated;
        not when it is created or deleted.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Widget, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Public API
    def show(self):
        """ Ensure the widget is shown.

        Calling this method will also set the widget visibility to True.

        self.visible = True
        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def hide(self):
        """ Ensure the widget is hidden.

        Calling this method will also set the widget visibility to False.

        self.visible = False
        if self.proxy_is_active:
Beispiel #30
class Field(Control):
    """ A single line editable text widget.

    #: The unicode text to display in the field.
    text = d_(Unicode())

    #: The mask to use for text input:
    #: The summary of the mask grammar is as follows:
    #: A   ASCII alphabetic character required. A-Z, a-z.
    #: a   ASCII alphabetic character permitted but not required.
    #: N   ASCII alphanumeric character required. A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
    #: n   ASCII alphanumeric character permitted but not required.
    #: X   Any character required.
    #: x   Any character permitted but not required.
    #: 9   ASCII digit required. 0-9.
    #: 0   ASCII digit permitted but not required.
    #: D   ASCII digit required. 1-9.
    #: d   ASCII digit permitted but not required (1-9).
    #: #   ASCII digit or plus/minus sign permitted but not required.
    #: H   Hexadecimal character required. A-F, a-f, 0-9.
    #: h   Hexadecimal character permitted but not required.
    #: B   Binary character required. 0-1.
    #: b   Binary character permitted but not required.
    #: >   All following alphabetic characters are uppercased.
    #: <   All following alphabetic characters are lowercased.
    #: !   Switch off case conversion.
    #: \   Use \ to escape the special characters listed above to use them as separators.
    #: The mask consists of a string of mask characters and separators, optionally
    #: followed by a semicolon and the character used for blanks
    #: Eg: 9 digit phone number: (999) 999-9999;_
    mask = d_(Unicode())

    #: The validator to use for this field. If the validator provides
    #: a client side validator, then text will only be submitted if it
    #: passes that validator.
    validator = d_(Typed(Validator))

    #: The list of actions which should cause the client to submit its
    #: text to the server for validation and update. The currently
    #: supported values are 'lost_focus', 'return_pressed', and 'auto_sync'.
    #: The 'auto_sync' mode will attempt to validate and synchronize the
    #: text when the user stops typing.
    submit_triggers = d_(
        List(Enum('lost_focus', 'return_pressed', 'auto_sync'),
             ['lost_focus', 'return_pressed']))

    #: The grayed-out text to display if the field is empty and the
    #: widget doesn't have focus. Defaults to the empty string.
    placeholder = d_(Unicode())

    #: How to display the text in the field. Valid values are 'normal'
    #: which displays the text as normal, 'password' which displays the
    #: text with an obscured character, and 'silent' which displays no
    #: text at all but still allows input.
    echo_mode = d_(Enum('normal', 'password', 'silent'))

    #: The maximum length of the field in characters. The default value
    #: is Zero and indicates there is no maximum length.
    max_length = d_(Int(0))

    #: Whether or not the field is read only. Defaults to False.
    read_only = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Alignment for the text inside the field. Defaults to 'left'.
    text_align = d_(Enum('left', 'right', 'center'))

    #: How strongly a component hugs it's contents' width. Fields ignore
    #: the width hug by default, so they expand freely in width.
    hug_width = set_default('ignore')

    #: A reference to the ProxyField object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyField)

    # Observers
    @observe('text', 'mask', 'submit_triggers', 'placeholder', 'echo_mode',
             'max_length', 'read_only', 'text_align')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Field, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Public API
    def field_text(self):
        """ Get the text stored in the field control.

        Depending on the state of the field, this text may be different
        than that stored in the 'text' attribute.

        result : unicode
            The unicode text stored in the field.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.field_text()
        return u''