Beispiel #1
def fileRegression(inputFile, model_name, model_type):
    # Load classifier:

    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        print("fileClassification: wav file not found!")
        return (-1, -1, -1)

    regression_models = glob.glob(model_name + "_*")
    regression_models2 = []
    for r in regression_models:
        if r[-5::] != "MEANS":
    regression_models = regression_models2
    regression_names = []
    for r in regression_models:

    # LOAD ONLY THE FIRST MODEL (for mt_win, etc)
    if model_type == 'svm' or model_type == "svm_rbf" or \
            model_type == 'randomforest':
        [_, _, _, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step, compute_beat] = \
            load_model(regression_models[0], True)

    # read audio file and convert to mono
    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(inputFile)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(x)
    # feature extraction:
    [mt_features, s, _] = aF.mid_feature_extraction(x, Fs,
                                                    mt_win * Fs,
                                                    mt_step * Fs,
                                                    round(Fs * st_win),
                                                    round(Fs * st_step))
    # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
    mt_features = mt_features.mean(axis=1)
    if compute_beat:
        [beat, beatConf] = aF.beat_extraction(s, st_step)
        mt_features = np.append(mt_features, beat)
        mt_features = np.append(mt_features, beatConf)

    R = []
    for ir, r in enumerate(regression_models):
        if not os.path.isfile(r):
            print("fileClassification: input model_name not found!")
            return (-1, -1, -1)
        if model_type == 'svm' or model_type == "svm_rbf" \
                or model_type == 'randomforest':
            [model, MEAN, STD, mt_win, mt_step, st_win,
             st_step, compute_beat] =  load_model(r, True)
        curFV = (mt_features - MEAN) / STD  # normalization
        R.append(regressionWrapper(model, model_type, curFV))  # classification
    return R, regression_names
def directory_feature_extraction_no_avg(folder_path, mid_window, mid_step,
                                        short_window, short_step):
    This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE
    files of a particular folder without averaging each file.

        - dirName:          the path of the WAVE directory
        - mt_win, mt_step:    mid-term window and step (in seconds)
        - st_win, st_step:    short-term window and step (in seconds)
        - X:                A feature matrix
        - Y:                A matrix of file labels
        - filenames:

    wav_file_list = []
    signal_idx = np.array([])
    mid_features = np.array([])
    types = ('*.wav', '*.aif',  '*.aiff', '*.ogg')
    for files in types:
        wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, files)))

    wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list)

    for i, file_path in enumerate(wav_file_list):
        sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(file_path)
        if sampling_rate == 0:
        signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
        mid_feature_vector, _, _ = \
            mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   round(mid_window * sampling_rate),
                                   round(mid_step * sampling_rate),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_step))

        mid_feature_vector = np.transpose(mid_feature_vector)
        if len(mid_features) == 0:                # append feature vector
            mid_features = mid_feature_vector
            signal_idx = np.zeros((mid_feature_vector.shape[0], ))
            mid_features = np.vstack((mid_features, mid_feature_vector))
            signal_idx = np.append(signal_idx, i *
                                   np.ones((mid_feature_vector.shape[0], )))

    return mid_features, signal_idx, wav_file_list
def mid_feature_extraction_to_file(file_path, mid_window, mid_step,
                                   short_window, short_step, output_file,
                                   store_short_features=False, store_csv=False,
    This function is used as a wrapper to:
    a) read the content of a WAV file
    b) perform mid-term feature extraction on that signal
    c) write the mid-term feature sequences to a np file
    sampling_rate, signal = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(file_path)
    signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
    if store_short_features:
        mid_features, short_features, _ = \
            mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_step),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   (sampling_rate * short_step))
        # save st features to np file + "_st", short_features)
        if plot:
            print("Short-term np file: " + output_file + "_st.npy saved")
        if store_csv:
            # store st features to CSV file
            np.savetxt(output_file + "_st.csv", short_features.T, delimiter=",")
            if plot:
                print("Short-term CSV file: " + output_file + "_st.csv saved")
        mid_features, _, _ = \
            mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * mid_step),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                   round(sampling_rate * short_step))
        # save mt features to np file, mid_features)
        if plot:
            print("Mid-term np file: " + output_file + ".npy saved")
        if store_csv:
            np.savetxt(output_file + ".csv", mid_features.T, delimiter=",")
            if plot:
                print("Mid-term CSV file: " + output_file + ".csv saved")
Beispiel #4
def fileClassification(inputFile, model_name, model_type):
    # Load classifier:
    if not os.path.isfile(model_name):
        print("fileClassification: input model_name not found!")
        return (-1, -1, -1)

    if not os.path.isfile(inputFile):
        print("fileClassification: wav file not found!")
        return (-1, -1, -1)

    if model_type == 'knn':
        [classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step,
         compute_beat] = load_model_knn(model_name)
        [classifier, MEAN, STD, classNames, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step,
         compute_beat] = load_model(model_name)

    # read audio file and convert to mono
    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(inputFile)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(x)

    if Fs == 0:
        # audio file IO problem
        return -1, -1, -1
    if x.shape[0] / float(Fs) <= mt_win:
        return -1, -1, -1

    # feature extraction:
    [mt_features, s, _] = aF.mid_feature_extraction(x, Fs, mt_win * Fs,
                                                    mt_step * Fs,
                                                    round(Fs * st_win),
                                                    round(Fs * st_step))
    # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
    mt_features = mt_features.mean(axis=1)
    if compute_beat:
        [beat, beatConf] = aF.beat_extraction(s, st_step)
        mt_features = np.append(mt_features, beat)
        mt_features = np.append(mt_features, beatConf)
    curFV = (mt_features - MEAN) / STD    # normalization

    # classification
    [Result, P] = classifierWrapper(classifier, model_type, curFV)
    return Result, P, classNames
def directory_feature_extraction(folder_path, mid_window, mid_step,
                                 short_window, short_step,
    This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE files of a 
    particular folder.

    The resulting feature vector is extracted by long-term averaging the
    mid-term features.
    Therefore ONE FEATURE VECTOR is extracted for each WAV file.

        - dirName:        the path of the WAVE directory
        - mt_win, mt_step:    mid-term window and step (in seconds)
        - st_win, st_step:    short-term window and step (in seconds)

    mid_term_features = np.array([])
    process_times = []

    types = ('*.wav', '*.aif',  '*.aiff', '*.mp3', '*.au', '*.ogg')
    wav_file_list = []
    for files in types:
        wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, files)))

    wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list)    
    wav_file_list2, mid_feature_names = [], []
    for i, file_path in enumerate(wav_file_list):
        print("Analyzing file {0:d} of {1:d}: {2:s}".format(i + 1,
        if os.stat(file_path).st_size == 0:
            print("   (EMPTY FILE -- SKIPPING)")
        [sampling_rate, signal] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(file_path)
        if sampling_rate == 0:

        t1 = time.clock()        
        signal = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(signal)
        if signal.shape[0] < float(sampling_rate)/5:
            print("  (AUDIO FILE TOO SMALL - SKIPPING)")
        if compute_beat:
            mid_features, short_features, mid_feature_names = \
                mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                       round(mid_window * sampling_rate),
                                       round(mid_step * sampling_rate),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_step))
            beat, beat_conf = beat_extraction(short_features, short_step)
            mid_features, _, mid_feature_names = \
                mid_feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate,
                                       round(mid_window * sampling_rate),
                                       round(mid_step * sampling_rate),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_window),
                                       round(sampling_rate * short_step))

        mid_features = np.transpose(mid_features)
        mid_features = mid_features.mean(axis=0)
        # long term averaging of mid-term statistics
        if (not np.isnan(mid_features).any()) and \
                (not np.isinf(mid_features).any()):
            if compute_beat:
                mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat)
                mid_features = np.append(mid_features, beat_conf)
            if len(mid_term_features) == 0:
                # append feature vector
                mid_term_features = mid_features
                mid_term_features = np.vstack((mid_term_features, mid_features))
            t2 = time.clock()
            duration = float(len(signal)) / sampling_rate
            process_times.append((t2 - t1) / duration)
    if len(process_times) > 0:
        print("Feature extraction complexity ratio: "
              "{0:.1f} x realtime".format((1.0 / 
    return mid_term_features, wav_file_list2, mid_feature_names