def setUp(self):
     self.N = europe_plus_Nodes()
     self.testlapse = range(200)
     self.h0_sqr = au.get_quant_caps(\
     self.h0_lin = au.get_quant_caps(\
def bal_vs_cap_data():

    number_of_nodes = 8
    length_of_timeseries = 280512
    hours_per_year = length_of_timeseries/32

    modes = ['lin', 'sqr']
    scalefactors = np.linspace(0, 2, 41)
    #scalefactors = [0.1, 1.45]

    for mode in modes:
        balancing_energy = [] # this is for saving the balancing energy
        total_capacity = []
        max_balancing = [] # this is for saving the balancing capacity
        balancing_caps99 = [] # this is for saving the balancing capacity,
                              # found as the 99% quantile of the balancing
                              # energy

        if mode == 'lin':
            h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename=\
        if mode == 'sqr':
            h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename=\

        total_caps_q99 = np.sum(au.biggestpair(h0))
        print total_caps_q99

        for a in scalefactors:
            flow_calc = fc.FlowCalculation('w', 'aHE', ''.join([str(a), 'q99']), mode)
            filename = ''.join([str(flow_calc), '.npz'])
            nodes = world_Nodes(load_filename = filename)
            total_balancing_power = sum([sum(n.balancing) for n in nodes])

            total_mean_load = np.sum([n.mean for n in nodes])
            normalized_BE = total_balancing_power/\

            max_balancing.append(np.sum(np.max(n.balancing) for n in nodes)\

            balancing_caps99.append(np.sum(au.get_q(n.balancing,0.99) for n in nodes)/total_mean_load)

        if mode == 'lin':
            TC_lin = total_capacity
            BE_lin = balancing_energy
            BC_lin = max_balancing
            BC99_lin = balancing_caps99
        if mode == 'sqr':
            TC_sqr = total_capacity
            BE_sqr = balancing_energy
            BC_sqr = max_balancing
            BC99_sqr = balancing_caps99

    np.savez('./results/w_bal_vs_cap_data99.npz', TC_lin=TC_lin,\
            BE_lin=BE_lin, BC_lin=BC_lin, BC99_lin=BC99_lin,\
            TC_sqr=TC_sqr, BE_sqr=BE_sqr, BC_sqr=BC_sqr, BC99_sqr=BC99_sqr)
def solve_flow(flow_calc):
    admat = ''.join(['./settings/', flow_calc.layout, 'admat.txt'])
    filename = str(flow_calc)
    copperflow_filename = ''.join(['./results/', flow_calc.layout, '_',
        flow_calc.alphas, '_copper_', flow_calc.solvermode, '_flows.npy'])

    if flow_calc.alphas=='aHE':
        nodes = world_Nodes(admat=admat)
    elif flow_calc.alphas=='aHO0':
        nodes = world_Nodes(admat=admat, alphas=np.zeros(8))
    elif flow_calc.alphas=='aHO1':
        nodes = world_Nodes(admat=admat, alphas=np.ones(8))
        sys.stderr.write('The object has an distribution of mixes that\
                          is not accounted for.')

    if flow_calc.solvermode=='lin':
        mode = 'linear'
    elif flow_calc.solvermode=='sqr':
        mode = 'square'
        sys.stderr.write('The solver mode must be "lin" or "sqr"')

    flowfilename = ''.join(['./results/', str(flow_calc), '_flows.npy'])
    print flowfilename
    print flow_calc.capacities
    if flow_calc.capacities=='copper':
        solved_nodes, flows = au.solve(nodes, copper=1, mode=mode)
        print "Checkpt. copper"
    elif flow_calc.capacities=='q99':
        h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename=copperflow_filename)
        print h0
        print h0.mean()
        solved_nodes, flows = au.solve(nodes, copper=0, h0=h0, mode=mode)
        print "Checkpt. q99"
    elif flow_calc.capacities=='hq99': # corresponds to half the capacities
                                         # of the 99% quantile layout
        h0 = 0.5*au.get_quant_caps(filename=copperflow_filename)
        print h0
        print h0.mean()
        solved_nodes, flows = au.solve(nodes, copper=0, h0=h0, mode=mode)
        print "Checkpt. hq99"
    elif flow_calc.capacities.endswith('q99'):
        scale = float(flow_calc.capacities[0:-3])
        h0 = scale*au.get_quant_caps(filename=copperflow_filename)
        print h0
        solved_nodes, flows = au.solve(nodes, copper=0, h0=h0, mode=mode)
        print "Checkpt. a*q99"
        sys.stderr.write('The capacities must be either "copper", "q99",\
                            "hq99", or on the form "<number>q99"')

    print filename
    except NameError:
        print "Flows not defined."'./results/' + filename + '_flows', flows)
def analyze_incident(hour):
    mismatch = {}
    copper_injection = {}
    constr_injection = {}
    copper_flow_dict = {}
    constr_flow_dict = {}
    for i in xrange(4):
        mismatch[regions[i]] = Ncopper[i].mismatch[hour]
        copper_injection[regions[i]] = mismatch[regions[i]]\
                                        - Ncopper[i].curtailment[hour]\
                                        + Ncopper[i].balancing[hour]
        constr_injection[regions[i]] = mismatch[regions[i]]\
                                        - Nconstrained[i].curtailment[hour]\
                                        + Nconstrained[i].balancing[hour]

    constr_link_capacities = 0.6*au.get_quant_caps(\
    constr_link_cap_dict = {}
    for j in xrange(len(linklist)):
        copper_flow_dict[linklist[j]] = copper_flows[j][hour]
        constr_flow_dict[linklist[j]] = constr_flows[j][hour]
        constr_link_cap_dict[linklist[j]] = [constr_link_capacities[2*j], \


    return mismatch, copper_injection, constr_injection, copper_flow_dict,\
            constr_flow_dict, constr_link_cap_dict
def get_h0_A2(scalefactor):
    """ This function works returns a h0 vector,
        created by downscaling the capacities in
        the unconstrained flow by scalefactor.


    return scalefactor*au.get_quant_caps(1)
def get_h0_C(quantile):
    """ This function returns a vector of link capacities to be used
        with the solver. The capacities are genereated after rule C
        for interpolation in Rolando et. al. 2013 so f_l = f_l^cQ


    h0 = au.get_quant_caps(quantile)
    return h0
Beispiel #7
    def add_instance(self, N, F, FC):

        inst['alphas'] = [n.alpha for n in N]
        inst['gammas'] = [n.gamma for n in N]
        length_of_timeseries = len(N[0].balancing)

                # save data, that requires a Flowcalculation object for specification
        inst['FlowCalculation'] = FC

        if FC.capacities!='zerotrans':
            inst['BE'] = [np.sum(n.balancing)/\
                              length_of_timeseries for n in N]
            inst['BC'] = [au.get_q(n.balancing, 0.99) for n in N]
        # Save flow histograms of all the flow along the links
            flow_histograms = []
            for link in xrange(F.shape[0]):
                flow, count = myhist(F[link], bins=200)
                flow_histograms.append(np.array([flow, count]))
            inst['flowhists'] = flow_histograms

            if FC.hourly_flowhist:
                # flow histograms, of flow along the links, conditioned
                # on the hour.
                hourly_flow_histograms = []
                for link in xrange(F.shape[0]):
                    hour_hist_list = []
                    for hour in range(24):
                        hour_indices = [i for i in xrange(F.shape[1]) \
                                        if np.mod(i, 24)==hour]
                        hour_flows = F[link][hour_indices]
                        flow, count = myhist(hour_flows, bins=200)
                        hour_hist_list.append(np.array([flow, count]))
                inst['hourly_flowhists'] = hourly_flow_histograms

            if FC.capacities[-3:len(FC.capacities)] == "q99":
                inst['Total_TC'] = TC_from_FC(FC)[0]
                inst['TC'] = TC_from_FC(FC)[1]
            elif FC.capacities == 'copper':
                h0 = au.get_quant_caps(F=F)
                inst['TC'] = h0
                inst['Total_TC'] = np.sum(au.biggestpair(h0))
        else: # that is if this is a zero transmission case
            inst['Total_TC'] = 0
            balancing_timeseries = []
            for n in N:
            inst['BE'] = [np.sum(bal)/length_of_timeseries\
                          for bal in balancing_timeseries]
            inst['BC'] = [au.get_q(bal, 0.99) for bal in balancing_timeseries]

Beispiel #8
def TC_from_FC(FC):
    copperFC = FC.copy()
    copperFC.capacities = "copper"
    copperflowfile = ''.join(["results/", str(copperFC),\
    h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename=copperflowfile)
    # expecting capacities of format: 0.35q99
    scalefactor = float(FC.capacities[0:-3])

    total_TC = scalefactor*np.sum(au.biggestpair(h0))
    return total_TC, h0
def flow_hist(link, title, mean=None, quantiles = False,
              flow_filename = 'results/copper_flows.npy',
              number_of_bins = 250, xlim=None, ylim=None, savepath = None):

    """ Draws a histogram (normalized to mean if provided, takes a link
    number that can be found by running AtoKh() on the Nodes object
    that was solve to obtain the Flow vector.


    if not mean: # this is equivalent to if mean == None
        mean = 1.0

    flows = np.load(flow_filename)
    flow = flows[link]/mean # this is the normalized flow timeseries of the
                            # link in question

    bins = np.linspace(min(flow), max(flow), number_of_bins)
    hist_ydata = plt.hist(flow, bins=bins, normed=1, histtype='stepfilled',
                           visible=0)[0] # the first argument returned from
                                         # plt.hist is the ydata we need

    plt.fill_between(bins[1:], 0, hist_ydata)

    if xlim:

    if ylim:

    plt.xlabel('Directed power flow [normalized]')

    if quantiles:
        Q1 = -au.get_quant_caps(0.99)[2*link+1]/mean
        Q99 = au.get_quant_caps(0.99)[2*link]/mean
        Q01 = -au.get_quant_caps(0.999)[2*link+1]/mean
        Q999 = au.get_quant_caps(0.999)[2*link]/mean
        Q001 = -au.get_quant_caps(0.9999)[2*link+1]/mean
        Q9999 = au.get_quant_caps(0.9999)[2*link]/mean

        Qs = [Q1, Q99, Q01, Q999, Q001, Q9999]
        Qlabels = ['1%', '99%', '0.1%', '99.9%', '0.01%', '99.99%']

        for i in range(len(Qs)):
            plt.text(Qs[i], 1.0+0.02*i, Qlabels[i])

    fig_filename = ''.join([title.replace(' ','_'), '.pdf'])
    if not savepath:
        savepath = ''

    plt.savefig(savepath + fig_filename)

def get_h0_A(scalefactor):
    """ This function returns a h0 vector of link capacities to be
        used with the solver. This function generates after the rule
        for interpolation A in Rolando et. al. 2013, that is
        f_l = min(a*f_l, f_l99Q), (see pp. 10).


    nodes = EU_Nodes()
    h99 = au.get_quant_caps(0.99)
    h_present = au.AtoKh(nodes)[-2];

    h0 = scalefactor*h_present
    for i in xrange(h99.size):
        if (h99[i] < h0[i]):
            h0[i] = h99[i]

    return h0
Beispiel #11
def extract_BC_vs_TC_data(solvermode, TCscalefactors, savefilename=None):
    """ This function returns the a dataset with total balancing
        capacity (normalized to the total mean load) of the world
        along with the total transmission capacity of the world.
        The balancing capacity found as the maximum balancing over
        a timeseries, as well as the 99% quantile is returned.


    h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename =\
               ''.join(['./results/w_aHE_copper_', solvermode, '_flows.npy']))
    total_TC_q99 = np.sum(au.biggestpair(h0))

    BC_max = []
    BC_q99 = []
    TC = []

    for a in TCscalefactors:
        flow_calc = fc.FlowCalculation('w', 'aHE',\
                                       ''.join([str(a), 'q99']), solvermode)
        filename = ''.join([str(flow_calc), '.npz'])
        nodes = world_Nodes(load_filename = filename)

        total_mean_load = np.sum([n.mean for n in nodes])

        BC_max.append(np.sum(np.max(n.balancing) for n in nodes)\
        BC_q99.append(np.sum(au.get_q(n.balancing, 0.99) for n in nodes)\


    if not savefilename:
        savefilename = ''.join(['./results/BC_TC_data', solvermode, '.npz'])

    np.savez(savefilename, TC=TC, BC_max=BC_max, BC_q99=BC_q99)
Beispiel #12
def solve_flow(flow_calc):
    admat = ''.join(['./settings/', flow_calc.layout, 'admat.txt'])
    filename = str(flow_calc)

    copperflow_filename = ''.join(['./results/', flow_calc.layout, '_',
        flow_calc.alphas, '_copper_', flow_calc.solvermode, '_flows.npy'])

    if flow_calc.alphas=='aHE':
        if flow_calc.basisnetwork == 'europeplus':
            nodes = europe_plus_Nodes(admat=admat)
            sys.stderr.write('The object has a basisnetwork that\
                          is not accounted for. Use "europeplus".')
    elif flow_calc.alphas.startswith('aHO'):
        alpha = float(flow_calc.alphas[3:]) # expects alphas on the form aHO0.4
        if flow_calc.basisnetwork == 'europeplus':
            nodes = europe_plus_Nodes(admat=admat, alphas=alpha)
            if flow_calc.mismatch_path != None:
                nodes = set_mismatches(nodes, flow_calc.mismatch_path)

            sys.stderr.write('The object has a basisnetwork that\
                          is not accounted for. Use "europeplus".')
        sys.stderr.write('The object has an distribution of mixes that\
                          is not accounted for.')

    mode_str_list = []
    if 'lin' in flow_calc.solvermode:
        mode_str_list.append('linear ')
    elif 'sqr' in flow_calc.solvermode:
        mode_str_list.append('square ')
        sys.stderr.write('The solver mode must be "lin", "sqr"')
    if 'imp' in flow_calc.solvermode:
        mode_str_list.append('impedance ')

    mode = ''.join(mode_str_list)

    flowfilename = ''.join(['./results/', filename, '_flows.npy'])

    if 'DC' in flow_calc.solvermode:
        solver = DCs.DC_solve
        solver = au.solve

    if flow_calc.capacities=='copper':
        solved_nodes, flows = solver(nodes, mode=''.join([mode, ' copper']),\
    elif flow_calc.capacities=='q99':
        h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename=copperflow_filename)
        solved_nodes, flows = solver(nodes, h0=h0, mode=mode, \
    elif flow_calc.capacities=='hq99': # corresponds to half the capacities
                                         # of the 99% quantile layout
        h0 = 0.5*au.get_quant_caps(filename=copperflow_filename)
        solved_nodes, flows = solver(nodes, h0=h0, mode=mode, \
    elif flow_calc.capacities.endswith('q99'):
        scale = float(flow_calc.capacities[0:-3])
        h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename=copperflow_filename)
        solved_nodes, flows = solver(nodes, h0=h0, b=scale, mode=mode,\
        sys.stderr.write('The capacities must be either "copper", "q99",\
                            "hq99", or on the form "<number>q99"')

    if flow_calc.savemode == 'full':
  './results/' + filename + '_flows', flows)
        except NameError:
            print "Flows not defined."

    elif 'FCResult' in flow_calc.savemode:
        result = FCResult(filename+'.pkl')
        result.add_instance(solved_nodes, flows, flow_calc)
        if 'flows' in flow_calc.savemode:
      './results/' + filename + '_flows', flows)
            except NameError:
                print "Flows not defined."

        print "Results not saved, invalid savemode provided"
Beispiel #13
        filename = str(fc) + '.pkl'
        filename_sqr = str(fc_sqr) + '.pkl'
        flowfilename = './results/' + fc.layout + '_aHE_copper_lin_flows.npy'
        flowfilename_sqr = './results/' + fc.layout + '_aHE_copper_sqr_flows.npy'
        unnormalized_BE = [fig.get_data(filename, 'BE', \
                             path=datapath)[] for n in N]
        unnormalized_BC = [fig.get_data(filename, 'BC', \
                             path=datapath)[] for n in N]
        unnormalized_BC_sqr = [fig.get_data(filename_sqr, 'BC', \
                             path=datapath)[] for n in N]
        LI = au.linfo(admat)
        energywiseTC = au.biggestpair(au.get_quant_caps(filename=flowfilename))
        energywiseTC_sqr = au.biggestpair(au.get_quant_caps(filename=flowfilename_sqr))
        print np.sum(energywiseTC)
        TC.append(np.sum([energywiseTC[i]*float(LI[i][2]) \
                            for i in range(len(LI))])/(1e3*total_mean_load))
        TC_sqr.append(np.sum([energywiseTC_sqr[i]*float(LI[i][2]) \
                            for i in range(len(LI))])/(1e3*total_mean_load))
        print TC
    index1 = np.arange(len(BE))
    left = index1 + 0.5*barwidth
    left2 = left + 0.5*barwidth
    ax1 = plt.subplot(3,1,1)
    if not interactive:
def get_h0_B(scalefactor):
    return scalefactor*au.get_quant_caps(0.99)
if 'init' in task:
    print('Mode selected: Calculate link capacities from unconstrained flows')
    Nodes = europe_plus_Nodes()
    N, F = au.solve(Nodes, mode='linear copper verbose')
    N.save_nodes(filename='Europe_aHE_copper_lin', path=dataPath) + 'Europe_aHE_copper_lin_flows', F)

Solve power flows for various constraints
if 'solve' in task:
    print('Mode selected: Solve power flows')
    # Calculate link capacities from 99% quantile of unconstrained flow
    h0 = au.get_quant_caps(filename=dataPath + 'Europe_aHE_copper_lin_flows.npy')
    p = Pool(8), b)

Calculate powermixes and nodes' usages of links and save results to file.
if 'trace' in task:
    print('Mode selected: flow tracing')
    p = Pool(8), b)

Calculate nodes' contributions and save results to file.