Beispiel #1
spec = (
    .add_spec(path.join(current_dir, "swagger/api.yml"))
    .add_spec(path.join(web_dir, "common/swagger/definitions.yml"))
    .add_spec(path.join(web_dir, "common/swagger/parameters.yml"))
    .add_spec(path.join(web_dir, "common/swagger/responses.yml"))

validator_map = {"body": BalrogRequestBodyValidator}

connexion_app = connexion.App(__name__, debug=False, options={"swagger_ui": False})
connexion_app.add_api(spec, validator_map=validator_map, strict_validation=True)
connexion_app.add_api(path.join(current_dir, "swagger", "api_v2.yml"), base_path="/v2", strict_validation=True, validate_responses=True)
app =


# When running under uwsgi, paths will not get decoded before hitting the app.
# We need to handle this ourselves in certain fields, and adding converters
# for them is the best way to do this.
class UnquotingMiddleware(object):
    def __init__(self, app): = app

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        environ["PATH_INFO"] = unquote(environ["PATH_INFO"])
        return, start_response)

app.wsgi_app = UnquotingMiddleware(app.wsgi_app)
Beispiel #2
sentry = Sentry()

from auslib.web.views.client import ClientRequestView
from auslib.errors import BadDataError

def heartbeat_database_function(dbo):
    # web has only a read access to the database. That's why we don't use
    # the default database function.
    # Counting the rules should be a trivial enough operation that it won't
    # cause notable load, but will verify that the database works.
    return dbo.rules.countRules()

create_dockerflow_endpoints(app, heartbeat_database_function)

def fourohfour(error):
    """We don't return 404s in AUS. Instead, we return empty XML files"""
    response = make_response('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<updates>\n</updates>')
    response.mimetype = 'text/xml'
    return response

def generic(error):
    """Deals with any unhandled exceptions. If the exception is not a
    BadDataError, it will be sent to Sentry, and a 400 will be returned,
    because BadDataErrors are considered to be the client's fault.
Beispiel #3
                    .add_spec(path.join(web_dir, 'common/swagger/definitions.yml'))\
                    .add_spec(path.join(web_dir, 'common/swagger/parameters.yml'))\
                    .add_spec(path.join(web_dir, 'common/swagger/responses.yml'))

validator_map = {
    'body': BalrogRequestBodyValidator

connexion_app = connexion.App(__name__, validator_map=validator_map, debug=False)
connexion_app.add_api(spec, strict_validation=True)
app =
sentry = Sentry()

from auslib.dockerflow import create_dockerflow_endpoints


# When running under uwsgi, paths will not get decoded before hitting the app.
# We need to handle this ourselves in certain fields, and adding converters
# for them is the best way to do this.
class UnquotingMiddleware(object):
    def __init__(self, app): = app

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        environ["PATH_INFO"] = unquote(environ["PATH_INFO"])
        return, start_response)

app.wsgi_app = UnquotingMiddleware(app.wsgi_app)
Beispiel #4
sentry = Sentry()

from auslib.web.views.client import ClientRequestView
from auslib.errors import BadDataError

def heartbeat_database_function(dbo):
    # web has only a read access to the database. That's why we don't use
    # the default database function.
    # Counting the rules should be a trivial enough operation that it won't
    # cause notable load, but will verify that the database works.
    return dbo.rules.countRules()

create_dockerflow_endpoints(app, heartbeat_database_function)

def fourohfour(error):
    """We don't return 404s in AUS. Instead, we return empty XML files"""
    response = make_response('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<updates>\n</updates>')
    response.mimetype = "text/xml"
    return response

def generic(error):
    """Deals with any unhandled exceptions. If the exception is not a
    BadDataError, it will be sent to Sentry. Regardless of the exception,
    a 200 response with no updates is returned, because that's what the client