Beispiel #1
  def __init__( self, options, log = False ):
    ## Read configuration
    config = station_configuration()
    fft_length    = config.fft_length
    cp_length     = config.cp_length
    block_header  = config.training_data
    data_subc     = config.data_subcarriers
    virtual_subc  = config.virtual_subcarriers
    total_subc    = config.subcarriers
    block_length  = config.block_length
    frame_length  = config.frame_length
    dc_null       = config.dc_null
    L             = block_header.mm_periodic_parts
    ## Set Input/Output signature
    gr.hier_block2.__init__( self, 
            1, 1,
            gr.sizeof_gr_complex ),
            4, 4,
            [gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc,    # OFDM blocks
            gr.sizeof_char,                       # Frame start
            gr.sizeof_float * total_subc,
            gr.sizeof_float] ) )      # Normalized |CTF|^2 
    ## Input and output ports
    self.input = rx_input = self
    out_ofdm_blocks = ( self, 0 )
    out_frame_start = ( self, 1 )
    out_disp_ctf    = ( self, 2 )
    out_disp_cfo    = ( self, 3 )
    ## pre-FFT processing
    if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
        if options.old_receiver is False:
            ## Compute autocorrelations for S&C preamble
            ## and cyclic prefix
            self._sc_metric = sc_metric = autocorrelator( fft_length/2, fft_length/2 )
            self._gi_metric = gi_metric = autocorrelator( fft_length, cp_length )
            self.connect( rx_input, sc_metric )
            self.connect( rx_input, gi_metric )    
            ## Sync. Output contains OFDM blocks
            sync = ofdm.time_sync( fft_length, cp_length )
            self.connect( rx_input, ( sync, 0 ) )
            self.connect( sc_metric, ( sync, 1 ) )
            self.connect( gi_metric, ( sync, 2 ) )
            ofdm_blocks = ( sync, 0 )
            frame_start = ( sync, 1 )
            #log_to_file( self, ( sync, 1 ), "data/peak_detector.char" )
            #Testing old/new metric
   = schmidl.recursive_timing_metric(fft_length)
            self.connect( self.input,
            #log_to_file( self,, "data/rec_sc_metric_ofdm.float" )
            timingmetric_shift = -2#int(-cp_length/4)# 0#-2 #int(-cp_length * 0.8)
            tmfilter = filter.fft_filter_fff(1, [1./cp_length]*cp_length)
            self.connect(, tmfilter )
   = tmfilter
            self._pd_thres = 0.3
            self._pd_lookahead = fft_length / 2 # empirically chosen
            peak_detector = ofdm.peak_detector_02_fb(self._pd_lookahead, self._pd_thres)
            self.connect(, peak_detector)
            #log_to_file( self, peak_detector, "data/rec_peak_detector.char" )
            frame_start = [0]*frame_length
            frame_start[0] = 1
            frame_start = self.frame_trigger_old = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start,True)
            delayed_timesync = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char,
                                        (frame_length-1)*block_length + timingmetric_shift)
            self.connect( peak_detector, delayed_timesync )
            self.block_sampler = ofdm.vector_sampler(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,block_length*frame_length)
            self.discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask(block_length,cp_length,fft_length,[])
            # TODO: dynamic solution
            vt2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*block_length,
            ofdm_blocks = self.discard_cp
#     else:
#       serial_to_parallel = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,block_length)
#       discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask(block_length,cp_length,fft_length,[])
#       ofdm_blocks = discard_cp
#       self.connect( rx_input, serial_to_parallel, discard_cp )
#       frame_start = [0]*frame_length
#       frame_start[0] = 1
#       frame_start = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start,True)
#       print "Disabled time synchronization stage"
    ## Compute autocorrelations for S&C preamble
    ## and cyclic prefix
    #log_to_file( self, sc_metric, "data/sc_metric_ofdm.float" )
    #log_to_file(self, frame_start, "data/frame_start.compl")
#    log_to_file(self,ofdm_blocks,"data/ofdm_blocks_original.compl")
    if options.disable_time_sync or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
      if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
          terminate_stream(self, ofdm_blocks)
          terminate_stream(self, frame_start)
      serial_to_parallel = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,block_length)
      discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask_dc_null(block_length,cp_length,fft_length,dc_null, [])
      ofdm_blocks = discard_cp
      self.connect( rx_input, serial_to_parallel, discard_cp )
      frame_start = [0]*frame_length
      frame_start[0] = 1
      frame_start = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start,True)
      print "Disabled time synchronization stage"
    print"\t\t\t\t\tframe_length = ",frame_length
    if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
        ## Extract preamble, feed to Morelli & Mengali frequency offset estimator
        assert( block_header.mm_preamble_pos == 0 )
        morelli_foe = ofdm.mm_frequency_estimator( fft_length, L,1,0 )
        sampler_preamble = ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * fft_length,
                                            1 )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks, ( sampler_preamble, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start, ( sampler_preamble, 1 ) )
        self.connect( sampler_preamble, morelli_foe )
        freq_offset = morelli_foe
        ## Adaptive LMS FIR filtering of frequency offset
        lms_fir = ofdm.lms_fir_ff( 20, 1e-3 ) # TODO: verify parameter choice
        self.connect( freq_offset, lms_fir )
        freq_offset = lms_fir
        #self.zmq_probe_freqoff = zeromq.pub_sink(gr.sizeof_float, 1, "tcp://*:5557")
        self.connect(lms_fir, blocks.keep_one_in_n(gr.sizeof_float,20) ,out_disp_cfo)
        self.connect(blocks.vector_source_f ([1]) ,out_disp_cfo)
        #log_to_file(self, lms_fir, "data/lms_fir.float")
    if options.disable_freq_sync or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
      if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
          terminate_stream(self, freq_offset)
          freq_offset = blocks.vector_source_f([0.0],True)
      print "Disabled frequency synchronization stage"
    if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
        ## Correct frequency shift, feed-forward structure
        frequency_shift = ofdm.frequency_shift_vcc( fft_length, -1.0/fft_length,
                                                    cp_length )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks, ( frequency_shift, 0 ) )
        self.connect( freq_offset, ( frequency_shift, 1 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start, ( frequency_shift, 2 ) )
        ofdm_blocks = frequency_shift
    ## FFT
    fft = fft_blocks.fft_vcc( fft_length, True, [], True )
    self.connect( ofdm_blocks, fft )
    ofdm_blocks = fft
    #log_to_file( self, fft, "data/compen.float" )
    ## Remove virtual subcarriers
    if fft_length > data_subc:
      subcarrier_mask = ofdm.vector_mask_dc_null( fft_length, virtual_subc/2,
                                           total_subc, dc_null, [] )
      self.connect( ofdm_blocks, subcarrier_mask )
      ofdm_blocks = subcarrier_mask
      #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/vec_mask.compl")
       ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)
      if options.logcir:
          log_to_file( self, ofdm_blocks, "data/OFDM_Blocks.compl" )
          inv_preamble_fd = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd[ 
            block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] ] )
          inv_preamble_fd = numpy.concatenate([inv_preamble_fd[:total_subc/2],inv_preamble_fd[total_subc/2+dc_null:]])
          #print "Channel estimation pilot: ", inv_preamble_fd
          inv_preamble_fd = 1. / inv_preamble_fd
          LS_channel_estimator0 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd ) )
          self.connect( ofdm_blocks, LS_channel_estimator0, gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
          log_to_file( self, LS_channel_estimator0, "data/OFDM_Blocks_eq.compl" )
    ## post-FFT processing
    ## extract channel estimation preamble from frame
    if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
        chest_pre_trigger = blocks.delay( gr.sizeof_char, 1)
        sampled_chest_preamble = ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1)
        self.connect( frame_start,       chest_pre_trigger )
        self.connect( chest_pre_trigger, ( sampled_chest_preamble, 1 ) )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks,       ( sampled_chest_preamble, 0 ) )

        ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)
        inv_preamble_fd = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd[ 
                                                            block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] ] )
        inv_preamble_fd = numpy.concatenate([inv_preamble_fd[:total_subc/2],inv_preamble_fd[total_subc/2+dc_null:]])    
        #print "Channel estimation pilot: ", inv_preamble_fd
        inv_preamble_fd = 1. / inv_preamble_fd
        LS_channel_estimator = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd ) )
        self.connect( sampled_chest_preamble, LS_channel_estimator )
        estimated_CTF = LS_channel_estimator
        if options.logcir:
             log_to_file( self, sampled_chest_preamble, "data/PREAM.compl" )
        if not options.disable_ctf_enhancer:
            if options.logcir:
                ifft1 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
                self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft1,gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
                summ1 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
                c2m =gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
                self.connect( estimated_CTF,summ1 ,gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex))
                self.connect( estimated_CTF, c2m,gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc))
                log_to_file( self, ifft1, "data/CIR1.compl" )
                log_to_file( self, summ1, "data/CTFsumm1.compl" )
                log_to_file( self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF1.compl" )
                log_to_file( self, c2m, "data/CTFmag1.float" )
            ## MSE enhancer
            ctf_mse_enhancer = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer( total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
            self.connect( estimated_CTF, ctf_mse_enhancer )
#      log_to_file( self, ctf_mse_enhancer, "data/ctf_mse_enhancer_original.compl")
      #ifft3 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
      #null_noise = ofdm.noise_nulling(total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
      #ctf_mse_enhancer = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,True,[],True)
      #ctf_mse_enhancer = ofdm.vector_mask( fft_length, virtual_subc/2,
                                          # total_subc, [] )
      #self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft3,null_noise,ctf_mse_enhancer )
            estimated_CTF = ctf_mse_enhancer 
            print "Disabled CTF MSE enhancer"

        if options.logcir:
             ifft2 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
             self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft2,gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
             summ2 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
             c2m2 =gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
             self.connect( estimated_CTF,summ2 ,gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex))
             self.connect( estimated_CTF, c2m2,gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc))
             log_to_file( self, ifft2, "data/CIR2.compl" )
             log_to_file( self, summ2, "data/CTFsumm2.compl" )
             log_to_file( self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF2.compl" )
             log_to_file( self, c2m2, "data/CTFmag2.float" )
    ## Postprocess the CTF estimate
    ## CTF -> inverse CTF (for equalizer)
    ## CTF -> norm |.|^2 (for CTF display)
        ctf_postprocess = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate( total_subc )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF, ctf_postprocess )
        inv_estimated_CTF = ( ctf_postprocess, 0 )
        disp_CTF = ( ctf_postprocess, 1 )
#     if options.disable_equalization or options.ideal:
#       terminate_stream(self, inv_estimated_CTF)
#       inv_estimated_CTF_vec = blocks.vector_source_c([1.0/fft_length*math.sqrt(total_subc)]*total_subc,True,total_subc)
#       inv_estimated_CTF_str = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, total_subc)
#       self.inv_estimated_CTF_mul = ofdm.multiply_const_ccf( 1.0/config.rms_amplitude )
#       #inv_estimated_CTF_mul.set_k(1.0/config.rms_amplitude)
#       inv_estimated_CTF = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, total_subc)
#       self.connect( inv_estimated_CTF_vec, inv_estimated_CTF_str, self.inv_estimated_CTF_mul, inv_estimated_CTF)
#       print "Disabled equalization stage"
    ## LMS Phase tracking
    ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset

    nondata_blocks = []
    for i in range(config.frame_length):
      if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
    pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
    pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
    print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers
    phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                               nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers,0 )
    self.connect( ofdm_blocks, ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
    self.connect( inv_estimated_CTF, ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
    self.connect( frame_start, ( phase_tracking, 2 ) ) ##
    if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
      self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer
    if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
      terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
      print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
      ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
    ## Channel Equalizer
    if options.disable_equalization or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
        print "Disabled equalization stage"
        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            terminate_stream(self, inv_estimated_CTF)
        equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer( total_subc )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks,       ( equalizer, 0 ) )
        self.connect( inv_estimated_CTF, ( equalizer, 1 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,       ( equalizer, 2 ) )
        ofdm_blocks = equalizer
    #log_to_file(self, equalizer,"data/equalizer_siso.compl")
    #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/equalizer.compl")

    ## LMS Phase tracking
    ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset
    if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
        nondata_blocks = []
        for i in range(config.frame_length):
          if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
        pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
        pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
        print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers
        phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_dc_null( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                   nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers, dc_null  )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks, ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start, ( phase_tracking2, 1 ) ) ##
    if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking2)
        print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
        ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking2
    if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
      self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer

    ## Output connections

    self.connect( ofdm_blocks, out_ofdm_blocks )
    self.connect( frame_start, out_frame_start )
    if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
        self.connect( disp_CTF, out_disp_ctf )
        self.connect( blocks.vector_source_f([1.0]*total_subc),blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_float,total_subc), out_disp_ctf )

    if log:
      log_to_file( self, sc_metric, "data/sc_metric.float" )
      log_to_file( self, gi_metric, "data/gi_metric.float" )
      log_to_file( self, morelli_foe, "data/morelli_foe.float" )
      log_to_file( self, lms_fir, "data/lms_fir.float" )
      log_to_file( self, sampler_preamble, "data/preamble.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, sync, "data/sync.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, frequency_shift, "data/frequency_shift.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, fft, "data/fft.compl")
      log_to_file( self, fft, "data/fft.float", mag=True )
      if vars().has_key( 'subcarrier_mask' ):
        log_to_file( self, subcarrier_mask, "data/subcarrier_mask.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, ofdm_blocks, "data/ofdm_blocks_out.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, frame_start, "data/frame_start.float", 
                   char_to_float=True )
      log_to_file( self, sampled_chest_preamble, 
                   "data/sampled_chest_preamble.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, LS_channel_estimator, 
                   "data/ls_channel_estimator.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, LS_channel_estimator, 
                   "data/ls_channel_estimator.float", mag=True )
      if "ctf_mse_enhancer" in locals(): 
        log_to_file( self, ctf_mse_enhancer, "data/ctf_mse_enhancer.compl" )
        log_to_file( self, ctf_mse_enhancer, "data/ctf_mse_enhancer.float", 
                     mag=True )
      log_to_file( self, (ctf_postprocess,0), "data/inc_estimated_ctf.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, (ctf_postprocess,1), "data/disp_ctf.float" )
      log_to_file( self, equalizer, "data/equalizer.compl" )
      log_to_file( self, equalizer, "data/equalizer.float", mag=True )
      log_to_file( self, phase_tracking, "data/phase_tracking.compl" )
    def __init__(self, options, log=False):

        ## Read configuration
        config = station_configuration()

        fft_length = config.fft_length
        cp_length = config.cp_length
        block_header = config.training_data
        data_subc = config.data_subcarriers
        virtual_subc = config.virtual_subcarriers
        total_subc = config.subcarriers
        block_length = config.block_length
        frame_length = config.frame_length

        L = block_header.mm_periodic_parts

        frame_data_blocks = options.data_blocks

        ## Set Input/Output signature
            gr.io_signature(2, 2, gr.sizeof_gr_complex),
                gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc,  # OFDM blocks
                gr.sizeof_char,  # Frame start
                gr.sizeof_float * total_subc,  # Normalized |CTF|^2
                gr.sizeof_char,  # Frame start
                gr.sizeof_float * total_subc))  # Normalized |CTF|^2

        ## Input and output ports
        self.input = rx_input = (self, 0)
        self.input2 = rx2_input = (self, 1)

        out_ofdm_blocks = (self, 0)
        out_frame_start = (self, 1)
        out_disp_ctf = (self, 2)
        out_frame_start2 = (self, 3)
        out_disp_ctf2 = (self, 4)

        ## pre-FFT processing

        ## Compute autocorrelations for S&C preamble
        ## and cyclic prefix
        sc_metric = autocorrelator(fft_length / 2, fft_length / 2)
        gi_metric = autocorrelator(fft_length, cp_length)

        self.connect(rx_input, sc_metric)
        self.connect(rx_input, gi_metric)

        sc_metric2 = autocorrelator(fft_length / 2, fft_length / 2)
        gi_metric2 = autocorrelator(fft_length, cp_length)

        self.connect(rx2_input, sc_metric2)
        self.connect(rx2_input, gi_metric2)

        ## Sync. Output contains OFDM blocks
        sync = ofdm.time_sync(fft_length, cp_length)
        self.connect(rx_input, (sync, 0))
        self.connect(sc_metric, (sync, 1))
        self.connect(gi_metric, (sync, 2))
        ofdm_blocks = (sync, 0)
        frame_start = (sync, 1)

        sync2 = ofdm.time_sync(fft_length, cp_length)
        self.connect(rx2_input, (sync2, 0))
        self.connect(sc_metric2, (sync2, 1))
        self.connect(gi_metric2, (sync2, 2))
        ofdm_blocks2 = (sync2, 0)
        frame_start2 = (sync2, 1)

        if options.disable_time_sync or options.ideal:
            terminate_stream(self, ofdm_blocks)
            terminate_stream(self, ofdm_blocks2)
            terminate_stream(self, frame_start)
            terminate_stream(self, frame_start2)

            serial_to_parallel = blocks.stream_to_vector(
                gr.sizeof_gr_complex, block_length)
            serial_to_parallel2 = blocks.stream_to_vector(
                gr.sizeof_gr_complex, block_length)
            discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask(block_length, cp_length, fft_length,
            discard_cp2 = ofdm.vector_mask(block_length, cp_length, fft_length,
            ofdm_blocks = discard_cp
            ofdm_blocks2 = discard_cp2
            self.connect(rx_input, serial_to_parallel, discard_cp)
            self.connect(rx2_input, serial_to_parallel2, discard_cp2)

            frame_start = [0] * frame_length
            frame_start[0] = 1
            frame_start = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start, True)
            frame_start2 = [0] * frame_length
            frame_start2[0] = 1
            frame_start2 = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start2, True)

            print "Disabled time synchronization stage"

        ## Extract preamble, feed to Morelli & Mengali frequency offset estimator
        assert (block_header.mm_preamble_pos == 0)
        morelli_foe = ofdm.mm_frequency_estimator(fft_length, L)
        sampler_preamble = ofdm.vector_sampler(
            gr.sizeof_gr_complex * fft_length, 1)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (sampler_preamble, 0))
        self.connect(frame_start, (sampler_preamble, 1))
        self.connect(sampler_preamble, morelli_foe)
        freq_offset = morelli_foe

        morelli_foe2 = ofdm.mm_frequency_estimator(fft_length, L)
        sampler_preamble2 = ofdm.vector_sampler(
            gr.sizeof_gr_complex * fft_length, 1)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (sampler_preamble2, 0))
        self.connect(frame_start2, (sampler_preamble2, 1))
        self.connect(sampler_preamble2, morelli_foe2)
        freq_offset2 = morelli_foe2

        ## Adaptive LMS FIR filtering of frequency offset
        lms_fir = ofdm.lms_fir_ff(20, 1e-3)  # TODO: verify parameter choice
        self.connect(freq_offset, lms_fir)
        freq_offset = lms_fir

        lms_fir2 = ofdm.lms_fir_ff(20, 1e-3)  # TODO: verify parameter choice
        self.connect(freq_offset2, lms_fir2)
        freq_offset2 = lms_fir2

        #    log_to_file(self, lms_fir, "data/lms_fir.float")
        #    log_to_file(self, lms_fir2, "data/lms_fir2.float")

        if options.disable_freq_sync or options.ideal:
            terminate_stream(self, freq_offset)
            terminate_stream(self, freq_offset2)
            freq_offset = blocks.vector_source_f([0.0], True)
            freq_offset2 = blocks.vector_source_f([0.0], True)
            print "Disabled frequency synchronization stage"

        ## Correct frequency shift, feed-forward structure
        frequency_shift = ofdm.frequency_shift_vcc(fft_length,
                                                   -1.0 / fft_length,
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (frequency_shift, 0))
        self.connect(freq_offset, (frequency_shift, 1))
        self.connect(frame_start, (frequency_shift, 2))
        ofdm_blocks = frequency_shift

        frequency_shift2 = ofdm.frequency_shift_vcc(fft_length,
                                                    -1.0 / fft_length,
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (frequency_shift2, 0))
        self.connect(freq_offset2, (frequency_shift2, 1))
        self.connect(frame_start2, (frequency_shift2, 2))
        ofdm_blocks2 = frequency_shift2

        ## FFT
        fft = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(fft_length, True, [], True)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, fft)
        ofdm_blocks = fft

        fft2 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(fft_length, True, [], True)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, fft2)
        ofdm_blocks2 = fft2

        ## Remove virtual subcarriers
        if fft_length > data_subc:
            subcarrier_mask = ofdm.vector_mask(fft_length, virtual_subc / 2,
                                               total_subc, [])
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, subcarrier_mask)
            ofdm_blocks = subcarrier_mask

            subcarrier_mask2 = ofdm.vector_mask(fft_length, virtual_subc / 2,
                                                total_subc, [])
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, subcarrier_mask2)
            ofdm_blocks2 = subcarrier_mask2

            ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)

            # if options.logcir:
            # log_to_file( self, ofdm_blocks, "data/OFDM_Blocks.compl" )

            # inv_preamble_fd = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd[
            # block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] ] )
            # print "Channel estimation pilot: ", inv_preamble_fd
            # inv_preamble_fd = 1. / inv_preamble_fd
            # LS_channel_estimator0 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd ) )
            # self.connect( ofdm_blocks, LS_channel_estimator0, blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
            # log_to_file( self, LS_channel_estimator0, "data/OFDM_Blocks_eq.compl" )

        ## post-FFT processing

        if options.est_preamble == 1:
            ## extract channel estimation preamble from frame
            chest_pre_trigger = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char, 1)
            sampled_chest_preamble = \
              ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )
            self.connect(frame_start, chest_pre_trigger)
            self.connect(chest_pre_trigger, (sampled_chest_preamble, 1))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (sampled_chest_preamble, 0))

            chest_pre_trigger2 = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char, 1)
            sampled_chest_preamble2 = \
              ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )
            self.connect(frame_start2, chest_pre_trigger2)
            self.connect(chest_pre_trigger2, (sampled_chest_preamble2, 1))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (sampled_chest_preamble2, 0))

            ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)

            # Taking inverse for estimating h11 (h12)
            inv_preamble_fd_1 = numpy.array(block_header.pilotsym_fd_1[
            inv_preamble_fd_1 = inv_preamble_fd_1[0::2]

            # Taking inverse for estimating h21 (h22)
            inv_preamble_fd_2 = numpy.array(block_header.pilotsym_fd_2[
            inv_preamble_fd_2 = inv_preamble_fd_2[1::2]

            inv_preamble_fd_1 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_1
            inv_preamble_fd_2 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_2

            ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)

            dd = []
            for i in range(total_subc / 2):
                dd.extend([i * 2])

            skip_block_1 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 0)
            skip_block_2 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 1)
            #    inta_estim_1 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
            #    inta_estim_2 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)

            LS_channel_estimator_1 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
            LS_channel_estimator_2 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
            self.connect(sampled_chest_preamble, skip_block_1,
                         LS_channel_estimator_1)  #,inta_estim_1 )
            self.connect(sampled_chest_preamble, skip_block_2,
                         LS_channel_estimator_2)  #,inta_estim_2 )

            estimated_CTF_1 = LS_channel_estimator_1  # h0
            estimated_CTF_2 = LS_channel_estimator_2  # h1

            skip_block_3 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 0)
            skip_block_4 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 1)
            #    inta_estim_3 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
            #    inta_estim_4 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)

            LS_channel_estimator_3 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
            LS_channel_estimator_4 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(

            self.connect(sampled_chest_preamble2, skip_block_3,
                         LS_channel_estimator_3)  #,inta_estim_3 )
            self.connect(sampled_chest_preamble2, skip_block_4,
                         LS_channel_estimator_4)  #,inta_estim_4 )

            estimated_CTF_3 = LS_channel_estimator_3  # h2
            estimated_CTF_4 = LS_channel_estimator_4  # h3

            if not options.disable_ctf_enhancer:

                # if options.logcir:
                # ifft1 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
                # self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft1,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
                # summ1 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
                # c2m =gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
                # self.connect( estimated_CTF,summ1 ,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex))
                # self.connect( estimated_CTF, c2m,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc))
                # log_to_file( self, ifft1, "data/CIR1.compl" )
                # log_to_file( self, summ1, "data/CTFsumm1.compl" )
                # log_to_file( self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF1.compl" )
                # log_to_file( self, c2m, "data/CTFmag1.float" )

                ## MSE enhancer
                ctf_mse_enhancer_1 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                ctf_mse_enhancer_2 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_1, ctf_mse_enhancer_1)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_2, ctf_mse_enhancer_2)

                ctf_mse_enhancer_3 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                ctf_mse_enhancer_4 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_3, ctf_mse_enhancer_3)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_4, ctf_mse_enhancer_4)

                estimated_CTF_1 = ctf_mse_enhancer_1
                estimated_CTF_2 = ctf_mse_enhancer_2

                estimated_CTF_3 = ctf_mse_enhancer_3
                estimated_CTF_4 = ctf_mse_enhancer_4
                print "Disabled CTF MSE enhancer"

            ctf_postprocess_1 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc / 2)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_1, (ctf_postprocess_1, 0))
            ctf_postprocess_2 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc / 2)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_2, (ctf_postprocess_2, 0))
            ctf_postprocess_3 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc / 2)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_3, (ctf_postprocess_3, 0))
            ctf_postprocess_4 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc / 2)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_4, (ctf_postprocess_4, 0))

            inv_CTF_1 = (ctf_postprocess_1, 0)
            disp_CTF_1 = (ctf_postprocess_1, 1)
            inv_CTF_2 = (ctf_postprocess_2, 0)
            disp_CTF_2 = (ctf_postprocess_2, 1)
            inv_CTF_3 = (ctf_postprocess_3, 0)
            disp_CTF_3 = (ctf_postprocess_3, 1)
            inv_CTF_4 = (ctf_postprocess_4, 0)
            disp_CTF_4 = (ctf_postprocess_4, 1)

            disp_CTF_RX0 = blocks.add_ff(total_subc / 2)
            disp_CTF_RX1 = blocks.add_ff(total_subc / 2)

            self.connect(disp_CTF_1, (disp_CTF_RX0, 0))
            self.connect(disp_CTF_2, (disp_CTF_RX0, 1))
            self.connect(disp_CTF_3, (disp_CTF_RX1, 0))
            self.connect(disp_CTF_4, (disp_CTF_RX1, 1))

            terminate_stream(self, disp_CTF_RX0)
            terminate_stream(self, disp_CTF_RX1)

            disp_CTF_RX0 = blocks.null_source(gr.sizeof_float * total_subc)
            disp_CTF_RX1 = blocks.null_source(gr.sizeof_float * total_subc)
            ## Channel Equalizer

            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/vec_mask.compl")
            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks2, "data/vec_mask2.compl")

            nondata_blocks = []
            for i in range(config.frame_length):
                if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:

            pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
            pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
            print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers

            phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03(
                total_subc, pilot_subc, nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers, 0)
            phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03(
                total_subc, pilot_subc, nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers, 0)

            ##phase_tracking = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
            ##                                          nondata_blocks )
            ##phase_tracking2 = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
            ##                                           nondata_blocks )

            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking, 1 ))
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking, 2 ) )
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking, 3 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking, 4 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking, 5) )
            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking2, 1 ))
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking2, 2 ) )
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking2, 3 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking2, 4 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking2, 5 ) )

            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (phase_tracking, 0))
            self.connect(inv_CTF_1, (phase_tracking, 1))
            self.connect(frame_start, (phase_tracking, 2))

            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (phase_tracking2, 0))
            self.connect(inv_CTF_3, (phase_tracking2, 1))
            self.connect(frame_start2, (phase_tracking2, 2))

            #ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
            #ofdm_blocks2 = phase_tracking2
                         blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc))
                         blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc))

            terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_2)
            terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_4)
            #terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_1)
            #terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_3)
            terminate_stream(self, estimated_CTF_3)
            terminate_stream(self, estimated_CTF_4)
            ##terminate_stream(self, (phase_tracking,1))
            ##terminate_stream(self, (phase_tracking2,1))
            '''equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2( total_subc )
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks,         ( equalizer, 0 ) )
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks2,        ( equalizer, 1 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( equalizer, 2 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_2,            ( equalizer, 3 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( equalizer, 4 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_4,            ( equalizer, 5 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,          ( equalizer, 6 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2,         ( equalizer, 7 ) )
        ofdm_blocks = equalizer'''

            terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_1)
            terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_3)

            equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2(total_subc)
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (equalizer, 0))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_1, (equalizer, 1))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_2, (equalizer, 2))
            self.connect(frame_start, (equalizer, 3))
            ofdm_blocks = equalizer

            equalizer2 = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2(total_subc)
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (equalizer2, 0))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_3, (equalizer2, 1))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_4, (equalizer2, 2))
            self.connect(frame_start2, (equalizer2, 3))
            ofdm_blocks2 = equalizer2

            #ofdm_blocks = equalizer
            #ofdm_blocks2 = equalizer2

            #log_to_file(self, equalizer,"data/equalizer.compl")
            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks2,"data/equalizer.compl")
            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks,"data/equalizer2.compl")

            ## LMS Phase tracking
            ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset
        nondata_blocks = []
        for i in range(config.frame_length):
          if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
        pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
        phase_tracking = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                   nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer, ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start, ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
        phase_tracking2 = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                    nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer2, ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2, ( phase_tracking2, 1 ) )
        # if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
          # self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer
        if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking2)
          print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
          ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
          ofdm_blocks2 = phase_tracking2
        log_to_file(self,phase_tracking, "data/phase_tracking.compl")

            combine = blocks.add_cc(config.subcarriers)
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (combine, 0))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (combine, 1))

            norm_val = [0.5] * 208
            norm = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(norm_val)
            self.connect(combine, norm)

            ofdm_blocks = norm
            ##    div = gr.multiply_cc(config.subcarriers)
            ##    const = blocks.vector_source_c([[0.5+0]*config.subcarriers],True)
            ##    self.connect(ofdm_blocks,div)
            ##    self.connect(const,(div,1))
            ##    ofdm_blocks=div
            #    log_to_file(self,combine,"data/combine.compl")
            ## Output connections

            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, out_ofdm_blocks)
            self.connect(frame_start, out_frame_start)
            self.connect(disp_CTF_RX0, out_disp_ctf)
            self.connect(frame_start2, out_frame_start2)
            self.connect(disp_CTF_RX1, out_disp_ctf2)

            ## extract channel estimation preamble from frame

            chest_pre_trigger_11 = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char, 1)
            chest_pre_trigger_12 = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char, 2)
            sampled_chest_preamble_11 = \
              ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )
            sampled_chest_preamble_12 = \
              ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )

            self.connect(frame_start, chest_pre_trigger_11)
            self.connect(chest_pre_trigger_11, (sampled_chest_preamble_11, 1))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (sampled_chest_preamble_11, 0))

            self.connect(frame_start, chest_pre_trigger_12)
            self.connect(chest_pre_trigger_12, (sampled_chest_preamble_12, 1))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (sampled_chest_preamble_12, 0))

            chest_pre_trigger_21 = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char, 1)
            chest_pre_trigger_22 = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char, 2)
            sampled_chest_preamble_21 = \
              ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )
            sampled_chest_preamble_22 = \
              ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )

            self.connect(frame_start2, chest_pre_trigger_21)
            self.connect(chest_pre_trigger_21, (sampled_chest_preamble_21, 1))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (sampled_chest_preamble_21, 0))

            self.connect(frame_start2, chest_pre_trigger_22)
            self.connect(chest_pre_trigger_22, (sampled_chest_preamble_22, 1))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (sampled_chest_preamble_22, 0))

            # Taking inverse for estimating h11 (h12)
            inv_preamble_fd_1 = numpy.array(block_header.pilotsym_fd_1[
            #inv_preamble_fd_1 = inv_preamble_fd_1[0::2]

            # Taking inverse for estimating h21 (h22)
            inv_preamble_fd_2 = numpy.array(block_header.pilotsym_fd_2[
                block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] + 1])
            #inv_preamble_fd_2 = inv_preamble_fd_2[1::2]

            inv_preamble_fd_1 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_1
            inv_preamble_fd_2 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_2

            # dd = []
            #for i in range (total_subc/2):
            # dd.extend([i*2])

            skip_block_11 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 0)
            skip_block_111 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 0)
            skip_block_12 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 1)
            #    inta_estim_1 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
            #    inta_estim_2 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)

            LS_channel_estimator_11 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
            LS_channel_estimator_12 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
                         LS_channel_estimator_11)  #,inta_estim_1 )
                         LS_channel_estimator_12)  #,inta_estim_2 )

            estimated_CTF_11 = LS_channel_estimator_11  # h0
            estimated_CTF_12 = LS_channel_estimator_12  # h1

            skip_block_21 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 0)
            skip_block_211 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 0)
            skip_block_22 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc, 2, 1)
            #    inta_estim_3 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
            #    inta_estim_4 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)

            LS_channel_estimator_21 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
            LS_channel_estimator_22 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(

                         LS_channel_estimator_21)  #,inta_estim_3 )
                         LS_channel_estimator_22)  #,inta_estim_4 )

            estimated_CTF_21 = LS_channel_estimator_21  # h2
            estimated_CTF_22 = LS_channel_estimator_22  # h3

            if not options.disable_ctf_enhancer:

                # if options.logcir:
                # ifft1 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
                # self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft1,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
                # summ1 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
                # c2m =gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
                # self.connect( estimated_CTF,summ1 ,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex))
                # self.connect( estimated_CTF, c2m,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc))
                # log_to_file( self, ifft1, "data/CIR1.compl" )
                # log_to_file( self, summ1, "data/CTFsumm1.compl" )
                # log_to_file( self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF1.compl" )
                # log_to_file( self, c2m, "data/CTFmag1.float" )

                ## MSE enhancer
                ctf_mse_enhancer_11 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                ctf_mse_enhancer_12 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_11, ctf_mse_enhancer_11)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_12, ctf_mse_enhancer_12)

                ctf_mse_enhancer_21 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                ctf_mse_enhancer_22 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_21, ctf_mse_enhancer_21)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF_22, ctf_mse_enhancer_22)

                estimated_CTF_11 = ctf_mse_enhancer_11
                estimated_CTF_12 = ctf_mse_enhancer_12

                estimated_CTF_21 = ctf_mse_enhancer_21
                estimated_CTF_22 = ctf_mse_enhancer_22
                print "Disabled CTF MSE enhancer"

            ctf_postprocess_11 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_11, (ctf_postprocess_11, 0))
            ctf_postprocess_12 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_12, (ctf_postprocess_12, 0))

            ctf_postprocess_21 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_21, (ctf_postprocess_21, 0))
            ctf_postprocess_22 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_22, (ctf_postprocess_22, 0))

            inv_CTF_11 = (ctf_postprocess_11, 0)
            disp_CTF_11 = (ctf_postprocess_11, 1)
            inv_CTF_12 = (ctf_postprocess_12, 0)
            disp_CTF_12 = (ctf_postprocess_12, 1)
            inv_CTF_21 = (ctf_postprocess_21, 0)
            disp_CTF_21 = (ctf_postprocess_21, 1)
            inv_CTF_22 = (ctf_postprocess_22, 0)
            disp_CTF_22 = (ctf_postprocess_22, 1)

            #disp_CTF_RX0 = blocks.add_ff(total_subc)
            #disp_CTF_RX1 = blocks.add_ff(total_subc)

            #self.connect ( disp_CTF_11, (disp_CTF_RX0, 0) )
            #self.connect ( disp_CTF_12, (disp_CTF_RX0, 1) )
            #self.connect ( disp_CTF_21, (disp_CTF_RX1, 0) )
            #self.connect ( disp_CTF_22, (disp_CTF_RX1, 1) )

            terminate_stream(self, disp_CTF_21)
            terminate_stream(self, disp_CTF_22)

            disp_CTF_RX0 = disp_CTF_11
            disp_CTF_RX1 = disp_CTF_12
            ## Channel Equalizer

            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/vec_mask.compl")
            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks2, "data/vec_mask2.compl")

            nondata_blocks = []
            for i in range(config.frame_length):
                if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:

            pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
            pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
            print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers

            phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03(
                total_subc, pilot_subc, nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers, 0)
            phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03(
                total_subc, pilot_subc, nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers, 0)

            ##phase_tracking = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
            ##                                          nondata_blocks )
            ##phase_tracking2 = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
            ##                                           nondata_blocks )

            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking, 1 ))
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking, 2 ) )
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking, 3 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking, 4 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking, 5) )
            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
            #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking2, 1 ))
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking2, 2 ) )
            #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking2, 3 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking2, 4 ) )
            #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking2, 5 ) )

            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (phase_tracking, 0))
            self.connect(inv_CTF_11, skip_block_111, (phase_tracking, 1))
            self.connect(frame_start, (phase_tracking, 2))

            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (phase_tracking2, 0))
            self.connect(inv_CTF_21, skip_block_211, (phase_tracking2, 1))
            self.connect(frame_start2, (phase_tracking2, 2))

            if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
                terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
                terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking2)
                print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
                ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
                ofdm_blocks2 = phase_tracking2

                         blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc))
                         blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc))

            terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_12)
            terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_22)
            #terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_1)
            #terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_3)
            #terminate_stream(self, estimated_CTF_21)
            #terminate_stream(self, estimated_CTF_22)
            ##terminate_stream(self, (phase_tracking,1))
            ##terminate_stream(self, (phase_tracking2,1))

            equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_3(total_subc)
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (equalizer, 0))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (equalizer, 1))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_11, skip_block_11, (equalizer, 2))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_12, skip_block_12, (equalizer, 3))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_21, skip_block_21, (equalizer, 4))
            self.connect(estimated_CTF_22, skip_block_22, (equalizer, 5))
            self.connect(frame_start, (equalizer, 6))
            self.connect(frame_start, (equalizer, 7))
            ofdm_blocks = equalizer

            #terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_11)
            #terminate_stream(self, inv_CTF_21)
            '''equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2( total_subc )    
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks,          ( equalizer, 0 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_11,    skip_block_11,        ( equalizer, 1 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_12,   skip_block_12,         ( equalizer, 2 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,          ( equalizer, 3 ) )
        ofdm_blocks = equalizer
        equalizer2 = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2( total_subc )    
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,         ( equalizer2, 0 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_21,  skip_block_21,            ( equalizer2, 1 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_22,    skip_block_22,        ( equalizer2, 2 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2,         ( equalizer2, 3 ) )
        ofdm_blocks2 = equalizer2'''

            #ofdm_blocks = equalizer
            #ofdm_blocks2 = equalizer2

            #log_to_file(self, equalizer,"data/equalizer.compl")
            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks2,"data/equalizer.compl")
            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks,"data/equalizer2.compl")

            ## LMS Phase tracking
            ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset
        nondata_blocks = []
        for i in range(config.frame_length):
          if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
        pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
        phase_tracking = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                   nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer, ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start, ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
        phase_tracking2 = ofdm.LMS_phase_tracking2( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                    nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer2, ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2, ( phase_tracking2, 1 ) )
        # if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
          # self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer
        if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking2)
          print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
          ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
          ofdm_blocks2 = phase_tracking2
        log_to_file(self,phase_tracking, "data/phase_tracking.compl")
            '''combine = blocks.add_cc(config.subcarriers)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (combine,0))
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (combine,1))
        norm_val = [0.5]*config.subcarriers
        norm = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( norm_val)
        ofdm_blocks = norm'''
            ##    div = gr.multiply_cc(config.subcarriers)
            ##    const = blocks.vector_source_c([[0.5+0]*config.subcarriers],True)
            ##    self.connect(ofdm_blocks,div)
            ##    self.connect(const,(div,1))
            ##    ofdm_blocks=div
            #    log_to_file(self,combine,"data/combine.compl")
            ## Output connections

            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, out_ofdm_blocks)
            self.connect(frame_start, out_frame_start)
            self.connect(disp_CTF_RX0, out_disp_ctf)
            self.connect(frame_start2, out_frame_start2)
            self.connect(disp_CTF_RX1, out_disp_ctf2)
  def __init__( self, options, log = False ):
    ## Read configuration
    config = station_configuration()
    fft_length    = config.fft_length
    cp_length     = config.cp_length
    block_header  = config.training_data
    data_subc     = config.data_subcarriers
    virtual_subc  = config.virtual_subcarriers
    total_subc    = config.subcarriers
    block_length  = config.block_length
    frame_length  = config.frame_length
    L             = block_header.mm_periodic_parts
    frame_data_blocks    = options.data_blocks
    ## Set Input/Output signature
    gr.hier_block2.__init__( self, 
            1, 1,
            gr.sizeof_gr_complex ),
            4, 4,
            gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc,    # OFDM blocks
            gr.sizeof_char,                       # Frame start
            gr.sizeof_float * total_subc,         # Normalized |CTF|^2
            gr.sizeof_float * total_subc ) )      # Normalized |CTF|^2
    ## Input and output ports
    self.input  = rx_input = (self,0)

    out_ofdm_blocks = ( self, 0 )
    out_frame_start = ( self, 1 )
    out_disp_ctf    = ( self, 2 )
    out_disp_ctf2    = ( self, 3 )
    ## pre-FFT processing
    ## Compute autocorrelations for S&C preamble
    ## and cyclic prefix
    sc_metric = autocorrelator( fft_length/2, fft_length/2 )
    gi_metric = autocorrelator( fft_length, cp_length )
    self.connect( rx_input, sc_metric )
    self.connect( rx_input, gi_metric )
    ## Sync. Output contains OFDM blocks
    sync = ofdm.time_sync( fft_length, cp_length )
    self.connect( rx_input, ( sync, 0 ) )
    self.connect( sc_metric, ( sync, 1 ) )
    self.connect( gi_metric, ( sync, 2 ) )
    ofdm_blocks = ( sync, 0 )
    frame_start = ( sync, 1 )
    if options.disable_time_sync or options.ideal:
      terminate_stream(self, ofdm_blocks)
      terminate_stream(self, frame_start)
      serial_to_parallel = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,block_length)
      discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask(block_length,cp_length,fft_length,[])
      ofdm_blocks = discard_cp
      self.connect( rx_input, serial_to_parallel, discard_cp )
      frame_start = [0]*frame_length
      frame_start[0] = 1
      frame_start = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start,True)
      print "Disabled time synchronization stage"
    ## Extract preamble, feed to Morelli & Mengali frequency offset estimator
    assert( block_header.mm_preamble_pos == 0 )
    morelli_foe = ofdm.mm_frequency_estimator( fft_length, L )
    sampler_preamble = ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * fft_length,
                                            1 )
    self.connect( ofdm_blocks, ( sampler_preamble, 0 ) )
    self.connect( frame_start, ( sampler_preamble, 1 ) )
    self.connect( sampler_preamble, morelli_foe )
    freq_offset = morelli_foe
    ## Adaptive LMS FIR filtering of frequency offset
    lms_fir = ofdm.lms_fir_ff( 20, 1e-3 ) # TODO: verify parameter choice
    self.connect( freq_offset, lms_fir )
    freq_offset = lms_fir
    log_to_file(self, lms_fir, "data/foe_21.float")
#    log_to_file(self, lms_fir, "data/lms_fir.float")
#    log_to_file(self, lms_fir2, "data/lms_fir2.float")
    if options.disable_freq_sync or options.ideal:
       terminate_stream(self, freq_offset)
       freq_offset = blocks.vector_source_f([0.0],True)
       print "Disabled frequency synchronization stage"
    ## Correct frequency shift, feed-forward structure
    frequency_shift = ofdm.frequency_shift_vcc( fft_length, -1.0/fft_length,
                                                cp_length )
    self.connect( ofdm_blocks, ( frequency_shift, 0 ) )
    self.connect( freq_offset, ( frequency_shift, 1 ) )
    self.connect( frame_start, ( frequency_shift, 2 ) )
    ofdm_blocks = frequency_shift
    ## FFT
    fft = fft_blocks.fft_vcc( fft_length, True, [], True )
    self.connect( ofdm_blocks, fft )
    ofdm_blocks = fft
    ## Remove virtual subcarriers
    if fft_length > data_subc:
      subcarrier_mask = ofdm.vector_mask( fft_length, virtual_subc/2,
                                           total_subc, [] )
      self.connect( ofdm_blocks, subcarrier_mask )
      ofdm_blocks = subcarrier_mask
       ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)
      # if options.logcir:
          # log_to_file( self, ofdm_blocks, "data/OFDM_Blocks.compl" )
          # inv_preamble_fd = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd[ 
            # block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] ] )
          # print "Channel estimation pilot: ", inv_preamble_fd
          # inv_preamble_fd = 1. / inv_preamble_fd
          # LS_channel_estimator0 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd ) )
          # self.connect( ofdm_blocks, LS_channel_estimator0, blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
          # log_to_file( self, LS_channel_estimator0, "data/OFDM_Blocks_eq.compl" )
    ## post-FFT processing
    ## extract channel estimation preamble from frame
    if options.est_preamble==1:
        chest_pre_trigger = blocks.delay( gr.sizeof_char, 
                                      1 )
        sampled_chest_preamble = \
          ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )
        self.connect( frame_start,       chest_pre_trigger )
        self.connect( chest_pre_trigger, ( sampled_chest_preamble, 1 ) )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks,       ( sampled_chest_preamble, 0 ) )
        ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)
        # Taking inverse for estimating h11 (h12)
        inv_preamble_fd_1 = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd_1[ 
            block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] ] )
        print "inv_preamble_fd_1: ",inv_preamble_fd_1
        inv_preamble_fd_1 = inv_preamble_fd_1[0::2]
        #print "inv_preamble_fd_1 ", inv_preamble_fd_1
        # Taking inverse for estimating h21 (h22)
        inv_preamble_fd_2 = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd_2[ 
            block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] ] )
        print "inv_preamble_fd_2: ",inv_preamble_fd_2
        inv_preamble_fd_2 = inv_preamble_fd_2[1::2]
        #print "inv_preamble_fd_2 ", inv_preamble_fd_2
        print "inv_preamble_fd_1: ",inv_preamble_fd_1
        print "inv_preamble_fd_2: ",inv_preamble_fd_2
        inv_preamble_fd_1 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_1
        inv_preamble_fd_2 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_2
        dd = []
        for i in range (total_subc/2):
        skip_block_1 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc,2,0)
        skip_block_2 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc,2,1)
    #    inta_estim_1 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
    #    inta_estim_2 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
        LS_channel_estimator_1 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd_1 ) )
        LS_channel_estimator_2 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd_2 ) )
        self.connect( sampled_chest_preamble,skip_block_1, LS_channel_estimator_1)#,inta_estim_1 )
        self.connect( sampled_chest_preamble,skip_block_2, LS_channel_estimator_2)#,inta_estim_2 )
        estimated_CTF_1 = LS_channel_estimator_1                  # h0
        estimated_CTF_2 = LS_channel_estimator_2                  # h1              # h3
        if not options.disable_ctf_enhancer:
          # if options.logcir:
            # ifft1 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
            # self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft1,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
            # summ1 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
            # c2m =gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
            # self.connect( estimated_CTF,summ1 ,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex))
            # self.connect( estimated_CTF, c2m,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc))
            # log_to_file( self, ifft1, "data/CIR1.compl" )
            # log_to_file( self, summ1, "data/CTFsumm1.compl" )
            # log_to_file( self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF1.compl" )
            # log_to_file( self, c2m, "data/CTFmag1.float" )
          ## MSE enhancer
          ctf_mse_enhancer_1 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer( total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
          ctf_mse_enhancer_2 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer( total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
          self.connect( estimated_CTF_1, ctf_mse_enhancer_1 )
          self.connect( estimated_CTF_2, ctf_mse_enhancer_2 )
          estimated_CTF_1 = ctf_mse_enhancer_1
          estimated_CTF_2 = ctf_mse_enhancer_2
          print "Disabled CTF MSE enhancer"
        ctf_postprocess_1 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate( total_subc/2 )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_1, ( ctf_postprocess_1, 0 ) )
        ctf_postprocess_2 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate( total_subc/2 )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_2, ( ctf_postprocess_2, 0 ) )
        inv_CTF_1 = ( ctf_postprocess_1, 0 )
        disp_CTF_1 = ( ctf_postprocess_1, 1 )
        inv_CTF_2 = ( ctf_postprocess_2, 0 )
        disp_CTF_2 = ( ctf_postprocess_2, 1 )  
        disp_CTF_RX0 = blocks.add_ff(total_subc/2)
        self.connect ( disp_CTF_1, (disp_CTF_RX0, 0) )
        self.connect ( disp_CTF_2, (disp_CTF_RX0, 1) )
        disp_CTF_RX0 = blocks.null_source(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc)
        disp_CTF_RX1 = blocks.null_source(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc)
        ## Channel Equalizer
        #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/vec_mask.compl")
        #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks2, "data/vec_mask2.compl")
        nondata_blocks = []
        for i in range(config.frame_length):
          if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
        pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
        pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
        print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers
        phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                   nondata_blocks,pilot_subcarriers,0 )
        ##phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
         ##                                          nondata_blocks )
        ##phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
         ##                                           nondata_blocks )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking, 1 ))
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking, 2 ) )
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking, 3 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking, 4 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking, 5) )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking2, 1 ))
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking2, 2 ) )
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking2, 3 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking2, 4 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking2, 5 ) )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking, 2 ) )
        ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
        '''equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2( total_subc )
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks,         ( equalizer, 0 ) )
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks2,        ( equalizer, 1 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( equalizer, 2 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_2,            ( equalizer, 3 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( equalizer, 4 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_4,            ( equalizer, 5 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,          ( equalizer, 6 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2,         ( equalizer, 7 ) )
        ofdm_blocks = equalizer'''
        equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2( total_subc )    
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks,          ( equalizer, 0 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_1,            ( equalizer, 1 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_2,            ( equalizer, 2 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,          ( equalizer, 3 ) )
        #ofdm_blocks = equalizer
        #ofdm_blocks2 = equalizer2
        ofdm_blocks = equalizer
        #log_to_file(self, equalizer,"data/equalizer.compl")
        log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks,"data/equalizer.compl")
        log_to_file(self, estimated_CTF_1,"data/estimated_CTF_1.compl")
        log_to_file(self, estimated_CTF_2,"data/estimated_CTF_2.compl")
        ## LMS Phase tracking
        ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset
        nondata_blocks = []
        for i in range(config.frame_length):
          if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
        pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
        phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                   nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer, ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start, ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
        phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                    nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer2, ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2, ( phase_tracking2, 1 ) )
        # if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
          # self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer
        if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking2)
          print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
          ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
          ofdm_blocks2 = phase_tracking2
        log_to_file(self,phase_tracking, "data/phase_tracking.compl")
        '''combine = blocks.add_cc(config.subcarriers)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (combine,0))
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (combine,1))
        ofdm_blocks = combine'''
    ##    div = gr.multiply_cc(config.subcarriers)
    ##    const = blocks.vector_source_c([[0.5+0]*config.subcarriers],True)
    ##    self.connect(ofdm_blocks,div)
    ##    self.connect(const,(div,1))
    ##    ofdm_blocks=div
    #    log_to_file(self,combine,"data/combine.compl")
        ## Output connections
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks, out_ofdm_blocks )
        self.connect( frame_start, out_frame_start )
        self.connect( disp_CTF_RX0, out_disp_ctf )
        self.connect( disp_CTF_RX1, out_disp_ctf2 )
    else: # (2 preambles for channel estimation)
        chest_pre_trigger_1 = blocks.delay( gr.sizeof_char, 
                                      1 )
        chest_pre_trigger_2 = blocks.delay( gr.sizeof_char, 
                                      2 )
        sampled_chest_preamble_1 = \
          ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 )
        sampled_chest_preamble_2 = \
          ofdm.vector_sampler( gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1 ) 
        self.connect( frame_start,       chest_pre_trigger_1 )
        self.connect( chest_pre_trigger_1, ( sampled_chest_preamble_1, 1 ) )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks,       ( sampled_chest_preamble_1, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,       chest_pre_trigger_2 )
        self.connect( chest_pre_trigger_2, ( sampled_chest_preamble_2, 1 ) )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks,       ( sampled_chest_preamble_2, 0 ) )
        ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)
        # Taking inverse for estimating h11 (h12)
        inv_preamble_fd_1 = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd_1[ 
            block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0] ] )
        print "inv_preamble_fd_1: ",inv_preamble_fd_1
        #inv_preamble_fd_1 = inv_preamble_fd_1[0::2]
        #print "inv_preamble_fd_1 ", inv_preamble_fd_1
        # Taking inverse for estimating h21 (h22)
        inv_preamble_fd_2 = numpy.array( block_header.pilotsym_fd_2[ 
            block_header.channel_estimation_pilot[0]+1 ] )
        print "inv_preamble_fd_2: ",inv_preamble_fd_2
        #inv_preamble_fd_2 = inv_preamble_fd_2[1::2]
        #print "inv_preamble_fd_2 ", inv_preamble_fd_2
        print "inv_preamble_fd_1: ",inv_preamble_fd_1
        print "inv_preamble_fd_2: ",inv_preamble_fd_2
        inv_preamble_fd_1 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_1
        inv_preamble_fd_2 = 1. / inv_preamble_fd_2
        #dd = []
        #for i in range (total_subc/2):
          #  dd.extend([i*2])
        skip_block_1 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc,2,0)
        skip_block_11 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc,2,0)
        skip_block_2 = ofdm.int_skip(total_subc,2,1)
    #    inta_estim_1 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
    #    inta_estim_2 = ofdm.interpolator(total_subc,2,dd)
        LS_channel_estimator_1 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd_1 ) )
        LS_channel_estimator_2 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc( list( inv_preamble_fd_2 ) )
        self.connect( sampled_chest_preamble_1, LS_channel_estimator_1)#,inta_estim_1 )
        self.connect( sampled_chest_preamble_2, LS_channel_estimator_2)#,inta_estim_2 )
        estimated_CTF_1 = LS_channel_estimator_1                  # h0
        estimated_CTF_2 = LS_channel_estimator_2                  # h1              # h3
        if not options.disable_ctf_enhancer:
          # if options.logcir:
            # ifft1 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
            # self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft1,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*total_subc))
            # summ1 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
            # c2m =gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
            # self.connect( estimated_CTF,summ1 ,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex))
            # self.connect( estimated_CTF, c2m,blocks.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float*total_subc))
            # log_to_file( self, ifft1, "data/CIR1.compl" )
            # log_to_file( self, summ1, "data/CTFsumm1.compl" )
            # log_to_file( self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF1.compl" )
            # log_to_file( self, c2m, "data/CTFmag1.float" )
          ## MSE enhancer
          ctf_mse_enhancer_1 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer( total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
          ctf_mse_enhancer_2 = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer( total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
          self.connect( estimated_CTF_1, ctf_mse_enhancer_1 )
          self.connect( estimated_CTF_2, ctf_mse_enhancer_2 )
          estimated_CTF_1 = ctf_mse_enhancer_1
          estimated_CTF_2 = ctf_mse_enhancer_2
          print "Disabled CTF MSE enhancer"
        ctf_postprocess_1 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate( total_subc )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_1, ( ctf_postprocess_1, 0 ) )
        ctf_postprocess_2 = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate( total_subc )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_2, ( ctf_postprocess_2, 0 ) )
        inv_CTF_1 = ( ctf_postprocess_1, 0 )
        disp_CTF_1 = ( ctf_postprocess_1, 1 )
        inv_CTF_2 = ( ctf_postprocess_2, 0 )
        disp_CTF_2 = ( ctf_postprocess_2, 1 )  
        #disp_CTF_RX0 = blocks.add_ff(total_subc)
        #self.connect ( disp_CTF_1, (disp_CTF_RX0, 0) )
        #self.connect ( disp_CTF_2, (disp_CTF_RX0, 1) )
        disp_CTF_RX0 = disp_CTF_1
        disp_CTF_RX1 = disp_CTF_2
        ## Channel Equalizer
        #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/vec_mask.compl")
        #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks2, "data/vec_mask2.compl")
        nondata_blocks = []
        for i in range(config.frame_length):
          if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
        pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
        pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
        print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers
        phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                   nondata_blocks,pilot_subcarriers,0 )
        ##phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
         ##                                          nondata_blocks )
        ##phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
         ##                                           nondata_blocks )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking, 1 ))
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking, 2 ) )
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking, 3 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking, 4 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking, 5) )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks2,          ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
    #    self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking2, 1 ))
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( phase_tracking2, 2 ) )
    #    self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( phase_tracking2, 3 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start2,            ( phase_tracking2, 4 ) )
    #    self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking2, 5 ) )
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks,          ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_1,    skip_block_11,   ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,            ( phase_tracking, 2 ) )
        if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
          print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
          ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
        '''equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2( total_subc )
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks,         ( equalizer, 0 ) )
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks2,        ( equalizer, 1 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_1,            ( equalizer, 2 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_2,            ( equalizer, 3 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_3,            ( equalizer, 4 ) )
        self.connect( inv_CTF_4,            ( equalizer, 5 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,          ( equalizer, 6 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2,         ( equalizer, 7 ) )
        ofdm_blocks = equalizer'''
        equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer_mimo_2( total_subc )    
        self.connect(  ofdm_blocks,          ( equalizer, 0 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_1,     skip_block_1,       ( equalizer, 1 ) )
        self.connect( estimated_CTF_2,    skip_block_2,        ( equalizer, 2 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start,          ( equalizer, 3 ) )
        #ofdm_blocks = equalizer
        #ofdm_blocks2 = equalizer2
        ofdm_blocks = equalizer
        #log_to_file(self, equalizer,"data/equalizer.compl")
        log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks,"data/equalizer.compl")
        log_to_file(self, estimated_CTF_1,"data/estimated_CTF_1.compl")
        log_to_file(self, estimated_CTF_2,"data/estimated_CTF_2.compl")
        ## LMS Phase tracking
        ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset
        nondata_blocks = []
        for i in range(config.frame_length):
          if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
        pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
        phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                   nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer, ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start, ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
        phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_02( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                                    nondata_blocks )
        self.connect( equalizer2, ( phase_tracking2, 0 ) )
        self.connect( frame_start2, ( phase_tracking2, 1 ) )
        # if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
          # self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer
        if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
          terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking2)
          print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
          ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
          ofdm_blocks2 = phase_tracking2
        log_to_file(self,phase_tracking, "data/phase_tracking.compl")
        '''combine = blocks.add_cc(config.subcarriers)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (combine,0))
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks2, (combine,1))
        ofdm_blocks = combine'''
    ##    div = gr.multiply_cc(config.subcarriers)
    ##    const = blocks.vector_source_c([[0.5+0]*config.subcarriers],True)
    ##    self.connect(ofdm_blocks,div)
    ##    self.connect(const,(div,1))
    ##    ofdm_blocks=div
    #    log_to_file(self,combine,"data/combine.compl")
        ## Output connections
        self.connect( ofdm_blocks, out_ofdm_blocks )
        self.connect( frame_start, out_frame_start )
        self.connect( disp_CTF_RX0, out_disp_ctf )
        self.connect( disp_CTF_RX1, out_disp_ctf2 )
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, options, log=False):

        ## Read configuration
        config = station_configuration()

        fft_length = config.fft_length
        cp_length = config.cp_length
        block_header = config.training_data
        data_subc = config.data_subcarriers
        virtual_subc = config.virtual_subcarriers
        total_subc = config.subcarriers
        block_length = config.block_length
        frame_length = config.frame_length
        dc_null = config.dc_null

        L = block_header.mm_periodic_parts

        ## Set Input/Output signature
            gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex),
                    gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc,  # OFDM blocks
                    gr.sizeof_char,  # Frame start
                    gr.sizeof_float * total_subc,
                ]))  # Normalized |CTF|^2

        ## Input and output ports
        self.input = rx_input = self

        out_ofdm_blocks = (self, 0)
        out_frame_start = (self, 1)
        out_disp_ctf = (self, 2)
        out_disp_cfo = (self, 3)

        ## pre-FFT processing
        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            if options.old_receiver is False:
                ## Compute autocorrelations for S&C preamble
                ## and cyclic prefix

                self._sc_metric = sc_metric = autocorrelator(
                    fft_length / 2, fft_length / 2)
                self._gi_metric = gi_metric = autocorrelator(
                    fft_length, cp_length)

                self.connect(rx_input, sc_metric)
                self.connect(rx_input, gi_metric)

                ## Sync. Output contains OFDM blocks
                sync = ofdm.time_sync(fft_length, cp_length)
                self.connect(rx_input, (sync, 0))
                self.connect(sc_metric, (sync, 1))
                self.connect(gi_metric, (sync, 2))
                ofdm_blocks = (sync, 0)
                frame_start = (sync, 1)
                #log_to_file( self, ( sync, 1 ), "data/peak_detector.char" )

                #Testing old/new metric
       = schmidl.recursive_timing_metric(fft_length)
                #log_to_file( self,, "data/rec_sc_metric_ofdm.float" )

                timingmetric_shift = -2  #int(-cp_length/4)# 0#-2 #int(-cp_length * 0.8)
                tmfilter = filter.fft_filter_fff(1,
                                                 [1. / cp_length] * cp_length)
                self.connect(, tmfilter)
       = tmfilter

                self._pd_thres = 0.3
                self._pd_lookahead = fft_length / 2  # empirically chosen
                peak_detector = ofdm.peak_detector_02_fb(
                    self._pd_lookahead, self._pd_thres)
                self.connect(, peak_detector)
                #log_to_file( self, peak_detector, "data/rec_peak_detector.char" )

                frame_start = [0] * frame_length
                frame_start[0] = 1
                frame_start = self.frame_trigger_old = blocks.vector_source_b(
                    frame_start, True)

                delayed_timesync = blocks.delay(
                    (frame_length - 1) * block_length + timingmetric_shift)
                self.connect(peak_detector, delayed_timesync)

                self.block_sampler = ofdm.vector_sampler(
                    gr.sizeof_gr_complex, block_length * frame_length)
                self.discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask(block_length, cp_length,
                                                   fft_length, [])

                self.connect(self.input, self.block_sampler)
                self.connect(delayed_timesync, (self.block_sampler, 1))

                # TODO: dynamic solution
                vt2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(
                    gr.sizeof_gr_complex * block_length, frame_length)
                self.connect(self.block_sampler, vt2s, self.discard_cp)
                ofdm_blocks = self.discard_cp
#     else:
#       serial_to_parallel = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,block_length)
#       discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask(block_length,cp_length,fft_length,[])
#       ofdm_blocks = discard_cp
#       self.connect( rx_input, serial_to_parallel, discard_cp )
#       frame_start = [0]*frame_length
#       frame_start[0] = 1
#       frame_start = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start,True)
#       print "Disabled time synchronization stage"

## Compute autocorrelations for S&C preamble
## and cyclic prefix

#log_to_file( self, sc_metric, "data/sc_metric_ofdm.float" )
#log_to_file(self, frame_start, "data/frame_start.compl")

#    log_to_file(self,ofdm_blocks,"data/ofdm_blocks_original.compl")

        if options.disable_time_sync or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
            if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
                terminate_stream(self, ofdm_blocks)
                terminate_stream(self, frame_start)

            serial_to_parallel = blocks.stream_to_vector(
                gr.sizeof_gr_complex, block_length)
            discard_cp = ofdm.vector_mask_dc_null(block_length, cp_length,
                                                  fft_length, dc_null, [])
            ofdm_blocks = discard_cp
            self.connect(rx_input, serial_to_parallel, discard_cp)

            frame_start = [0] * frame_length
            frame_start[0] = 1
            frame_start = blocks.vector_source_b(frame_start, True)

            print "Disabled time synchronization stage"

        print "\t\t\t\t\tframe_length = ", frame_length

        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            ## Extract preamble, feed to Morelli & Mengali frequency offset estimator
            assert (block_header.mm_preamble_pos == 0)
            morelli_foe = ofdm.mm_frequency_estimator(fft_length, L, 1, 0)
            sampler_preamble = ofdm.vector_sampler(
                gr.sizeof_gr_complex * fft_length, 1)
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (sampler_preamble, 0))
            self.connect(frame_start, (sampler_preamble, 1))
            self.connect(sampler_preamble, morelli_foe)
            freq_offset = morelli_foe

            ## Adaptive LMS FIR filtering of frequency offset
            lms_fir = ofdm.lms_fir_ff(20,
                                      1e-3)  # TODO: verify parameter choice
            self.connect(freq_offset, lms_fir)
            freq_offset = lms_fir

            #self.zmq_probe_freqoff = zeromq.pub_sink(gr.sizeof_float, 1, "tcp://*:5557")
            self.connect(lms_fir, blocks.keep_one_in_n(gr.sizeof_float, 20),
            self.connect(blocks.vector_source_f([1]), out_disp_cfo)

            #log_to_file(self, lms_fir, "data/lms_fir.float")

        if options.disable_freq_sync or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
            if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
                terminate_stream(self, freq_offset)
                freq_offset = blocks.vector_source_f([0.0], True)
            print "Disabled frequency synchronization stage"

        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            ## Correct frequency shift, feed-forward structure
            frequency_shift = ofdm.frequency_shift_vcc(fft_length,
                                                       -1.0 / fft_length,
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (frequency_shift, 0))
            self.connect(freq_offset, (frequency_shift, 1))
            self.connect(frame_start, (frequency_shift, 2))
            ofdm_blocks = frequency_shift

        ## FFT
        fft = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(fft_length, True, [], True)
        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, fft)
        ofdm_blocks = fft
        #log_to_file( self, fft, "data/compen.float" )

        ## Remove virtual subcarriers
        if fft_length > data_subc:
            subcarrier_mask = ofdm.vector_mask_dc_null(fft_length,
                                                       virtual_subc / 2,
                                                       total_subc, dc_null, [])
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, subcarrier_mask)
            ofdm_blocks = subcarrier_mask
            #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/vec_mask.compl")
            ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)

            if options.logcir:
                log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/OFDM_Blocks.compl")

                inv_preamble_fd = numpy.array(block_header.pilotsym_fd[
                inv_preamble_fd = numpy.concatenate([
                    inv_preamble_fd[:total_subc / 2],
                    inv_preamble_fd[total_subc / 2 + dc_null:]
                #print "Channel estimation pilot: ", inv_preamble_fd
                inv_preamble_fd = 1. / inv_preamble_fd
                LS_channel_estimator0 = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
                self.connect(ofdm_blocks, LS_channel_estimator0,
                             gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc))
                log_to_file(self, LS_channel_estimator0,

        ## post-FFT processing

        ## extract channel estimation preamble from frame
        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            chest_pre_trigger = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_char, 1)
            sampled_chest_preamble = ofdm.vector_sampler(
                gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc, 1)
            self.connect(frame_start, chest_pre_trigger)
            self.connect(chest_pre_trigger, (sampled_chest_preamble, 1))
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (sampled_chest_preamble, 0))

            ## Least Squares estimator for channel transfer function (CTF)
            inv_preamble_fd = numpy.array(block_header.pilotsym_fd[
            inv_preamble_fd = numpy.concatenate([
                inv_preamble_fd[:total_subc / 2],
                inv_preamble_fd[total_subc / 2 + dc_null:]
            #print "Channel estimation pilot: ", inv_preamble_fd
            inv_preamble_fd = 1. / inv_preamble_fd

            LS_channel_estimator = ofdm.multiply_const_vcc(
            self.connect(sampled_chest_preamble, LS_channel_estimator)
            estimated_CTF = LS_channel_estimator

            if options.logcir:
                log_to_file(self, sampled_chest_preamble, "data/PREAM.compl")

            if not options.disable_ctf_enhancer:

                if options.logcir:
                    ifft1 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc, False, [], True)
                        estimated_CTF, ifft1,
                        gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc))
                    summ1 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
                    c2m = gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
                    self.connect(estimated_CTF, summ1,
                    self.connect(estimated_CTF, c2m,
                                 gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float * total_subc))
                    log_to_file(self, ifft1, "data/CIR1.compl")
                    log_to_file(self, summ1, "data/CTFsumm1.compl")
                    log_to_file(self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF1.compl")
                    log_to_file(self, c2m, "data/CTFmag1.float")

                ## MSE enhancer
                ctf_mse_enhancer = ofdm.CTF_MSE_enhancer(
                    total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF, ctf_mse_enhancer)
                #      log_to_file( self, ctf_mse_enhancer, "data/ctf_mse_enhancer_original.compl")
                #ifft3 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,False,[],True)
                #null_noise = ofdm.noise_nulling(total_subc, cp_length + cp_length)
                #ctf_mse_enhancer = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc,True,[],True)
                #ctf_mse_enhancer = ofdm.vector_mask( fft_length, virtual_subc/2,
                # total_subc, [] )
                #self.connect( estimated_CTF, ifft3,null_noise,ctf_mse_enhancer )

                estimated_CTF = ctf_mse_enhancer
                print "Disabled CTF MSE enhancer"

            if options.logcir:
                ifft2 = fft_blocks.fft_vcc(total_subc, False, [], True)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF, ifft2,
                             gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * total_subc))
                summ2 = ofdm.vector_sum_vcc(total_subc)
                c2m2 = gr.complex_to_mag(total_subc)
                self.connect(estimated_CTF, summ2,
                self.connect(estimated_CTF, c2m2,
                             gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float * total_subc))
                log_to_file(self, ifft2, "data/CIR2.compl")
                log_to_file(self, summ2, "data/CTFsumm2.compl")
                log_to_file(self, estimated_CTF, "data/CTF2.compl")
                log_to_file(self, c2m2, "data/CTFmag2.float")

        ## Postprocess the CTF estimate
        ## CTF -> inverse CTF (for equalizer)
        ## CTF -> norm |.|^2 (for CTF display)
            ctf_postprocess = ofdm.postprocess_CTF_estimate(total_subc)
            self.connect(estimated_CTF, ctf_postprocess)
            inv_estimated_CTF = (ctf_postprocess, 0)
            disp_CTF = (ctf_postprocess, 1)

#     if options.disable_equalization or options.ideal:
#       terminate_stream(self, inv_estimated_CTF)
#       inv_estimated_CTF_vec = blocks.vector_source_c([1.0/fft_length*math.sqrt(total_subc)]*total_subc,True,total_subc)
#       inv_estimated_CTF_str = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, total_subc)
#       self.inv_estimated_CTF_mul = ofdm.multiply_const_ccf( 1.0/config.rms_amplitude )
#       #inv_estimated_CTF_mul.set_k(1.0/config.rms_amplitude)
#       inv_estimated_CTF = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, total_subc)
#       self.connect( inv_estimated_CTF_vec, inv_estimated_CTF_str, self.inv_estimated_CTF_mul, inv_estimated_CTF)
#       print "Disabled equalization stage"
    ## LMS Phase tracking
    ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset

    nondata_blocks = []
    for i in range(config.frame_length):
      if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:
    pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
    pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
    print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers
    phase_tracking = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_03( total_subc, pilot_subc,
                                               nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers,0 )
    self.connect( ofdm_blocks, ( phase_tracking, 0 ) )
    self.connect( inv_estimated_CTF, ( phase_tracking, 1 ) )
    self.connect( frame_start, ( phase_tracking, 2 ) ) ##
    if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
      self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer
    if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal:
      terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking)
      print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
      ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking
        ## Channel Equalizer
        if options.disable_equalization or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
            print "Disabled equalization stage"
            if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
                terminate_stream(self, inv_estimated_CTF)
            equalizer = ofdm.channel_equalizer(total_subc)
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (equalizer, 0))
            self.connect(inv_estimated_CTF, (equalizer, 1))
            self.connect(frame_start, (equalizer, 2))
            ofdm_blocks = equalizer
        #log_to_file(self, equalizer,"data/equalizer_siso.compl")

        #log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/equalizer.compl")

        ## LMS Phase tracking
        ## Track residual frequency offset and sampling clock frequency offset
        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            nondata_blocks = []
            for i in range(config.frame_length):
                if i in config.training_data.pilotsym_pos:

            print "\t\t\t\t\tnondata_blocks=", nondata_blocks
            pilot_subc = block_header.pilot_tones
            pilot_subcarriers = block_header.pilot_subc_sym
            print "PILOT SUBCARRIERS: ", pilot_subcarriers

            phase_tracking2 = ofdm.lms_phase_tracking_dc_null(
                total_subc, pilot_subc, nondata_blocks, pilot_subcarriers,
            self.connect(ofdm_blocks, (phase_tracking2, 0))
            self.connect(frame_start, (phase_tracking2, 1))  ##

        if options.disable_phase_tracking or options.ideal or options.ideal2:
            if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
                terminate_stream(self, phase_tracking2)
            print "Disabled phase tracking stage"
            ofdm_blocks = phase_tracking2

        if options.scatter_plot_before_phase_tracking:
            self.before_phase_tracking = equalizer

        ## Output connections

        self.connect(ofdm_blocks, out_ofdm_blocks)
        self.connect(frame_start, out_frame_start)
        if options.ideal is False and options.ideal2 is False:
            self.connect(disp_CTF, out_disp_ctf)
            self.connect(blocks.vector_source_f([1.0] * total_subc),
                         blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_float, total_subc),

        if log:
            log_to_file(self, sc_metric, "data/sc_metric.float")
            log_to_file(self, gi_metric, "data/gi_metric.float")
            log_to_file(self, morelli_foe, "data/morelli_foe.float")
            log_to_file(self, lms_fir, "data/lms_fir.float")
            log_to_file(self, sampler_preamble, "data/preamble.compl")
            log_to_file(self, sync, "data/sync.compl")
            log_to_file(self, frequency_shift, "data/frequency_shift.compl")
            log_to_file(self, fft, "data/fft.compl")
            log_to_file(self, fft, "data/fft.float", mag=True)

            if vars().has_key('subcarrier_mask'):
                log_to_file(self, subcarrier_mask,

            log_to_file(self, ofdm_blocks, "data/ofdm_blocks_out.compl")

            log_to_file(self, sampled_chest_preamble,
            log_to_file(self, LS_channel_estimator,

            if "ctf_mse_enhancer" in locals():
                log_to_file(self, ctf_mse_enhancer,

            log_to_file(self, (ctf_postprocess, 0),
            log_to_file(self, (ctf_postprocess, 1), "data/disp_ctf.float")

            log_to_file(self, equalizer, "data/equalizer.compl")
            log_to_file(self, equalizer, "data/equalizer.float", mag=True)

            log_to_file(self, phase_tracking, "data/phase_tracking.compl")