def test_log():
    x = ad.log(ad.Scalar('x', 10), 10)
    assert (np.isclose(x.getValue(), 1))
    assert (np.isclose(x.getDeriv()['x'], 1 / (np.log(10) * 10)))

    x = ad.log(2 * ad.Scalar('x', 10), 10)
    assert (np.isclose(x.getValue(), np.log(20) / np.log(10)))
    assert (np.isclose(x.getDeriv()['x'], 1 / (np.log(10) * 10)))

    x = ad.log(ad.Scalar('x', 10), 10)
    x2 = ad.log(ad.Scalar('x', 100), 10)
    x3 = x - x2
    x4 = ad.log(ad.Scalar('x', 10) / ad.Scalar('x', 100), 10)
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getValue(), -1))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getDeriv()['x'],
                       1 / (np.log(10) * 10) - 1 / (np.log(10) * 100)))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getValue(), x4.getValue()))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getDeriv()['x'], x4.getDeriv()['x']))

    x = ad.ln(ad.Scalar('x', np.e))
    assert (np.isclose(x.getValue(), 1))
    assert (np.isclose(x.getDeriv()['x'], 1 / np.e))

    x = ad.exp(ad.ln(ad.Scalar('x', 10)))
    assert (np.isclose(x.getValue(), 10))
    assert (np.isclose(x.getDeriv()['x'], 1))

    assert (np.isclose(ad.log(100, 10), 2))
def sparse_jacob(x_vals):
    if len(x_vals
           ) != 1000:  #check to make sure we generate a large sparse matrix
        raise Exception(
            'Please enter a vector of at least 1000 values or Autodiff objects'

    f_vals = []
    for i, x_val in enumerate(x_vals):
        if i == 1:  #second element is ln(x1)
            func = ad.ln(x_val)
        elif i == 100:  # x3 + 2*x100*exp(x100) + 4*x34
            func = x_vals[3] + 2 * x_val * ad.exp(x_val) + 4 * x_vals[34]
        elif i == 445:  #x445**2 - x23
            func = x_val**2 - x_vals[23]
        elif i == 690:  #x690 - x451 - x888
            func = x_val - x_vals[451] - x_vals[888]
        elif i == 885:  #x887 - x200
            func = x_val - x_vals[200]
        elif i == 998:  #x998 + x997 - x127
            func = x_val + x_vals[997] - x_vals[127]

    return np.array(f_vals)
Beispiel #3
def test_logistic_loss():
    x = ad.Variable(name='x')
    w = ad.Variable(name='w')
    y = ad.Variable(name='y')

    h = 1 / (1 + ad.exp(-ad.reduce_sum(w * x)))
    L = y * ad.log(h) + (1 - y) * ad.log(1 - h)
    w_grad, = ad.gradients(L, [w])
    executor = ad.Executor([L, w_grad])

    y_val = 0
    x_val = np.array([2, 3, 4])
    w_val = np.random.random(3)

    L_val, w_grad_val ={x: x_val, y: y_val, w: w_val})

    logistic = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-np.sum(w_val * x_val)))
    expected_L_val = y_val * np.log(logistic) + (1 - y_val) * np.log(1 - logistic)
    expected_w_grad = (y_val - logistic) * x_val


    assert expected_L_val == L_val
    assert np.sum(np.abs(expected_w_grad - w_grad_val)) < 1E-9
Beispiel #4
def run_problem4():
    print("-" * 18 + " Problem 4 " + "-" * 18)
    x1 = ad.Variable()
    x2 = ad.Variable()
    x3 = ad.Variable()
    y = ((ad.sin(x1 + 1) + ad.cos(2 * x2)) * ad.tan(ad.log(x3)) +
         (ad.sin(x2 + 1) + ad.cos(2 * x1)) * ad.exp(1 + ad.sin(x3)))

    x1_f = np.random.rand()
    x2_f = np.random.rand()
    x3_f = np.random.rand()

    x1_v = noise_like(x1_f)
    x2_v = noise_like(x2_f)
    x3_v = noise_like(x3_f)

    f, grad = ad.func(y, {x1: x1_f, x2: x2_f, x3: x3_f}, get_gradient=True)
    f_np = ((np.sin(x1_f + 1) + np.cos(2 * x2_f)) * np.tan(np.log(x3_f)) +
            (np.sin(x2_f + 1) + np.cos(2 * x1_f)) * np.exp(1 + np.sin(x3_f)))
    print("Function value by autodiff =", f)
    print("Function value by numpy    =", f_np)

    lhs = (ad.func(y, {
        x1: x1_f + t * x1_v,
        x2: x2_f + t * x2_v,
        x3: x3_f + t * x3_v
    }) - f) / t
    rhs = (np.sum(grad[x1] * x1_v) + np.sum(grad[x2] * x2_v) +
           np.sum(grad[x3] * x3_v))
    print("(V(w + tv)-V(w)) / t       =", lhs)
    print("<dV(w), v>                 =", rhs)
    print("|lfs - rhs| / |lhs|        =", np.abs(lhs - rhs) / np.abs(lhs))
Beispiel #5
def auto_diff_lr():
    x = ad.Variable(name='x')
    w = ad.Variable(name='w')
    y = ad.Variable(name='y')

    # 注意,以下实现某些情况会有很大的数值误差,
    # 所以一般真实系统实现会提供高阶算子,从而减少数值误差

    h = 1 / (1 + ad.exp(-ad.reduce_sum(w * x)))
    L = y * ad.log(h) + (1 - y) * ad.log(1 - h)
    w_grad, = ad.gradients(L, [w])
    executor = ad.Executor([L, w_grad])

    N = 100
    X_val, Y_val = gen_2d_data(N)
    w_val = np.ones(3)

    plot(N, X_val, Y_val, w_val)
    executor = ad.Executor([L, w_grad])
    test_accuracy(w_val, X_val, Y_val)
    alpha = 0.01
    max_iters = 300
    for iteration in range(max_iters):
        acc_L_val = 0
        for i in range(N):
            x_val = X_val[i]
            y_val = np.array(Y_val[i])
            L_val, w_grad_val ={w: w_val, x: x_val, y: y_val})
            w_val += alpha * w_grad_val
            acc_L_val += L_val
        print("iter = %d, likelihood = %s, w = %s" % (iteration, acc_L_val, w_val))
    test_accuracy(w_val, X_val, Y_val)
    plot(N, X_val, Y_val, w_val, True)
 def loss_func(self, feed_dict={}):
     batch_size = feed_dict["predicted_y"].shape[0]
     return ad.add(
Beispiel #7
def test_exp_op():
    x1 = ad.Variable(name = "x1")
    y = ad.exp(x1)

    grad_x1, = ad.gradients(y, [x1])

    executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x1])
    x1_val = 2 * np.ones(3)
    y_val, grad_x1_val= = {x1 : x1_val})

    assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
    assert np.array_equal(y_val, np.exp(x1_val))
    assert np.array_equal(grad_x1_val, np.exp(x1_val))
def test_exp():
    v1 = ad.create_vector('v', [2, 5])
    v2 = ad.exp(v1)
    assert(np.isclose(v2[0].getValue(), np.exp(2)))
    assert(np.isclose(v2[1].getValue(), np.exp(5)))
    jacobian = ad.get_jacobian(v2, ['v1', 'v2'])
    assert(np.array_equal(jacobian, np.array([[np.exp(2), 0], [0, np.exp(5)]])))

    v1 = ad.create_vector('v', [2, 5])
    v2 = ad.exp(2 * v1)
    assert(np.isclose(v2[0].getValue(), np.exp(4)))
    assert(np.isclose(v2[1].getValue(), np.exp(10)))
    jacobian = ad.get_jacobian(v2, ['v1', 'v2'])
    assert(np.array_equal(jacobian, 2 * np.array([[np.exp(4), 0], [0, np.exp(10)]])))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 2)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 3)
    v1 = ad.exp(np.array([x + y, x * y]))
    assert(np.isclose(v1[0].getValue(), np.exp(5)))
    assert(np.isclose(v1[1].getValue(), np.exp(6)))
    jacobian = ad.get_jacobian(v1, ['x', 'y'])
    assert(np.array_equal(jacobian, np.array([[np.exp(5), np.exp(5)], [3 * np.exp(6), 2 * np.exp(6)]])))
def test_exp():
    x = ad.Scalar('x', 8)
    y = ad.exp(x)
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.exp(8)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], np.exp(8)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 8)
    y = ad.exp(2 * x)
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.exp(16)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], 2 * np.exp(16)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', -3)
    x._deriv['x'] = -2.3
    y = ad.exp(x)
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.exp(-3)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], -2.3 * np.exp(-3)))

    assert (ad.exp(0) == 1)
    assert np.isclose(ad.exp(4), np.exp(4))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', -3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 5)
    z = ad.exp(x) * ad.exp(y)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), np.exp(2)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], np.exp(2)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], np.exp(2)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', -3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 5)
    z = ad.exp(x + y)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), np.exp(2)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], np.exp(2)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], np.exp(2)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', -3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 5)
    z = ad.exp(x * y)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), np.exp(-15)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], 5 * np.exp(-15)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], -3 * np.exp(-15)))
Beispiel #10
def test_exp_mix_op():
    x1 = ad.Variable(name="x1")
    x2 = ad.Variable(name="x2")
    y = ad.exp(ad.log(x1 * x2) + 1)

    grad_x1, grad_x2 = ad.gradients(y, [x1, x2])

    executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x1, grad_x2])
    x1_val = 2 * np.ones(3)
    x2_val = 4 * np.ones(3)
    y_val, grad_x1_val, grad_x2_val = = {x1 : x1_val, x2: x2_val})

    assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
    assert np.array_equal(y_val, np.exp(np.log(x1_val * x2_val) + 1))
    assert np.array_equal(grad_x1_val, y_val * x2_val / (x1_val * x2_val))
    assert np.array_equal(grad_x2_val, y_val * x1_val / (x1_val * x2_val))
Beispiel #11
def test_mix_all():
    x1 = ad.Variable(name="x1")
    y = 1/(1+ad.exp(-ad.reduce_sum(x1)))

    grad_x1, = ad.gradients(y, [x1])

    executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x1])
    x1_val = 2 * np.ones(3)
    y_val, grad_x1_val= = {x1 : x1_val})
    expected_y_val = 1/(1+np.exp(-np.sum(x1_val)))
    expected_y_grad = expected_y_val * (1 - expected_y_val) * np.ones_like(x1_val)

    assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
    assert np.array_equal(y_val, expected_y_val)
    assert np.sum(np.abs(grad_x1_val - expected_y_grad)) < 1E-10
Beispiel #12
def test_logistic():
    x1 = ad.Variable(name="x1")
    w = ad.Variable(name='w')
    y = 1/(1+ad.exp(-ad.reduce_sum(w * x1)))

    grad_w, = ad.gradients(y, [w])

    executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_w])
    x1_val = 3 * np.ones(3)
    w_val = 3 * np.zeros(3)
    y_val, grad_w_val ={x1: x1_val, w: w_val})
    expected_y_val = 1/(1 + np.exp(-np.sum(w_val * x1_val)))
    expected_y_grad = expected_y_val * (1 - expected_y_val) * x1_val

    assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
    assert np.array_equal(y_val, expected_y_val)
    assert np.sum(np.abs(grad_w_val - expected_y_grad)) < 1E-7
Beispiel #13
def auto_diff_lr():
    x = ad.Variable(name='x')
    w = ad.Variable(name='w')
    y = ad.Variable(name='y')

    # 注意,以下实现某些情况会有很大的数值误差,
    # 所以一般真实系统实现会提供高阶算子,从而减少数值误差

    h = 1 / (1 + ad.exp(-ad.reduce_sum(w * x)))
    L = y * ad.log(h) + (1 - y) * ad.log(1 - h)
    w_grad, = ad.gradients(L, [w]) = "w______"
    print('w_grad: ', w_grad, w_grad.op, w_grad.inputs)
    N = 100
    X_val, Y_val = gen_2d_data(N)
    w_val = np.ones(3)

    # plot(N, X_val, Y_val, w_val, True)
    executor = ad.Executor([L, w_grad])
    test_accuracy(w_val, X_val, Y_val)
    alpha = 0.01
    max_iters = 1
    for iteration in range(max_iters):
        acc_L_val = 0
        for i in range(N):
            x_val = X_val[i]
            y_val = np.array(Y_val[i])
            L_val, w_grad_val ={
                w: w_val,
                x: x_val,
                y: y_val
            })  # 每一个样本调整一次梯度, 可以改一下run方法,改为mini_batch
            w_val += alpha * w_grad_val
            acc_L_val += L_val
        # print("iter = %d, likelihood = %s, w = %s" % (iteration, acc_L_val, w_val))
        # if iteration % 50 == 0:
        #     plot(N, X_val, Y_val, w_val, True)
    test_accuracy(w_val, X_val, Y_val)
    plot(N, X_val, Y_val, w_val, True)
Beispiel #14
def test_reduce_sum_mix():
    x1 = ad.Variable(name = "x1")
    y = ad.exp(ad.reduce_sum(x1))

    grad_x1, = ad.gradients(y, [x1])

    executor = ad.Executor([y, grad_x1])
    x1_val = 2 * np.ones(3)
    y_val, grad_x1_val= = {x1 : x1_val})
    expected_y_val = np.exp(np.sum(x1_val))
    assert isinstance(y, ad.Node)
    assert np.array_equal(y_val, expected_y_val)
    assert np.array_equal(grad_x1_val, expected_y_val * np.ones_like(x1_val))

    y2 = ad.log(ad.reduce_sum(x1))
    grad_x2, = ad.gradients(y2, [x1])
    executor2 = ad.Executor([y2, grad_x2])
    y2_val, grad_x2_val ={x1: x1_val})
    expected_y2_val = np.log(np.sum(x1_val))
    assert isinstance(y2, ad.Node)
    assert np.array_equal(y2_val, expected_y2_val)
    assert np.array_equal(grad_x2_val, (1/np.sum(x1_val)) * np.ones_like(x1_val))
def test_composite():
    #Test some more complicated functions / identities, including some multivariate ones.

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 2)
    z = (5 * (x + 20) / 10)**2
    d = z.getGradient(['x'])
    assert (z.getValue() == 121)
    assert (np.array_equal(d, [11]))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 2)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 3)
    z = (x + 20) * y
    d = z.getGradient(['x', 'y'])
    assert (z.getValue() == 66)
    assert (np.array_equal(d, [3, 22]))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 1)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 3)
    z = (x * y + x) * y
    d = z.getGradient(['x', 'y'])
    assert (z.getValue() == 12)
    assert (np.array_equal(d, [12, 7]))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 2)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 3)
    z = (x + y) / y
    d = z.getGradient(['x', 'y'])
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), 5 / 3))
    assert (np.allclose(d, [1.0 / 3, -2.0 / 9]))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 2)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 3)
    z = x + ((y**2) / y)
    d = z.getGradient(['x', 'y'])
    assert (z.getValue() == 5)
    assert (np.array_equal(d, [1, 1]))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 2)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 3)
    z = (x**y)**2
    d = z.getGradient(['x', 'y'])
    assert (z.getValue() == 64)
    assert (np.array_equal(d, [6 * 32, 2 * np.log(2) * 64]))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 16)
    y = ad.sin(ad.sqrt(x))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.sin(4)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], 1 / 8 * np.cos(4)))

    #trig identity
    x = ad.Scalar('x', 5)
    y = ad.sin(x)**2 + ad.cos(x)**2
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), 1))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], 0))

    #trig identity multivariate
    x = ad.Scalar('x', 5)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 243423)
    z = ad.sin(x * 1231 * y)**2 + ad.cos(x * 1231 * y)**2
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), 1))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], 0))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], 0))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 16)
    y = ad.sqrt(ad.power(x, 2))
    assert (y.getValue() == 16)
    assert (y.getDeriv()['x'] == 1)

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 10)
    y = ad.tan(x) * ad.cos(x) / ad.sin(x)
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), 1))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], 0))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 10)
    y = (x**2 * ad.sin(x) / (x**2 + 1))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), 100 * np.sin(10) / (101)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'],
                       (20 * np.sin(10) +
                        (10**4 + 100) * np.cos(10)) / (101**2)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 4)
    y = (x**3 * ad.exp(x))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), 4**3 * (np.exp(4))))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'],
                       3 * 16 * np.exp(4) + 4**3 * np.exp(4)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 4)
    y = ad.sin(x) * ad.cos(x) * ad.tan(x)
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.sin(4) * np.cos(4) * np.tan(4)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], np.sin(8)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 4)
    y = ad.sqrt(x) / ad.tan(x)
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), 2 / np.tan(4)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'],
                       1 / (np.tan(4) * 4) - 2 / (np.sin(4)**2)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 4)
    y = ad.exp(ad.sqrt(x + 1))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.exp(5**0.5)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'], np.exp(5**0.5) / (2 * (5**0.5))))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 4)
    y = ad.exp(ad.sin(ad.exp(x)))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.exp(np.sin(np.exp(4)))))
    assert (np.isclose(y.getDeriv()['x'],
                       np.cos(np.exp(4)) * np.exp(np.sin(np.exp(4)) + 4)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 4)
    y = (ad.sin(x**(1 / 3)))**(1 / 3)
    assert (np.isclose(y.getValue(), np.sin(4**(1 / 3))**(1 / 3)))
    assert (np.isclose(
        np.cos(4**(1 / 3)) / (9 * ((4 * np.sin(4**(1 / 3)))**(2 / 3)))))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 16)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 9)
    z = ad.sqrt(x * y)
    assert (z.getValue() == 12)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], 9 / 2 * (16 * 9)**(-0.5)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], 16 / 2 * (16 * 9)**(-0.5)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 16)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 9)
    z = ad.sqrt(x * (y**4))
    assert (z.getValue() == 4 * 81)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], (9**4) / 2 * (16 * (9**4))**(-0.5)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'],
                       (4 * 16 * (9**3)) / 2 * (16 * (9**4))**(-0.5)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    z = ad.cos(ad.sin(x * y))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), np.cos(np.sin(6))))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], -2 * np.cos(6) * np.sin(np.sin(6))))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], -3 * np.cos(6) * np.sin(np.sin(6))))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    x = ad.log(ad.Scalar('x', 10), 10)
    x2 = ad.log(ad.Scalar('y', 100), 10)
    x3 = x - x2
    x4 = ad.log(ad.Scalar('x', 10) / ad.Scalar('y', 100), 10)
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getValue(), -1))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getDeriv()['x'], 1 / (np.log(10) * 10)))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getDeriv()['y'], -1 / (np.log(10) * 100)))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getValue(), x4.getValue()))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getDeriv()['x'], x4.getDeriv()['x']))
    assert (np.isclose(x3.getDeriv()['y'], x4.getDeriv()['y']))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    z = ad.sin(2 * x + ad.exp(y**2) + 4 * x * y)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), np.sin(6 + np.exp(4) + 24)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], np.cos(6 + np.exp(4) + 24) * (10)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'],
                       np.cos(6 + np.exp(4) + 24) * (4 * np.exp(4) + 12)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    z = x * ad.exp(2 * x + 3 * y)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), 3 * np.exp(12)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], 6 * np.exp(12) + np.exp(12)))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], 9 * np.exp(12)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    z = (x - y) / (x + y)
    assert (np.isclose(z.getValue(), 1 / 5))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['x'], 4 / 25))
    assert (np.isclose(z.getDeriv()['y'], -6 / 25))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    z = ad.Scalar('z', 5)
    f = x * ad.cos(z) + ((x**2) * (y**3) * ad.exp(z))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getValue(), 3 * np.cos(5) + (9 * 8 * np.exp(5))))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getDeriv()['x'], np.cos(5) + 2 * 3 * 8 * np.exp(5)))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getDeriv()['y'], 3 * 9 * 4 * np.exp(5)))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getDeriv()['z'], -3 * np.sin(5) + 9 * 8 * np.exp(5)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    f = (y / x) * ad.ln(x)
    assert (np.isclose(f.getValue(), 2 / 3 * np.log(3)))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getDeriv()['x'], 2 / 9 * (1 - np.log(3))))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getDeriv()['y'], 1 / 3 * np.log(3)))

    x = ad.Scalar('x', 3)
    y = ad.Scalar('y', 2)
    f = 1 / (x**2 + y**2)
    assert (np.isclose(f.getValue(), 1 / 13))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getDeriv()['x'], -6 / (13**2)))
    assert (np.isclose(f.getDeriv()['y'], -4 / (13**2)))
def tanh(x):
    return ad.divide(
        ad.subtract(ad.Constant(1), ad.exp(ad.negative(ad.Variable(x)))),
        ad.add(ad.Constant(1), ad.exp(ad.negative(ad.Variable(x)))))